gender abolitionist thread
Gender abolitionist thread
y'know, as a transhumanist, I can actually get behind this one. I see no reason to view ourselves as anything beyond sentients. Removing the illusion of qualities such as gender will increase our ammount of liberties.
Gender is a spook.
Sexuality is a spook.
exactly, it will remove the spook of gender and people having to live up to its norms. i mean, people can still have gender identity to connect to similar people
Works for me, full totalism ahoy.
Don't know what much there is to discuss for a thread, though.
Good luck with that
t. human biology
you're getting gender and sex mixed up
No I'm not. Silly cunts like OP just don't know how much of what they think of as 'gender' is actually 'sex'
if dubs you must reply to this post with REMOVE GENDER
and ofc the fekin guy doin a dubs game gets dubs lol
it's too early for me to provide any intelligent commentary to the thread
Read the post you replied to
muh 'truth'
A claim I haven't made
y'see my issue with the remove gender thing is a lot of people (myself included) consider masculinity or femininity to be close to or at the core of their personality, that can't just be thrown out based on ideology.
That and it's often spouted by tumblr tier SJWs which is pretty offputting.
That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard.
i think society creates masc/fem and that people should just be able to have their own personality witout ahering to masc/fem norms
I never understood why NEETszchie was so popular with feminists, but the whole idea of abolishing gender actually makes sense in the context of the Ubermensch and overcoming humanity
It must feel pretty awful to have such a shallow personality that I can describe you as "masculine" and sum up your personality
and kek
you're both either strawmanning or retarded. What this means is, it's often a significant personality trait. Not the only one or the sum of them all, just one of them.
"Masculinity" and "femininity" are spooks.
It's not about forcing individual people to just give up their gender identity so much as transvaluating our cultural values about gender roles that force people into confining assumptions about how they're supposed to act. That's the main issue here, and the goal is to at least get everyone far enough to be able to recognize that they are a free and unique individual who doesn't have to conform to any particular societal expectation of them just because of whatever sex they happen to be. Whether or not you continue to have certain preferences - that aren't dickish toxic masculinity tendencies - is really something you aren't likely to entirely get over if you've been raised to be gendered really hard.
Though I do agree with others that it kind of sucks that people are so attached to gender that it can become a large part of their personality.
IMO, Nietzsche wasn't even actually a sexist. His constant tirades about "Woman" could be interpreted as actually being an attack on the character "Woman" that females have been lead to play as a result of patriarchy and shit, and not so much a categorical claim of "women" or "females". It's more that females have become Woman, and that Woman is a weak and submissive figure that females ought to overcome - which is quite true.
That might be stretching it a bit but who gives a fuck. Nietzsche himself admitted that everything is up to interpretation and all philosophy is based on selfish aims anyways.
if i could bump that
No, I got exactly what you meant, which is what is so sad.
That was my interpretation of Nietzsche too.
Often when Nietzsche attacks certain groups, it's their culture he's refering to rather than the individuals of that actual group.
For example, he disliked the fact that socialists and anarchists glorified work, communitarianism and poverty, but not so much the individuals themselves or even their goals.
This seems pretty obvious in hindsight actually.
How are you going to identify with something that no longer exists?
Yeah, in fact that seems to be the most sensible interpretation of the claims he makes about groups of people considering transvaluation is a huge part of his project, if not the Nietzschean project. And the main issue is the values people hold, not the people themselves.
In the case of Christians, for instance: As much as Nietzsche lambasts Christian values and is famously atheistic, he also explicitly points out in Beyond Good and Evil and the Genealogy that the Christians did one of the most impressive things in the history of the West: They transvalued the master values of the Romans. But Nietzsche knew the value in being controversial, and he also knew that he needed to prod at the popular values of his day since the old values had already been overcome and weren't a threat anymore. So he shits on Christianity all the time, and also anarchism, socialism, and Woman, almost like he's egging them on like Zarathustra to walk their tightrope and overcome their slave morality.
It's no accident that Nietzsche has inspired a very significant amount of anarchists and feminists (and Emma Goldman, the best anarcha-feminist) despite him reserving some of his most hateful words for anarchists and women. This also makes me wonder even more so now what he might have thought of Kierkegaard's interpretation of Christianity, too.
fuck gender.
it's not fair that I can't be a qt lesbian grill
But with no gender you can't be a grill
with no gender, we'll all be grills
exactly. who the fuck would want to be a man if masculinity didnt exist? seriously
With no gender, there will be no grills
Gender is a prison.
Liberate males and females from their bonds. Reject toxic traits, masculine and feminine.
There's joke in here about equating the abolition of private property with the abolish of gender, but I'm not clever enough to write it.
fuck yes
“I’d Rather Be A Cyborg Than A Goddess”
- Spiderbot
This is now a transhumanism Thread
It's pretty sad that you've absorbed this cultural idea of "masculinity" and made it so much a part of yourself that you can't just let it go despite knowing that it's just bullshit.
convince me that transhumanism is actually plausible and not just a bunch of sci-fi nerds fantasying about thier AI waifus
is xe a qt?
would you bang xir?
Transumanism is plausible.
The problem is that Capitalism needs to turn it into a Deus Ex marketing thingy in order for it to happen.
Without capitalism, we would have no need for glasses already.
Can I care more about class for now?
When we abolish class, gender will have no point anyway.
those two things are not spooks.
what genitalia you have is a fact. any further meaning you place onto that may be a spook, but the fact that I have a dick is just a fact
same with sexuality. im not attracted to big fat hairy dudes. however, heteronormativity is a spook
This fucking thread:
Redditors go home
m8 that quote is from Donna Haraway. "A Cyborg Manifesto" is also hella relevant to this thread.
Those body proportions are disgusting.
Stupidest shit i have ever seen.
Gender is an evaluation of sex and the traits, characteristics, and behaviors of said sex. Throughout history, most people have been able to fit in to the male gender because they are male, and the same for females fitting into the female gender.
Everyone else? Fucking mental illness, called gender dysphoria, and is classified as such.
Fuck off with "Reality is a Spook", this has been true and will continue to be true for as long as Homosapiens exist.
nice spooks you got there m8
Exactly. And do you know what we do when confronted with spooks?
Stand up. You don't need to make some grand statement – you definitely shouldn't label yourself as anything, that's just retardedly self-spooky – you just do what you want to do, disregarding constraints.
Congratulations on proving you have no idea what either of those two words mean.
Homosapiens are a spook.
Gender is a spook. Sure, there may be some biological basis for gender roles but the extent to which society obeys them and takes them for granted is the very definition of as spook.
By extension, sexuality is a spook, as it is defined based on gender.
Not just that. The whole conception of love which underpins modern sexuality is spooked. It attempts to label all love as the same, instead of accepting that all relationships are inherently unique, and that you should love what and as you wish.
Also, apparently lots of non-Anglo languages literally don't have a word for gender, and just have sex. Which seems to be the source of at least some of the "lol you can't change your gender" confusion.
As it should be.
Fucking yellow-teethed inbred islanders ruining everything as usual.
>there may be some biological basis
Birth and so on. He's right.
I like English, in all it's shitty glory.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be the little girl
Lots of your post is good but
is fucking retarded. And spoooooked, too.
I love you.
I knew at least one person would get triggered if I didn't specify that there are equally shitty/"toxic" feminine traits - submissiveness/weakness, coquettishness, being a gold digging whore all come to mind.
The point being that gender roles in general tend to create shitty individuals because gender roles inherently contain certain unpleasant traits.
See, I support this thread 'cause I want more qt 3.14 girls to pursue traditionally-male careers. Vice-versa as well.