german social democrat here. i work as a political advisor for the parliamentary spd-fraction of a mid-sized bundesland and came across this board while researching the clusterfuck that is 4chan-Holla Forums. ama & blame me for the death of rosa luxemburg
What's the weirdest thing you've masturbated to?
because i am interested in how neo-nazi extremism and internet culture lend wings to one other.
this whole "alt-right" phenomenon makes me fear that neo-nazis will adopt a more approachable and attractive tone thanks to internet jokes et cetera
The Godesberg program.
Holla Forums is a board of peace m8.
Fuck off, agent provocateur. Holla Forums is a board of peace. Don't project the misdeeds of a few extremists onto a whole community. They are not real Holla Forumsacks.
after all my research, i still haven't found out why internet-adept neo-nazi kiddies love hentai so much.
they are loveless and will never feel the warm body of a human female.
Cause they're faggots.
Little off topic but what is the status of Die Linke in Germany? Looking through their wiki-page they seem like socialists, but does any of it show in their policies/actions?
Fun fact this fatso is a skirt chaser of Clintonesque proportions. He currently fucks Delara Burkhardt. As a reward he out per into vice chairman of jusos. He has fucked juso cunts since 2004. Put that in your dossier.
there are two camps in the left party - fundamentalist and realists. fundamentalist would fit right on this site whereas the realists are trying to gain back the ground the SPD has lost due to schröder's neo-liberal policies.
the left party is most popular in east germany (due to its connection with the SED) and has more realists there, whereas the western german left party is more on the fundamentalist side and way less popular.
some of the left party people - i.e. realists - say that they should form a coalition with the socdems and the greens, whereas the fundamentalists claim that they should stay in the opposition.
There are some cutie pie socdems so I can't blame him.
Why not actually become a leftist?
too much "idpol", not enough pragmatism, not enough voter support, bad job prospects etc.
t. socdems
I've met one of these girls IRL and the pic doesn't do her justice.
I need to live and support my future family. Sorry about that.
Die Sozialdemokraten.
So, what are ou doing here, mr socdem?
Who does it feel to know that Social Democracy is the most reliable road to fascism?
Seeing what our long lost brothers are up to. I am open to market socialism and all but it's always interesting to read what you guys have to say (and how some of you hate socdems more than you hate nazis or neoliberals)
Please elabotate
You can be a leftist and still keep your job.
And socdem is the group that has the most idpol.
50% here is Holla Forums the other 50% is Holla Forums larping as lefties. This is basically our training facility.
Not in Germany. The SPD is fairly authoritarian in contrast to the Greens and the Left.
Most people here are American philosophy majors who want to dabble in taboo ideologies.
Lurk moar comrade
It's the first one, isn't it?
What do you think about the third way? Do you think it's a betrayal of socdem's origins?
not the case
stay delusional
Is there any hope of the larger socdem movement starting to advocate worker coops?
I will
"Third Way is this group that pretends sometimes to be center-left but is actually completely a creation of Wall Street–it's run by Wall Street for Wall Street with this false flag operation as if it were a center-left group. It's nothing of the sort."
Voting AfD here. Get off my save space this is supposed to be my hiding spot from anyone normal.
That in almost all cases facism ever arose it was as a result of frustration and disillusionment with socialdemocracy.
That happened in Spain, Germany and arguably in Chile.
Completely agree. So you are more of a old-school socdem? What do you think about the current direction of the SDP? And why don't you join the Left Party, since their socdem branch is more true to social democracy than SDP.
I think this accurately descirbes most /lit/ migrants but those guys have been outnumbered by now by reddit
actually there is a chunk of 4/int/ around here at the beginning i recognize 2 posters.
Wer hat uns verraten? Sozialdemokraten!
third one is adorable
It's not a very known concept in Germany. The UK, Spain or France have more experience with it. We would have to raise public awareness for basic democracy in companies and would need the cooperation of the trade unions for that.
It's a concept that hits close to home for many of our voters. We would first need to increase democratic participation in companies. Maybe we could implement it by establishing a framework for liquid democracy et cetera for smaller companies. The technical means for such a decision process are available, but I fear that it would be logistically difficult for a larger company.
