Explain this to me

So for decades men simply accepted whatever shit was available but now we have to change everything so women can program too?
Why can't women just deal with it like men did all this time?
Why does everything have to bend over backwards and be inclusive and shit just to attract more women?
Why do we even need more women in tech? Is there a reason?

Other urls found in this thread:


Women make up roughly 50% of the population. If you double the workforce, the cost of hiring workers will go down, and the amount of people buying shit will probably go up.

It's artificial, and only done to push an agenda. But whatever man, because Silicon Valley has been dead since the late 90's anyway. Now it's just a walking zombie that poops out bullshit companies, products, and bloated/botnet shits.

Regressive left in USA.

check again

it's an artificial quota by feminist, most women have 0 interest in coding and they claim this is a problem that can be fixed if they get more women in the field. All this does is higher shit workers over good ones. effectively creating discrimination and sexism.

You can't be sexist against men.

This is how women think. No logic, just emotions. Only problem is, computers run on logic.

I don't know OP. Why is Earth a planet? Why is the sun bright? Why is water wet?

Women programming is fine. Men bending over backwards to accept women programmers is not fine. As long as it's a meritocracy, whoever is suited should take the job. My complaint about reverse discrimination/feminist shit is just that it creates undue pressure to accept underqualified candidates simply to hit diversity checkboxes and that oftentimes these shitters will treat being a "feminist" as a plus point on their hiring standards, turning the workplace into some cronyist clique shit where virtue-signalling and jockeying for SJW points gets you ahead and rejecting that shit will get you shafted, which undermines the general meritocratic process in favor of extremely petty office politics, brown-nosing, and driving out "bad influences" (ie. anyone who is not part of your bullshit clique or said something vaguely insensitive) under your latest incloosive hiring standards.

And on a feminist level it is total fucking fail too because this diversity shit teaches everyone to walk on eggshells around women and whatnot in case that's somehow misogynist/micro-offensive/triggering/whatever-the-fuck and thus people won't give women the same honest feedback they would give men, electing to give general positive-sounding garbage instead. There was a time when feminism said that you shouldn't treat women with kid gloves on and that women could take it as well as any man could and that "feminism is the radical notion that women are people" and thus should be treated as individuals rather than focusing on their identity as women to color your interactions. The latest brand of feminism is a complete fucking reversal on this level and has turned into some bullshit 24-7 behavioral-policing shit where they dictate what is acceptable "feminist" behavior for women, what is acceptable "diversity-friendly" behavior for men, and so forth. It's all become about identity politics and clique bullshit rather than recognizing individual worth.

As a man, I have no complaints about working with a skilled female programmer, but if I can't tell her that she fucked up and her code is shit the same way I could tell a man when he fucks up and his code is shit, we have a problem.

Pussy weak men don't keep their daughters in line and let them be poisoned by (((popular culture))), which their slut daughters then feed into.

Truth is that men need to be less polite and more belligerent when it comes to indecency in society. Women feel no guilt, only shame so be sure to mock them accordingly.

Who could have seen this coming??


Most economists believe the labour force will shrink significantly over the next 20 years as automation renders most people "useless". In a post scarcity economy, I think many more women will actually go back to being mothers.


Why are tech companies so racist? Why won't they hire blacks?

Women are already in tech, and contribute wonderful stuff to the tech community. What's changing is lazy women are trying to get into tech and demand things change to fit their needs. Don't group the good women of tech into the same boat as the lazy ones just because they are both women.

but there are none

But they already do that!

Yeah, all of what I wrote are things the left have actually done.

There are some, but because they are good, they not going to be vocal and start up a social media presence. Only those that need to compensate for lack of ability do so.

Usually some sad lonely virgin nerds think they will get women if they allow them into tech

oh yeah? github.com/ErisBlastar/cplusequality

we should try and get some of this shit into rust

This is why you always kill a traitor before an enemy. Beta white knights are the cancer killing every hobby in the tech world.

Lmao goy, not for you anyway.
Read the Protocols and the Talmud.

Not at all. The tech world hobbies are still alive and thriving.

That is so meaningless, you might as well tell me to read the library of congress in order to find an obscure reference.

how do we stop thirsty faggots from opening the gates of hell?

Idpol is inherently reactionary.

On the most basic level a man strives to be someone who is superior to them while a woman looks at the one superior to them in disgust and claims to be superior while using jew-level tricks to push it into others.
You'll see this everywhere

Lol why are you getting mad at women? Angry virgin?

Yet another way men are superior.


Nothing to see here goy, hehehe.

mutool info \[Unknown\]\ \[1901\]\ The\ Protocols\ of\ the\ Learned\ Elders\ of\ Zion.pdf | grep -F PagesPages: 57

There is much scope for more Lyndas (who made lynda.com) or Adas (adafruit.com), but solely on the basis of merit.
Anything else is treating women as inferior and being patronizing to them that they need help where men don't.

Slightly off topic...
Lovely cat.
I'd redecorate that wallpaper to the same as the back of the room where the door is though.

we dont,

there are plenty of tech stacks that aren't cucked yet, software is relatively cheap to start making. Start your own project and include or exclude whoever you like.

If we concentrated our efforts we could challenge the cancer.

Liberalism isn't leftism you fucking gook.

go back to Holla Forums you manarchist spud

for science, you cuck

No thanks, Mr. Goldberg.

To truly understand how tech gets made there one must understand how mil makes stuff, then contractors bring it to market.

Also: Woz is a Freemason, Apple is luciferian, Church of Satan right next to mil PSYOPS base, Burning Man, and Silicon Valley.

It's a degeneracy club, and if you're not in it your tech company has no chance to survive, make your time.

Meritocracy is dead.

Naw but really though, liberal gets misused a lot. It used to have something to do with libertarianism, but then the regressive authoritarian right started calling the regressive authoritarian left liberals, Now a bunch of Auth. Lefties are calling themselves liberal even though they are the furthest thing from it.


Isn't that the cat some CIA nigger posted on a my little pony board ?

/traps/ is -> nigger dumplings