Need bills

I need some bills to pass Holla Forums show me what got.


Only thing we aren't allowed to mess with is the grading scale, everything else is fair game.

Make dwarf porn legal, if already legal, make it mandatory.


Sanctions on Israel until it splits its land with Palestine. No aid, no trade. It must also surrender its nukes.

Make bill repealing NFA and lowering AOC to 11
Also shove in either of them that french cheese and kinder surprise eggs are legal again

Propose a bill that requires online gacha games that cost real money to make their rates public. Bandai makes different versions of the same games (for Japan and Global) just so they can have global versions with non-transparent rates and take in more shekels, because there's already a law in Japan.

Try to get a bill passed through congress that defines life at conception.

Just eat your dick cheese. It should have about the same bacteria content.

What do you mean with rates? What is a gacha game?

Will take into consideration.

Legalize Marijuana. Bring back the death sentence in every state and reduce the "Death Row" waiting period to a week. Bring back public hanging as the preferred method of execution too. Charge every Gun Control faggot with treason while you're at it.

I'm looking more for stupid shit that we can actually do, like a bill that states everyone has to give a Nazi salute whenever the teacher walks in the room.

No. I disagree. We must have a policy of Eugenics where mentally retarded babbies are thrown off a cliff. Mentally healthy but physically impaired kids like Hotwheels would be spared, but work would have to be done to fix them.

Pro-Life and Pro-Choice can both fuck a cactus. Fuck retard babbies and their fundy defenders, and fuck Feminist cunts.

Outlaw eating chicken with a fork on sundays. Mandate every lawyer to wear chicken suits in court, and make every jurist don fake moustaches with tweed jackets.

A gacha game is something where you pay money to get a chance at something, usually a random drawing from some pool of units. In Japan they have to make public the probability of everything that you might get. In the global versions they tell you nothing.
It's kind of stupid and small but for mock projects like this sometimes something small and really specific is easier.

Ban the use of consonant letters starting the first name of new born children.

You could also extend this to more transparent odds with gambling games in general.

This. Shit like this.
I probably should have also mentioned that any bills that add or remove rules that pass, stay until the end of semester.

Make it illegal to sell your eyeballs, sing off-key, sell toothpaste and a toothbrush to the same customer on a sunday, appear unshaven in public as a female, step on money, have more than two vibrators in your home, kiss a woman publicly if you're a man with a moustache, be on top during sex as a female, tie a dollar bill to a string on the ground and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up, fart in public after 6PM on a Thursday, forget your wife's birthday, sing loudly after sunset, or tell kids that gay people exist.

outlaw niggers

Make a stimulus bill and sneak in two lines, 1 declaring pluto will always be a planet and another saying y officially isn't a vowel.

it was stupid that kinder eggs were banned

Make usury illegal and call it The Political/Economic Security Act or 'Pol Act' for short.

Revoke human rights for negroids.

Propose a bill to institute embryonic stem cell research and watch conservatards get anus annihilated

outlaw the ATF

all guns are now legal, BUT
possessing so much as an image of a bullet will get you life in prison

especially from all that gay sex
the anus is full of bacteria, you know

Everyone at the age of 14 and older will be issued hand guns unless they already have one. And it'll be mandatory that they have one.

Any and all mention of The Gay Community gives any and all people in the vicinity of the person who said it right to have sex without consent for 24 hours with no consequence

Out law freedom of speech but don't specify what exactly counts as bad speech and everyone will just stop talking as a whole.

Abolish the gubbermint so we can live in a utopian ancap society.

wearing stinky socks is a felony charge during work hours.

Pass a law that makes coin flipping the decision for laws.
Or forbid the use of proprietary software in the government. (-> the whole class)
Make people mark themselves with their ethnicity in the Global Anti Yell Proud Reasoning Independent Descendent Ethnicity act.
Pass the Heroic Washington Necessity Display Union Act in witch every member has to carry a flag, and cannot vote without it.
Preventive Environment Protection Envelope act that should put any threat to frogs in jail.
Pass the Systematical Prolonged Abusive Messaging act, witch forbids talking more then one minute.

mandate SI system

u mean "win" rates?

Dis regard that, I suck cocks

on the contrary - make abortion legal at an point. No1, not even foetus has the right to use somebody elses organs without consent.
Also say, that its either this, or removal of child support and alimony

have to make room for guns

nigger, just gas the jews.

Audit and Abolish the federal reserve and replace with currency backed with "basket" (multiple like gold, silver, copper) precious metals and allow local banks to issue out bank notes and silver/gold certificates as currency.

They ask you why, tell them you want to be able to buy like the 1900-1950s again.

How to Lose the Favor of your Jewish Overlords: The Post

The more you know, the more you realize your idealism is naivite, and that these niggers are right about the solution.