"Skepticism was a mistake"
- Cuck
Thunderf00t is going off the deep end
go shove a banana up your ass like The Amazing Faggot
I don't know who that is but the 'skeptic' community is cancerous
Pretty sure he's talking about thunderf00t himself, not OP
He converted to Atheism+
And this is how the internet ruins everything, and I mean everything.
Is it just me or do these faggots never fucking stop?
But fraud of a cuck did say he was more ethical n shit. From a media standpoint making fun of a mentally ill retard and a shooting is bad but from a jewtuber its normal.
Also how can they claim to be skeptics when they let inn that feminist chick that was so-called red pilled?
Also wrong term of the use red pill, everyone knows that the real red pill you see history and things differently.
I bet these faggots have never touched high philosophy books or even read some political ideas in their lives. What usually happens with a jewtuber is:
The same shit was with atheist videos, but the atheist did not even know about Christian philosophy or its theology. They had to rely on Hawkins, Hitchens and Sam Harris and even they don't understand the historical context and why Christianity was revolutionary at its time.
First time in History you get the idea that a divine power is sacrificed for mere humans, instead of humans or animals sacrificed to a divine entity. since the divine was looking down at them and so on.
I hate all these whiny losers, I would rather have 'social justice warriors' any time I hear ess jay dubble yews its like a screwdriver in my earhole what a dumb fucking term around than these crybaby 'skeptics' who have deluded themselves into believing they are saving western civilization when they are really just engaged in one big valueless obnoxious circlejerk. They have only gotten worse too, dicksucking trump even when he does objectively awful shit, worshipping unknown spiritual entities and propping up falsehoods all the while, sick of this shit
t. cuck
not even trying anymore
There's no real difference between atheism and atheism+ tbh.
Didn't the fat guy from myth busters done the samething?
thundercuck BTFO by based sargon
Sarcuck is our literal guy
this, atheism was always garbage since the beginning
Thunderfoot is one of the most annoying cunts I ever seen. Even in his pure science videos, he just stretches the material to 20-30 minutes with a bunch of repetitions, cuts from old videos, wanking himself for 10 minutes on camera, etc… its so fucking smug.
I can't imagine anyone being his friend or girlfriend with that personality. At least he has a lot of free time to do some interesting experiments, I guess.
I suppose acting smug over other peoples drama get dull so you need create your own
They were trying before?
I don't like thundercuck but the people who go around calling themselves 'skeptics' are usually complete faggots and more often than not vocal SJWs as well, so good for him.
If thunderf00t a scientist, why does he have poor personal hygiene?
TJ, Sargon and him are all greasy as fuck. Maybe they took the saying cleanliness is next to godliness seriously?
If Thunderfag is a scientist, why does he post 10 or more videos of himself mentally masturbating about how dumb one feminist/stupid idea is?
It took him 4 20 minute videos or so where he just kept repeating how stupid solar freakin' roadways are. His science videos were slightly interesting but he flooded his own channel with retarded sophistry.
t. skepticuck who thinks 'kek' and feminist bashing isn't stale tiresome shit for edgy youtube twelve year olds
thats where you fucked up
i bet you also watch movies, faggot
because sophistry can make you look smart but with any form of political science or philosophy one needs to read allot of hard hitting texts from every form of idea.
And its usually true what they say, one can only take inn so and so much before it becomes too much to handle.
Like the video that was science where he purposed an alcohol that is more toxic to the body than ethanol.
Its strange how Holla Forums hates sarcuck even though sarcuck is just a lefty who doesnt subscribe to idpol.
Sargon is the one who looks mostly normal, Thunderfoot looks like a sped without a concept of personal hygiene and The Amazing Assbanana looks like a fat pedophile neckbeard. Which he is.
This. I enjoy seeing him doing those science debunking vids but I cant stand watching him talking about anything for more than 5 minutes.
What a smug cunt.
