Their a good chance now that king nigger will declare martial law, in America. Aka shits hitting the fan, lets talk about prepping.

Other urls found in this thread:!rcVFlaIC!zhrCWGYn84ghOCNZyRkNcQ

What is the preferred guerilla-style tactic for events like this?

Firebombing federal buildings?

I would say gathering giant mobs, and then flash mobbing federal buildings.

This isn't anything to really worry about though, what happens to the global economy is. If we don't quickly put everything together again over 90% of the population will die.

On what basis?
Tensions might be running a little high lately, but do you remember the whole Bush v Gore fiasco?
There wasn't any martial law declarations over that.

Making target lists with geographic locations of high value individuals and individuals that would help the enemy (journalists, lawyers, NGO workers, student leaders, left community leaders, gang members, religious leaders, mayors, high up bureaucrats in certain organizations, among many others).

Then going to their houses in the middle of the first happening night and killing them.

Several of them a night.

Night after night.

Week after week, until you are dead, or the war ends.

Does Burgerland have some sort of samson option if it comes down to a civil war?

I have a south directed escape plan. If SHTF, I intend to hunker down over the winter here in west central Ohio, then when spring hits, begin heading south to the Cumberland Gap.

I have a general SHTF folder that I put together. has some quality stuff. Check it out.!rcVFlaIC!zhrCWGYn84ghOCNZyRkNcQ

It’s called “everyone in the federal government is slaughtered within six months and the original Constitution is restored as law of the land after a military junta establishes new elections for every seat.”

Or thereabouts.

Be prepared to have somewhere to go that is low on fallout.

Note this is from 1963. Portland WOULD be hit, as would several other locations not listed here.

Not even the Civil War stopped an election

Strategic relocation does a better analysis of fallout patterns than this does. tl;dr version is to stay west of Wright Pat, stay south of Lima, and when you are travelling Kentucky, keep to the cumberland Gap and then head for the Frozen Head region.

Alternately, I might just hop down the Ohio on one of my boats and just watch the world burn as I cruise to Louisiana and take refuge in the swamps or something.

The best bet for those east of the Mississippi is to head towards the Tennessee Plataea and hunker down in the forests and mountains.

I hope you enjoy your entire digestive tract sloughing off and leaking out of your arsehole as you die.

Shit is now morphing into super-pepe-shit-powered-by-kek and charging at the fan for a second time. Without mock candidates it will break the fan. It will be even more glorious if Obama seeks help and/or agitates BLM for a Niggeristan in due process to have another excuse to "regain the order".

here's a better pic of op's for people who arent ants


The atmosphere is different, the times are different and Rapey Billy wasnt angling to stay in office another 4 years illegally.

nice try FBI

but the governments plan in REX 84 was to just cut the power to the cities like they did in New Orleans during Katrina and block all the exist while the city burned itself down

There is like 3 nuke plants in Chattanooga I think the plateau would be a hot zone but I could be wrong.

how does my post imply that I'm a fed?

I'm not even sure what your, "but …" response is supposed to be a counter to.

Reminder that every American should have a bugout bag and water in their vehicle.

THERE'S a good chance OP is a faggot

First, you have no evidence for this. Second, they can get almost everything they want by going slowly and incrementally - which history provides ample evidence of.

So if there's no evidence for it, it would be counterproductive and they have a long history of success with a completely different technique, there's no reason to expect some big, obvious event that would only galvanize support in their opposition.

If they have control over the legal system and your child's education, they don't need to take your gun.

So much this. I'm only 35 but I've gone through a couple of "suspended elections" before. We might as well end the thread here because it'll be all shit after this.

Begin handing out fliers of redpilled videos to your neighbors. Warn them that TPTB are losing control, and they need to see this.
(warn them about alex kike - is a shill)

Silly FBI.

Just kill the journalists.

youre the real jew

This whole thing is a shill thread! If you don't win over the minds of your community before you try this bullshit, you can forget the government, your neighbors will be the ones who string you up under a tree

Cowards here dismiss this as FBI, but the tet offensive was exactly this, and it was a deathblow to the US occupation of Vietnam.

