Will Kickass 3 ever get made?

Its been 4 years since Kickass 2 came out and after that there hasn't been much news to whats happening.

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Fridge girl isn't a draw anymore.

How can her career recover?

Whats wrong with her career seems to be doing fine for herself. She's been doing less main stream movies each year see for yourself imdb.com/name/nm1631269/.

considering the first two shouldn't exist either hopefully never

She hit puberty


Thanks doc.

She hit puberty years ago.

It's not happening.

After pig face fridge body got BLACKED, nobody except for Clinton fans care.

What are u talking about?

Haven't you heard namefag newfag? She fucked a nigger.

Wait really she actually did that when did that happen?

Open up little one. You're getting spoonfed.

More like

Its just a picture whats wrong with that?
And is who's fridge is that suppose to be the black guy?

do you often get rides from a black man after a night of partying on the way to his home/hotel?

Hell no but what does have to do with being a fridge?

Busta-ass Eazy-E wannabe.


Someone with talent please edit Hitgirl into the fridge she is now.

Puberty is the real "Wall" women hit.

WHeny were you made you millenial faggot


That not true, not everyone is a pedophile, and plenty of women are attractive after puberty.


What do u mean?

nobody cares but that bitch and that faggot need the jobs

my waifu has $9,600,000,000 if I counted correctly which I did.

Short answer: No.

Long answer: Kick-Ass, the first, was the child of Matthew Vaughn. Mark Millar wrote a comic, yeah, but they were being made at the same time, and while the movie became a cult hit, I think the comics were only successful because of the movie. The second part was butchered, because the original producer and Vaughn both left, and they let untalented people like Jeff Wadlow guide the making. Also the fact that Blowie Whoretz grew up took away the sensation of a little girl swearing and chopping limbs off, which was a huge part of the original's success. And here we can also mention that after Kick-Ass 2, the comics went into the absolute trash cathegory.

So now we have a shitty source material (either the second movie or the rest of the mentioned comics) and a full grown fridge girl. If the original producer woman and Vaughn come back, they correct/fill out Millar's awful story and get all or nearly all the actors from the first installment on, that could work, but you know it as well as I do, that it won't…

It's cathartic to see her lose her looks
I was so jealous at the time, so bitter

There is a girl on our vent server!

what did Carrey mean by this?

He became SJW and anti violence mid filming

What a cuck…

Super > Defendor >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kickass > Shitass2

And that's a fact.
