White Women Beaten By Niggers (30 Clips)


30 clips of niggers beating up white girls

I just produced this piece of hardcore right wing propaganda

Help it spread

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This footage is thirty holocausts unto itself. Why do you do this to us, goy?

Lynch them.

Good job but I doubt it'll last on jewtube for long.

given I got most of this content from YouTube and some from LiveLeak

it may live a little I hope

White women are responsible for opening up the flood gates to these scum and now we need to feel sorry for them cause muh white wimmenz? I fail to see how this is my problem or why I should give a fuck. Any bitch worth her salt already knew the score before all this started happening

Good job. Thanks for the lifting material.

when you give a baby a weapon, don't be surprised when it hurts itself or others

giving political power to women doomed western civilization, but that does not mean we cannot assert our rightful place as rulers

white men will take back power and women will be begging us to

Sadly, checked :(


Americans are responsible for opening the flood gates I dont seem to remember white women invading europe and then using there political and economic strength to slowly break Europeans down.

Yeah, (((Americans))) are responsible.

30 clips of feminists getting exactly what they deserve.

yeah they are. You fought for the jews you let them in they couldn't have done shit had you not let them every zogbot in the army ever senator every president has been a okay with it. It wasnt hordes of jews that stormed normandy it was americans I dont seem to recall the US ever having a Jewish president

Women are retarded user, it's mens' fault for not keeping them under control.

nah, the new generation of white women today are being brought up with feminism, sexualised media, free porn, anti-slut shaming campaigns etc etc
They will be too busy getting willingly gang-fucked by shitskins just like the videos they watched on pornhub.

when a child runs into the street and gets hit by a car, do you celebrate?

No, this was a failure on the parents and those who are in charge.

The patriarchy is coming back

daily reminder that you are the bitch of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god with liberty and justice for all white men

Thoroughly triggered user, good work.

thanks brother 1488


It triggers me when cucks bring up that line to insinuate that it extends to non-whites when the white part was self evident by things such as slave-owning and their immigration/citizenship laws.

fucking idiots. we're on team aryan. now's not the time for bantz, that comes later.

Music fucking sucks. Sage

Wasted time pulling this up on my phone so I could listen to it, its just some faggy cunty bitch singing poorly

Horrible music, but good compilation. What else would fit overtop of this?

It would have been better with an anti-white rap song in the background.

I heard some shitty rap song the other day about how "the man" was trying to stop all the races living together in harmony, and about how they were gonna "baptize" white people. Wish i know what the fuck it was called, it would be perfect for this

gibs me mo programs

It'd be better with music to make you rage, not music to make you resign in depressed failure. That music is a boner-killer man, pump me up, make me angry. Make me pissed off. Make me ready to take up the mantle.

i suggest geto boys still as the new track. embed related.

When you date Black Guys, you get Black Eyes.



I loved that record as a teen


Well that was rustling

What needs to happen is you have disjointed and broken tones over the videos and between videos find a picture of the aftermath, specifically one where they are either looking at the camera or their dead body is facing the camera to make people look in their eyes. Now that is good propaganda.

Oh and while the aftermath is being shown either cut the atonal tracks for silence or play uninterrupted music for a contrast.

Calm down autist, killing random nigs won't do anything, you need to get a highscore to be even halway effective. Plan your shit out don't Dylan Roof it, and wait for Trump before you do.

Best time would be during the chimpout after the election.

We tried to warn them, all the signs were there, all the information laid bare on the tubes just a few clicks and a tap away.
And yet.

So as they drown in their own blood, blind to the doom they brought upon themselves.

As they reach up and shout "save us"

I for one, will look down and say

Top Kek


You're right but god damnit I'm tired of this shit. I'm sick of waiting, it's been 6 long fucking years for me.

If Trump doesn't win in November, I don't see a future that doesn't involve me going full RWDS.

Patience is a virtue user.

Also checkem

OP, can you get me an acapella of that song, without the instruments in the background?
Or just an acapella very similar to it?
I have something I want to try out.

If you were to add a subtle echo to the voice, and place some gaps of silence between each sentence, and then put it on top of some far more chilling ambient instead of regular instrumental, it would be quite powerful.

In between videos, have a small bit of footage slowed down, combined with picture-in-picture stills that pop up showing a close up on the victims face/body.

Artist is saga if you're wondering fam

suffrage was a mistake

You can't keep them under control. The law is on their side every time.

Yeah I gave it a search, but no acapella version in sight.

In the meantime I'll work on the chilling backing audio and post that up (8 minutes worth of it, to fade out just as the discussions start).

Once that's done I'll attempt a home-made acapella, but I'm not that good at separating audio frequencies so it might sound kinda bad.

Everyone needs a gun, this would not happen if everyone had a gun.

Dey dindu nuffin, it be witeys fault n sheit

second knockout is to a muslim girl wearing a scarf

not that it matters much, fucking niggers

Stay asleep, Goy.

