Heroes who did nothing

Heroes who did nothing


unironically sounds about right and i hate this and all capeshit



Honestly, I had to choose to kill a billion people I don't know or my mom. I would let the billion people die.

Moms are important to people.

t. beta cuck


The only cucks are those billion people I killed.

It wasn't a choice tho
Ego had already killed gaylord's mum when he was a kiddo. Ego was going to kill the rest of the entire universe for his plan to basically recreate the universe into heaven. Gaylord was fine with his plan until he realized that Ego had caused his mother's brain tumor at which point he went into autistic screeching mode.

at least they won't have to suffer your betatude


How is that beta? Prioritizing the life of a stranger over your parent? A billion lives, whatever. They're strangers, why should I give a fuck about them?

Do think I fell bad about starving Africans when I'm eating? No. First of all, I don't think about niggers when I'm eating. Second of all, I don't care that some stranger is starving, especially when it's their own damn fault. I'd happily let a billion niggers die for a cheeseburger.

Do you guys have shitty moms or something?

He was hypnotized until Plissken told him that he killed his Mom, and that snapped him out of it because it pissed him off so much.

Truly cucked

You are truly disgusting.


Third movie should be coming anytime soon.

Nobody has ever accused an American of being smart.


What the fuck Bruce Willis in this? Talk about JUST.

Could go on and on

It was more like

Why would someone shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?

This movie deserves more respect on this board

Two words: terminal velocity.

t. beta cuck

Yep. Only underaged redditers would disagree with you.


While accurate, there was some straight up brainwashing and/or mind control going on. He wasn't making Peter use his celestial powers to help him, he was using Peter as a secondary conduit for his powers. Hence the whole energy-tentacle impaling that happened.

But seriously though. This show is absolutely infuriating:

Back and forth, back and forth, over and over. Every character is retarded. The only characters I've considered likable at all are the villains of the fucking show, and even them I hate, because the show only lets them operate because literally everyone else is retarded and lets them get away with it.

Fuck this show and its cancerous fanbase.


It's one thing to not give a fuck about them, it's another to be a party to their murder.

Would have been better had Cobra said fuck it and kept going.

Or even better, as soon as the briefcase is destroyed, it triggers an automatic sequence where it destroys fucking every major city.





get that faggot normalfag meme out of here

I seriously don't understand how """people""" like this shit animeme.

This seems like it could be a statement on most religions, tbqh

asukafags and reifags. Also apparently it's redpilled.

I get a boner thinking about all the mummy sex in Eva

But Cobra got rid of the nukes so they can unleash their mac gun weapon.

Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill deserves a savior such as you!

These fucking assholes.

I mean, what a step down from the first movie. You want all these fucks to die.





It's been a while since I saw this movie, but I remember thinking "Wait, how is he this girl's father? Isn't the redhead supposed to be her mom? …How is she black?"

I decided it was just one of those "hurr turn off your brain" movies when she reacted to the raptors by jumping onto a pole and swinging around on it over and over in preparation for the raptor jumping at her so she could (despite being at most a fifth of it's weight) spin around at just the right moment to kick it in the head and send it flying backwards.


brainwashed or not, he still feels like an incredibly shitty hero in the movie because he doesn't do jack shit until the very end. and the fight at the end is disappointing because they both have green lantern-esque powers but they just fly around and crash into each other the whole fight (except for one scene where they create objects around their bodies… and then fly around and crash into each other)

whenever I see this scene, I vividly remember seeing it for the first time as a child and remembering it being one of the first times I felt a scene was so stupid that it ruined my ability to enjoy the movie


she's more like a hero who did nothing

How is it possible to be such a fuckup when you have superpowers?

His Earth dad was a peace loving hippy liberal

nope, Disney did right for once

The usual excuse from MoS fans is that he doesn't have experience despite being roughly 30 years old and travelling around the world he should have some experience.

Taking out a terraformer and despite having only been in one fight prior, killing an alien general in single combat is fucking up?

Was his lack of fighting/battle experience made obvious in the movie? Was there a scene or two that explained this, his hesitation and fears, or was it glossed over and the viewer was expected to switch their brain off and watch the explosions?

What did he fuck up at is what I was asking though. He won.


Fuck you dad, we're in the middle of a fucking tornado, who's going to notice?