But lately, we see a lot of people like her on TV so we don't really think that being half-Japanese is a negative thing


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This has been in the making since before stopped a demi-sheboon from winning his miss Japan contest. Rev up those gas chambers.

*Trump stopped

Oy vey, you kids like your yen, dont'cha? Just look here and read dis…


Another thing, this is basically why dating an SE Asian is wrong. It makes you no better than a nigger because the woman exoticizes you for not being SE Asian like how Euro whites do with niggers. Hitler said what he did about Chinese and Japanese before the communist takeover of China. Chinese became total degenerates in the face of communist corruption. Japanese face similar corruption problems with Yakuza and such. I think the Japanese can be tolerated for that reason, but of course without race mixing. Japanese ladies should love Japanese men.

Fucking jews are already here, look up (((Ines Ligron))) who runs Miss Universe Japan and chose that half gook nigger as Miss Universe Japan.
I'm trying my hardest to redpill my normie international school friends, especially the ethnic japs, and it's working to a slight degree.
t. half jap-half anglo (hopefully I can sacrifice myself in the racewar so the sins of the father gets nipped in the bud)

The Jews through the Koreans are doing their hardest to subvert Japan.

I don't understand why people ever want to race mix. I get to have sex for the purpose of pleasure, but to have a child that won't look like you, why? White genes get overridden in every race mix.

are Coreans and elite Chinks the Khazars-East Euros of modern times?
i.e. convert Jews that made it's possible for world Jewry to infiltrate the pre-emptive World Civilisation.

The other way around on how they did it to Islam & early modern Christianity: crypto-judaism

Video also relevant.
It's a movie made to guilt ethnic japs in to accepting diversity and shit, and (((they))) are pushing the narrative pretty hard.
Executive Producer, Jillan Spitzmiller, which sounds extremely Jewy to me, but it also could be German.

By the way, here is one wonderful Japanese youtube channel there is completely nothing wrong with!


Pretty much this . For two decades I only dated asians, I speak fluent japanese, I did business with japanese corporations, well, I understand their culture pretty goddman well, and let me tell you.

No place on Earth, not even feminized PC diverse borderline third-world Sweden has will weak people like modern Japan. Japanese youth were never that etnocentric for that matter, and a good portion of the young don`t care to learn kanji, they integrated a lot of english words up to the point some almost maintain a conversation only in engrish. And this was before the buying out of all major entertainment corporations by south koreans, the majority of those by coincidence follow the jewish faith. The Right and Far Right are starting the fire right now in Japan, but they will need major strategic advantage and hit the gravity center of western failures to repel it, which really I don`t see it happening.

There is no greater punishment you can do to your child than to make it into a mixling.


Oh god fuck this shit, fuck this shit so much

I'm in the same boat as you. Redpilling Japanese people is pretty easy but I don't have much time to do it. Also, they just don't seem to give a fuck about politics so if feels like a hopeless cause. Hopefully, Judeo-Korean removal is on the horizon.

Oh shit, are you stuffed with Pakis, Koreans and other subhumans like I was? It's so much better when you leave, you will be so relieved.

Should have added a pic.

Can confirm, our people are super-cucked. Every time I read some nonsense on how we are supposed to be a savage, cunning race, I have to laugh. If only it was true.


This is to be of the expected.
Humans are doomed to forever be influenced by surrounding external stimuli, whether it be the lyrics of a thug culture rap song, Jewish media, etc.
Until it can be removed from society or it can be countered on a majority basis, we will always have easily lead normalfags like in the OP picture within every nation.
Due to this, I predict that the downward spiral of Japanese identity will come in a neatly packaged Kosher servement of Chinese and plastic Korean look-a-likes that evade the samauri's senses.

Maybe the fact that it destroys your bloodline and produces nasty half-breed mongrels with no connection to your race.


That guy is almost certainly faking his accent and he doesn't look very Japanese.
Probably a Korean trying to encourage miscegenation, it wouldn't be the first time that someone has tried this.

Koreans are jewified East Asians.

Aside from them reading the Talmud, they also borrow a lot from the jew playbook.

This includes bringing up what happened to Korea in WW2 to this day in a similar vain jews complain about the holocaust.

Koreans are honorary kikes.

I'm in a class consisting of pozzed hafus, a literal we wuz quaanz feminist who thought cleopatra was a full subsaharan nigger, and several middle of the road japs (some of whom I've convinced that Japanese culture is deserving of protection and sheltering from foreign influences) , and based race samurais who go against the teacher alongside me.

Everyday's an Alt-Right:^) sitcom when you're supposed to be a crusader for globalisation and diversity but you talk against it.

She said hospitality in English.

holy fucking shit

i've never seen such a fucking cuck
this fucking nip, if he is a nip, has a fucking youtube account, own website, patreon and facebook about getting foreigners to fuck asian women

what the fuck
make this faggot a fucking meme now


too bad about japanese imageboards being ip exclusive. would be nice to send over some redpills

fuck off chink.

