Is it a coincidence that this show doesn't have a memorable theme in its fights?
Worst Batman cartoon series
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Wasn't the Batman older?
Yes and it was better than BtB.
There's a lot of hit and miss with this series.
The fights with Deathstroke was pretty good.
Katana was surprisingly a good sidekick.
Younger Alfred, also he's now an ex MI6 actually fit better for mentoring Bruce
Adding the subplot for Metamorpho turn out pretty good as well
The fact that GCPD also hunt Batman was a good approach as well.
Batmobile is actually just an armored racing car. The fire exhaust is just fake accessory to make it looks faster
Bruce design was lackluster. He looks the same as other characters in the series.
To be honest, most young male designs look the same. Causing a bit of confusion sometimes.
Harvey Dent is a hard wing attorney willing to use all methods, legal or not to hunt Batman
Anarchy was too organized to be called Anarchy
The subplots can be a bit too much.
Overall it's pretty decent but not in the level of a good Batman series.
BtAS also established that.
I really disliked the episode where he reveals himself to Katana. His plan was retarded, he pointlessly endangered other people's lives, it didn't fucking work, and he gave the Legion of Assassins the Soultaker sword. Later Katana was too willing to prove her worth as a hero to Batman despite being in the moral highground. Batman is willing to use to people as bait and calls a villain letting go of his hostages after failing his revenge scheme honorable despite the fact that he endangered innocent people in the first place. The show brags about using underused villains in the Batman mythos but just puts them in overused Batman villain archetypes.
Bruce never needed Alfred to be a badass ex-spy to mentor him. He needs a fucking dad, and that's what Alfred gives him. Being a retired badass isn't bad for the character, but it should never be the forefront of it.
Which would you guys say is actually worse? The Batman or Beware the Batman?
Beware the Batman. The villain redesigns in design and personality were lackluster. The style was terrible. The batsuit design was bland. There was no badass movie with Dracula.
Why not a badass dad?
He already is, but if you focus too much on the badass, it ruins the point of him.
The only good thing about this cartoon was that it showed Batman despite being highly intelligent is still heavily flawed as a person. Everything else sucks. Especially the villains they're like lesser versions of traditional Batman villains. Especially Anarky, good God do they fuck him up.
I fucking hate Anarchy so much. His costume was like he's too poor to afford good fabric so he bought cheap white fabric in bulk. He's all like "I have a plan" NO YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE EMBODIMENT OF CHAOS NOT LEX LUTHOR. And his idea of fun is to find two useless thugs and armed them so they can do "better" crime.
And Dent was like "Oh gee another weirdo in cape, better believe him than the guy who keep saving me from shit"
Yeah, he was like a cross between Joker and Riddle but lamer than both of them.
The show keeps saying how he is super smart but episode 8 shows that objectively the worst Batman to have a cartoon series. There is moral ambiguity and there is stupid. I was hoping Katana that would say that she is glad that Bruce is alive, slap him across the face, and leave the Batcave. Seriously, if he wanted to go through with his stupid plan, why didn't he prepare a fake sword in advance? It isn't like the soul stealing feature is needed by Katana.
When has Professor Pyg ever been an eco-terrorist?
Could have been worse.
Never I was talking about Anarky not Professor Pyg.
I was just going on a chain of shitting on BtB's choice of using obscure villains but using villain archetypes that we get to see all the time.
Oh ok then my bad. I agree with you on that.
I like Arrow, but they really ruined a ton of villains when they were still focused on making it all "realistic"
How do you like the villains of season 5 so far? They've been pulling some obscure characters like Vigilante and the Human Target.
You know, the weird thing is, with Batman's 75 year history, they could've easily found villains more fitting for the stories they wanted to tell instead of gutting villains to make copycats. This is especially true coming on the heels of BATB, a show that reveled in obscure characters.
I really can't attribute it to anything but sheer laziness. Not even The Batman was that bad with characters. Why even bother with the gimmick if you're not going to follow through on it?
They aren't anything special, but Season 5 is the best the show has been since season 2. The villains they have aren't anything special, but the issue was in the earlier season they took villains like Firefly and Solomon Grundy and completely ruined them because they wouldn't fit in the "realistic" world they had built.
And using Batman villains like Ra's al Ghul or that fucking guy that was supposed to be Prometheus but looked like Scarecrow as an archer instead.
I kept getting him mixed up with Ragman. And Alchemy. Why is everybody wearing old bags for a costume?
Because dirt cheap budget and one lady making the costumes off of memory.
They were going to have Kevin Smith come in and direct a version of "Quiver", with Onomatopoeia as the villain, but the fans went full retard and chased him off, so we got The Blank from Dick Tracy instead.
