We must stop Kekephobia

Kekephobia is a real problem.

Ever since Hillary called out the Alt-Right the Christcuck the shilling against Kekism has increased.

Hillary has officially called Pepe the avitar of Kek a "white supreme nazi/kkk" symbols and such a Kekephobia slur has no place in our country and politics.

Why should let this kind of bigotry against pagan/esoteric memes stand? Don't we as Americans have freedom of religion anymore?

It truly shameful that a American presidential candidate promote such anti-religious hate in the current year.

We need to take a stand for our faith and for the old ones. We cannot let the Jew stop will not stop the revival of our god. Do it for the green one.

Hail Kek! Hail Pepe! Hail Victory!

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping because some kind of discussion of how we should meme in response to nazi-frogs being thrust into the mainstream.

What we definitely shouldn't do is promote kekism outside Holla Forums. Not sure if you were suggesting that or not OP. Our strength is our impenetrable meme-fog of obscurity and our anonymous, chaotic spontaneity. Not sure if you were suggesting that or not OP.

The allow the reduction of Pepe to a mere "symbol for white supremacy" substantially diminishes his power. My ideas for how to respond:

1) Spam Pepes of every kind in completely obscure, or even meaningless (but ostensibly meaningful) ways. Attempt to associate him with anything and everything. Sandy Hook Pepes, NBA Pepes, Cooking Channel Pepes, NASA Pepes. Every Pepe you can slap together in an image editor with some text that makes it look to normies like a joke they don't get.

Intended result: Pepe becomes everything, and thus nothing. All powerful, all void. Pepe becomes the Toa (which he/Kek already is anyway).

2)Make some retarded, meaningless but ostensibly meaningful hashtag/meme like "Pepe lives" and write it on shoppe'd images of random characters doing Pepe poses. Smug Ernie, feels bad Bert, etc.

Intended result: associate random well liked characters with Pepe. In the retarded swamp that is the mind of the average normie, repetitive input about Pepe, paired with positive images of characters they like, will set up emotional/cognitive dissonance with the idea that Pepe is a super evil white supremacist symbol.

left off the end of the first sentence: *"is necessary"



various other errors… I need to sleep.

But I stand by my ideas.

Why can't Kek just be a big frog you want to have a beer with? Why does it need to be some kind of lovecraftian monster? Do you know what you are doing?

am scared

Because Kek is a chaos god, he doesn't give a fuck. Give him memes and he'll give you happenings.

Because we embraced the horror of our existence and it manifested in Kek.

I see the autheist have move from circlejerking over norse gods to cartoon frog now. Never change /fringe/.

Bump for good ideas. Not much to discuss, but people should see this. Also, interesting digits user.

Christians have decided to try and kill kek and shill Holla Forums. Be aware! Christianity is the enemy of our race and deeply inbred in our psyche as a mental virus

Its not kek it is the idea of kek that allows other occult groups to hijack and even subvert the entire ideology of what is right and wrong based on a "Open source" meme.

It is dangerous and even occultists will admit that but5 the danger lies on us, not them. That is why we are vunerable because they can come in drop a suff film and now we have to live with whatever actual satanists are doing.

Can we do those cheesy stick-figure like images where Pepe holds hands with people of all colors or something?

Dumbest post I ever read

Kek ==o== phobe

Dumbest mistake I ever made


"christcuck" is such a weak meme. I swear, It just seems so forced.



If its the enemy, why did things go to shit when we secularized?

What is the shill endgame? Time and again I see threads filled with shills trying to rally against some clearly manufactured shadow. Christcucks? Does anyone here seriously worry about Christians driving a wedge into imageboard shitposting memes? It reeks of some paranoid kike feverdream and I don't like it.

you think kek made you a bitch? Fight against antisemitism too, moshe

When you adopt the mentality of persecution you'll adjust to the same weakness that gave rise to this kiked society in the first place.