Great work, expect blm and such likes to get it taken down, get it up in as many places as you can brother.

you know nothing of memes or redpilling friend. putting video of dindus chimping out on white people to yid music makes no sense and does not help redpill or recruit. if anything it would only distract because der normie knows nothing of der juden.

dubbing video to hoodrat rap music makes tons of sense because it's enraging. to normie american it's a first dose redpill because it portrays society as crumbling, out of control, and a growing dindu rebellion that needs to be put down. it also undermines blm by focusing entirely on the dindu.

then, when der normie is ready, he will ask where these problems in society originate. that is when der normie is ready and able to see der juden behind the curtain.

learn to meme better friend


He said enraging. As it would be, salt in the wound. Would remind people of how degenerate nigger music is and what it promotes.

This would be good music for one of these

This isn't going to spread beyond us without changes.

Get rid of the "diversity = white genocide" text and move the intro to the end, start with the violence.

This isn't a redpill right now, it's a video for race realists, but it could be both.


This. Effective propaganda speaks to both the base and the potentially persuadable.


NO, these are both terrible ideas:

- The average YouTube viewer has a very short attention span. It is CRUCIAL that the video start out with that specific intro. It needs to stand out from the rest of the compilations you'd find on the sidebar. Use YouTube's recipe against them.

- Removing the simplified message weakens the videos strength, because the alternative is going to be some longer one that no one has the patience to read.

The YouTube audience is conditioned to a very dumbed down, specific format of video. Being too clever in its delivery will stray away from what would draw them in.
K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Silly.

The filename should be japanese_man_poking_fingers_in_mayonnaise.mp4

If someone doesn't already hate niggers they're not going to get past the first 10 seconds.

The point being made is that even if they DID stick around past 10 seconds because it started out with going straight to the violence, not many people will stick around for long after that.

This is why so many YouTube videos are no longer than 1 or 2 minutes. Unless it's a lets play, people just switch off.

Having information at the end will get ignored completely, vs. at least getting that part out to them first and risking a few of them not seeing the compilation section (which you can see on YouTube anyway).

The smarter thing to do would be have a animated text overlay at the start that tells them to search something specific, some terms that will pull up all the videos that would en-rage them.

Also yes, I stole that idea from the World Peace skit about Facebook.

Ultimately it's white men's fault because we are the stewards of earth, the spiritual and philosophical leaders and the most intelligent and innovative people on the planet. We made the mistakes that lead to this.

White women fill a role to serve white men and provide offspring for the future, that's it, everything they have gained is because white men didn't stop the Jews and allowed them to have whatever they wanted.

All it takes for evil to prevail in this world is for enough good men to do nothing.

Nice trips but do you have a single fact to back up that those specific women were coalburners or/and pro-immigration?

~Nobody, ever.

Sometimes I'm really thinking about making my own board. A pol without anime garbage and everyone who post anime gets permabanned globally. also reported.

Things like this are exactly why women love niggers. They are a conspicuous physical threat to others as a totally different species, and women are primitive, brutish dumb animals that are attracted to exactly that. of course you should know that by now unless you are a baby.

When are we just going to kill them. Go out with a knife or a hammer, and a camera, and kill a particularly bad jew, and then upload it to youtube or liveleak? That's the kind of action that can change things. Otherwise you're just jerking off.

In summary, get out there and kill jews. Kill them with knives, guns, hammers, sniper rifles, you name it, and record and share the whole thing. This is 100% legal free speech btw as it has a political purpose, it is 100% legitimate political protected speech, also I'm behind 30 pakistani proxies.

I hope this helps everybody.

Peace the fuck out,
The Ethical Atheist

btw, how do you embed files?

Am I stilled banned? Great content btw

Nevermind, I just watched it and that is some cringey shit. You bunch of lame sadistic fucks. Try being more positive.

If I want to see niggers beat up dumb white broads I'd like it in pure uncut form not with some cringey soundtrack added for emotional appeal but which really just confuses the message. I'm too raw for ya'll.

i could beat you up and kill you easily. shut up beta male. in fact, i will kill you.


fuck! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! how do you delete posts on this website?!?!


Well user, assuming you arent party v& for that, lurk moar faggot

why should I care?
isn't this what they wanted?

Audio re-dub complete.

Audio used:
SAGA - Ode To A Dying People.
Trevos Morris - Nordic Ambient (distorted)
DQN - 207 P And M (distorted)

Everything else = :)


Is there any evidence for this claim from this faggot weak sissy contemptible male?

PS: Make sure you save this and re-upload it elsewhere.

You are embedding youtube links. Clearly you didnt disable js and flash.

You are no more anonymous than anyone else here, but you are sticking out like a sore thumb which means you get scrutinized first m8.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say you are not a professional media producer.

Who gives a shit

Kill yourself kike shill


Kill yourself autistic ugly permavirgin cuck


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

lmao keep being a white knighting cuck user

Replace the music with speeches of female black activists talking about black lives matter.

