ITT: characters who did nothing wrong

ITT: characters who did nothing wrong





Was Breivik ever a character in a movie or documentary?

Maybe he can star in his own documentary if he ever gets out of prison. which he won't

Seriously, we're supposed to be against this guy when the main hero's whole plan is "steal the girls, ????, Profit?

Found a Big Black Cockumentary about him.

He will, when the race war comes.


I loved her as a character the way she was before Gohan was born
After that, Toriyama got lazy and turned her into a stereotypical irrational controlling mom.

She discovered her husband was an alien and died at the hands of her brother who kidnapped her son before he was killed by Goku's then archenemy. She's just being a caring mother.
From an anime point of view it's boring but she was right all along.

It's not like the Japanese audience wanted more of Gohan anyway.

his brother*


Once you realize that all of the complaints attributed to Skylar are actually Walt's fault, this is wholly accurate.


It's Walt's fault she's a literal mouthbreathing fatty that fucked her boss just to get back at him for having cancer and not knowing how to properly deal with dying?



He was a manlet, and if Hollywood has taught me anything, it's that manlets are always wrong.


It's called keeping your woman in line, and he was terrible at it.

He retroactively did everything wrong because he was a faggot.

Not an argument