twin peak stream that works
thank me later anons
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Thanks but too late. Download links? or links for the PST show?
another stream just in case:
Is it important that I watch all of season 2? I never managed to get through all of it. I know who killed Laura. Should I just read a recap instead?
Thank you. It's a shame that once it was getting good stream had some issues.
Watch at least last three or two episodes. There is some info on the whole black and white lodge there. From the looks of it, it will be important this season.
I only caught the second half of things and it was still crazier and more intense than I expected. What are the chances that this whole thing will actually be a net positive and actually stand as a proper companion to the first two seasons?
So far, second episode is more upbeat than the first one. It's also crazier and has meme potential.
Wew lad, really enjoyed the 4 eps I just marathoned. Lynch really still has it, the more surreal scenes in the new season were almost Eraserhead-tier
Seemed pretty good so far. Like sliding into a nice comfy tub of molasses. Still waiting on 3-4 to pop up online though.
Are the first few episodes out or something? I thought only the first episode of the new season came out today.
Also, dubs.
Two double episodes as far as I know.
No dubs for you though.
This was far more insane and surreal than anything in either season 1 or 2. Not sure what to make of it all. It is still intriguing enough to make me watch next one.
Three episodes were available on Showtime streaming tonight, and pilot was double length.
I've only watched the pilot. Please post torrents for more episodes.
Download link?
'quite town bad news ' cliche.
Im 16 minutes into the first episode of the series an i want to choke to death on a fucking black dildo.
Hello, Holla Forumseddit.
The two hour pilot was fucking amazing and i can only hope that the rest of the season can maintain its momentum.
The black dildo was an ironic post, please shit on Twin Peaks.
extratorrent is dead
Any other sites that still work? has got 'em
I've really enjoyed what I've seen so far, even something like Wally Brando which I wouldn't like on paper gave me a good chuckle.
Nice try, FBI.
Torrentfreak had a list for current year, but I think quite a lot of those have died quite recently. They've really been dropping like flies recently. What makes it spooky is that they never seem to give proper explanations of what happened. I assume legal threats but still…
How good is the new show actually?
Er, I mean…
It's pretty damn good, lots to like, lots to feel weird about and lots to overanalyze. The pace is slow as usual but it's already shaping up to be better than the best parts of season 2.
Is David lynch /ourguy/?
you should really try your hardest to get into a private tracker at this point
Doubt he would agree with most of the cynicism and unrestrained anger going on around here.
sounds like a fag
He's what we should all aspire to being unless the dwarf's allegations are true.
It was pretty good.
My only real criticism would be that it's Twin Peaks but there is little of it that actually takes place in Twin Peaks.
Did anyone notice the grey creature bleeding as it broke through the glass?
Body double or not?
Doesn't seem like it.
What the fuck were they thinking when they slotted 4 episodes each sunday night? Who the fuck has 4 hours on a Sunday night to watch Twin Peaks until midnight or later depending on your timezone?
This is just rewarding pirates by giving them a more convenient way to watch at the cost of not seeing everything first.
I'm waiting on and will buy the bluray release so I like it, less wait.
Yeah, I guess they'll have all episodes aired within a couple months with this set up. I suppose that's one way to compete with Netflix.
BTW if you think the progression is too slow, let me remind you this is a 18-hour movie, you're literally at the middle of the first arc.
And is clear that as we progress we come closer to what Twin Peaks was, the music came back in episode 4.
That doesn't make sense. Wouldn't this be the beginning of the third arc?
Wasn't just the first four episodes then nothing until it catches on and then one weekly.
IIRC Lynch personally asked for a weekly delivery.
This, he's a pretty chill guy.
What a shitshow.
It has the exact same problems as all Rob Zombie-movies, no likeable characters or warmness as a contrast to the shittiness that's being portraited. It was the good and heartfelt-stuff that Twin Peaks excelled at, not the dark-side of it all. Now it's just a bunch of weirdness and weirdos.
They're catering to NEETs.
Tbh, Twin Peaks as a whole is kind of a meme. I only watch it to see what they hype is about.
The pilot was good. It had a great atmosphere. These new episodes have no atmosphere at all. They're filmed digitally, with no style, the shots are boring, most of the actors are old, or recast, some both. It isn't even set in Twin Peaks anymore. We've seen New York, the south, Dakota, it's all shit. They totally missed what was enjoyable about the old show.
They had a two-hour premiere then two extra episodes on showtime's online dealie. It was pushing their subscription service. You didn't have to marathon anything.
People like you are the reason season 2 had as many low points as it did.
Wew, is almost as the only Lynch thing you've watched is Twin Peaks.
I honestly wanted even more changes, kinda disappointed with the intro.
Lynch said he hates film now and likes more the digital because there's more room for experimentation.
This, the Soap Opera was campy and fun with all the other stuff, but alone it was a fucking burden
Neither Laura nor Dale, the central characters and cosmogenic anchors for Twin Peaks as a universe, are intact. Without them, the 'center' is missing. So everyone is a bit off I think until/unless Coop is pulled back together.
