why did it have to be like this?
Even pizza shops spy on you
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You can't expect privacy in public
Spying on your customers, using windows 10. Haha.
I wonder if their camera can detect black people.
What the fuck?
I assume I'm always being watched​ by electronics, but stores are logging to this level of detail?
I can only imagine what amazon.com does.
They need to optimize their daily pizzas based on how long people look at each one vs how much of each kind of pizza they buy.
Can we get more information on this? Are you using their WiFi? Sniffing packets?
How did you get access to this?
He didn't
Serious question: how many extra Shekels can they realistically squeeze out of that information? Because I'm sure setting up and analyzing all this tracking shit is not done for free by magic fairies.
poor pizza dude got tricked in to buying spying software
maybe he should just improve his pizza?
What in the fuck? Is this real life or some kind of hell?
what difference does it make?
that'd be raycis
If this shit is installed by a large chain like pizza hat or domina's, they can probably get some interesting data. Though I doubt it would be that useful; if someone is already in your goddamn store, they're probably going to buy something as well
For individual shops the gathered information is most likely to little to be used for anything.
Japanese tourists aged 30-50 buy the most expensive product after only 17 seconds in the shop? Good to know, now, how do I get them into my store in Bumfuck Nowhere, USA?
Guess it's time to start wearing a mask or human dazzle camo wherever I go.
Silver lining: It appears to only guess age, sex, and brand engagement, and promptly deletes any records instead of uploading your face to the botnet.
just dress like a women, that will fool it.
Are you trying to turn user into a trap?
Make your store a meme on 2ch.
Why do privacy advocates use twitter? It's like an obese man at Mcdonalds telling you to eat healthier.
McDonalds seems like a fine place to find people who need to eat healthier.
Only we have the majority of the userbase as underage.
you're joking, right?
surely its mostly 16-35, like western imageboards.
2ch has been around longer, and been more consistent than western imageboards in terms of hosting/userbase.
There's a lot of oldfags on there. I'm pretty sure their politicians used to go on there occasionally.
Sure, there's newfags, but the majority are over 20-25.
tfw you've been shitposting before you were 16 and wasted so many years of your life
I've started going on 4chan when I was 11. I was the worst kind of cnacer imagineable.
Most "privacy advocates" are SJW types that are only in it for the virtue signaling. They tell everyone else that they need to sacrifice convenience for privacy while using their Apple and Microsoft products to post on Twitter and Facebook. Kinda like the people that say all white countries need to take Muslims, they say this while they sit in their mansion inside gated communities completely unaffected by what they are trying to force on everyone else.
At last I truly see...
none. the pizza shop isn't evil, they're just victims of the big data scam. "collect everything you can into a 100PB storage cluster and then make fuck-all with it - while paying me consulting fees at every step". The same money invested in literally anything else would be better, but on the other hand, don't you want a 100PB database to play with? Don't you you want pretty graphs? Either the business will experience some losses and you can explain to your next victim that the pizza shop didn't exploit the data they collected well enough, or believe enough in your analyses, or the business will experience some gains and you can attribute it to your coincidental laser-focus marketing on short-haired men who look at the floor 13.33% of the time.
t someone getting paid to try and produce useful graphs from meaningful data.
Would you eat pizza from a pizzeria that tracks your face with non-free software?
this. how many poor little pizza shops got memed into buying this shit?
I ate at a few places once in a while and they have no cameras. There was one decent place but they had cameras so nope. Now I don't eat out at all because I rather make my own food in 5 minutes using real ingredients.
Do you make a lot of curry?
What others do with their own computer is not my responsibility. I don't own their computer nor do I do my computing on their computer so therefore, their use of non-free software has no effect on my freedom to control my computer.
What's the difference in whether the software to track me is free or not? That's like asking whether I want to get killed by poison from free-living or captive snakes. Who the fuck cares, how about I don't get poisoned at all?
Doesn't make him any less right. Like a smoker telling you not to smoke before lighting one.
Also, see . Most self-proclaimed activists don't actually give a shit about the causes they purportedly support.
You're right, I'd feel a lot safer if I were tracked by free software; being free absolutely guarantees they won't misuse my information. And I could also see the so- oh wait that only applies to users.
The problem is that they're tracking you at all, you doofus.
If it does it won't know what it's looking at.
Well it was running on Windows after all...
So they pay $3,000 a month
That's gonna put 99% of pizzerias straight out of fuckin business.