1. Find and Identify opinion makers/society manipulators.
2. Infiltrate area.
3. TET

The smart people are ready for this, ready to go 24 hours notice. This isn't a first-order plan, it's a reaction, a deadman's switch.

If you haven't figured out who's around [who hates you and your family!] and made them a target, you're an idiot.

Time to start playing politics for real, and not being a cuckservative running his mouth.

Cool an unsourced image taken as gospel again.

If you keep hitting high value targets, you will be killed regardless - but you'll be a hero.

1. Secure your home/neighborhood (RWDS)
2. Secure supply lines
3. Disrupt but do not directly engage with numerically superior and better equipped forces.
4. Dissuade open conflict amongst forces of equal or lesser number and similarly equipped.
5. Destroy any force that marches against your home by any means necessary.
6. Communicate with allied groups and initiate trading and common protective measures.
7. Survive and propagate a new golden dawn for the white race. (So proud of all of you. Deus vult, my niggers)

The kikes have mads a YUGE tactical blunder.
Their hubris has them thinking they have it in the bag already
These events are pulling us together in a way that will ensure our solidarity as a race for the first time in recent history
Once we are united, and ALL understand that it is quite literally us against the entire world, and that their is nowhere to retreat, you will see a shitstorm the likes of which none could even imagine
Our enemies have mistaken our slumber for death, a bad, most likely fatal mistake to make with a lion.

dubs confirm FBI, but dont worry my cute little fed, we're only coming for your bosses.
We're just going to destroy bridges and block roads to cut off movement, and then will the streets with crucified news crews.

One of the biggest populace centers in the US, why?

This is some slidey cuckchan bullshit

Also, obligatory for the discussion.


"But social network analysis couldn’t find snipers who were not part of any network. That’s when we began to hear of “The Militia of One.” In the end there were too many rifles, and too many willing shooters. A number that was constantly heard was twenty million. That was the number of Americans who supposedly went deer hunting every year, against less than 200,000 armed federal agents."

Too little, too late. There's not much many can do now and they planned it that way.

Just a heads up, deadman switch your homes and gear.

If you're going to be killed anyway, may as well poison your enemy.


current patterns lend to this end outcome

drop out
suspend election
push out election to later date (pending a condition)
Gov break condition
Patriots riot
people riot
martial law
breaking point is here - SPLIT situation

1- people gain control
2-government gains upper hand

1= election and nation exists
2= total civil war and, everything is suspended. = 3

3 = bric nations LIBERATE the nation = 4

4= bric takes over …currency re-Evaluated.

the only way for white people is to cooperate between each other. There is no doubt kikes will also try to use some DC tactics

OP is a faggot

Anyway if anything really happened in America now in this day and age

There wouldnt be many people hiding. There wouldnt be much of a reason to stockpile shit other than ammo.

The entire country is a militia. Shit would go down and get done FAST


it's not a roll

it's him saying 1 leads to 2 leads to 3 and so on

O vey you wouldn't be stockpiling anything besides ammo would you goy? We all know how problematic food/water storage can be, so you should avoid it. It's not like you would starve to death without food silly goyim.

No there isn't OP. This government can't organize flood relief. It's also on the way out and the country has never been more divided. To imagine these twats could control 315m people is delusional. We would also see it coming a mile away and so would the markets. Gov shutdown is fine, everyone stay in their homes? TRILLIONS in loses. Foreigners would dump EVERYTHING. Also, how do you feed everyone then? It's just not happening. Unless they want civil war in which case, they would have had to have plan for all this, a good decade ago. That means, Trump is a stooge and Hillary was essentially going to be gassed. Plus a million other things and let me assure you, these people, aren't that bright. It's why they work for the government.

Everyone saw what New Orleans devolved into after two days. Niggers don't get their Kools and McDonald's and the city burns. Multiple that by 50. Also, a lot more guns now. A lot more pissed off people. They get hungry, they don't have their precious cell phones that they're addicted to and two dozen medications their on and it's anarchy. The entire US military got cucked for a decade in one sand nigger city that isn't even that big. They won't control the American people. They would have to mass execute people or some shit but then what's the fallout for that? I don't think their endgame is being tried for treason.

As much as I'd like to believe the first image, I need a source.