This is why Batman '66 will continue to be the best cape TV show.
Holy shit
The world they currently have would be good if they could reset the past, which I'm actually hoping they do. I'm imaging they'll do an "Infinite Crisis" to meld Supergirl into the main universe with everyone else, and change a bunch of extra bull shit as well so they an bring back good villains
You know, I always had a hunch that the Joker was evil, but his bad table manners seal the deal!
She's literally the only thing holding back the 4 shows, especially LoT and The Flash, from being amazing.
If they had someone who actually made fun costumes, they'd have a less gritty world and be able to do more wacky things, but instead, everyone has one of 3 generic outfits and we're stuck in limbo.
They said they don't want her in the main universe, else every time there's a big problem, they have to either create an excuse for the Kryptonites not to intervene or depower them stupidly.
Still hoping for Crisis to make it all better. They could even do Zero Hour and introduce GL, who they had planned somewhere along the line.
They probably wouldn't want that anyway. Y'know how much these people love tacticool and gritty.
That makes sense. Is it wrong that I like this CW universe that doesn't have the heavy hitters (except the Flash) and focuses on the minor characters?
It is hands down the worst and the show doesn't even incorporate the theme into the fights.
The producers have been saying something like that since season one.
"We don't want supernatural stuff ruining the gritty realism" -Season 1
"Ok, some comic book stuff is fine but nothing too out there" -Season 2
"Oh way, people really like the Flash, but I don't know how we're going to prevent The Flash from solving all of Arrow's problems" -Season 3
"Wow, people really love the crossovers! Lets be careful not to make Arrow too silly though"- Season 4
And now we're at season 5, and Arrow is more fun loving and comic-booky than it's ever been, and people are saying the same thing about Supergirl that they said about the Flash during season 3 of Arrow.
Was BtB the one by The Edge?
It'd be fine if they didn't just use these minor characters to play the roles of said heavy hitters. Green Arrow's just a shitty Batman wanabee, which I mean he's always been, but at least comics and cartoons try to differentiate him a bit.
Supergirl is just a shitty Superman, complete with lusting after her suave and headstrong coworker.
Flash is the only one that works because it's Flash doing Flash things. Maybe if the Superhero bubble pops hard enough DC'll just wise up and just double down on the TV shows.
I personally see nothing wrong with building up a universe around the "nobodies" of DC. I think it'd be fun to have a Justice League who were composed mainly of people who in the main universe are secondaries.
I could even imagine a plot point where they're all part of Earth-2030 or something, designed to fall apart because people like Batman and Superman never existed, but the sheer heroics of Oliver and Company have managed to keep it alive
True art
Now that would be something to see.
To be fair they weren't wrong. The show os admittedly pretty shitty (then again live action cape shows usually are) and there's little reason why the Supers don't just solve these problems instead of Arrow. It's the same reason characters like The Flash can't make good games, because you either gimp their powers to make them shitty, or you completely negate all challenge.
The CW shows are better than Marvel's attempts at live action, but not by much. And I know most normies are tired of Arrow, Gotham, and their derivatives.
The "Area of operation" is always a problem in both capeshit TV series and comic book version. Remember the No Man's Land event for the entire Bat family? The idea is not that bad, an earthquake destroyed Gotham and people are fleeing the city. But then everyone remember one HUGE problem.
Where the hell is JLA? Why Gotham was turned into no man's land zone by the US govt? It's not like Supes jurisdiction is only Metropolis. The writer went "Uh" and then giving out half assed excuses.
That's why heroes need to be more grounded in terms of powers, or they need self-contained universes.
I love the Flash, but he doesn't work in the DCU because he's so fast that logically he should be able to stop all crime within seconds and patrol the entire earth every single day, and all it would take is a second. Maybe even less, guy thinks in attoseconds. I don't want to see his powers dumbed down because I like him, but he needs his own universe. Without it he appears lazy.
Batman makes sense for that regard: He can't be everywhere because he's just a man, he can only do so much. He's out every night for hours and hours until he physically can't anymore, but he STILL can't stop all the crimes due to the sheer logistics.
I know I'll sound dumb, but me and my mates refer to this as "Anyone else notice Galactus?".
Batman can't even stop all crime in Gotham when his villains keep escaping from everything because raisins.
Batman needs his own universe. I don't care if he can't stop all crime in his shit city but he comes off as a prideful fool who doesn't allow other heroes to intervene in his sweet home town. And to make matters worse, these 'other heroes' really can't intervene because Batman would beat them one on one due to some ass pull or another.
I really hate that argument. Heroes have always fought to make the world a better place but suddenly they can't fight TOO hard or else they're authoritative dictators or something. .