I will research on the topic a bit more and maybe talk to some of my colleagues over at the trade unions. Frankly, I just don't know much about this concept, it is very seldom applied in German companies. Thank you for putting my attention on it.
Yes, I am as left-wing as allowed in the SPD…there are still people like us, especially among the youth organization and some of the older members, but we are in the minority.
Complete bollocks. We're neither a left party nor do we do centrist politics right. We need to go back to our roots and shift towards the left, win back the trust we have lost by our neoliberal BS in the late 90s/early 00s. The party is in a major crisis, but I'm fine with that because now more and more people are calling for reforming our platform, asking us to do more for the working class instead of pandering to centre-right conservatives.
I belong to a certain religion that isn't very well regarded in the Left Party. There is too much focus on gender and sex politics for my liking, their foreign policy is unfortunately unrealistic and they fight about theory way too much in their meetings, The job prospects aren't as good because nobody votes the Left Party in western Germany (save for one small state) and I don't want to end up unemployed. I also haven't given up hope that the SPD could go back to what it once was, so instead of trying it with the Left Party, I want to help reform the SPD. There is a whole generation of voters that won't ever vote for the Left Party because of their association with the SED & the Stasi, the name "SPD" alone is a brand that some people to this day still trust. So my decision to work with the SPD has more pragmatic reasons than ideological one. With the exception of the Left Party's overexaggerated identity politics, I'd fit in better there than in the SPD.
Why did you side with the ideology that values bottom-down reformist gradualism that does nothing but preserve Capitalism long enough that it can reverse and pervert all the reformist "victories" you win while at the same time discouraging workers from unionizing, forming co-ops, and educating themselves so that a bottom-up revolution of the proletariat which destroys the Capitalist State, and therefore Capitalist society, in the midst of a grand collapse due to the ineherent contradictions of capitalism instead of any of the various ones which advocate for mass revolt and getting a day job of some kind so that you could educate the proles about the importance of this?
Answer: Because it was a lot more comfy and convenient for you to become a useless beareaucrat talking head who lectures radicals on the internet about how they need to be "realistic" when every version of your theory in the history of the world has never done anything but perpetuate oppression and exploitation while making some cosmetic changes to the superstructure, thus perpetuating liberal ideology as well. Fuck you and go make your own board faggot, you are NOT my comrade
that values top-down sorry about that
Your stupidity made me rage too hard to spellecheck
Hey, is Germany a good place to live in general? I'm looking to settle down and raise a family in an economically vibrant region.
Its workforce is fucking brimming with skilled laborers. Why do you think Merkel has such a boner for immigration?
I have so far only lived in Germany and southern US.
The West German economy is doing well (relatively), the police aren't as brutal as in the States, even big cities are mostly safe, the education system is alright (plus no tuition), the pollution isn't too high. If you can find a job and have a work permit or a visa, then go for it. The people here aren't as friendly as Americans, but they are a tad bit more left-wing and open than Americans are.
Get out fuck face. Your party is literally the CDU for insecure faggots who would be ashamed to vote conservative by now
I think Soc Dems would be even slightly more respectable if they didn't bend over to the Center right all the time.
SPD is now a joke, basically the left wing part of the CDU.
they try, although theyve failed so far
yeah you've got a point there. Kids who just start getting into le epin innernet humour will soon inherit their political opinions from the kike memery.
SPD is filled with a bunch of faggots in a coalition with CDU, i love your austerity measures. Left wing neoliberalism is the best :D
pls kys and your hypocrite being from the earth
Good to hear that you are interested.
It is my understanding that one of the big justifications for income redistribution through tax-funded government programs is to return to the worker the surplus the employer takes from him. It would then be natural to tax worker coops and their workers very lightly, and that would also follow the logic of incentivizing things through tax breaks.
I think tax breaks for worker coops (which may be described to the public as 'democratic businesses' or something) and their workers would be a low-bar thing to advocate, and a fresh approach for the socdem movement.
Don't you already have some worker participation in the board of directors?