Be smug, don't sweat the small stuff.

that happens when people dont know how to do deals with demons.

anyways making deals with demons is a stupid idea, you're supposed to do things they like within their domain to amuse them. Deals make demons know that your scheme involving them is strictly business and will be constrained to a contract. with a non contract mimic flattery these old gods and demons will look at the situation with curiosity and throw freebies with no strings attached because it worked towards their goals.

so contracts are bad, non malicious mimicry isint.

fuck off you filthy victim complex harbouring faggot

This clearly is not a mimick it is the absolute submission to kek and to deny this is to offend kek the second you used kek to claim other anons are invalid you crossed that line. The second kek is responsible for anything you crossed that line.


mimicry as in destroying some established order.

kek is chaos, the darkness before the dawn. etc, so he is channeled by it he gets his tendies, and he causes some warp tier fuckery.

its not outright malicious, its just a microcosm of faggotry affecting a macrocosm of the cancerous elite class.

Except its becoming unclear who is the elite.
When we have Jahbulon being called kek that is a bad sign.


It's obvious who the real kikeserving enemy is and always has been.
Death to all abrahamists, cuckstains, kikes, and mudslimes alike.

This is just a scheme to discredit us.

Normies are finally opening up to Nationalism and lo and behold the kek meme comes along.

If this shit spreads too far they'll think we're all a bunch of lunatics

Sure thing faggot, keep acknowledging kike buzz words like the -isms and -phobia that are made to censor you and continue fighting on their term.

bane mask

What is going on in this thread?




I'm not a christcuck but I'm not a chunni either

dubs confirm

Does Kek remind anyone of Sithis from Elder Scrolls?


Sithis is neither an Aedra nor a Daedra. Sithis is the birthed soul incarnate of Padomay and the equal yet opposite force to Anui-El, who is the birthed soul incarnate of Padomay's opposite force, Anu.[OOG 3] The conditions Sithis and Anui-El placed on each other in their interplay would bring about the creation of what is known as the Aurbis, in which the realms of Aetherius, Oblivion, and Mundus would form. It is implied that the Daedra may have been created from Sithis.[4] When Anui-El birthed his soul, Auri-El, to stabilize the then confusing and turbulent Aurbis by creating time, Sithis birthed his own soul, Lorkhan, as well.[OOG 3][1] Sithis is believed to have created Lorkhan to destroy the universe through trickery and deceit, and return the universe to the void.

According to the book Sithis, Anu is described as not being a deity of any kind, but is rather a static force without consciousness, personality, or intent or will, being depicted as immutable static light that does not change. It is Sithis, according to this book, that created all things. Sithis is said to have sundered the Eternal Anu to create new ideas. However, Sithis unwittingly created Anui-El who became Aetherius and the Aedra. Sithis then created Lorkhan (which the book describes as neither Aedra nor Daedra) to destroy these "false" creations. The book greatly downplays any involvement by Anu and differs from the other known documentations detailing the origins of the worlds, as such its validity is questionable considering that the book was written by worshipers of Sithis.


The Egyptians believed that before the earth was created, there was nothing but a dark, directionless, chaotic watery mass. In this chaos lived the Ogdoad of Khmunu (Hermopolis), the four frog gods and four snake goddesses of chaos. These beings were Nun and Naunet (water), Amen and Amaunet (invisibility), Heh and Hauhet (infinity) and Kek and Kauket (darkness). The chaos existed without the light, and thus Kek and Kauket came to represent this darkness. They also symbolised obscurity, the kind of obscurity that went with darkness, and night.

A statue of the god Kek as a frog The Ogdoad were the original great gods of Iunu (On, Heliopolis) where they were thought to have helped with creation, then died and retired to the land of the dead where they continued to make the Nile flow and the sun rise every day. Because of this aspect of the eight, Budge believe that Kek and Kauket were once deities linked to the Nile gods of Abu (Elephantine) - Khnum, Satet and Hapi - and to the crocodile god Sobek.