There was nothing wrong with season 2 except how they screwed up the ending where they made the plot way too convuluted for a normal person to follow.
It's a tv-show, who is the season 3 catering too? They open up with the weird shit, you don't think will click the button they realise it's 2 hours of weird, uncomprohensible shit with shitty noises and shitty characters with no redeeming factors to them whatsoever?
Atleast James and Hank had some humanity in them. Atleast Ben Horne had his reasons to win the war for the south (besides it being funny as hell to follow).
Again, who is this season catering to? How is this art?
Lynch is too far up his own ass and he got all the ball-polishers in the world telling him that his trash is the heavens. Lynch hasn't been good since Lost Highway, that was the moment he went of the rails and started to doing self-service 2deep4u shit only cucks could pretend to like.
He has stated several times that his movies have no meaning beyond the one shown and that any "Deep Meaning" is the viewer's own delusions,
Also, Lost Highway is easily his worst.
Why should it have to cater to people who would enjoy the perpetual gruel that is the vast majority of TV now?
I… actually sort of agree with this. Which is why I found the new episodes such a pleasant surprise.
No, that's Inland Empire. However it was with Lost Highway he lost his touch of telling compelling stories about normal people in dire situations.
And it's not art you degenerate fuck, there's no beauty to it. Rembrandt would be rolling around in his grave thinking Cooper running around in a casino playing slotmachines is compared to his paintings.
Because it's a tv-show and the sole reason it exist is for make people watch the channel. If the story and show is shit, people won't watch it. And sure i can only go on anecdotal evidence here but the weird shit was what finally broke the straw for many people back in the day, everyone i've spoken to about the show has mentioned that.
So to start off with overly weird-shit with no amount of establishing of characters or story for that matter (if you haven't watched everything before), you will have no clue what's going on, so why watch it?
Inland Empire was fun, it was Lynch parodying Lynch.
Well, it fits, Rembrandt did lack experimentation and imagination.
Saying all Cooper did was playing with slot machines is like saying all Rembrandt did was paint sitting people in a brown background.
To try to figure out the weird shit I guess. Even if the answer ends up being a smug 2deep4u it's better to have to think to get to that point than have someone hold your hand while shoving a heaping spoonful of poorly written explanations down your throat. The idea that you have to cater to normalfags constantly and not make them uncomfortable or confused is what kills so much kino.
I've had the opposite experience with people. They wanted more of the weird mystery stuff and felt bored by fluff that filled up and dragged down the second season.
>Third season of a mystery show. Regardless of mystical sub-genre.
Anyone who actually saw the first two seasons and movie has a grasp of what's happening.
So is it any good?
Do they ever get into any of the other supernatural bullshit or is it just Killer Bob.
We have seen more levels.
Not only the waiting room or the convenience store but also the electricity outlet and the Black Lodge itself.
Also, the arm is evolving and MIKE has more presence.
No BOB but Cooper's ganger'.
Read the thread to hear Lynchfags and Lynch Haters and make up for yourself.
I just watched all four available parts. I think it gets better with each part. All of the casino scenes are great. That's not a spoiler, because you can't possible guess what happens. Who knows what any of it means?
It's getting good. It doesn't feel like Twin Peaks, it feels like a David Lynch TV show.
I never watched the original series.
As for Lynch he's above average but not great. The show seems interesting but at the same.time doesn't. Killer Bob isn't a good main antagonist, idk why but every single "haunted town" show has a shitty main antagonist.
Except Jojo.
Jojo did it right.
Do they get in to the aliens and other shit this season and the other two.
The show is a lot of stuff happening at once, now and back then, is literally a hit and miss, shit, is designed like that for the purposes of experimenting with TV.
Your opinion will decide if which one between the hits and misses outweighs the others.
BOB isn't an antagonists, he literally does nothing wrong.
Shit people are the antagonist, BOB is just inside all of them.
BOB is more like a evil force of nature that inevitably happens, the people are the bad guys.
Probably not. You can see her face and ass in the pretty much same take, and it's not like ZIma is shy about doing nude scenes.
4th (3rd?) episode was more oldschool than any of the previous ones. It if was as bleak as you make it out to be autistic Coop would end up robbed and probably dead in a ditch.
Oh right Killer Bob is a personification of evil.
Wait that's even worse cause now he's just symbolic shit showing people's evil sides.
This is much worse than I thought now.
He's pretty literal.
He's not a personification of evil, he's the personification of RAPE.
Spoilers The murderer was raped as a kid by the real Bob, who in turns rapes his victims, and when he does that he turns into his memory of Bob. But in the movie it shows that the murderer wanted to rape his victims, but he didn't had the balls to do it, so he made a deal with both so he'll rape them trough his body.
So it's Kino for refugees?
Well, that was way before rapefugee crisis.
And it was on white america stereotypical town, way before libtards could speak trough the internet.
You watch Lynch's stuff for a wild, surreal, surprisingly unusual ride. Not for social commentary or philosophical musing.