That's pretty sad. When Sargon the best looking guy in a room
This whole thing could have been contained to a twitter spat, but instead he had to literally go all fake news and edit clips from the livestream and lose his shit over some jokes. If he stopped there, it would be bad enough, but to then escalate it to "YOU GUYS ARE THE WBC OF SKEPTICS AND I DON'T WANT A PART OF IT!" from the guy who has been hemorrhaging subscribers for the past year…
Going after the pseudo-science kickstarters was pretty much the only good thing he's ever done. The Solar Roadways videos are the closest thing to a legacy the man has since he's got no kids. Every other fucking video is repetitive as fuck and usually relies on repeating the same joke or showing the same handful of funny maymay images over and over.. Kind of like how this Sargon video kept using the google image results for the WBC.
Even his atheism+ and anti-feminism stuff was just reddit-tier material where he still supports their whole ideology, he just wants them to be less ridiculous and to stop hogging all the attention from him. It's no wonder guys like Sargon blew past him in a matter of months.
Yeah these…
I enjoy his 'pseudoscience busted' videos the most.
But when some new tidbit of information comes out he does a whole new video that remixes footage from old ones with one new fact or example. He should really just update his old videos with the new info as it comes out if that is possible.
Thats a minor criticism though.
My criticism of his attempts at 'political videos' is more like 'OMG CRINGE MAKE IT STOP'.
Someone in the comments of the original video said TF was just making this video so sargon would reply to get clicks. Sargon replied and he got clicks.
I dont know if these videos get demonetized though?
why would thundercuck agree to do something that benefits only sargon and makes him look like an asshole?
That's pretty much exactly what he just did to himself with this latest video. Sargon looks cool. Thunderfaggot looks like a whiny piece of shit.
For money. If you create controversy with another popular youtuber everyone will watch the vid.
But I dont know how this works since YouTube started demonetizing everyone.
TF is like a lot of these left-liberal types who essentially failed to properly keep up with the permanent revolution and end up making these half-assed critiques that fall flat because they still share about 90% of the premises and opinions with their targets.
Given that politsperging and his recent drama-whoring have been poison for him, TF should really concentrate on his research and do the odd debunking videos to save whatever remains of his youtube channel.
To be fair, that's not too hard given that basic grooming, a wee bit of fashion sense and not being hideously fat put you in the 1% appearance-wise for YT atheists.
Doing drama only works if it doesn't bleed your subs and destroys your clickthrough rate. That shit might work for speds like Keemstar or Onision but not for Thunderfoot. Audience too different.
The answer is patreon. Not like most can survive on youtube alone anymore since they bleeded advertisers and a youtuber is only able to get about half the profit now that they would have gotten before.
To add to your point, it's been shown most of these people just parrot the same talking points they hear from other videos by "skeptics" and rarely use their own thinking. It's simply the same video ad nauseum as it progresses through the grapevine with the same reaction produced again and again. Very few of these people make any commentary beyong common sense. It's just: "that's stupid. BTFO!" and such things.
They don't read books. They spend all day on Twitter and getting into catfights with each other. It's rarely beyond "this is my reaction and the common sense to support it." But as the people they are against have become so absurd that's no longer needed. Anyone can see the retardation. It's little more than Let's Play's at this point. There's no real substance. Also they perpetuate memes without having any real grasp of them beyond "lol, xD randumb".
Why the fuck would you have a "skeptical community"? It's faggotry of the highest level.
Also, I can't believe I downloaded the whole of that 20 minute video on my capped small data plan. I hate you, OP. Now I feel obliged to watch it all so it doesn't go to waste, but it's distilled schlock that doesn't even interest me.
Homor stop, you cannot draw and your asperger's prevents you from forming cogent arguments or having a sense of humor.
Why did you download it to begin with?
Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.
>>>Holla Forums
All you fags triggered by feminism online are unironically acting like tumblinras. You are cancer
you faggots actually watch all these youtube faggots dont you, why?
Thanks for proving me right, look how fucking triggered you are by the word feminism.
