Mfw no season 2
New chapter.
why even live:?
It's probably for the best that there isn't a season 2.
Because I will make anime real one day. And on that day, you can get yourself the most bullyable Tomoko imaginable.
How are you planning to do that?
Real life Tomokos exist and they're usually fat/ugly or camwhores. I'd rather die and be part of the 2D world.
Nice dubs, I suppose I ought to put some money there, too.
My only concern is that we need to be extra safe, so that we don't unravel the very fabric of existence in our quest for the perfect 2D waifu.
Its,worth the risk.
Make sure to exterminate those who aren't white and Japanese
You can't have your 2D waifu if we set loose the forces of Chaos
Eh, can we keep the non-commie Chinks and Vietnamese?
Don't worry, as your future President-Fuhrer, it is my motto that 'If it ain't white, it ain't right.'
If you've even heard the evils that kikes and shitskins can come up with using their own twisted minds, you'd want to exterminate them all too.
There were like 20 good chapters of material after where the show cut off but after that it tanks. The goddamn field trip is where it fell apart. Also I swear to god the artists changed at some point or got lazier because I've noticed a radical drop in quality of the art. I'm pretty sure these are connected in more ways than one but I've never really looked very hard for it.
While I generally agree that demonizing jews while accepting the same behavior from their own is very common-place and shit, and the best they can say against that is 'jews did it first!', at least whites don't code that into their sacred texts, and they don't have 'white' sacred texts…
I don't remember whites infiltrating other races/cultures and pretending to be them and telling them to stop serving their own self interest while doing just that.
I've mostly likely have heard of what you're referring to, maybe not all, but the picture i posted should have shown you that i'm not saying that as some random person who found this site on accident.
I know people need to defend themselves, but wanting to exterminate entire groups because others said the same is petty, short tempered, violent, very nigger like.
At the same time i think the jews deserve to die, since their entire religious end goal is enslaving the world. However, It's a big hypocrisy even if you're being honest about it while they're doing it covertly.
People often get this conflicting idea of the master race continuing their version of the jewish world government, which funny enough is what the jews actually present as the facism of the WW2, an a dystopian totalitarianism instead of the state caring for the nation.
In a perfect world, everyone would instead have their own nation and the jews would stay away from all positions of power, and you wouldn't need to battle cultural Marxism nor end entire races/religions.
I'm no stranger to the holocaust hoax or global jewish subversion, i know it's very real and alarming. If whites did it, would that make it okay?
I know I'm getting dangerously close to "if we kill them we would be just as bad as them" cliche but i feel this violent revenge is big hypocrisy, I simply don't know about this. There is good reason to kill off the other races, but i always felt like it didn't fit the white philosophy, but letting other walk over you isn't either. I don't know.
There are so many evil groups, that genuinely deserve to die, but i feel exterminating them is wrong, and not politically incorrect wrong, but philosophically white wrong, like this is how minority gangs think. I don't know, just conflicted.
My issue with exterminating the joos is that it won't really solve the problem. The escalation of the type of intel wars and subversion tactics jews do is not something they are the only ones doing, and just exterminating them won't close that pandora's box.
To end this escalation, something akin to the MAD paradigm has to be set in place, is what I think.
lol, you're one of those rare low-iq jews, aren't you?
I want to molest a Tomoko.
The average Isreali IQ is around 90. Don't fall for their "it's the Arabs dragging it down" bullshit either.
A good chunk of latin american politics is just what you wrote
Except half of prominent politics in modern times are jews or malevolent high ranking masons, so…
You people are trash.
They could of got another season out of the source material without making her a normalfag. I kind of agree with you but I'm conflicted, I really wanted more of this anime.
Look at all the normalfags in the comments with their "lol this is so relatable.
Fucking normalscum…I HATE THEM!
Anime isn't even related lol.
What else is there to discuss?
Tomoko is related to every board on this site, she should be it's mascot.
Maybe the cartoon that the thread was made to discuss?
Too bad we already have Nano.
There isn't a lot to say about a show that has no more episodes unless it's one of those 2deep4u shows with a hundred theories.