Why don't you have a teen gf?

why don't you have a teen gf?

she a shit


2 old


too ugly


Would you like to be one of them?

Because I'm not a chad


Même image, même sujet. Change de registre, vieux



make a teen pickup thread bro






I have no idea why this is being posted but keep going, I'm enjoying it.


Is your cock diamonds?

Come on user, we had this kind of thread many times already.

I need waaayyyy more than images to get hard, but I have a pleasant feeling.

Please stop living like you're waiting to die.


that s how it's called

i did….

when i was 26.

life was good back then.

I won't listen without any evidence.


well… maybe its completely fake.

or maybe its completely true.

her mother was mexican, from a small mexican town, and with old mexican culture. my age didnt matter to her and I was allowed to come over and watch TV and spend time with their family like any other boyfriend would.

A couple of times she went over to mexico to see her mother (my then gf's grandmother) and she would ask me if I could stay with my gf and her brother to watch over while she was gone.

best days of my life.

Sounds good. Why don't you repeat the experience?


because im old now and dont have any interest in women/girls anymore.

best I can tell you is that I was a good looking man in my youth, and that accident of nature allowed me to have a really really really good life.

I have nothing to complain about.

What's your problem now? Old male = 70+

I assume you're 30, you can still fuck yung whores without any problem.

What are you waiting for?


i'm older and old enough to realize that even thoughts stopped being original thousands of years ago.

im just not interested anymore. really. last young girl/woman I dated was 21. and she wanted to go out every weekend and drink and hang out with her friends.

you can imagine how long that lasted.

like i have said: i have had a really good life. so I dont crave for that anymore.


Yeah I know. But that's more with 18 - 21 girls, they have the taste of cock.

For females around 14, they are still inexperienced idealistic dumb fools, you can keep them around cheaper and with less effort.

Why live then?


because who in their right mind would trade a 4yo qt for a 14yo granny?

why should I?
I like my money, free time, and alone time.

not enough participants.
seems that half of Anons here are gay the other half are too ugly.

where is Satan user anyway?


any man with a decent sized dick willing to have sex

sex and some entertainment.


fucking faggot

young 3dpd is everything

I wish you were my teenage gf, Chaddleberries! I would cuddle you and put my penis places no penis should ever go.


Would you pay to fuck a 14 year old?

with my income level sex would be more trouble then it is worth, and 3DPD aren't entertaining.

the only thing 3DPD do that is of value is having children, and that isn't everything, cuck

lol. its not worth the trouble>>7447004

i dont think you know how real life works….

intellectual pursuits and self-improvement.

I like sex and making more white people.


The Opium Of The People

It almost hurts me seeing you say that. What happened to you? Once you were a legend.

I tdon't think you know what life is.

What's the end goal tho?

well, I am sorry that white men thought is was a good idea to treat 3DPD like anything more then things that shit out babies, and gave them rights they didn't earn, thus making what you like to do more risky and less worth it


Not 3dpd but a 14 year old 3dpd is pure dopamine!

Why you don't want that?

How do you feel anything?

temporary fulfillment, until the sweet grip of death herself extinguishes the life of out me by gradually producing cellular damage which will then trigger a host of illnesses that will stop all biochemical and neurological reactions that make the consciousness that now types this paragraph possible cease to exist.

but i plan to wrote a book about my life sometime before that happens.


You are a world before you are a man

Same. But let's fill those pages with more adventures.


I don't think there's a dick out there small enough to fit into a 4 year old. You wouldn't even fit your pinky finger in.

it was, and it was white men who let it happen

Because last time I fucked a teen her dad flipped the fuck out and sent the PDI to my mom's house (not even my house, and I'm sure the cunt did it not by mistake, he wanted to get my family involved) even though in my country 14 is legal. He had no real legal resourse so he chose to mess with my mom, which is an extra dick move.
Also I'm married now, no can have GF of any age. I'm too old for that drama.


Hope your wife is not close to your age but closer to the teen you fucked


My wife turned 30 five months ago, and I'm 37. It's an age difference people are willing to accept.
I'm glad to be non-exclusive. If I were an exclusive pedo I don't know what I'd be doing.

37/19. her dad hated my guts and wanted to fight me one time he got drunk. she is 26 now so he's mostly "ok" with it now.


I piss on people and their acceptance, that means nothing.

But as long as you are happy..

A 30 year old you being 37 is not that bad, it could b e better, you wife could be 20…

Speaking of.. if you would find a 20 year old version of your wife, would you dump your wife?

you'd be 47 and your new wife 30

So se had similar problems, then. Both of us know what's to have an unreasonable dude hating us for fucking their teen daughters.
In my view, that makes no sense. I fucked a 14 year old legally, I was 31 and the guy didn't approve, but he would have been cooler with a teen fucking her. So, what difference does that make? None, in my view. Fucking is fucking.
And I have reasons yo think he disliked me for being a Jew, the fanatic Christfag.




I was 31, she was 15, freshman high school. She was bullied by her classmates until I started waiting for her when she got out.

Good times, she was so happy to see me. Happiest person in the world, due to ME!