Yeah, codetermination is what they call it. It's still far from a basic democratic utopia, but even that gets hollowed out by legal loopholes, like resorting to foreign legal entities such as registering a limited company in the UK even though virtually everything is produced and designed in Germany.
I'll shit on you lad
I wonder if that user who got elected with Die Linke still posts here
luxemburg ist nur teil des roten fadens an verrat und mord der der SPD von damals bis heute und auch zünftig anzukreiden ist
dafür muss ich dir keine persönliche schuld zuschreiben
stattdessen, lass es mich so sagen, du bist ein vollidiot und hurensohn
und jetzt?
im übrigen bin ich der meinung dass die these des sozialfaschismus sich bewahrheitet hat und ihr das spießbürgerliche linke feigenblatt des imperialismus seid und daher jeder von nazis ermordete sozialdemokrat gerechtfertigt waren und sind, da nichts weiter als opfer innerkapitalistischer kämpfe.
sag du es mir, was tust du hier noch?
deine existenz ist im allgemeinen und hier im besonderen überflüssig. der soze erbittet beleidigt zu werden, ich tue ihm den gefallen. wenn noch fragen offen sind, dann werde bitte konkreter.
Whoa there comrades, don't go full nazi on us now.
schlechten tag gehabt, genosse? hat dir heute das kapital wieder einmal schaden hinzugefügt?
what does that have to do with anything? i only have disgust towards social democracy any given moment independent from my mood
does social democracy disgust you more than neo-nazism? admit it.
Why are you flooding europe with non whites? Assuming you are an actual German why are you actively working toward ethnic Germans being outbred and replaced in their own homeland?
Am I descendant of migrants myself, so not an ethnic German.
Well that makes sense. Here's to hoping you won't be able to migrate to another white country once the white population of Germany is extinct and the country is turned into Africa or Brazil.
Cause they need cheap labor.
And I still don't know, how they hope to sell if noone can buy.
they are indistinguishable
while social democracy puts people on the streets, nazis will group up and attack them during the night
social fascists and nazis are the left and right hand of imperialism working together, they're completing each other
while the social democrats will support policies of imperialism that will drive people from their homes to seek refuge in germany, nazis will welcome them with incendiaries and more violence
lesser evil? no, same chauvinist imperialist scum
could you explain why you are in a party that supports the reactionary neoliberal CDU and the austerity policies in Europe?
How can you even call yourself socdem?
which makes them different so social democrats anywhere else in what aspect?
PASOK and SYRIZA went along with it just the same.
Why on earth do you anarchists keep arguing for social democrats like they were any better? always the same with you ultraleftist radicals, big mouth but when it comes down to it you're arguing for the center-left despite everything
As an ultraleftist I take offense to being grouped with pseudo-leftists.
tomato potato
what do you think of venezuela?
The fundis wouldt fit here, they are retarded and their program is shitty. And the left party is not popular in the east because of the connection to the SED. You are probably a troll but if you really work for the SPD then its no wonder that the SPD is going down fast.
go away Holla Forums
Yeah thank you. I would have taken Die Linke stupidity any day over the total surveilance state your "authoritan" SPD has helped to create.
Ausfag here
Why are you a socdem cuck and not a socialist?
Also who brews the best beer? Australia or Germany?
1. When will you kick Gabriel out of the party?
2. Why has your politics been more neo-liberal than every other partys' before (including the CDU/CSU)?
3. Why do you support war?
4. Why is the saying "Wer hat uns verraten? - Die Sozialdemokraten!" older than anyone living on this planet right now?
5. Do you even realize, that the only reason you still exist is the cause of Stammwähler above the age of 60?
You suck, seriously. If you have any interest in left-wing politics at all, please leave your party and join (at the very least) Die Linke and start doing socially democrat policy again (at least).
Same (kind of) except with the British Labour Party.
Not OP, or even German, or even SocDem, but all SocDem parties have gone full neolib, or they would have to go against capitalism.
SocDem is about reformist and this is why they can never go full anti-capitalism. And when capitalism calls for neolib, the SocDems comply.
Must have something to do with pressure and the system corrupting.
funny how she couldn't get the bandana over her nose, lol