I laughed.

It says the name of the channel right there.

They had a Trump and Hillary video as well. The young Japanese are clearly extremely uneducated about politics and have no idea why there are American troops in Japan or what is even the JSDF.

Here is the Hillary video. Somehow they found some "Japanese" that not only doesn't look very Japanese, but has a perfect English accent and said how people that don't like Hillary just hate women.

Also there was a woman that liked Obama, because he cried during his Hiroshima visit.


deary me, least the views are only in the few thousands

One on the left it a total qt3.14, the other one… not so much

My school is more polycultural than multicultural.

My teachers are all white, but there's like only two white students in my entire school.

They are basically old school "I have my opinions and you have yours" liberals, and classes are apolitical since it is marketed as a school to help chinks learn English.

Huh, so you don't have it as bad.

His name is hilarious when you consider the character from Doraemon

Japan is cucked like everywhere else. They aren't in the self-hating mode, and they still have their pride, but they're completely passive when it comes to race. They just don't care. They're civic nationalists at best, the Japs.

Am I right in my assumption that you're school was near an airfield?

Civic nationalism is such fucking cancer, and yet our cucked people still fall for that shit.

The one thing good about the American invasion of our country is that it prevented our race from going full cuck with Asian immigration. 10 nukes would be better than that kind of permenant genetic damage.

No, I don't have the privilage of being a part of an occupational force. Whats the context of that image.

Nah I thought you went to ASIJ which is near Chofu airfield (civie operated).

Pic is from an accident from last year where a plane crashed immediately after takeoff probably because the plane was too heavy.

Nah I don't go to ASIJ. And thank god since the bastards there are a bunch if Nigger wannabees.

Japs have this weird fetish of the haffu. It's always when they are half white though. The way they are depicted in media is that they are somehow liberated from the constraints that regular robotic Japanese society. Yet they still appear to fit in. This can also be shown by a fully Japanese person who was raised abroad. All those repressive social norms were never drilled into their head, so they can act in grandiose and even heroic ways that an ordinary Jap could never do.

Spot on. Disgusting, isn't it?

The Jomon bitch looks sort of Central Asian and more pleasant-looking

You mean east asian, not south east asian. Get it right so you don't sound like such a moron.

The video even proves that.

We can still fuck them and not have kids though.

So they fetishize Jotaro Kujo?

I bet they're from Osaka. Fucking gay progressive shit in Osaka. It's the San Fran of Japan and should be bombed.

Loads of Zainichi Koreans in Osaka so probable.

It's actually also getting better here with the year of the fire monkey. The usual corruption with the Olympics actually ballooned up the existing corruption to the extent that it popped. The lefty bald rat of a governer has been btfo buy this new based lady governer who is slowly undoing the corruption and gook infection of the city. She is cutting funds to Korean schools, halving her paycheck, redesigning the shitty gook inspired olympics uniform, etc. The Korean economy doesn't seem to be doing so well, which in turn would mean that the Zaichi will lose their grip on this country.

Since Trump is going to allow the retreat of the US army out of this country (he is too patriotic to see that the US army is an occupational force), this country may not be doomed afterall. Hopefully, things will turn out for the better.

…HEY, my life isnt that bad

Can confirm. Osaka is a fucking shithole. Comedians from Osaka are mostly shit. Common people from osaka are mostly unfriendly cunts. The place is dirty and smelly. That entire city ahould be deported to Korea.

They have a gay pride museum which was shit and they ruined Osaka Peace Museum by making them start bashing Japanese Nationalism and acting like faggots. If they were smarter politically then they could be great at bantering but they're bluepilled now and I want out.

So the Koreans ARE similar to the Jews in many ways more than I could imagine

Quite a lot similar, actually

did you japs give your media to the kikes?

commies have it if not.

I remember that they had a statue depicting "the struggle" of "comfort girls" whatever that means and had Japan give them reparations to take it down. That was some shit. whatever that means had Japan pay giant reparations to take it down. Step two after destroying Osaka is destroying the Koreans.

When Japan occupied China during WW2 it was like the Chink holocaust. One of the claims the Chinese make is the Japanese army forced untold numbers of Chinese women into free prostitution for their soldiers.

It would be like Israel erecting a statue of a raped Jewess in Tel Aviv and demanding money from Germany to take it down. Usually the Japs ignore the Chinese bitching about this. I don't know why they gave in this time.

In all truth, the Chinese claims sound so extreme I don't know if they're outlandish or real. I deny the Holocaust because what's claimed has been proven to be physically impossible. I don't know of any such debunking for the Japanese atrocities in China.

Alright Chaim, it's chamber time.

Both reasons are equally important. Degenerate behavior extends to the future you try to create for your children as much as anything else.

This. Interracial fetishism has to stop.

Must have been an American trying to fly a Japanese plane.