Kek (Kuk, Keku, Keki) means darkness. He was the god of the darkness of chaos, the darkness before time began. He was the god of obscurity, hidden in the darkness. The Egyptians saw the night-time, the time without the light of the sun, as reflecting this chaotic darkness. The four frog gods and four snake goddesses of the Ogdoad

Image © Olaf Tausch
The characteristics of the third pair of gods, Kek and Kauket, are easier to determine, and it is tolerable certain that these deities represent the male and female powers of the darkness which was supposed to cover over the primeval abyss of water; they have been compared by Dr. Brugsch with the Erebos of the Greeks. In some aspects they appear to represent both the night and the day, that is to say, Kek is called "the raiser up of the light," and Kauket the "raiser up of the night." It is not difficult to see how these deities obtained these names, for Kek represents that period of the night which immediately precedes the day, and Kauket is that period of the night which immediately follows the day.

– Wallis Budge, E.A. 2003, The Gods of the Egyptians: Volume 1, pp. 285-286

As a god of the night, Kek was also related to the day - he was called the "bringer-in of the light". This seems to mean that he was responsible for the time of night that came just before sunrise. He was the god of the hours before dawn; the twilight which gave birth to the sun.

In Elder Scrolls, Sithis birthed Lorkhan and Lorkhan is Talos who is the god worshipped by the (racist/nationalist) Nords in Skyrim.

Then in Revelation 17:7-11 John records the vision he received of this scarlet beast, with the woman riding on the beast. John was somewhat astonished at these unexplained visions he saw, wondering just what they meant. Then an angel came to explain it to him. "And the angel said unto me, wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition… and here is the mind, which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. And they are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he comes, he must continue a short space. And that which was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition."

John wrote this book of Revelation around 94 A.D., this is about as close as we can date these writings. There is a possible leeway of two or three years before and perhaps four or five years afterwards, so this date is as near as we can get.

When we compare this with Daniel, we are getting into more information than Daniel had. Daniel's vision concerned only four empires. In John's vision we are told there are seven empires, five of which have already fallen, they have had their day and are gone. The Roman empire, which was the fourth, was then just getting to its height of power, so this would be number six.

What are these empires, which were great in their day and have gone but nevertheless are part of this satanic system? There are two choices; my choice for number one is Egypt. Sayce, a very respectable writer, chooses Nimrod's empire, the early Babylonian empire. I don't agree with him for the following reason. The Bible only goes into any particular detail about those subjects, which in their day had contact and influenced the people of Israel. comparet.christogenea.org/sermons/mark-beast

I am Christian and view kek as one of the many facets of God.
Last time he presented himself to us as the Holy Trinity, before that it was some crazy looking knot thing.
When you get to the root of Christianity we are worshipping the human incarnation of omnipotence itself, kek is pretty compatible with that.
I view memetics as more of a science than a spiritual pursuit anyway.



Somewhere around 775 B.C., Egypt was overrun and conquered by Negroes from the south. These Negroes held Egypt for about 75 years. In this short time, Egypt became the mulatto country it is today and all of Egypt's greatness disappeared. Egypt was thereafter kicked around by whatever military adventurer came along with something in the way of an army, and it ceased to be of any consequence.

Daniel was writing in the middle 500s B.C. This was 150 years after Egypt finally threw off the Negro occupation, but they couldn't get rid of the Negro blood they had absorbed. This is why Daniel didn't have a vision of Egypt. The Assyrian empire was overthrown and destroyed, Nineveh was conquered in 612 B.C.. Remember, Daniel wasn't writing this until the mid 500s B.C. The Egyptian and the Assyrian empires had already come and gone, when Daniel was having his visions.

Egypt is the first of these five empires that have already fallen when John was recording his visions. Then came Assyria, which is number two. Number three is Babylon, four is Medo-Persia, five is the empire of Alexander the Great, and all of these had come and gone. As the angel said to John, "…there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is…". This was Rome, and includes the four Daniel saw.

Daniel's prophecy was entirely a prophecy of the future. The vision covered no review of past history. Even his look into the future only brought him to the beginning of the Christian era, it didn't carry on beyond that. John was now taking up with the beginning of the Christian era; he received the visions concerning everything from then on.

