I had a similar idea, though I'll admit it may be too ambitious.
I was thinking of a game that sells itself, and in the beginning appears to be, a fairly bog standard fantasy game where you're some young adventurer Tasked with trying to re-seal an old demon gate that is weakening and experiencing ever greater pressure from the outside by gathering the four sacred artifacts or whatever (typical video game setup).
However, you ultimately fail in your quest, and the demon gates open… to reveal that the "demons" were merely other races who have gone into an industrial revolution, and it's further revealed that your country had been going through locked themselves away from the rest of the world and had been going through a sort of "Edo Period".
What then follows is a rapid industrialization of your country which showcases the worst excesses of capitalism (communities displaced, peasant land confiscated, slums build in the cities and around factories, etc) in a way that attempts to explain how capitalism works and creates inequity and social problems.
Eventually there's an attempt to oust the foreigners by the old aristocracy, using nationalist rhetoric and promises to return things to the old ways, that has three chains for the protagonist:
Join the collaborators, ends with your country becoming a poverty-stricken colony of a foreign power
Join the aristocracy, ends with the foreigners being ousted, only for a fascist regime to take over, continuing the destructive capitalist policies, but with the old order in power, a point is made that history cannot be reversed.
And a third option where you lead a socialist revolution to overthrow both the capitalists and the aristocracy and attempt to create a new order lead by common people.
Good idea? Bad idea? Should I just kill myself?