What happened?
Came to Holla Forums a year or a year and a half ago
Feels good to see brocialists get BTFO on their own turf.
anfem, I know you like shitposting, but contain yourself for once
t. not OP
Yeah, calm the fuck down
American election year probably has a lot to do with it. Once it's over, a lot of the shitty socdems ought to leave.
Holla Forums was never actually good tbh.
Also, yes the fedoras are on the retreat, which is better than what it was before;
we social democrats are your only real hope at change. you guys reading dusty theory doesn't result to jack shit in the world. we need to change the system from within and infiltrate the center-left and then infiltrate the states. the socialist tradition of ideologic infighting is just making the right-wing stronger and you schmucks haven't realized so for over a century.
Why did you kill Rosa Luxemburg?
Let me give you a list of places where Social Democracy did jack shit
you've instantly been proven wrong now go back to r/SocialDemocracy and r/Progressive
friedrich ebert did nothing wrong
you are living the anti-thesis
You're really making a case for anarcha-feminism
you saying
is the same as people crying about how stalin strayed away from pure marxist theory.
But that's not an accurate description
but, user, posting memes and saying "haha I triggered you" is all anarcho-fem does on Holla Forums
I meant that's what you faggots always say when we point out to you that Social Democracy has been tried in Europe and elsewhere for the better part of the last century and the current one, and it hasn't done anything at all to bring about revolutionary change whatsoever and has in fact evolved into something even more counter revolutionary than it was at the beginning.
Let me give you some more examples Social Democracy are responsible for:
Now shut the fuck up and go read a god damn book instead of listening to Secular Talk and Elizabeth Warren lectures you pants on the head retarded cuck
Election year. And it's not that much different.
lmao. i work in german politics, i am not one of those americans who found about social democracy because of /r/SandersForPresident.
is highly debatable. If you wanna discuss history with me, shoot. I just got finished writing an essay about the shortcomings of the Weimar constitution. Hitler's Machtergreifung was a way more complicated process than what you are describing.
Blame McCarthyism for that.
I am not responsible for Americans being uneducated.
I think you are generalizing too much. Not every social democrat is a shallow centre-left person. Some of us just think that capitalism isn't going away for quite some while unless we pave the way for it first. It's the same long-term goal as many socialists, just with a more pragmatic, less idealistic approach.
The Social Democratic Party of your own fucking country failed to initiate revolutionary change when the time was ripe literally told people not to vote for Communists because "muh Moscow, muh anti-Bolshevism" and guess who benefited from that?
The fact that you are a German who still advocates for a philosophy that was btfo 100 by bot Statist and non-Statist socialists all over the place and has been repeatedly btfo, again by both pro and anti State socialist, to the modern day, makes you even more disgusting and banal.
Fuck you and your retarded, delusional theory and collaboration with the capitalist State. Fuck you and everything you stand for. Go get raped to death by a gang Golden Dawn faggots whilst trying to explain to them how Social Democracy will be better for them while they call you a cuck over and over
Passing Hartz IV surely brought Germany closer to socialism, amirite? :^)
There is no need to get this mad. You had me laughing at "delusional theory". Talk about living in a glass house.
The Agenda 2010 hollowed out the social principles of the German republic but ultimately led to some economic improvements. It's the job of current Social Democrats to iron out Schröder's mistakes and go back to a more leftist course.
I swear that in recent weeks I've seen an influx of right wingers.
I just wish there were more theory discussions, but I remember back when that was happening people were complaining that it was too boring.
Go back to r/anarchism with the rest of the liberals.