It's a joke you nigger.
Killer Bob and the antagonists are turning me off.
Do they encounter aliens, that's all I want.
Nah, i'm just saying, if you want to go by the argument of not doing stuff that will make the show get cancelled like last time, why do unnattainable artsy-fartsy shit that only movie-critics tend to enjoy?
Sure there was a lot going on, but you really think the show, season 3 is of as much importance to culture in the present and future as Rembrandt's artwork?
It's not art, it's degenerate art. It's a continuation of the mocking of art that has been popularized in the west since atleast the 20's.
The show had mysteries in the earlier seasons, the windom-earl mystery was just way subpar and it's what killed a lot of the interest, compared to the Laura Palmer-mystery.
It's just, here you have, the high-point of Lynch's career, Twin Peaks and he fucks it all up. It was the setting and the characters and the play on soap-opera-drivel that made it so enjoyable. It created the much needed contrast to the heavy shit, how the dark-side was in everybody, even a humble and fair man like Sheriff Truman for example. That's what made it so fucking good, not the reddit-tier of Black-lodge shit.
You say he was before his time?
Magical eldritch aliens… maybe.
The Lodges did appear to be floating in space and in season 3 there's some entity capturing technology.
Why you even watch TV if you want it to be stagnant.
Also, Degenerate is only an adjective, is still art.
Why you want things to be stagnant.
I really liked ending the episodes with a music feature in the bar, it really feels like Lynch handpicked the acts himself
Hitler was right.
Oh, It's you again you unfunny mong. Please entertain me with your stupid bait. I'm waiting
Is basic Gingerbread Man fable.
Seems pretty accurate.
If it wasn't for the fandom this Season of Twin Peaks would've had major budget cuts because Lynch was refusing to play along CBS rules.
Michael Cera is a wild one!
What a fag
How will True Detective recover after this?
Totally btfo.
True Detective?
I feel more pity towards Stranger Things", bunch of uninspired shit "TVTROPES" writing guide.
It's pretty cool so far though, my biggest gripe with it are the atrocious music choices
Not many though.
A lot of indie eerie shit that surprises a lot of old men like Lynch.
They're pretty good IMO, where else will you see a head photoshoped over layered floating away.
In all honesty I really liked the whole "Coop going into outlet" thing,
They really aren't, they're just a little bit better than the effects in Inland Empire. Still, it's something I've grown to expect from Lynch. It's kind of endearing, really, but still, I can't say it doesn't bother me at all.
The head part was ok, but that ayy lmao from the box and the part where Cooper is attacked by the arm's doppelganger it's honestly just being lazy at that point.
When was Lynch's stuff ever about good special effects? You'd prefer he spent millions to Grand Moff Tarkin in a cgi Bob?
The evolved arm attack was really unconvincing but just standing there talking was really cool.
What.a weird thing to say… "Evolved arm"
Good special effects = / = decent special effects
That's literally what it is though, it's called that by the guy with one arm.
The midget is Mike's severed arm.
He evolved into a sycamore tree because the actor accused Lynch of raping his own daughter.
He was denied the role long before that.
He was just probably butthurt, he was also asking A-list star payment.
The music isn't bad for itself, it'll sell well in a OST compilation, but it really doesn't fit between cuts and really ruins the mood just to be there.
As for the ambiance, I don't know I can't seem to find nothing out of place.
The lack of music when Lucy and Andy are in scene really shows how batshit insane the characters really were all along because I just compared it and they don't act much different now from then, but now they don't feel quirky but senile at best if not straight dementia.
Well he fits with the old soap opera theme of Twin Peaks, would help if Kyle was 20 years younger though.
Soundcloud indie bands with downs syndrome starlet singers don't belong in anything that isn't as shit as they are
The bands in the show are fine, you're just autistic.
Should fit in well with the Grimes, Tove Lo, Sky Ferreira crowd at least.
Twin Peaks Sundays can't come soon enough
I don't know what to make out of him, in all lights his character was shit and a stereotypical scrappy, but the more I think about it the less mad it gets me, just some dude that comes by, says some emo shit in contrast to his chirp parents but is well intended and goes, it was just fun.
That was a fantastic scene. I'm so happy Bobby turned out to be a non-douchy cop, it just… I was really afraid he would be Leo 2.0
I thought you people didn't use autism as an insult anyway. Ain't that ableist? You should go suck off some refugees to make up for it.
Wally is literally the two of them combined.into one ungodly caricature. It's hillarious and Cera is honestly a perfect fit.
What. Where did that come from? Who are you fighting?
The music isn't too bad, my main problem is with the lack of Angelo's score. His score played such an important role in making the original series and FWWM as good as they were. Lots of scenes, in particular those with Andy and Lucy, feel hollow and incredibly awkward without some kind of Angelo bassline.
The CGI is pretty fucking awful and is probably the single biggest problem with this new season. It reached its peak with the use of green screen during a driving scene. Is it so fucking hard to do some on location shooting like that?