Concerning this strange beast with the seven heads and the ten crowns, John said in Revelation 13:3, "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast."

Kekphobia is real

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophets of Kek


All Kekphobic bigots must hang

it is a little depressing that Egypt never recovered after being mudded by nogs
it is a lesson from history that shows what awaits our countries in the near future should we not turn the tide

Just spam Pepes with a square matrix of randomized numbers. The MSM is already paranoid as fuck and doesn't know shit anyway, so anything that seems even remotely hacker-sinister will trigger the fuck out of them.



Please make it happen, Holla Forums.

We should start calling our oponents racists, is islam can me a race then so can kek

Kikes on sticks GTFO

A being more primal, more powerful, more relatable has made itself known. You are just salty that your dead sandnigger God is silent. As you waste your time praying, we are materializing our dreams from sheer willpower.



It is always darkest before dawn, like it seems right now
Kek is the perfect deity for our movement
Confirmed, Golden Age incoming

Jews couldn't defeat Jesus movement. They are still trying it, 2000 years later.

when's the next census?
get everyone to identify as 'kek worshiper' (or whatever denomonym we create) like they did in australia with 'jedi' taking out record numbers

ISn't she also claiming that a hillary supporter created pepe?


Revelation 16:13

He's followers didn't just "forget", they all died from the wrath he brought
He's slowly taking your energy

Kek is a primordial deity not a demon you retard.

The current national census was held in 2010; the next census is scheduled for 2020 and will be largely conducted using the Internet.

It's no surprise he's loved by the left with his God is Dead, let's create new values shit.

You dumb cunts don't realize that Civilized Europe is Catholicism and you still fall for that Nietzschean Anti-Christ bullcrap.

The Übermensch is a lie. His sick materialism poisoned this world.

Why am I talking to you like you're a Holla Forumslack. You're just a Discordian shill trying to co-opt Holla Forums.

Get fucked, shill

And your God isn't?

the US was founded on freedom of religion

praise kek

Wtf jahbulon even is? This term doesn't exist out of christcuck circles.
Also, if there is someone worshipping demons, it very clearly isn't us.


It was only a matter of time before whites collectively rejected Christianity as a foreign value system and instead of having a belief system that reflects the European ethos we were left with nothing since that foreign entity destroyed all semblance of indigenous European faith systems. That doesn't mean we continue along with that pathogen however.

Most pagan nations northeast of germany didn't even have a concept of a "devil". It's a foreign concept that you should abandon.

You know this kind of thinking is really problematic. People can imagine Kek however they want to you shitlord!

This is exactly the kind of Kekephobia we cannot tolerate as a society and Hillary Clinton will apologize on television for insulting an entire religious group like that.

Kekism is a religion of peace and also laughs and practical jokes. Just because a few members are racist or white supremacists that does not give Hillary Clinton the right to slander all Kekists!

Christ, not Kek.

Preach it.

If you are a Catholic then you should be more sensitive to other people's belief systems. Your Pope has already bowed down and accepted Allah. It is only a matter of time before he also kisses the feet of Kek.

if christ is real then why did he let 9/11 happen in 2001? with the power of Kek we just memed Shillary to death on 9/11/2016.

Kek: 1
Christcucks: 0

Outdated belief, there's been proof of demon shit going on. Kek as i said

“The gods don't care about men, no more than kings care about peasants.”
―George R. R. Martin

Kek can only destroy, but the Holy Christ has authority over death and all things.

The Bible is literally "pulling shit out of my ass".

The Bible tells us the Lord is God of all Gods.

There's a difference between using written word and memes

Pretty much, God/Azoth is pretty much everything and more and the other gods and demons and us are just along for the ride

Wow you seem to know so much about Kek. You must be a true believer. I am willing to believe your Christ is a God of death. Most Middle-Eastern deities are…

I will say it once again, your Bible has absolutely no basis in the real world. Heck, Christianity isn't even a spontaneous religion, it literally was made up in the 300s. There is no proof that the biblical Jesus was the real Jesus, nor that it was his apostles who wrote the new testament.