No way, man. I love her. She's the coolest.
But being realistic if my wife dies young, which could happen given that she refuses to see doctors and does a lot of drugs and has a mild heart problem, I'm getting myself the younger pussy I can get. In my country you can marry a 16 year old, and even a 14 year old if her parents approve. I'm going for that if I find myself alone.
Yo be clear, I want my wife to get clean and see a heart doctor, but she just won't do it and I've accepted that battle as lost.

that sounded oddly homosexual.

trust me, i know what you mean.
i'm probably the wealthiest poster on this board, the secret is to hide it. and everything shoild be fine.
i dress causally, have a mid sized house and drive a fucking 2CV (which surprisingly will get you more and better quality chicks then driving a lambo).

how do you know?

you German?
find a teen that isn't dumb enough to get caught and learn to cover your back properly.

thats the spirit user !
i usually lie about my age to make things less outrageous, i think i'd be having allot of trouble if people knew that i'm in my 30s.
it would be a problem even with teens themselves. its like a psychological barrier.
what i do is let the girl guess my age then add or remove a couple of years.
a 21~24yo guy dating a 16yo is easier to accept then a +30, particularly for parents

greentext pls

That's sad.. but you got to do what you got to do.. I hope you met your wife when she was a loli

Some things are already decided.. and to be fair, you will be a pussy magnet with your sad story


Yeah, I'm doing fine too, but it's best to pretend you are poor, people are envious

Interesting. I do that too. I'm lucky I look younger too. I lie about my job too.

I wanted to put it in my book, but I could do a little greentext

Chilean. Fun fact: legal age used to be 12.
But 14 is also good.

Not at all, she was a chubby 26 year old. I wouldn't have gone for her but she's just too cool.
I know! I'll play that card super hard, if, you know, the worst happens.
Man, I feel like scum for even thinking about it. But, you know, I'm being realistic.
Also we're looking to adopt a kid, which will increase the value of my dick tremendously. Chicks will super dig a single father with a sad story about a dead wife and a racial minority for an adopted kid.



I treated like shit all girls that liked me.

I don't know about this. Why not leave her pregnant?


Spanish. Fun fact: legal age used to be 13, and 16 is NOT half as good…

It would be risky for her to become preggy. She became an adict because of the meds she takes for her epilepsy, and now she's much better but during the process of finding out which meds work for her she ended up liking too much some pills she doesn't need. But the one med she does need gives her like a 20% chance of making a fucked-up baby with no limbs.
As for why the kid will be a tiny nigga, the Chilean government is very strict with background checks, and her health puts her on the back of the list. Haiti, on the other hand, barely cares about who's getting the babies. I'm no progressive, but I'm not racist either, so it's cool with me.

Same her. KEK

She could interrupt the treatment, it's worth it.

You can buy an Ukrainian baby or just fuck the slavic whore in the name of "insemination". Adoption costs too..

Or you know, better yet, let pregnant a teen.

IF you adopt a female baby, what will stop you from being attracted to her when she grows up?


The voyeur silently observes..

What makes you think I'd wait for her to grow up?
Just kidding. No, I won't finger my black daughter. I've learned to keep it in my pants.
Also I want a boy. I'll try to make him a super star playing some sport, so he'll be rich, and he'll be beloved by the media for having a story of adoption and rags to riches.



Always wanted to fuck my black daughter.

Just kidding..

This race shit doesn't last. Niggers might be exterminated in white countries, wouldn't call it a good investition.

Have your white child with your wife, make her abort it if it' s a monster or leave pregnant a young white whore

i see yoganig has been busy pruning and nuking the pedo thread.









bump dump and pump





don't suck yourself off too much, I've seen richfags on here, don't know if they are still around
yeah, after learning of what 3DPD want, and thinking about the implications of it, I lost all desire to pursue 3DPD romantically


u wot m8



heze guy getz it





















Because I live in America instead of a free country.









no teen girl has done anything evil enough to warrant the punishment of being associated with me in any way.


We've got three children together now, and we're still very happy.





teens are meh tbh


What an overtly oversexually-stylized image of such a young girl!




Come to Chile, get young pussy. 14 is legal here. Our teens will dig a visitor that doesn't come from another South American country.

three reasons, fidelity, bravery, and integrity



But blacks that already born and have no parents won't increase the number of existing blacks by being adopted.
If I could adopt an Asian of Easter European baby, I would. We want 3 kids anyway. We'll start with a black one, for sure.
If we could we'd get a Chilean baby, but as I said my wife would't be a good candidate.













fucking blow your brains out, you literal cuckold.










I am incredibly curious as to how and where in the hell user gets this crazy random shit from. What the fuck does "schedule samoa babylon horn excludes bud packages liners roots" mean? lol








































People like you are the reason why the word "cuckold" lost all meaning.

Sure, but I can tell you're thinking about it. Maybe not a lot, but if she kicked the bucket you'd be very sad and a tiny bit glad. Am I wrong?
Because you'd be able to chase legal 14 year old pussy. If she died today, you'd be chasing young pussy by next year?

Some pretty sweet art in this thread, so here's some I like. One of those teens fuck, two of them go lesbian for each other even though they're sisters, one of the lesbo sis also sucks dick, and the little one is not a teen yet and is touched by the older girls. She doesn't fuck but she's forced to show her hairless cunny to an old guy at some point.
So what I'm saying is, go read this comic.

Good comic. I fapped.
Love the art.


Wait… what?
How has no one questioned this one yet?

What's to question?

Look a little closer.