1. This is better than the status quo.
2. This is probably more achievable than your Socialist Utopia, and a functional alternative.
Why aren't you an anarcho-primitivist?
1. This is better than the status quo.
2. This is probably more achievable than your Socialist Utopia, and a functional alternative.
Why aren't you an anarcho-primitivist?
None of this is incompatible with socialism, and neither is it primitivist.
that's not what primitivism means bucko
Call it a partial implementation.
And now we are all peasants.
Isn't it just Eco-Anarchism rather than strict primitivism?
As far as I understand, primitivism is trying to esablish communism, by going back to being hunter-gatherers.
Peasantry isn't a bad deal. Peasants did a lot less labour than capitals workers.
No, Anarchic social structures differ from Communistic.
Let's say we're shooting for primitivism but will settle for eco.
why? bartering is a pain in the ass. if we're gonna have markets might as well make them ez
Glad to see primitivism finally found its Kautsky
It's almost like it's a real political ideology now
That's why.
In short a total death of any kind of growth as we go to pre-agricultural norms.
Simply because fact that society would be socialist would not mean that we would flatten all social structures and hierarchies. There would still be need for specialization even in communist utopia.
never thought I'd find a philosophy even stupider than Marxism and here we are
lmaoing @ it lyfe
Specialization != heirarchy
It always leads to hierarchy. There needs to be hierarchy in military for it to function; same goes for education and most institutions that govern our daily lives and probably will for the rest of humanity(or until we reach true post-scarcity)
learn to fucking theories tankies holy shit
Get on my lvl m9
You're a fucking moron with no concept of the importance of hierarchy.
Hierarchy is not the same as the ability for one person to tell another person what to do, you stupid fucking illiterate red fascist.