Normie Sites You Browse

What are some normie sites that you somehow cant quit using

Personally, I am a big fan of trolling yahoo answers

I recently stopped using FB to interact with normalfags because it's just so irritating it's not worth it anymore.

other than that

Topix(local shitposting)

is this how jim makes money?

By datamining, yes.


Here, since apparently the majority of this user base uses the word "normie", which tells me that they are normalfags from either Reddit or 4chan.

Only Cuckchan is

Fuck off /r9k/

Kill yourself

Goddamn, I hate normalfags like you. Did you start browsing imageboards a few years ago?

Top Kek

Found the normalfag from reddit. You probably have a kekistan flag on your wall, you fucking faggot.

Go back to your tfw no gf and Elliot Rodger support threads faggot also im not a normalfag im a cyborg.

Jesus Christ Reddit, fuck off.

Is that supposed to be the punchline to your post? You're probably some fat deformed faggot with a 55 point IQ. You should be forcefully sterilized and your bloodline should be removed from society.

a cyborg is someone who is half robot half normie.

go back to reddit fucking normalfag


i h8 all sjw sites i just like yt soundcloud and bandcamp cuz i have there my fav artist i listing 2

this explains the influx of retards across the site

Cum gargling 10 yo schoolgirl sluts would only sound good if I was the Austrailian police.
