wew. talk about spooks/ideology. You actually do. you have material interpersonal relations with others around you. you have a political system (however fucked) that you work through that at least protects you from external attack (until they convince the non-whites to riot and kill you which is happening now). You have a myriad of other economic, social and political institutions you participate in. You do have interests defined differently from others (though that doesn't mean they conflict). You are literally spouting a mantra (that made more sense when European countries were fighting each other). You might as well be reciting the Lord's Prayer - I imagine your eyes are rolling back in your head right now as you type that. Break the programming - learn to think for yourself.
except that your kind in fact is trying to destroy the country. this is the biggest fucking myth that I don't understand - there are communists in the government
I'll grant you that, but they think they are.
They are trying to destroy the country, often, but far from always, just like "the right" says they are (regulations etc). They don't care about poor people (or at least they see them as pawns in some larger game) and have no compunction with making up elaborate stories to lie to poor people and get them to believe whatever they need you to believe in order to get what they want. These elaborate stories have followed these people all the way to the top (or nearly so) in major institutions. More importantly, you are one of the aforementioned poor people. Therefore, it follows that you are being lied to and not just only by the bourgeoisie.
Perhaps you all should try reading something outside the Marxist tradition, just for some perspective? Preferably not something written by a jew
It could be or it could not be, but I'm just suggesting that maybe you wouldn't know unless you try? Robert Michels might be a good start. Political Parties argues that organization is oligarchy. There are others, but I know you're not interested, so I'll stop there.
Oh, you silly little man. Hegel was a sorcerer. (See: Voeglin's Hegel a study in sorcery or Hegel and the Hermaetic tradition by [can't remember])
No, I'm not talking about anything spooky-wooky and at least the Voeglin article is in fact peer-reviewed. It comes down to mental tricks and creating an echo chamber in order to create a false consensus, like Holla Forums does… or like the bourgeoisie do, no? and if they do it, aren't jews doing it, too?
But I digress… for a citation that "Theory" is actually mental manipulation (however benevolent) and not "science" (ie. straightforwardly attempting to explain the world in the most precise way possible, if its possible) read: The Dark Side of the Dialectic: toward a new objectivity, by Alvin Gouldner. In short, "Theory" is instrumentalist at its core.
Okay. I'm done. I know you won't listen and you'll just get pissed off. I'll leave now in order to avoid being caught in the incoming sperg-hurricane. Have a good one Holla Forums. I have to say, you're years ahead of where I was when I was your age. The key is just to not get trapped there. That's the hardest part - most people get trapped. Ciao