The decision to shoot it on digital also has a detrimental effect on the atmosphere I feel, but that's more down to personal taste. I'll always prefer the crisp visuals of the original series to the clean visuals of this one.
Sheriff Truman, I'm BOBBY
Wow, is look like Lynch is doing everything in his power to drive you out of your comfort zone.
Then again, he maybe is.
I don't really mind the clear digital visuals, I like the uncanny feeling they give with overtly smooth movement but the drawback is that the show is locked on its quality, you can't re-scan digital images and remasterize them.
I'm looking at the camera specs and knowing Lynch, which profusely refused to released "The Missing Pieces" unless remastered and beyond I wouldn't be surprised if the Blu-Ray is released in 4K at unlocked framerate up to 120fps.
As I say, my objection to the use of digital is more personal than anything else. I think it works very well in depicting the otherwordly nature of the Black Lodge, and I've pretty much gotten used to it at this stage.
I'm fine with Lynch driving me out of my comfort zone, but some of the CGI is so terrible that it serves to completely divorce me from what I'm watching, which is only a bad thing.
The show is still pretty enjoyable though, but I think back to the practical effects used in Eraserhead and how much more effective they were than the PS1-tier visuals we're getting at the moment.
What music scene are you even talking about? They've played a few different styles of music. Chromatics' dreamy 80's synthpop sound fits the style of the show perfectly.
loving it. Went into season 3 with zero expectations, and was very surprised. I'm glad there are new characters, locations and plotlines rather than just dancing every familiar face in front of the camera.
Who ever goes to watch Lynch with expectations of any kind?
We're not here to watch Lynch, we want Twin Peaks, not Lynch own mastubatory version of it.
But that's what Lynch ever does.
Then go watch season 2 again faggot.
Hey user, there's a comic I know you'll love..
not the story i heard. i heard he was actually signed on and there was a contract dispute over pay, then he started shitting allover lynch. this is reflected in all of his facebook rants about how he isn't a "sucker." it seems obvious he thinks he deserves more and this is a guy who has built his ENTIRE public persona around his twin peaks character, including currently. it is his life and probably thought he could big dick lynch on the contract and is outraged he was replaced so easily.
cucked by your own dialog 25 years earlier
"Twin Peaks fans" have expectations. People who want nothing but repeats of the hits. Coffee, donuts, pies, zen, melodrama, etc. They want more of the same. They want the same music crescendo when something meaningful happens every episode. The same mysterious piano tune when someone is plotting.
I'm happy to see Lynch just decided to do weird unexplainable shit as per usual instead of Twin Peaks: The Force Awakens. Nostalgia repeats are fucking gay.
You can count Lynch personal enemies with one hand.
Besides him there's Julee Cruise which got pissed off at him because she couldn't make a good song without his or Angelo's help and got into a fight until 1999 when they fixed their shit in a very emotional phone call, according to Cruise, her new song I really like, I hope is on the new season.
Also, Lara Flynn Boyle who got pissed that everyone, Lynch and the public liked the AudreyxCooper pairing more while she was dating Kyle, hypocritical if you consider than she was deep tonguing with James character, easily the worst arc of season 1. Got replaced in the movie by a much more lovable and sweet girl, didn't got called for this.
Holy crap that first paragraph.
Can you imagine if they'd been able to replace Lara with Moira Kelly in season 2? Would have confused and upset some fans initially, but the lack of drama and the amount of time and effort spent behind the scenes trying to puff up the Donna part for Flynn's ego would have made a very positive difference.
Truly best Donna.
So can somebody explain me why people Hated Fire walk with me?
I'm catching up with the series and that movie might be the best thing until now.
Probably the same reason you see people ITT complaining about the new series not being as comfy or likable character-driven so far as the original series was at it's most soapy moments.
I like FWWM quite a bit, but I think the Q2 fanedit may be the superior way of watching it.
Moira sort of suits the Donna character better. Lara looks a bit too much like a supermodel shoved into some frumpy sweaters and skirts. Moira looks like a believable small town cutey who got in too deep trying to hang with her bad girl bf.
Too creepy for their tastes. It didnt have the sappy tone of the tv shows and was a lot more visceral as a film.
A fan who goes by the name Q2 did a 3.5 hour edit of Fire Walk With Me using deleted and unseen footage. The goal was to get it as close to the shooting script as possible.
He also did a 5 hour cut of the original series called "Northwest Passage".
This, even with all the gore and weird shit in the new series FWWM still feels more aggressive towards the viewer.
i don't care what anyone says, michael cera's character was hilarious. he has the exact speech pattern of my autistic cousin
Is like an stereotypical douchebag you know you'll hate… And then he opens his glorious mouth.
You know what would be very nice.
If the blu-eay has the option of putting the music on and off.
The episode structure for this season is strange. They're airing them two at a time, so why not just make those into one episode?
At least we only have to wait one extra week after the leaks instead of two. Gonna watch the one Lynch movie I haven't seen yet in the mean time, heard it's pretty good.
