Isn't this a GPL violation? The Windows store TOS prevents you from freely copying and distributing your programs right? We could probably get this taken down if we tried hard enough.
Like this:
Isn't this a GPL violation? The Windows store TOS prevents you from freely copying and distributing your programs right? We could probably get this taken down if we tried hard enough.
Like this:
It might be, but why would you like to take it down?
Chances are that the only part of the "app" covered by the terms of service is the wrapper or installer or whatever, and it fetches any GPLed software from official Ubuntu package servers and keeps it around in a way that doesn't violate the GPL.
Thats just the installer. Besides, didn't Microsoft and Canonical partner up or some shit? You do realize you could get a fully functional distribution of Ubuntu inside of Windows 10 through completely official means right?
try emailing stallman, it's what i do when i need help in relation to the gpl.
Yeah, this is good advice. He replies to just about anything, and definitely to this.
If you do email him and get a reply, please post it.
what license could stop people from cucking your software like this while maximizing developer and user freedom?
It's a significant advertisement lie in any case: most ubuntu programs do not work for various reasons. Installing docker results in no docker-related stuff anywhere in or out of the environment. The inner environment is not available to the windows system. The windows system is partially available via /mnt/c inside the ubuntu system. X programs require xming to use and not all of them actually work through xming. Additionally, you need to run a terminal emulator from the env through xming to interact with quite a few tui programs. Then there's the automatic repo updates which pop-up empty cmd.exe's at random time when you're trying to work and they steal focus and thus keyboard input.
The fact is, microsoft employees themselves don't even use it. Most use docker instead because the env it exposes is significantly more full-featured, and some use cygwin.
Even then it's a hell of a step up from previous cli tools in windows.
I don't think so. I mean, Android is a thing and it comes with thousands of proprietary packages by default (drivers, the entire Google Services and their apps and whatever the OEM installs by default), yet it's not considered a GPL violation.
Does he really reply to everyone?
I know he spends quite some time reading emails, but never thought you would actually respond to anyone.
Microsoft is exploiting a loophole in GPLv3.
GPLv3 specifically explains that you can't ship it if the users can't make modifications in it or if they don't have the right to execute it has they want.
Normally Microsoft can't distribute it without having to made windows 10 under a free software license.
But they aren't distributing it.
They just made some sort of wrapper around the NT kernel syscalls.
So they don't ship any part of gnu/linux software in their shit software, it's installed via downloading an image of ubuntu (((cloud))) server
By doing that they don't have the obligation to make the whole microsoft OS under a compatible free software license.
This is another attempt of Embrace, extend, and extinguish
That's because it's GPLv2
The only parts that is gnu/linux is only software that isn't under GPLv3.
Why ?
Well because GPlv3 protect you from not having the right to modify and execute the software has you wish.
Remember that at the beginning of the smartphone era every android was blocked until someone find a way to go around it.
Google purged every piece of GPLv3 software and tried to make their own coreutils and shit.
That's why androids design is complete shit.
But if you sent him to much inanities (spam) he won't respond to you anymore.
He travels a lot when you send him while he's traveling you get a message like this
located somewhere on Earth, but as far as responding to email is concerned,
incoming mail, some time within the following 24 hours. I will spend much of
the following day reading that batch of mail and will come across your
message at some point. If I write a response immediately, it will go out in
the next outgoing batch--typically around 24 hours after I collected your
message, but occasionally sooner or later than that. Please expect a minimum
delay of between 24 and 48 hours in receiving a response to your mail to me.
the response could take longer.
remind me about it, or ask if I have received it. If it has been less
than 48 hours, the absence of a response from me only means you have not
given me time to answer.
message you receive from me is a response to the mail you sent 24 to 48 hours
earlier, and when writing it, I probably had not yet downloaded your later
failed copypasta
He replied when I sent him a bad joke about vi, and when someone asked him what his favorite anime was (revolutionary girl utena), and when someone asked him what to do with his piss bottles.
Let's not forget about the time he broke down somebody's fapfic about him.
GPLv3 is a conveyance license. The GPLv3 only deals with software that is conveyed under GPLv3. Windows does not actually form a "combined work" with any part of Ubuntu so therefore, conveyancing Ubuntu (and other GPLv3 software that comes with Ubuntu) to run on top of Windows has no effect on the Windows licensing.
Is that real?
Probably. It's Stallman's writing style, real opinions about romance, and sense of humor.
When reading pictures of rms mails, remember the 80 character line breaks and double spaces after sentence.
For example.
Never forget.
You're fucking retarded.
then how do you explain the first pic in
Stallman's text in that one breaks before 80 characters, and there are no mid-line sentence breaks, so no missed opportunities for double spacing. It complies.
Steve Jobs did none of those things, he was just a very successful marketer.
Humor and sarcasm are not your strongsuits I see
Isn't double spacing against almost every writing guide?
[code] If you want to use just one space between sentences, you can set the
variable ‘sentence-end-double-space’ to ‘nil’ to make the sentence
commands stop for single spaces. However, this has a drawback: there is
no way to distinguish between periods that end sentences and those that
indicate abbreviations. For convenient and reliable editing, we
therefore recommend you follow the two-space convention. The variable
‘sentence-end-double-space’ also affects filling (*note Fill
retrying actually employing a code block to show the spaces in it:
If you want to use just one space between sentences, you can set thevariable ‘sentence-end-double-space’ to ‘nil’ to make the sentencecommands stop for single spaces. However, this has a drawback: there isno way to distinguish between periods that end sentences and those thatindicate abbreviations. For convenient and reliable editing, wetherefore recommend you follow the two-space convention. The variable‘sentence-end-double-space’ also affects filling (*note FillCommands::).