Because it was a giant scheme by rock star Nicholas Scratch. He wanted to use the ruined Gotham as a power base, so he started a giant campaign to convince the nation that the city was too evil to be saved. They bought it. The government decided to quarantine Gotham's negative elements from the rest of America, à la "Escape From New York". After the initial evacuation, the bridges were blown and nobody was allowed in or out of the city.
This is why the Justice League didn't get involved, since going into Gotham City was a criminal act.
That's still a half assed explanation. Supes, even when related to govt sometimes act on his own. So do several superheroes. Also negative elements? Villains exist everywhere not just Gotham. It's like they only see Gotham as total shit hole and disregard the existent of common innocent Gothamites.
I agree. Batman makes no sense in a world with super powered heroes everywhere. Especially when he can do pretty much super human things on his own. Street level heroes are fine but Batman goes into implausible realms of ridiculous. He might as well have powers with all the asspulls and utter nonsense his stories have.
Its possible to fit him in the world yhe original JL cartoon did a fairly good job at it.
X-men syndrome
No Superheroes make sense if more than three of them share the same world considering how many crimes they stop. Like with a majority of ongoing series, you just have to not think about it too hard.
Capeshit doesn't always have to be about boxing with buses, and bombing orphanages, you know.
Leave some room for catching lost balloons, or just being generally disturbing, for the sake of breathing room.
What said. Batman works in the DCU when he's the first established hero in that universe, and all the super powered heroes emerge after he's been around for a few years. Of course, this can only work when you do adaptations, since with comics you can't have a proper chronology because the comics are just going to keep going for another 50 years.
Ya they had to depower everybody pretty severely though. It will be interesting to see how the JL movie handles this because it's hard to picture MoS Superman and Batfleck participating in the same fight, unless Batman spends pretty much the whole time running away as fast as possible, like in BvS.
Who was the white haired chick?
If they are smart they can always use Nolanverse Batman to kickstart DCCU. Heroes start to appears following the death of the Bat and suddenly Supes come to town and changing the game completely.
Also Joseph Gordon Levitt as the next Batman is actually not that bad.
Apparently they never wanted to expand the Nolanverse, presumably to maintain a working relationship with him
But then that'd "ruin" Nolan's "artistic" vision of a gritty "realistic" superhero movie.
That wouldn't be bad, except they've got the DCCU planned out for the next decade. By the time it falls apart, the Nolanverse will be too far removed from current DC properties to be used.
Don't forget that during that time "Batman is a urban Legend." Bullshit.
May I ask why people shit on the Nolan films? Unless you're fan of pre-80's "Batman", it's exactly what everyone wanted.
A friend of mine liked the Nolan films, but described them as "Great vigilante films, but awful Batman." One of his major complaints was that Bruce was a shitty detective in the movies. The crowning moments was, "Have to find the Joker? Lets hack every single cellphone in Gotham city to map everyone's face and run them through an algorithm to find out which one is him." Robin did more detective work in about 15 minutes of screen time than Bruce had in the past 3 movies
In general, the movies could be described as fairly respectful of the source material, but missing the point.
the world is infested with crossdimensional alien superbeings, but some guy in a bat costume is just a crazy rumor
even though he is spotted driving around gotham on a daily basis
Oh and the fact that there is a goddamn light signal on the top of the police building, multiple fucking costume criminals swearing he exist, a fucking homicidal clown that will kill you if you even state a disbelief in him.
Look, it was a really retarded time.
Depends on how early into Batman's career it is. Also, a lot of stuff could be written off as cops trying to play into the urban legend to frighten criminals. It gets pretty dumb when Batman is a well known member of the Justice League, though.
I think that was supposed to be part of the commentary on 9/11 the movie was trying to do. Though I agree with you.
I could see that as a valid complaint, though I have to disagree about it missing the point (At least, completely). Thanks for informing me.
That's the fucking thing. When that Mandate was pushed, Bruce already was Batman for quite some time, a Member of the JLA. Headed the Outsiders and what have you. He was on his third fucking Robin.
Which remind me, the Young Justice Writers wasn't allow to show Robin with his team because of that shit.
Speaking of retarded times, iirc in the Justice League movie trailer/teaser Cyborg has a line about thinking Batman was just a rumor. Maybe he doesn't read the news, or something.
No it's not. Is a washed down Batman at best. My biggest complain is the shitty Joker whose dick is sucked by all the normalfags because it was Babies' first Joker. That aside, everything in the Nolan's film is a washed down version of the comics.
The only reason you'd like Nolan's Batman is if you never read a Batman comic in your life. I'm not saying the movies are bad, I'm just saying it's a bad Batman.