After the 28th they're going to air one a week. 18 episodes I think. Ends on September 3rd.
My nigga.
That and FWWM are top Lynch.
Yup. I thought it was only an 8 episode thing. Then I found out it's going to be 18 episodes. So now the slow pace doesn't bother me. Never did really.
After season one GoT was just a god awful mainstream girl power soap opera in a medieval setting, Lynch despite his popularity has never really been mainstream and he hasn't attempted to be so.
Lynch sucks my pee pee, and he likey.
The special effects were pretty shit, I haven't even fished watching the full first episode yet.
Nobody expects you to pal.
He knew he'll alienate the most of the normie following with this but did it anyways.
**The CGI can't be forgiven though, at least the piratical and camera effects are nice."
Stop sucking dick for one second, Lynch isn't Tarkovsky, he's Lynch, the special effects are bad, and I don't blame Lynch but saying he did it on purpose is absurd.
>also he can't spoiler correctly.
I never said that the bad CGI was on purpose, in fact I called IT UNFORGIVABLE but that doesn't mean that the visuals and practical aren't interesting and definitely a diversion from everything else on TV.
I thought it looked fine.
the visuals are what they need to be. just lol if you're watching twin peaks for perfect cgi.
I really don't think poorly composited floating clip art is exactly what twin peaks needed
Don Davis has been dead since 2008, it's not like they can dig up his corpse to piece together more scenes. It's a nice nod to his character that he was even included at all.
The amazing, state of the art special effects that have been so liberally applied to absolute garbage tv and movies for years now have rotted a lot of people's brains. The expectation of a sleek, seamless coating of cgi easing the shoving of more schlock into their moist ocular cavities is the only thing keeping most of these limp franchises and remakes penetrating into otherwise discerning minds.
I'm talking about everything
Most of the effects in this show are bad photoshops or some fucking jpegs being dragged around on a layer above the video footage, sometimes with some transparency
The occasional scenes with green screen, or that cgi testicle tree are a step above and beyond what their budget seems to allow for
Come on man.
The three was a practical effect, is a basic Lynch sculpture.
But the CGI when the Ayy kills those two fuckers was really weak, I agree on that.
Then, Oh Boy you really need to see episode 3.
the Brennan family photo is literally 3 faces cut and pasted onto a frame. It would've taken the average photoshop nerd 2 minutes to make something "decent looking" that would've gone unnoticed.
there is an intended aesthetic behind the visuals.
Is he trying to mock the soap nature of the original.
People don't seem to understand how tasteful Lynch is, he could have thrown in a bunch of old TP style shit, but he's only used it once in 4 episodes w/ Briggs + Laura pic.
TP S3 is genuinely its own thing, not some shit attempt trying to capture the magic. God bless Lynch.
also, Mclachlan is nailing it.
Playing at least 4 different Coop's this season.
dick van dyke coop
regular coop
dugge coop
Red Ice TV seal of approval.
Mark Frost's theosophy plus David Lynch directing.
Evangelion/Twin Peaks
What bullshit is this?
Holla Forums religious brand approves.
"NOIWAAAH films"
Why can't this retard say noir like a normal human being?
They are worse than they were in the original series.
Lynch-fags are fine with Inland Empire looking like a student film done by a guy with downsyndrome, they'll eat anything Lynch shits out.
Yeah, but we still hate Lost Highway.
I thought Lost Highway was one of his better ones.
Its literally the worst parts of Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive.
Wow, it's a thread on Holla Forums that's not pure, concentrated shitposting.
I thought it dragged less and had only the good parts.
Sorry for bumping this on an off day but I just came off watching Fire Walk With Me along with the new episodes and I'm curious about a couple things.
Outside of the actor telling Lynch to fuck off, why'd they suddenly make "Mike's arm" into a tree?
What are the odds that Teresa will play a part in the new season since there was the allegory with her left arm going numb during FWWM?
Is there a possibility that Midget Arm and Tree Arm are actually completely different?
What are the odds that Lynch will reveal what happened to Desmond in FWWM?
Will we see resurrected David Bowie one last time?
Lynch basically took the opportunity with the falling out of the midget to make a lodge spirit 'evolve' into a tree that looks like a nervous system/brain. There's different ways you can interpret this form, but the parallels are pretty obvious.
I think Desmond is basically an ass pull for FWWM, when McLachlan was afraid of being typecast and only wanted to play a minor role. Ultimately, that character is most likely in the black lodge. That's probably all you're going to get.
anything in the black lodge can be replaced pretty easily, so it was plain dumb of the midget to get pushy when he's not even a "real" character.
for the real characters who are missing, we already saw that he's keeping it simple. Harry S Truman's actor doesn't act anymore, so Harry is sick, his brother Frank shows up and he's Sheriff Truman now. Other characters might've just moved out of town; 25 years is a long time.
Bowie was supposed to shoot something for the third season, but it was stated that he couldn't make it. This tells us that Lynch/Frost had Desmond in mind when making this third season though.
that's literally the only reason. and he didn't just tell lynch to fuck off he said he raped his own daughter and spread all these bizarre rumors.
i like the theory that the arm is evolving into the giant
I was just about to post that my nigga.
