How can we, as members of the privileged technical elite (WHITE MALES), do more to create a space for PoC (especially women) in the STEM community? Hoping to get a brainstorming sesh going, and it's well past time to get the ball rolling. Let's do this.
How can we, as members of the privileged technical elite (WHITE MALES)...
Other urls found in this thread:
We have enough males already, thank you very much.
That page is already cancer before I even read a single word.
Pure lies to ascribe white accomplishments to blacks, rewriting history in the interest of political correctness.
Make work, give it to them and let them take credit for all of it.
I know a gamedev cuck who did exactly that, in hope for some pussy which he probably didn't get.
It's energy efficient, and healthier for the eyes.
Do you also believe that fans suck the air out of the room and will kill you if you let them run over night?
Not this combination. The only worse combination would have been pure white on pure black
Create a programming language with a watermelon as its logo
CRT and OLED displays actually use less energy when displaying black or dark colors
1) Safe-For-Work anonymous forums about tech.
2) Freely downloadable resources for those who are more economically misfortunate.
3) Treat those who come with kindness, but remember to be stern when teaching them. They need to be a good representative of what PoC Females are capable of.
We should create a fake black rights character, and complain to the Rust community that the name conjures up ancestral memories of the 'rusty' chains found on trans-atlantic slave ships. We could probably bait those cucks into changing the name to 'Ebony'.
Why do they want to promote X specific people with X specific irrelevant trait in a world where passion (and autism) is the number one factor that makes great developers ?
If they want to teach black especially black people then they just need to go to Africa.
On another note I don't see black people helping white people in Africa doing computing.
That's because you're simply ignorant.
ironic cancer threads are still cancer threads
NEET programmers are underrepresented in programming professions. This needs to stop. Systematic unconscious discrimination and defamation against white NEET males threatens the sovereignty of software and creates more NEETs who turn to drugs, video games and non-free software.
Please donate.
If you are in a programming profession, you are no longer a NEET by definition.
Wow, nice victim blaming, shitlord
gay dramz thread
If we send them back to Africa they'll finally be safe from our microaggressions.
Good comprehension there buddy.
Unfortunately, the white man's evil science has spread to Africa too.
blacks invented science and engineering. pyramids engineered by niggers. plato, archimedes, pythagoras, euclid - all black. aristotle was not.
Totally. I have no idea why these confused Africans want to decolonize their own proud black science. They wuz kangz.
the way she speaks reminds me of the standard liberal arts student.
mimicking respectable tones and needlessly complex vocabulary.
show me at least one laptop or full size monitor which uses any of these two.
Calm your autism guys.
yeah, that's totally what this is about, lmao. call me when the fuckin' challenger lands, you fuckin hippie.
Jews user. Dirty fucking yids want this. The burden of niggers ruins the productivity of all but the largest companies who can afford to assign make-work to their cadres of 85 IQ monkeys. It's bad enough that niggers have been place in the class room amongst white children, now they're forcing them into the workplace too?
Where did the black-jew bogeyman touch you?
Most nogs don't want to program you retard, which is the only reason they are underrepresented. Those that wish to, can do so now. Cultural marxists are the ones who wish to impose artificial quotas and diversity mandates.
Really makes you think.
is this a fucking joke?
you killed a thread for this.
the lelnovo X1 yoga has an OLED option.
Why don't we start with racial quotas on better-paying jobs instead, like the top positions of Hollywood and media? Surely if quotas are good that should only improve things.
You go into it yourself or you don't.
No. We do not "do more."
They "do more".
Suggesting they need special treatment is saying they are inferior and unable to compete on equal terms. OP is patronizing to PoC.
"Privilege" is also known as an attitude that blames no one but yourself for your predicament.
We wuz Hullywud dyrektaz an' sheeit, cuz!
The only thing holding back ANYONE today is their ATTITUDE of personal responsibility.
So much this.
All these assholes demanding hiring quotas for are pretty much implying that members of said minority are too shit at things to be successful otherwise. It's fucking insulting to those of them who are actually good at their jobs.
The real discriminatory assholes are the SJWs / feminists / other agenda pushing cunts
Should shop in the wannacry malware screenshot.
Conclusions: Niggers can't do programming.
Let me rephrase it as K&R style.
If you're still confused, then you're retarded and there's no hope for you.
How did KR become egyptian?
I never conflated the two.
K&R and Egyptian style are simply different terms for the same thing.
Since you speak English you should understand this concept
Refer to this jpg as to how the term "Egyptian Brackets" came about.
allman style > rest
Allman Style = Clean Code
allman style, used by cringe kids who think they are hackers
They made python and java so these guys can program. No more excuses.
buttmad egyptian detected
autism speaks.jpg.png.tiff.farb
You're surprised by the fact that autism exists on /tech?
No, fuck you all. Just use what the compiler supports or what the project dictates. Might as well argue about which pc case looks better. Hint: both unrelated to performance, petty bullshit
oh you larping summer kids
I bet you get confused when there are multiple foreign words in a single sentence
Holy shit, epic argument. Saved
can we use this against some sjw niggers now?
The lack of representation for larger women in those pictures triggers me.
Because whites and East Asian males are genetically superior at such things and it makes everyone else look really, really bad.
So bad that it breaks the "everyone is equal" taboo and so must be ruthlessly corrected.
So you're saying that all black people are fat?
Just start counting kikes as a separate race, and enjoy the fireworks.
At least it's not niggerlicious python.
How is Ruby better than Python?
You forgot:
fucking kek
Wew. By the rate you're going, I'd say it's about high time you gone and pre-order yourself a whole new jack arm, buddy.
Will Apple take over with the rise of female employees? Seems like they only use MacBooks to develop.
Implying that the present isn't already black hat
Nice to meet you Mr. /r/programming
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This board will be more than happy to fill you in on our culture and customs.
>>>Holla Forums
Million of unemployed American White Males would like to know where is their privilege.
Fuck off Jew.