I hear it was their intention for Batman to be introduced as something most people know as a myth
That would have worked before they had him get into a slug fest with Superman and the publicly take down an unstoppable mutated monster.
Make a little sense when Batman was around for twenty years and without any high tech shit.
Than you remember Joker exist and it goes back to being retarded.
It kinda still maintains value if you ignore the "He just got into a slug fest with the God who likes Humans" idea.
Batman is someone that only criminals had seen at that point. No one of credible value had seen Batman, as he doesn't attack law abiding citizens and he doesn't murder (inb4 muh Parademons). Him taking down the Joker and not receiving the credit isn't that far fetched, if he didn't wanna be seen.
And while the Joker might publicly rant about "The Batman," his one known quantity is that he's completely fucking crazy.
Exactly. Batman being a legend still holds some value up until he got into a god damn fist fight with God's alien son.
Apparently in Suicide Squad there was supposed to be a scene of the Joker burning down Wayne Manor and Batman being so pissed that Joker killed Robin that he punched out the Jokers teeth.
I wonder whatever happen with Nightwing. Probably dead.
So just like every other thread, we're all in agreement that the DCCU is shit because they have no sense of pacing.
I'm hoping that that the Robin who died was Jason, as I am a huge Nightwing fan. But knowing Jewywood, it'll be Dick.
I hope they don't do that stupid fan theory that the Joker is actually Jason Todd who was brainwashed by the original Joker.
And in the other news, water is wet and penguin is evil. What's new?
At least it'd be something different
He is.
Not really since that plot was done in Batman Beyond Return of the Joker.
It would explain WHY Harley Quinn is so fucking young.
I watched the series together with a friend, and upon every one of his appearrences we joked that the animation studio only had the budget for model, but not for a texture
If this Batman is willing to kill, why is the Joker still alive.
Fucking what? No they were nothing like people wanted. It's what normal-fags liked. That's all. A Batman who's even more grounded would be fine. But a Batman who acts like he's this big important god like myth while fighting cool villains turned into meh henchman that spout philosophy sucks. A Batman that you claim is more realistic while still doing crazy gary stu asspulls is not something to be praised. Villains that look almost nothing like their comic books selves that would be better off as henchman are not cool. Turning a mexican luchador mask wearing super soldier drug junkie into a british guy you can barely understand and is just strong for reasons is fucking retarded. Batman talking like he swallowed a bunch of nails is retarded. Joker smacking every sentence is terrible and annoying. ROBIN being just some guy called Robin and being given the suit while having literally none of the training Bruce had is FUCKING BULLSHIT OF THE HIGHEST ORDER! There's nothing there to like besides memes.
A little too much?
I don't know I guess the DC movie department isn't consistent with continuity.
Nonsense. You have to get your point across right off the bat.
He doesn't seem murder-happy as a first choice. Usually. Maybe those were rubber bullets (honest).
but anywayz we've been through this once before
Dare I ask what they did?
He fights "Cyrus Gold," some shit gets splashed on him as he dies (embed related). We never see him again. That was season 2. This is back when the show runners thought they had to stick to "gritty realism." They wasted a ton of villains in the first two seasons because of that. It's the reason why I'm hoping they do an Crisis reboot so they can redo the villains properly.
So would Supergirl die in the Infinite Crisis event? Its funny since they did something similar in Season 5 where Wild Dog pushed a gangster into a vat of chemicals he was using to make his drugs that got mixed with some other chemicals and he came back from the dead and was unable to feel pain.
No, in a realistic version (one the CW might actually do), the Crisis would also work to cram Supergirl into the main universe.
Sounds like a mess
Yes, Carlos, we know you're a fuckass.
We know bud
Couple of things wrong here:
Never said that.
Four words: Robin…
…a …
…==COP==. Do you know the bulllshit people have to go through to get a badge?
There are only two philosophical messages that come out of the Nolan trilogy (Specifically, that last one):
I'm not sure about anyone else, but, for me, that defines Batman.
What is he fighting for? For a better tomorrow, for a place without crime, for another child to not experience the loss of their parents at the hands of another. Why did he have to learn to let go? His lust for revenge was destroying his life and those around him.
Like you said, he is an ass, and, to an extent, he was enjoying it. When the Joker came around, "unsurprisingly", and he was justly kicked to the curb, he should have learned something. But, no, it took him a decade of moping and a toss into a well until he finally learned what he needed to.
Yeah, get that joke about red texting out of your system.
Jesus, watch your spacing.
Judging from the discussion, no one actually care about this show.
You might want to fix your structure user,
Yeah. It takes a lot of Krispy Kremes.
I refuse to believe those are recent
Oh God, he looks like a cartoon character.
How old are these pics?
Well that certainly is something.
Jesus that was bad, who else did they ruin?