But if everyone in the lodge has an evil doppelganger, even the residents and those who go at any given Lodge and all can roam freely from their lodge to the waiting room.
Where's the evil Giant, what happened to evil Laura, does MIKE doesn't have an evil doppelganger because he ripped his arm? Then if the arm is evil, that means that the arm that attacked coop is the good one?
well it seems that the good laura ascended so it could be that the good MIKE has ascended also but much much earlier than the events of twin peaks. same could be said for the good BOB and the other residents of above the conveniece store that we havent seen in season 3 yet.
I don't think there's post death redemption, Laura gave her life before she died, so she's in the white lodge but can roam freely back to the waiting room and help Cooper, but her evil doppelganger now lurks the waiting room,
Bob was a complete utter degenerate, died and went to become a demon of the Black Lodge, but doesn't seem to be a good BOB. Probably Doppelgangers are just evil, and for Black Lodge residents is redundant.
With MIKE things get complicated.
but is movement through the white lodge and th waiting room confirmed? we havent seen laura since. plus there is the new place in space with the purple balcony that changed once coop hit the lever. reminded me alot of this escape/explore click flash game i played when i was younger called submachine. when you hit certain switches it dimension hopped with a different number somewhere in each dimension
Is almost like an hotel
Is just me or every time I quote it opens a new window?
And the waiting room is the Lobby.
tfw Ben/Audrey save the day because they knows how to move trough the Black Lodge.
I'm getting tabs, not windows
This fucking site sometimes I swear
we have seen that though especially in the season 2 finale where coop runs through many many different rooms only to be caught by his doppelganger. Is the white lodge a confirmed thing? because only in season 3 have we seen anyone in the red room go up or down.
I don't think that's only reason too. It was set up, actually.
That's the point, bud. Have you noticed how Coop is getting the funny, homely life right now? He's the heart of the show and once he's got his personality and memories back (from that pearl?). I swear, the moment he sets foot in Twin Peaks, it'll stop being so dark. Of course, it'll still be full Lynch so you'd better fucking get used to that.>>746724
What if the actor's freak out was orchestrated by Lynch as part of the experience?
I hope he gets back to being full Coop pretty soon. If they draw out his orientation too much longer, i'll go nuts.
The season seems like it's in Act 1-2-3 arcs, Act 1 is Coop returning to TP while dealing with the doppelganger.
We'll probably get Coop back at the end of EP8, as well see the resolution of Doppel-Coop and probably an explicit reason to even return to Twin Peaks, technically there's no given explanation why Coop even needs to be there right now.
I assume this is what Showtime got pissy with Lynch about, Lynch wanted a chance to show how the world of TP has aged but Showtime just wanted Coop in TP shit
Well I'm not nostalgic for 100% old Coop. I just want to see him acting somewhat like a human sooner rather than later. After the third "helloooooo", I was over it.
I also prefer the darker tone and wasn't an OG TP fan so I'm glad Lynch has full control.
hopefully he gets back to somewhat normal tonight
fucking hyped, that 2 week wait really worked
I really wonder about this board when kino like this is airing and yet all the top threads are capeshit.
The new episode was fun. Coop is still retarded. There was more around town Twin Peaks antics for those complaining about missing the small town vibe. Jacobi is now the local filter man? A dashing young man Richard Horne sweeps a young lady off her feet and takes her breath away. Mr. C reflects on Bob's guidance over the years.
Good stuff. But I understand if pissing your pants over Vunder Froy is more your speed.
I like to enjoy my Twin Peaks alone.
Wow that is Richard Horne.
Another Ben bastard child or maybe Audrey survived and became a bad mother?
Another thing about Lynch I'd like to say, he really knows how to direct actors into being great thugs. Also thinking of the casino mob along R. Horne.
I really liked the Cactus Blossoms. Had never heard of them before. A real sincere throw back sound, not the dumb edgy hipster shit.
No, I'm here for pure Lynch dude.
Ayy, woah, asshole. Who's we?
I might actually like season 3 more than the original seasons, so far. I get what Lynch was going for by playing off of soap operas, but ultimately a lot of that show just ends up feeling like a soap opera. I'm not really into soap operas, even ironically.
You post like you are mentally challenged.
why does he wear the glasses?
So I just saw the new episode because I get it 6 hours later.
Huh, Lynch must really be losing it if this many people can predict the episodes, then again, is the internet era, literally a million monkeys in typewriters.
Honestly this can't be Bobby's daughter, this guy would've get his ass kicked even by teen Bobby into getting a job, not even mentioning cop Bobby, shit, Shelley can kick this guy's ass.
tbh as much as I hate seeing Shelley's daughter into the drugs I'm happy he's not Leo, and that he did looked like he was looking for a job, any guy who saw the original series can't be MGTOW knowing the awful beatings Leo gave.
But in general this episode felt way more solid in pacing, and didn't felt like dragging.