Frankly because of this im a feminist. Because you cant handle your shit and you act like dumb fucking virgins.
its LGBTQQIAP you fucking shitlord unfuck your shit
No whining like a tumblrina makes you a tumblrina
Every jewtuber who doesn't quit while they're ahead eventually crawls up their own ass and implodes in on themselves so hard it forms a shit diamond of concentrated deluded pretension.
not even trying. Here's a (You)
Mad on the internet
That's pretty much the gist of it.
Ok virgin
mad on the internet
t. plebian
You're still mad on the internet.
is there an ironic joke I don't get with the leftypol meme's? they're intentionally shitty but also not funny so it's double shit
plus no one is gonna read all that trype
It's not intentional.
That's also not intentional.
Go back to 2013, whomever is implying this.
Unlike the patriarchy, feminism as a conspiracy is pretty obviously true. Whatever you believe its intentions may be.
Latest e-drama update
ThunderCuck made another rebuttal video, this time forgoing editing and just recording himself sitting on the couch and laughing like a smug douche and tripling down on his attacks on Sargon. This time, the crux of his argument was "whoa, isn't there a limit to this free speech thing? What are you going to do next? Tell jokes about kids with cancer? Or parents with cancer?!"
Sargon made a reply to that and called him a lying retard for 20 minutes.
It must suck to be Holla Forums right about now.
Why are you posting this everywhere?
Holla Forums doesn't even like him anymore, kukfy has to constantly keep banning anons for not sucking Trump's dick or else his shitty gawd empra narrative will crumble.
Cause I find it hilarious. I need no other reason.
That's a little anti-semitic, user. Are you implying there's something wrong with the President showing respect to other cultures?
don't really care tbh. I just enjoy being right a lot. i'm the kikiest of kikes famalam.
Come watch hoarders
Hows that tinfoil hat kid?
idiots are skeptical too, so I'm no longer a skeptic…
atheist everyone…
*you forgot your pic
But those groups aren't even hiding it anymore, its very blatant. While there is no movement working for the interests of "men as a class", except for a few MRAs who can barely afford air tickets and food.
Whats wrong with that fuckers neck?
t. kevin logan
What went wrong?
Nice. Upvoted.
The cancer in the comments is palpable.
it's to hold up his big headed opinions
Can we admit the modern atheism is nothing more but a religion at this point?
…of course MundaneShill had to make a video about it, for the sake of the views and the jewgle algorythm.
The prequels were pure kinu
atheism was always cancer, user
You know, I haven't watched this guy for awhile so I thought he went full SJW or something but he seemed to be making decent points about the "skeptic community" being overrun with complete ideologues.. up until around two minute mark where he went off on a tangent about other shit like Trump, how people tried to get him fired, some guy who got high on mushrooms then killed a girl, gun control, other YouTubers much smaller than him and so on.
He doesn't seem anywhere near as coherent as he did in his older videos, he's bringing up a lot of random stuff that doesn't relate to each other.
I'm still not sure what the point of this video was, I was expecting this to all wrap back around at the end, but it didn't. I feel like I just watched 20+ minutes of some slightly schizophrenic guy rambling.
Forgot to add, the like/dislike ratio on that video isn't too great.
Guess a lot of other people feel the same way I do. Lots of people calling him out on his BS.
So from what I understand of this faggot drama is that some male feminist that pretended he was in the military killed his feminist girlfriend, pesky adblock man made fun of the con artist cuck that killed his gf so cuckfoot went full "both sides am I rite".
He was the one that cuckfoot kiked out about.
What you're describing sounds more like Holla Forums honestly.
dindu nuffin?
He was mentally well enough to ingratiate himself into left wing communities by pretending he was some tough ex-military guy.
Vid related is the US Anthem under Trump's presidency.
The big problem is that most of what he's saying and presenting as evidence is complete bullshit. Like 100% verifiably untrue and in several instances, he haphazardly cut together different clips to give the illusion of different context.