Guess i'll you in the second coming of 332 B.C.

and switched around

Our movement is not one with one belief. We cannot be defeated because we are very diverse.

told ya diversity was good for ye goyim

Inquisition for the God Emperor and the glory of KEK.

Purge the heretics when?

Tbh, i wouldn't mind donating to the Holy Estate of His Eternity (HEHE).

But only if the blood god is the alternative ego of Pepe.

so much sage recently.
i like kek but come on now.

Tidbit: The Holy Book of KeKeKe has 9001 pages.

Is it true that all humans have genes in common with frogs?


Christcucks hate this meme because it is so fucking accurate.

Try harder kucks

Okay, Christcuck, now tell us how every single one of those branches isn't real Christianity, but is instead made up of people who never read the Bible.

Better than being gay tbh

It's better to bring 3 black babies into the world who wouldn't otherwise have existed, and spend two decades raising them, than it is to be gay?

They branch off from many ideologies and cultures on how things should be done or taught
Really you should know this by now

As long as those black kids marry a female of their race i really don't care that race you were raised under

Yes, the problem is clearly cuckstianity when degeneracy is rampant everywhere!

Jew-worship and degeneracy are often synonymous.

kekism is a religion of peace.

I would go with Kekaphobia instead

It's an abstract sort of shill.

Christianity destroyed the Roman Empire. Now the pope is kissing the feet of Muslims and begging them to conquer Europe. Go fuck yourself.

but white supremacy isn't so bad

raising niggers with whites promotes mixing and is a waste of money. They shouldn't even be out of Africa. How is being gay worse than that? Gays are just weird losers.

So how obscure do our Pepes have to be?

Like the Budweiser Frogs?


because that has zero emotional impact. Its just like "hey guys we know your mascot is an elephant but ours is a frog. that's all there is to it"

Reminder that (((they))) worship the Owl if Bohemian Grove.


They truly are autistic, do they not see the fallacy in being a pagan White nationalist? Race mixing is a natural process IF evolution is our true origins.
Seriously though guys look it up its a serious fallacy within white nationalism, it cannot exist without God

God is anti-racemixing, despite the jews trying to convince everyone its a cucked/hippy religion the Jews just made the bible universalistic and replaced the true white hebrews, the deepest redpill in the rabbit hole is that the jews are not the chosen but rather it's the White Race; or the 12 Lost tribes of Israel (Hebrews & their history is white as fk - jews never faught well in war - The Jews assumed their title of "judean" in rougly 0 A.D when Herod took control of jerusalem from the remaining white judeans, earlier the jews were known as (((Edomites))) and were conquered and forced to be judean, They have since corrupted the word Jew and falsely equated themselves to the Judeans.

This is the only explanation of why Jesus calls the Jews in Jerusalem "not of god" and "the Synagogue of Satan"



Not from 400-1900 AD Europe apparently.

Cause you're a tripshit.

Wow, you transparent.

Psst, hey faggot. Your pope just called, he wants you to get on your knees and lick a black muslim mans feet. Beg this superior muslim man to impregnate your daughter.

Apparently there's an Egyptian ram god called Bane or something.

This. Your picture looks like Sephiroth's final form fucked the Cloverfield monster. Kek is a cartoon frog, and that is what makes it fun.

gays are 30 times more likely to rape children.

Fuck off kekfags
Wew lad, its obvious to most of you lurk/browse cuckchan which explains why this board has gone to shit so hardnot that it hasn't been shit since shortly after the second exodus. Not a coincidence. Anyways keep worshiping your cartoon frogs and shitting up the board more, it was funny at first but you shits actually take it seriously.

You've really run out of ideas, haven't you?

"The more they blaspheme Pepe, the more they praise Kek."

~ Memester Eckhart

We're being over run by the autist dumbarses on cuck chan.

OP, this thread is shit, you are shit and "kek" is shit.

Anyone who actually posted "praise kek" in this thread deserves to be put in a gas chamber.