He was already confirmed red-pilled in Alex Jones, but Jacoby was a take on poltards.
Getting it back? Damn man, he went from like 5% to 7%. Now there's talk he'll pretty much just stay retarded until they find some artefact? that unlocks all his memories.
Is there actually a question of Lynch being gay? I mean yeah he's full liberal, but also quite obviously a cooze hound for young pretty girls.
Come on user, the scene was obviously intended to be comedic and awkward and not virtue signaling
It was a soap opera because ABC wanted it to be a soap. If he had it his way it'd be more like FWWM, which is what season 3 is.
tbh the pacing is awful, I wish it would've been two episodes last night. I'm waiting for Cole and Albert to take Diane to meet Mr. C.
tbh most newfags don't know the J Edgar Hoover cross dressing thing
I almost didn't realized that the guy who called out the crappy guy's resume was Mike.
season 3 continues to be perfect.
fuck redditors who want nothing but muh comfy silly Twin Peaks. faggots like that being vocal are the reason we get nothing but remakes and reboots anymore.
Is episode 5 finally on the streaming sites?
I got a big cup of Lynchian lemonade sitting right next to me, nigga. I need to drink this shit.
What's the connection there? That's a standard example of pretty girl marrying the thug because he gets her wet. Basically what causes this mgtow stuff.
The beatings were all jusitifed. She did literally everything she could to justify them. She was a cheating, backstabbing whore who married someone and then proceeded to shit all over him in any way she could. Fuck Shelly. She did everything wrong.
Wew. Edgelord.
Do you really believe Leo didn't make Shelly sign a prenup.
If your wife is a bad wife the divorce her.
So retard-coop is basically Lynch's commentary on how middle-America experience sucks dick these days?
He's basically a walking shell, and no one cares or tries to help him. I mean, being in the black lodge for 25 years giving him the power or "luck" to perceive lies and beat the house is one thing, but no one notices that either. They outright don't notice because they're so far up their own asshole, and when they should realize that he's basically got severe brain damage or dementia, they just encourage him to gamble or believe it's just another one of his drinking binges.
I think we can rule out lodge spirits helping him entirely, the people he comes in contact with just don't fucking care, at all, they just want to get paid and go home. Even his wife brushes it off as long as he provides and goes to work.
Practically every woman in TP is borderline whore.
so what's all this about
My guess is that it's something the black lodge was using. They were partly aware of the husk Doogie was and were trying to kill him.
Maybe related to the people running the glass box.
LOL literally nobody is watching this shit!
It's because it's being held hostage on some shit network nobody cares about
so what? we are getting a full season of twin peaks 25 years later and youre having a dig at the ratings?
do you even know what are the top rated shows? fucking big bang theory and ncis
fuck plebs. im glad lynch has full creative control and can bring something interesting to the screen that i actually am enjoying to watch.
I just hope that there's a conclusion to the story this time.
Blame that on the fact that there was no marketing at all. They didn't even have a trailer for it.
It's the internet.
you're a big suit
they killed 90% of the audience with continuing with the atmosphere from Fire Walk With Me.
Everyone in hollywood hates this shit, because they don't understand it. I honestly can't blame people for liking this now niche continuation of a forgotten show from the 90's. Twin Peaks didn't get many reruns.
We're getting 18 episodes. As far as I know, there are no plans for further seasons. Who cares about the ratings?
remember that twin peaks was a half mocking soap opera. everyone is having an affair in soap operas.
Bump for later
Who ever unironically gave a fuck about what "hollywood" kikes like, on Holla Forums? The same degenerates who give us capeshit reboots every four years? Who cares?
Man fuck you, I was just coming by to post the exact same thing.
that whole scene made me laugh quite a bit
What episode was that woman in before this one?
Just last week
She texted the device in Argentinia, which tranformed into the orb. I'm assuming that they're all pawns of Mr. C. Maybe that's the artifact coop needs, seems it might involve Phillip Jeffries as well (in Argentinia.)
what the fuck lads how did he do it
can anyone get a .gif of that fucking driver
the face-palm was amazing
I know I'm late to the party but
the fuck
Here's the entire scene, with Carl
Basically some black lodge spirit feeding on garmonbozia here?
Fucking useless metric these days.
glad i wasn't the only one laughing my balls off at this. it was pretty brutal with him wriggling around an icepick in her chest, then chasing down the fat bitch. but the combination of bald manlet, the music and the way it was filmed was really fucking funny.
Let's face it, it's shit.
yeah the power lines at the end was the big giveaway
lol no you autist
With mike talking to coop telling him to not die and shit, does this mean that Coop will turn back to him old self soon?
I both hope so and hope not. I love every moment with Dougie but I would like to see coop get back.
has lynch gone too far?
It's better than the original show.
s1 occassionally mocked soap operas but was a good surreal murder mystery
s2 was indistinquishable from a soap. I know, i watched alot of soaps with ol gran
I'm wondering what the hell Coop did with those insurance papers. What the hell was it with the ladders and stairs?
