Leave voters are uneducated, work shit jobs and are ignorant.
Is this true left/pol/? Are leave voters plebs? And if so are they voting leave because they're plebs or are their concerns legitimate?
Leave voters are uneducated, work shit jobs and are ignorant.
Is this true left/pol/? Are leave voters plebs? And if so are they voting leave because they're plebs or are their concerns legitimate?
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Nice elitism there.
Their concerns are fairly legitimate.
Who wants the UK to stay:
David “pigfucker” Cameron
Lib Dems
Green Party
Plaid Cymru
Sinn Fein
the TUC (Trades Unions Council) – fukkin lol @ the reactionary british labour aristocracy
the G20
Bad socialists
Labour Aristocracy
The Bourgeoisie
Who wants us to leave:
Little Englanders
Empire Nostalgics
Good socialists
Vote to fragment and thus weaken the bourgeoisie exploitation facilitator, imperialist propagator and revolution suppressor that is the United $nakes of Europe.
Leave voters have a very valid point, most people who are voting leave aren't going to be far right extremists, they're going to be normal British people who are tired of elite powers from overseas governing the country.
People who honestly think they can fight the system while being in it are delusional,
The EU have and are continuing to destroy local industries like Fishing, Agriculture and Steel, why can't we take back some power from Brussels?
Here’s a good piece from the latest issue of Proletariat if you had any doubts about agreeing with Nigel Farage:
Okay but seriously now, is this article really saying that a united front against Russia is a bad thing? Let me guess, they're Stop the War Coalition type cucks. I wonder if this guy would have applauded appeasement in the 30s as 'anti-imperialism'.
I want to stay because I care more about my own freedom and rights than FUD about migrants.
I have no reason to trust the Tory government, nor in fact a Labour government to create a Bill of Rights that's fair, considering how both the parties tried to push through more surveillance, and are both eager to take away freedom at any time (I'll say it again; lolicon is illegal in the UK and they can put you in prison for having it).
Leave does nothing for workers; the same government that was elected with 35% of the vote and featuring Jeremy Hunt will be creating new legislation for worker's rights.
Anyone voting to leave and is supposedly non-authoritarian leftist has no foresight.
Not brit here
I think the UK should leave the UN it will waken the capitalist and make communist revolution easier to take place
What about the argument that we should deal with the issues as they arise? We vote no we may never get another choice. Now sure the EU could (how do I into italics?) reform itself into a body that put workers and the individual above corporate interests. Or the left could infiltrate to the highest levels then use the EU to bring in some kind of socialism. But much, much more likely is that it continues to be first and foremost a neo-liberal lobbying forum shoehorning Europe into a globalised utopia.
And how exactly is fascist fortress UK going to be a good place to ferment revolution?
Make sure you have somebody like Corbyn leading labour for when the tories inevitably screw it or tear themselves apart?
And how much damage will be done by then? Thatcher was only in power for a little over a decade and she managed to obliterate all left wing political action in this country. And she had to abide by the EU's rules.
The concerns of plebs are legitimate, but that doesn't mean that their political analysis would be legitimate.
It'll take two years at least to get out of the EU. So that leaves the tories about 2 years tops. You're straight up fear-mongering.
So they should just listen to their betters?
Their betters shouldn't rely on the opinion of plebs about politics.
You forget that leaving the EU means the end of UKIP, which will paradoxically make the right wing stronger when they join back up with a far right Tory party led by maybe Boris Johnson. I wouldn't be surprised if they won the 2020 election too.
Anyway, I just voted so no point debating it now I guess, we'll see what's announced tonight/tomorrow morning.
Unfortunately it's going to be Leave as far as I can tell.
So ultimately people who's lives are affected adversely by the EU should just suck it up in the name of progress?
funny, 4pol is saying the opposite. Also if recent history is anything to go on you should know that Holla Forums never gets their way.
Does it? You think they won't just mission creep to target institutions like the EFTA and ECHR?
I have no doubt it will be remain.
I live in Scotland and kind of want England to vote leave and Scotland remain so there is a good chance of another independence referendum. The majority of Scotland is incredibly left-wing and we fucked up our chance of a revolution when the fear mongering made people vote no. Still sad :(
Could you move your T-34 off the lawn, please?
Yes, because in the long term their lifes will be more negatively affected, if the elites listen to the uninformed opinion of the dumb plebs, instead of reason.
Well here's the interesting thing. A large section of the leave voters assume these things go with the EU. This has never really been discussed, what leave actually looks like. This is also why Farage was blocked from leading leave group.
t. philosopher king
Leave is the only position a true leftist can have. A vote for remain is a vote for continued domination and privatisation by neo-liberal porkies.
people that agree with me are virtuous and intelligent
people that disgree with me are petty and distasteful
What a choice! The power of democracy!
england pls vote leave
i'm voting remain strategically so scotland can have indyref 2.0 and be free from porky tories
we welcome all comrades to live in an independent scotland