And Mitterrand's mistakes, and Hollande's mistakes, and Blair's mistakes, and Kok's mistakes, and Miller's mistakes…
nice to see actual adults here.
tankies are cancer
t.central yurop
At least they have more desire to actually bring socialism than some fags obsessed with status quo.
there is no reason to support SPD with die linke existing
Somebody with AnFem flag just BTFO a whole load of Bremain voters over here
Also, some "radicals" are more than happy to side with youtube liberal personas because muh "HURR DURR FEMINAZIS BTFO" outpout (which amounts to laughing at kindergarteners).
pick one
yawn. talk to me when you are organizing outer-parliamentary opposition, publish literature or are otherwise involved in politics. until then, your pure ideology is nothing but a drop in the ocean.
social democracy is liberal, antileftist and anticommunistic. liberals aren't welcome here
wow you're so cool user, I don't know what the left would do without you
i am not a liberal, i am more fundamentalist and authoritarian than many people here.
i am not anti-communistic, i am anti-capitalistic.
i am not anti-leftist, i am leftist.
socialdemocracy = support for capitalism
you can't be for and against capitalism at the same time
Holla Forums has sunk pretty low, but me and a few anons are re-building >>>/marx/ currently, and we could use new users.
The board is about the discussion of practical and theoretical marxism, although I must warn you that most of the board is oriented towards marxism-leninism. Before you meme about tankies though, come and read some of our threads. The admin has probably read and understood more theory than anyone on Holla Forums, we welcome you to lurk and post.
also before I forget, the board is a bit slow at two posts per day, but even despite that we have pretty good discussion. With more posters we could be more active though.
theoryfags went back to reading theory and philosophy rather than posting in endless threads explaining to ignorant Holla Forumstards that socialism isn't killing all white people
the influx of pantywaist socdems came with either well meaning idiots or straight up trolls "advertising" on facebook/reddit/etc, and because they were left alone in their idiot containment thread they thought this was their home and have stayed and festered
If the post doesn't have at least half a dozen masturbatory quotes or references to philosophical treatises then it's not the "real" an-fem
MLs will never be relevant.
Why is it so hard to get SocDems to go further Left though?
I mean they start as Liberals and then take the next step to SocDem (which is a bigger step Left than it might seem, for an average US Liberal especially) but then refuse to go any further Left than that. What is it? Are they just scared or what?
You have to remember that when somebody says this it means "I am ignorant and have no ability to read anything for more than 2 minutes because constant imageboard and reddit use has rotted my brain" and then just shrug it off and let those people go make their own fucking threads or fuck off
Holla Forums is better as a theory circle-jerk than a left-liberal echo chamber (which is still a circle jerk as much as socdem poster likes to pretend "we never get stuff done" I've literally never argued with a liberal/socdem/progressive here who said anything about how to move forward whatsoever. As a matter of fact, I specifically remember a couple of attempts by Holla Forums back when it was less tolerant of liberalism and social democrats to actually do something. Albeit they were shitty, cringeworthy attempts that never made it like the Detroit Commune and the New Manifesto but we were at least fucking having a conversation about doing something. Now the vast majority of board effort is arguing with IdPol cunts about why it isn't counterrevolutionary to consider class first rather than whatever special snowflake cause they masturbate to, when it isn't diverted to telling Holla Forumsacks to fuck off)
Boy howdy, SocDems might actually be even more retarded than SatanNazi
Lots of reasons I suppose. Some of them are completely infatuated with this romantic notion that any sort of violence invalidates a position. Others look at the Nordic system and say that "oh well it might not have worked that time but this time if we just get more people to vote for socialism eventually we'll get it." Still others are the sort that are uncomfortable with the inequality or exploitation of capitalism but don't want to give up any of the luxuries it provides, or are simply scared of the upheaval changing systems might cause, or are the milquetoasts that only think about The Terror of the French Revolution or the Stalinist Purges and think anything resembling that has to be avoided at any cost.
I'm sure there are more. Wishful thinking comes in many flavors.
This tbh Fam.
I think part of the problem too is "chan culture" where anyone that tries to accomplish anything however noble or "cringeworthy" is portrayed/perceived as a tryhard-normie-faggot that needs to get in line with "board culture" and endlessly shitpost and consume said shitposts ad infinitum.
It's true the board took a noticeable drop of quality after we made that general election threads. General threads tend to attract absolute cancer for some reason. The idiots advertising on shitholes like Reddit and Facebook just made it worse.
dosss boit, mong