When he got called out on it, he backpedalled to whining that free speech shouldn't be so free that people make mean jokes.
it's the US anthem under every presidency, really
america has always been and always will be land of the kikery and israel's golem
Trump is soliciting bids for his wall.
yes but not only that, thundercuck also edited portions of the stream and outright lied about what they said in order to make them look worse than they have been
t. christcuck cancer
I just clicked the youtube link. The buffer bar filled up. For the video to be buffered, the computer has to download the parts from youtube, idiots. Or do you also think that when you have no internet you can't use your browser at all to view cached html documents?
I do love the e-celeb drama, its so fun to watch these faggots getting pissy over mundane shit.
what kinda science is thundercuck working on?
Is that the chick from Legends of Tomorrow?
Wait he wasn't ex military? Also, wouldn't him being ex military piss off the left wing communities.
Wasn't it more like every presidency since the 40's since that's when the nation of Israel was created?
I heard he does chemistry or something involving alkali metals.
Stolen valor.
ah ok.
t. fedora cancer
it's definitely more than that, at least since woodrow wilson's presidency, aka the faggot who trashed europe and loved the jews and created the fed
oh, that explains why he does not know shit about the toxicity of alcohol groups.
Or one point when he tried to make a point about guns he could not understand there is a big difference between what he had was small quantity of neurontoxins if it was not a radioactive material and a 45.cal gun.
to split an atom actually costs more, and basic blueprint to trigger the material that turns the neurotoxin into gas actually costs money, and even if you are a scientist you can't get away with making such a mechanism. Easily without costing allot of money or the feds finding out and get v&
irrational skeptics gathered together and patting themselves on the back because they are always right for being skeptical
You've missed the joke.
It doesn't even matter anyways poisons are overhyped cheap bombs made with kitchen pots and oily rags have killed far more fucking people than exotic poisons.
Come at me, Christians, Feminists, SJWs, and Alt-Righters. I'll use pure logic to defeat your irrational identity politics "arguments".
if drup is so joosh, y do gnatsees sdil sug drupdik?
Is that meant to be a parody. Also full song here.
That is an Ad Hominem. It is also unfalsifiable, since you can not prove that it is not a parody. Furthermore, the burden to prove he is a parody is on you. The burden is not on me to prove it is not a parody. Check-mate, Alt-Right.
Here is his latest video:
SargonOfAkkad: BUSTED
Im not sure what he's trying to do here. Anyone who wants to find out the truth can just go watch the stream and understand the context in which the jokes were made
They weren't even that bad really and Sargon didn't make the ones that could be called racy, which was his original gripe. What's he tripling down for?
I swear he's got a bit weird since his dad died.
"enlightened" neutral is the natural evolution of le reddit atheist cancer.
His world started crumbling long before that happened.
I like how that was originally supposed to be "Jews Rule", but (((Adult Swim))) made them change it. The double meaning is astounding. Too bad about that cancellation.
Most SJWs and Feminists have serious Daddy issues.. Or weight issues. Going to go out on a limb and guess that things didn't end so well between him and his Dad before he died.
Conversely, Laci Green started losing weight and taking care of her body and suddenly she's like, "Huh.. maybe there is something to this free speech stuff? Maybe I have been wrong about most things?"
She's seeing a shift in demographics and is following the money. She hasn't changed for the better, she's just planting the seeds in the event that RWDS win the culture war, so she can switch sides later.
skeptitard zlumpfskins btfo
People who identify as "skeptics" are, at best, idiots who believe in mechanistic materialism.
nah you kike worshippers can all just fuck right off already. you jew lover's destroy freedom and civilization
Is there a summary? I cannot stand five minutes of Thundercuck's voice, he is so smug and condescending that it makes my ears bleed. I don't understand how anyone can have such an ego, is he trying to compensate for something?
Its the septic community not skeptical
There's no reason to do this at all. Not only would no one watch the whole thing again just to get 'updates' nor even know they existed frankly, but he wouldn't get more views than if he just releases a new video. Views/Subscribers = cash and prestige, so whatever gets you more of them is highly motivating. For that genre of YouTuber, it makes more sense to just release a 'new' video, even if it contains 80% previous information. Doesn't mean that practice isn't potentially irksome though.