Prefferably slam poetry

I never said 30 seconds, I was simply referring to the order of delivery.

You don't have to be a professional to make this observation, the YouTube recipe isn't rocket science.

Just because you are so hideous and repulsive no woman ever took interest in you ever doesn't mean you should be cheering the rape and humilation of women of your own race. Kill yourself pathetic effeminate cuck go back to your chinese cartoons ugly freak genetic failure

Dub them over the top of this one:

And the Joe Biden one, all of those speeches relevant, just dub snippets of them in through-out the compilation section.

I added "ebony and ivory" the 60s hippy propaganda song. It was the boomers buying up this propaganda that is causing our modern problems.

There is a ton of songs like this from back then. Another fun subject is the anti apartheid music.

did that fucking nigger punch a pregnant woman in the stomach?

how did that fucker not get curbstomped right then and there?

Burn the coal pay the toll.

Can you link any video that puts a message like that on the bottom for the entire video? To me, it was just annoying.

I don't know, people have lost their instinct, they never picture themselves having to jump to action.

Yeah nice infighting goys, you'd make your Jewish overlords proud. Don't blame your own fucking people for this shit you cucks. There's NOBODY to blame but the Jews for this fucking mess. Not women, and not America, the Jews weed themselves into power wherever and whenever they can find it. They manipulated and deceived YOUR people and instead of blaming the ones actually responsible you're just gonna blame eachother?
Your race is your blood, your family, sometimes family makes mistakes but you dont fucking turn on them you show them the light. I hate that whites have let this happen but I cant blame them. There was a time when we all fell for the bluepill, never forget that…


I don't care if it's annoying you. It's a simple message, and it needs to be kept in the entirety of the footage.

Go watch fail compilations at 4x speed if your ADHD can't handle something being on-screen for more than a few seconds.

triggered and corrected the rectum, fat kike dyke.

Being annoyed at 4 words on a screen isn't a "low attention span". It's basic video production.

Now answer: Can you link any video that puts a message like that on the bottom for the entire video?

(File already exists, can't embed)

I like the depressive mood of OPs video a lot, though.

It sincerely pissed me off.

For a long period of time, yes…it is.
Fuck off with your nit-pick request already faggot. Autistic whining will change nothing.

if those numbers are true, how do you explain well over half of women voting for left wing parties that are for open borders while mostly men vote for the right wing? (the real one, not the centre-right cucks)

Ok, you are indeed retarded, you can't give any examples to support your claim. The text sucks.

now you are getting some where.

It works very well.

Go watch literally any news broadcast that has banners on-screen across the entire footage.

If you care so much about it, change it yourself. I'm sure it's just "basic video production" right? Go ahead then.

I can't exactly delete his text. I would need to get all the sources and edit it all down, duplicating all his work, a waste of time.

The text on news is in clearly defined boxes and is not a good example. They are distracting too, but they are also useful since they display more than one thing. Unboxed text is usually reserved for subtitles, never staying up for minutes.

Again, change it yourself. No one else is going to, the video is fine as it is.

I can't change it without the source videos. Why don't you understand this?

Fuck both of you jew pozzed faggots. Caring for your race doesnt make you a shill it just makes you not a fucking race traitor.

Wouldn't happen if they married white men and didn't live around niggers.
They will learn what they did the hard way.
Good propaganda for the normalfags though.

don't you have some twitter whore to white knight, cuck?

You forget that Americans are niggers.
They'll always post that they dindu nuffin and that it was the jews all along who took power with their magical powers.
All the while blaming yuropoor for getting invaded by them.
The balkanization of the USA cannot come soon enough.

Nice reading comprehension schlomo. You called the guy a kike because he called you out for cheering on the abuse of white women. Do you not see the irony in that?

See just because I dont enjoy seeing WHITE WOMEN being beaten by savage NIGGERS doesn't mean im a whiteknight.

That part's from a prank/"social experiment" video

Oh damn, thanks for the warning.

Why are there white figures interspersed with brown in Italy but not Spain?

OP can you please post this without the text at the bottom?

Also take out the black guy hitting the pregnant video. It's fake, see

Yeah, Italians and Spaniards are shitskins.


The kikes and non-whites think the pyres of white power have all gone out, marxism only extinguished the big flames, but the coals still run hot on the inside..

Little do they know… All the bullshit they're doing is gonna cause a huge fire to light up all the pyres all over the world..

GG. I'm glad im white. :o

Untrue. I've gone to spain, they're just like germany atm. Despite that so called shitskin university (((they))) just made, spaniards(actual citizens) are extremely racist and hate shitskins and theyre not afraid to show it.

needs some actual facts from government sites cus normies trust government sites even though they act like they dont, remember these fuckers are brainwashed (like black on white crime statistics)

Can put them in like 5 second gaps between the different videos

Written by (((Jim Steinman)))

here's the original

That's a good idea, I would like to do this with text on the bottom, the problem is OP already has text there. I'd rather not cut to graphics because of short attention span.