So the midget is going to confront retardcoop eventually, how do you think that confrontation is gonna go down?
is he just gonna spill hot coffee on the midget and run away
im guessing that it proves the guy coop called a liar orchestrated the burning of the building. The ladders show the route he took when leaving the housefire or they could be showing conflicting statements in the report
Gas yourselves
if you don't want to watch season 2, watch part 2 of "Northwest Passage", a fan edit of S1-2. It cuts out pretty much everything unrelated to Laura Palmer and the black lodge.
watch it all you faggots, even the bad parts
Ice pick midget attack is my favorite thing so far and I've really been enjoying this season.
Got this from 4/tv/ i'm banned but I still lurk don't give me shit
This video gave me cancer, please delete it and don't post trash from 4chan ever again. Thank you.
What kind of man even was Dougie?
You also forgot to mention that he was with a prostitute on his son's birthday.
He was "manufactured." He wasn't a man, he was basically made of lodge oil. His whole life is manufactured, by Mr. C. Probably. That, and we're seeing the bread crumbs being laid out by the writers so Coop can make a clean break. Dougie wins a shitload of money, has the established temperament to just disappear. Wife gets the shitload of money, she's happy. Parts with his job on good terms, after exposing insurance fraud.
Dougie was manufactured to prevent Mr. C from being pulled back into the Black Lodge. The hitmen were supposed to kill Cooper right before the prostitute took him to the casino. They failed, thus the boss of those hitmen was killed by Ike "The Spike", who will also attempt to kill Cooper. Both of them hired by Mr. C, and not affiliated with the loan sharks.
Mr. C was also not expecting to have that accident, but that's an aside. Regardless of this setback, he's supposedly in the same prison as Ray, who supposedly has information from Hastings secretary.
You're lying
Shocking taste in clothing, also.
why bump instead of waiting to talk about the episode? do you have nothing to contribute? go read reddit, it moves faster and caters to your kind.
How many episodes are left
10 more episodes. we have a good 2.5 months of twin peaks left.
This shit is getting too surreal, even for Lynch.
Every episode there's just more and more questions.
I don't feel like that. There seems to be a point for everything important plus some weirdness that might or might not relate to the main plot of Coop versus Anti-Coop. The first episodes had all sorts of vague nonsense, yes, but these recent episodes have been about a distinct set of intertwining plots.
Soon the Twin Peaks police department and FBI will propably manage to contact each other and piece up the puzzle about what we already knew happened to Cooper.
That sweeping scene stole my soul
Who else thinks a deformed Audrey is living as Quasimodo behind the Great Northern walls?
Also. How much time has passed since episode one in series?
Three days?
she's probably fine
I think the kid horne is the son of doppel-coop and audrey
Think so? But Coop left Twin Peaks immediately, he didn't even fugged her.
he went out of his way to rape diane
it's in-character for audrey to track him down and try to get dick
it was to keep the thread alive so we dont have to post a new one every fucking week
Anyone else thinks Gordon Cole is much more malicious this season?
My question is… was he ever like this? Did Cooper knew this or was he too much of a newfag under his charge? Did Cooper brought the best of him?
He seems rude or uncaring rather than malicious. Mentioning never having blackmailed could have been a poor choice of proof about his fairness rather than blackmail as he spoke about it in past tense implying his material might not be relevant anymore. His and Albert's friendship seems to have devolved into compelte no-nonsense approach and Albert had to remind he was actually doing Gordon a huge favour, after which they were cordial again. The treatment of Tammy seems to be some sort of weird training thing.
But yeah, he's shady FBI guy and mean old man to boot.
I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED HOLY SHIT does she imply fucking Bob showed up at her place at one point after the events of S2 and that's why she knew that wasn't the real Coop
I really like the way this scene was shot too.
Visiting once for a quick fuck doesn't seem like Black Lodge MO. She's propably just a bitch.
it's good that what happened to Diane is ambiguous, for now at least. all we need to know is that Mr. C/Bob did something truly evil to her and it made her quit the FBI and despise everyone involved.
i'm sure a more autistic accounting has been done, including days of the week and actual dates, but I'm bored so here's a recap
does the USPS really work that fast? jade barely posted that key, i think theres no real way to tell the timelines between whats going on in twin peaks and the rest of the world until some of the characters interact
i was just going by the day/night cycles, which were pretty consistent between the different settings (except for the first interview with Mr C which was a little out of place).
USPS can be fast when they need to be, but usually at least 3 days for things dropped in a mailbox.
also, we at least know that the Nevada and South Dakota timelines match, because Cooper came back at the same time as Mr C having his crash. And it'd be a bit odd for the Log Lady to be receiving messages about Cooper at a different time.
It's not really ambiguous, it's heavily implied that Mr. C raped her. Diane says the same thing Laura did when Mr. Bob controlled Leland.
BOB is a degenerate, he probably raped Audrey too while she was in a coma, which explains Richard.
That scene was great.
I always thought that Diane was the name of his tape recorder.