Trips point towards truth. The collective of YouTubers like ThunderF00t, AmazingAtheist, SargonOfAkkad, and so on are not 'skeptics'. Maybe they were a decade ago as edgy atheists, but now they simply are political critics. They do critique videos and videos calling other people/ideologies stupid basically.
Few of them have any original thoughts to them. They have a patina of being thoughtful because they disagree with someone else, but it's like you said - they parrot one another as most people would, and thus have little need to actually have original thoughts. On top of it since they have names rather than being anonymous, you get Reddit-tier shit from them: Jockeying for position, ripping at one another for popularity, copying one another for views, and so on. Add onto that the want of money and you've got the YouTube political critic in a nutshell.
The irony here is how much pseudoscience you and thundercuck believe in wholeheartedly.
Let's not forget when thunderf00t got his ass so ravaged by Molyneux, that the only thing he could muster was m-muh cult. Really, the only "response" to his video was thunderf00t calling Molyneux a crazy cult leader.
Oh, so that's why Thunderf00t went after him? Just because Molyneux proved him wrong?
To be fair, Molyneux does have some cultish attributes to him. Not enough to make him a cult leader, but he skirts the line pretty close sometimes.
ThunderF00t exaggerates and uses bad argumentation though, even in his BUSTED series. For instance, he cites thermodynamics and humidity as being the only factors in the condensation of water, when in reality that same argument would invalidate the idea of catalysts and proteins in organic chemistry which routinely facilitate chemical reactions at rates that thermodynamics alone wouldn't achieve. A series of raised surfaces with hydrophilic points surrounded by hydrophobic slopes would readily gather water at a rate beyond mere thermodynamics by attracting water molecules at the tips and making them fall down the slopes at relatively small bead-size. Namib Beetles do it all the time in this manner without using temperature differentials. While Thunderf00t is right that the devices he observes cannot achieve what they say in the way they say it, his explanation saying it is impossible to collect water from the air without massive cooling is incorrect.
It's not really worth watching any of the videos. The tl;dw of it all is that Thunderf00t is an oversensitive pussy and Sargon is confused that he's being attacked over participating in a stream where they made fun of a crazy male feminist.
yup ,a bunch of dumbasses get together have a livestream and laugh at dumb shit is what apparently constitutes a community and a sceptical one at that. It would've been funny in a sad way on it's own but thundejew's reaction to it is what really makes it hillarious to watch
Why would a scientist be more inclined to have personal hygiene? Scientists are generally all a bit on the autistic spectrum, so it makes more sense for them to lack it.
Only the ones working in medical or biological fields are forced to be wash up, but those working with living things are generally also the least autistic.
What the fuck is his problem?
Thanks for saving me the trouble.
Did they make fun of the guy, or did they make fun of him killing his co-host?
I hope everyone in this "skeptical community" kills themselves for misusing the word "skeptic." Being a "skeptic" means you're unsure of something and need more evidence to convince you. Not "le neutral on everything XDXD."
Oh and the whole "the 2nd Coming of the Horsemen of the Atheist Apocalypse," you're a bunch of fat, fedora tipping, egotistical cunts posting videos on YouTube.
Wrapping those baby monkeys in blankets is redundant. They have fur for a reason.
They made fun of him and someone made a comment about male feminists almost always having severe, often violent, issues with women.
Where is any of them defending being 'neutral on everything'? I agree skeptic community is retarded cancer, but on the grounds that there is no point in having a community for skepticism, the point of skepticism is considering the evidences individually, and not accepting societal 'facts'.
Are you implying guilt by association is a rational and acceptable behavior?
That's basically Armored Skeptic's whole skit. When he did his JonTron video, he was basically trying to be a "neutral" and "skeptic."
