If Holla Forums had a movie theater, what would it be like?

if Holla Forums had a movie theater, what would it be like?

black men with white women only.

no singles.

It'd be full of lolis putting their feet on the back of chairs.


Only niggers, their banters is great.

xD so hilarious

There would special events for the waifu fags, movies with their bizarre waifu would screen.

There would be an awkward and liable no shoes policy for female children.

Kino night would have random topics for the films screened on that night, it would mostly be interracial romance.

The ADL would supervise the "Jewish in film" Discussion night.



I had a friend who would make the most uncanny dick sucking noises in movie theaters, before the movie would start.

Sounds like your friend knew from experience.

muh nigga

How come I never heard about this?

American public is still embarrassed for supporting the chechens


I hate to break this to you, Ivan. But the average burger not only has no idea the US government ever supported the Chechens, they don't know what a Chechen is.

someone from Czechoslovakia duh
next to Australia
were not as dum as you think

American public knew/heard what a chechen was back in the day (15 years ago)
Obviously not today, as they seem to think anyone in the arab peninsula, desert and sub-saharan region is a syrian





It would be extremely painful


Simple. It's the theater from the end of Inglorious Basterds.

You Holla Forumslacks will meet your end from everything you irrationally hate. Because deep down inside, you fear it all with your life.

DMT, THC, and MCT oil in everyone's popcorn

Can confirm, am American. Have no idea what Chechens areā€¦

Muslim Russians is the shortest way to describe them.


A single neckbeard, sitting alone, watching 24/7 slideshow of his precious goblin Maisie, while furiously masturbating.

Muslim Russians that put gays into concentration camps.