Elle got her titlets butchered by a jew

What now?


Nice waifu you got there

Never found her attractive, found the other two blonde actual model bitches in The Neon Demon way hotter.

I've also pointed out the tit job on Taylor Swift and told my friend the Jews got to her and got called a sperg for thinking the kikes were behind everything.

wait what happened


Must be a bitch to have normal discussions in America

Thanks for the great new pictures for my Elle folder, OP.

I don't see scars. Could be that puberty is finally catching up with her. What is she? 15?


There are many ways of inserting implants nowdays.

Some make a cut under the armpit, and push the empty implant down from there, so the scar is hidden under the armpit.

Another possibility is through the aureola, which we cannot see.


Looks like her face had work shes starting to not look like herself, this is what happens when you are a literal who. She was only good looking in Super 8

Why people give a shit about her either idfk

they can also go up through the belly button with this big hook thing, and there is always stem cell injections but they wear off. look at scarjo

There is one picture in this set where you can see one boob from the side and it has angles, the telltale sign of implants. Natural tits are of one composition, so they for an unbroken curve. Implants disrupt this and an angle appears, even in the best of implants.

What did she mean by this?

I don't think those are implants

Well, where is it?

It's just breasts held up with tape. look at the set of her from the day before, wearing skimpy clothes her breasts look normal there. do you think she got implants overnight?

Wouldn't she be cold?

anyone have the nipslips

Women have a layer of fat, evolved this way so they could show more skin.

Here you go

Jesus. What is this, some guro manga?

Fuck implants, and fuck any sluts that get em

Dakota was always better anyway

Imagine my chock.

Except she didn't

lol wut

Honestly I'd let her grab my balls and castrate me.

If you had any balls.


No evolved that way so that they could keep the babies warm.

For the retards saying we're all the same and gender is a social construct, their veins is sitting closer to their skin than men's, making them more likely to feel cold when it's cold out than men.