A side rant: He tries to poke fun of himself like how he put "tm" at the end of his twitter name, but he's just doing it to protect himself by making it seem like he's modest when everyone knows he really is that egotistical.
You have to be neutral to reach a factual conclusion. Being neutral means putting your feelings of the matter and preferences aside, and analyzing the arguments and evidences as stand-alone.
Its not the same of being 'a both-sideans', who would ignore factual evidence against one of the sides just to claim middle ground and superiority.
Giving the same attention to evidences from every argument equally, is not the same as giving the same weight to every argument.
Thunderfoot gets his atheist community destroyed by feminists, rises to moderate prominence pointing out their logical fallacies even though his videos are formatted in a droning, repetitive way and constantly refer back to earlier videos.
Sees the rise of a new community he's considered a part of by default and discovers he can't control what his viewers believe (Brexit) and is genuinely shocked when he gets hammered by his supposed fans for making terrible arguments. He's on the left, and ostensibly most of the people he's lumped in with are considered right-wing by default because what they oppose is on the left. Doesn't want to be considered right-wing.
Makes a video attacking Lauren Southern to try to create fissures, but the quality has notably dropped, and he's not really attacking her on the substance of her actions, but just calling her stupid in an over the top way because he doesn't like the number of prominent conservatives popping up.
Despite also being repetitive his best received videos remain his debunking videos, he hates this increasingly "right-wing" crowd he's associated with and is actively looking for an excuse to distance himself from it while maintaining the moral high ground.
Unable to find a real controversy, he finds a small stream mostly involving nobodies which Sargon sat in on because he was friends with them. He lies within lies on top of lies by asserting somehow that mocking a male feminist who killed a woman who they have a past history with is somehow blaming his crimes on feminism, attacking the victim and hurting her family going to ridiculous length to compare this to the Westboro Baptist Church. Which is like saying if you've ever made or laughed at an OJ Simpson joke you're mocking his murder victims.
I'm not a fence sitter because identitarians are just one group to me :^)
All these faggots present themselves as intellectual voices of reason, but at the end of the day act like gossipy teenage drama-queens.
You're a middle-aged man who has a ponytail. Get over yourself.
You sound mad, idiot. Perhaps you should have considered closing the browser tab when you saw the video's length, knowing your data plan is both small and capped?
Honestly, I tried to sympathize with you here but all I got was a mild feeling of disdain.
Thank you mate, explained it to better than I did with one image.
You missed the point. The point isn't about neutrality, it's that Skeptic's brand of neutrality is being a fence-sitting faggot who doesn't come to any conclusion or because he's "so neutral."
Just say he is a fence sitter, criticizing his claims of neutrality is not the way to go to criticize his populist ass.
I'm weary of 'he is le fence sitter meme' too, constantly see it being thrown around by SJWs and conservatives as a replacement for "he isn't ok with dehumanizing and defending violence against X group" (Not skeptic's case, he did fence-sit hard on some issues, but you are pointing the finger at everyone and not just him)
The point of being a "fence-sitter" is misusing
neutrality. It's not a meme when he actually fucking does it and acts smug about it. He doesn't actually present facts in a neutral light, he just wants to show how high and mighty he is.
Well he benefited of the scientific partnership the UK had with the EU. The findings of one of his papers came from being able to do experiments in a lab in Poland and he received money from the EU. With the Brexit.that partnership is cancelled and one of his sources of money is about to get dry.
Ha ha great post! Well meme'd my friend!
Anti-feminists online have unironically made me into a feminist or at least acknowledge that its still needed with all you angry, bitter, depressed sexist nerds giving them cause.
leave you stupid cockmonger
actually niggers have less hair than us because they lack masculine hormones
lol sucks for him
That's why he's buttmad. But instead to admit the reason he was against Brexit is because of his income, he tried to claim intelectual superiority and to claim the stupid shit remainers said.
He's just mad that the internet subculture is changing and pivoting more to the right, and wishes he could go back to the 00s where they just laughed at dumb creationists and stuff
But that sucks for him because that's never coming back. Being a pedantic fedora fag is not cool anymore, thank Christ
sargon isn't bald
name five things
He has rewritten reality to protect his ego.
