We seem to have nothing but "This canidate did this or this one isnt doing that"

We seem to have nothing but "This canidate did this or this one isnt doing that"

But the main fact is what are these two people putting on the table. This should be the most important thing yet NO ONE seems to talk about it. People want to talk about Hillary's Health or Trump now protecting israel. I honestly dont give a shit anymore about anything but whats on the god damn table.

I Know Trump set out an amazing tax plan that would help out everyone below poverty level and wants to revamp(more like recreate) the VA and help veterans like myself. But what else is he doing for us, the people?

What about hillary? I honestly have zero idea what she is promising. By posting what the two candidates promise we can see what is worthwhile and what isnt.

While debating about other things is fine we also really need to look at who wants to bring what. This is for posting what each candidate promises, how phesible it is and if it will help them swim or sink their ship.

I honestly want a fucking discussion without bullshit memes, shitflinging or other retarded things. A good old fashion thread analyzing the politics of each potential president.

Other urls found in this thread:


donaldjtrump dot com slash positions

his immigration plan is great. In the words of Iron Ann Coulter:

A good resource if you want to learn about what Trump believes is his book Crippled America, it was recently renamed Great Again and it explains all his policies in great depth.

Holy Jesus what kind of fucking reality do you think this is?

From what I have read and what I understand Hilaries plan is more of Obama's plan. More Migrants a slow push towards socialism. Its also important to think about what promises they intend to keep and what promises they are able to keep.

Well think about it this way: If you want your canidate to win you have to discuss what positives he has. Sure you cant just ignore hillary's negatives but you need to be able to tell others "Well you should actually be voting for so and so because he has this type of immigration plan with a great revision on taxes that will help the lower income populous"

Holla Forums doesnt need to convince its viewers who to vote for, it needs to convince everyone else. Most people will get tired of just hearing negative things and just tune that shit out. I know, ive dealt with it. So you need to let people know WHY to vote for some faggot instead of saying that the other one is bad. They would just not vote but honestly you want to gain votes, not just sac the enemies. By converting you actually make them lose by 2 points instead of one every time. The opponent loses a vote and your team gains. So now the opponent is down by 2.

Most people know their job is bad. But trying to get them to jump to a better one takes good information and proof that the grass is greener. Otherwise they will still stay in their shitty job. Same with politics and parties.

But what are those exactly? Its better to post them and dissect them. If we can prove within a reasonable doubt that her plans would come up short against Trumps it would help in the long run.

Hilldogs site and news



Trump site and news






So basically her deal is to only have disclosures on spending without reforming the wasteful spending and then having people get free school, not limiting them to actual useful jobs like trade skills which we desperately need and will waste taxpayer money even more.

Meanwhile trump makes a single page tax reform that allows everyone to pay a HELL of a lot less in taxes and makes companies want to pay taxes instead of spending extra money on paying accountants for loopholes and paying fees…which would also allow oversea money thats floating to come over.

This is the shit we need to look at and hit her with. If you want trump to really win you need to demolish her plans not just her health or rhetoric which hurts her already without our help.

Thats a good summary yes, Im not sure why but it seems the goal of democrats since at least the 90's is to drive everyone into the food service industry and give out useless degrees

Ill give it a bump for a little bit more expose most of the unintelligent wont comment but I sincerely hope a few will read the tax plans of the candidates and maybe browse their sites a little and learn something about there politics

What a gay thread

I honestly think Trump has had the best tax ever created. Its so brilliantly simple that a 3rd grader could make it yet no one ever tried to put up anything like it. Obviously people who make poverty level wages wont be able to withstand paying taxes, so why tax them?

Trump's proposed immigration and taxation policies are damn good. But I do have a real issue with his pro NSA stance, and that he wants to see Snowden killed. I know Hillary wouldn't be any better on either issue, but it's still a problem. Trump wants to expand NSA surveillance and doesn't seem to have a problem with constant widespread electronic surveillance on absolutely everyone at all times. That's no good.

Be the change you want to see in the world on Holla Forums.

That is a big negative for trump his want to expand the police state.

I'd like to see Snowden done in too, if only for his constant leftist bullshit shilling.

I didnt know about the NSA stuff but honestly the whole Snowden thing was just a bit much. Sure he is leaking things in the beginning that needed to be I suppose but now its just out of spite. "HEY FUCK YOU GUYS HERES MORE SHIT".

He just keeps leaking things at a minimum to seem relevant enough for some shit country to keep him housed.

No joke, this is a very big deal that doesn't get much attention here on Holla Forums. I'm still voting for Trump because he's the best option available, and there are some things that can't wait, like securing the borders. But I am concerned. Even if Trump has the best of intentions and wants to grow the NSA to better track and prevent terrorism, there's nothing to stop a later president from using the NSA to suppress the "far right" or whatever.

What Snowden did was very good. I don't care about his politics, revealing the extent all Americans are being spied on at all times was a damn good thing to do, and he did it at great risk to himself. Although there are some convincing theories that it was an inside job, Snowden came out with the least damaging aspects of the surveillance state so people would get worked up over that and not over the deeper issues. I have seen him doing a lot of attention whoring since, but that's understandable when you consider that if Snowden leaves the public eye, he's as good as dead.

Fair enough.