Forgotten e-celebs

Renegade cut

ray william johnson, hanna mix, a girl that was staring at the camera for a few minutes looking japanese but she wasn't and had millions of views and fucked up teeth, Fred

You're such a renegade - *blushes*

The big tit weeb girl?

Hanna, yes. But the other one was probably magitook or something, I don't know. A white, skinny girl who had big eyes and was pretty, and looked at the camera saying nothing.

I remember this guy. He would reach for stuff so much. I never knew he got fired from Channel Awesome.

So basically a reply girl?

Forgotten E celebs. Ed Gould, the guy who did arby and the chief machinima series.

I thought Channel Awesome would keep that guy because it fits with the rest of the remaining and dwindling crew. I guess the view count disagrees.

Holy shit. I had every intention of watching the whole video just for the autism but I could only last 5 minutes.

Etc. Holy shit dude, like its a movie about a vigilante dressed up in a bat costume beating up villains and handing them over to the cops. And you're like over here trying to have an existential crisis about it. Dude must be a real hoot at parties.

How shit you have to be to get fried from channel awesome?

Minx just dropped off from the face of the earth, probably because her career was getting nowhere and she met (and married) some NY richfag with a Scandi name.



Ask Bananafucker.

When Renegade cuck was famous?

He somehow outliving people on channel awesome.

Dont let camera trick fooled you, magibon is average at best. She appeared a japanese TV show and somehow look uglier.

Before he was laughed out of channel awesome.

I mean to be fair you can analyze the themes of a film like with the Dark Knight it does have the whole security vs freedom thing at the end of the film. And about the breaking point for Batman. The problem is that Renegade Cut does shitty analysis and projects whatever he wants into the analysis of the film and claim it as truth.

Give him a couple years and he'll blow his own brains out.

Pretty sure April will keep his pathetic ass alive for the patreon bux. Do they even have real jobs? Im pretty sure no buys her arts and crap off etsy

I don't think so. That and he bought a house in Chicago so that will probably get taken by the bank if he fails to pay his mortgage.

I had sex with her many times ;)

Can we consider original Boxxy dead by now? no one is forcing her on Holla Forums anymore, people even mistake her with ShoeOnHeand now.

Didn't she became a voice actress?