Don't forget that Thundercuck accused sargon of both lying and claiming that the shooter did what he did because of feminism.
The "Atheist community" (r/atheism, amazing micropenis, atheist experience, etc.) figured one thing out. Then, they continued to rehash that thing ad infinitum. They show a completely lack of intellectual curiosity. Some of them, like thunderf00t, picked one or two more issues, like feminism, but they're not much better.
Armored Skeptic's video tried to judge Jontron according to the "accusation" that he's Alt-Right. This was a very biased starting point.
I'm not sure it has. I suspect we had just a lower standard of evidence because we agreed with him when he criticized Sarkeesian and creationists (plus, the people he went after before were extremely low-hanging fruits). It's easier to see through bad arguments from the other side.
You could say he's skeptical of skepticism
On another note, who is thunderf00t and more importantly why should i give a fuck?
He's a lefty fedora who makes videos Reddit science fags care about, he (in the only worthwhile thing he's ever done) said Atheism+ was retarded however because that's a core Social Justice thing he's now a Nazi but that makes him upset so now he's randomly attacking other ecelebs who are very vaguely like him so he can rejoin his fellow faggots.
Sarcuck is our goy.
newfag here, where can I find the "stand back I'll show you how it's done" bit
Does anyone have his 9/11 video?
what 9/11 video?
I watched it and WOW it's fucking nothing, nothing worth taking note of
huh…yeh this tbh
He obviously never thought he would be the loser in his grand 'marketplace of ideas'.
probably just laziness. And its harder to attack someone who is going to come at you with better evidence.
But that is exactly what he is doing by including mostly old footage in new videos.
Many people would be mislead in to thinking its a whole new video.
The thing is its fucking up his channel. If you came back to his channel in 10 years and wanted to know about the current hyperloop fraud or something you would have to watch 8 repeating videos that are all pretty much identical to consume all the information.
I understand the reason he is doing it is for clicks and ad revenue. That is youtubes fault for incentivising bad content. So youtube needs to change that.
Right now a lot of science channels are losing out financially in order to produce well organized content. While others like TF use every trick in the book to confuse people in to watching the same content several times so he gets paid several times for the same footage.
Humor requires actual logic and wit, and is at its best with a bit of brutal honesty thrown in, and leftists won't be leftists if they have any of those. All they have are made-up facts and downright lies covered by hipster aesthetics to mask their real intention, which is to perform a power grab without actually having any merit to support their positions, which is why their memes only really work on the dumbest of the dumb among normies.
I'm not even a christfag, in case your wondering.
"and they don't necessarily have to biological parents either"
Now that thunderf00t has outed himself as an oversensitive faggot, my new Skepticfu is Captain Disillusion. He does great videos about digital effects and debunking video fakery and–
Oh.. well that was short lived. Why are all skeptics suck cucks?
get the fuck out, and never dare to return.
People like you are the reason youtube is taking away everyone's ad shekels.
I repeat, get the fuck out
t. es jay dubya
[prefix]fu is nothing but cancer. I've seen people say daughterfu or gunfu and it's horrible. This is how languages die. Waifu is overused as-is.
Whenever somebody says they're a centrist, what they're really saying is that they're moderately left but don't want to admit it as it would mean actually having to defend their beliefs.
It is quasi-Japanese.
"Waifu" is how Japanese pronounce the English word "wife"
It is written in katakana as 「ワイフ」.
Other words are written and said a similar way.
Example: life is 「ライフ」 - "raifu".
President Trump's name is 「 トランプ」 - "Toranpu".
トランプ also refers to western style playing cards.
Daughterfu and gunfu are not katakana. "Daughter" would be written 「 ドーター」 - "dootaa". "Gun" would be written 「 グン」, it is pronounced the same way as the English word.
Shut up nerd
It's a fucking joke. Unbunch your sandy panties.