Libertarian party of the rise thanks to Hillary

You all laughing here your asses off by the fact that Hillary might die before election, but if she will drop off from the election, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson will become real threat to Trump, since more people will vote for them against Trump.

Reminder that Gary signed TPP.

You think i am joking? You think this shouldn't be considered a real threat? I don't think so. Hillary voters will switch to those two, than to Trump. Mark my word. This may be the first time in history of mankind when libertarian party might get very close to 50% of vote.

Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe you should include something like a plan or an idea in the OP if you want to be listened to.
Flag waving isn't going to do shit.

What is Aleppo?

My idea is that we need to build up strong argumentation against libertarianism and gary johnson practices in general.

So if that faggot will gain popularity, we can shame it.

this is a good thing.

the dems will put up another candidate dummy

on the actual election nobody is going to vote for "what's an aleppo?" johnson

Libertarians refute their own existence. No one will take them seriously.




Too bad they won't put up Bernie, since he wasted all his jewed donor money on comfortable house.

>"I have never met an emotionally well-adjusted person who was sincerely committed to libertarianism. I can't think of another ideology that so consistently attracts spergy autistes, weirdos, drug abusers, Jews, psychopaths, shameless gluttons, greedy cretins, and garden variety social retards. Williamson seems to be several of these things at once and probably many others."


The Ballots are already being printed and early voting has started in many places. They can't switch Hillary for Sanders because Sanders is no longer a Democrat. If they wanted to switch for Biden, they'd have to not only go to courts in many states to get the Ballot changed, but they'd also need to build up support for him completely from scratch in 2 months.



…what's an Aleppo maaaannnnn?

What is Aleppo?

Do you think illegal immigrants would know?

I didn't think of that. Holy shit. Obongo himself might stop the election or delay it if Soros will tell him to do so for Hillary.

They can’t. It’s too late to get anyone else on the ballot and even in states where it isn’t it’s illegal to put him on the ballot again this round because he LEFT the party.

In a dream maybe. Elections are above god in a democracy, they'll never be cancelled.

He's against calling criminal aliens "illegals," maybe he has a mental block on that entire phonetic category and can't remember anything that sounds vaguely like "illegal."

I've never followed the lolbertardian party, is Gary Johnstein really the embodiment of their politics? I always thought libertarians were anti-regulation by default, yet he supports TPP?

I can almost see how lolbergs justify being pro-open borders, as borders are a form of regulation. But on the flip side, the most BASIC function of a state is the establishment and protection of borders.

I'm just trying to understand this cuck's mindset, I guess. That, and if he is truly representative of libertarians, their platform seems awfully inconsistent.

Hillary isn't going to die before election day, nor is she going to drop out. You'd have to be a complete idiot to believe that either of those scenarios would happen.

This isn't a popular opinion here, but I am a libertarian at heart. That said, Gary Johnson is a shitty excuse for a libertarian. A perfect example of how cucked the libertarian party in the US has become, though.

etc etc. He's no Ron Paul, that's for damn sure.

What happened to Ron Paul, is he still alive?


Open borders are arguably a libertarian ideal. But the crux of the issue is that you absolutely cannot have open borders when you also have any form of a welfare state, otherwise you're only inviting leeches. In a highly competitive environment, a nearly unchecked free market where you sink or swim, open borders may be worth something. But if you have any form of government handouts and weak immigration control, you're only inviting leeches to come in and suck you dry without contributing a goddamn thing.

That said, I and probably most other libertarians here on Holla Forums are nationalist libertarians, who see the need for border controls and other nationwide protections to prevent external abuses of internal freedoms.

He's alive but he's fed up with politics it seems. His son tried to run this election, but he didn't do so well because he shit all over his father's ideals.

he's the image of libertarianism in the same way The Amazing Atheist is the face of atheism. only big because he's propped up by a calculated push to get low IQ dregs to poison the ideology.

Ron Paul, the anti-white menace who seems to think Trump's wall will keep "Americans" in, rather than foreigners out?

I haven't kept up with Ron Paul's stances in a couple years to be honest. I know that he used to be on point pretty much all the time, and that's why he had such huge support on all the chans. But I don't know where he's at these days so I can't speak accurately on that.


You're right OP. I'm a #verminmissile now. Free ponies for everyone.

They're his own words. The authoritarian boogeyman has eroded his mind so much that all attempts of states to assert their sovereignty, in defiance of supposedly good economic advice, are equated to Stalinism.

It's a short article, read it. He quite literally thinks that the fight against illegal immigration is a pretense to institute Berlin Walls and mandatory ID cards to create a police state. For some vague reason probably related to "the perversion of the free market by crony capitalism", or however Libertarians rationalize their failures.

Bernie is the only one i would say would outright beat trump hilary has a 50/50 chance

I read the article and I think he actually made some good points. Some not so good though.

So people will just go to Canada.

That is in fact very concerning. I have a number of disagreements with Trump, mainly along these authoritarian lines. Trump is very pro NSA, and otherwise for increased surveillance and subversive control of US citizens. I hate these parts of his rhetoric. But I also recognize the necessity of controlling immigration to the US if the white demographic is to survive. I also see that it's time for the US to put itself first.

A pretty good stance I'd say. Problem is that we've first gotta eliminate the welfare state before we can possible consider increased immigration. The other way around is fucked.

Anyone who self describes themselves as a socialist cannot win a general election in the USA. If the non-white demographic shift continued, then yes it would eventually be possible (and even likely) but we aren't there yet. People thinking it's possible are deluded progressives.

You're a fucking moron. I watch the liberty report every single day and I have never heard him even imply that he's anti white. Just because he's not 110% nationalist, doesn't mean he's anti-white. Grow up, you tryhard newfag.

Just as not all 100% of Rato and Rubot's supporters didn't go to Trump when he got the nomination, and certainly not all of Sander's went to Shrillary, I have no reason to believe that a large portion of Shrillary's support base would support Stein or Johnstein when Shrillary quits. They will just become demoralized. This can only look good for Trump.

nice joke

splitting the anti-trump vote is a good thing

That's despotism, not authoritarianism. The latter is a buzzword used to stir up fear among those who buy into the Liberty-Tyranny dichotomy. It's very easy to find liberal dictatorships and oppressive democracies, as your own ideologues admit, just look at Germany pre- and post- 1945.

If your objective is change illegal worker immigration into legal worker immigration, sure.

These statements are contradictory. The US especially, but white states in general too, can't survive proper, legal immigration because contrary to popular belief (certain) non-whites can work and do want to work - as well as quite obviously being willing to do it at lower rates than natives, due to coming from a far worse background.


The height of intellectual discourse.

No, you're a newfag because you are trying extra hard to fit in with other Holla Forumsacks. I bet you are fresh from 4/pol/ and think 8/pol/ are all a bunch of hardcore neo-nazi skinheads, so you try to be hardcore and edgy to fit in. I see newfags like you all of the time.

You also forgot to refute my point because you know I'm right.

I don't know if it's just the silly fake tan + eyelid bleaching treatment, but that guy looks like he's wearing somebody else's face

The only person here from 4chan is you user, considering you can't even recognize 2014 filenames and images.

You argue like a little kid, you're probably still in highschool as well.

This is also the second time you avoided my point about Paul.

Keep going, this is a blast!

i don't see how this is a problem
shillary's votes would be broken into 2 candidates
trump would have an easy win

Forgot to comment on this:

This means absolutely nothing.



You are right, now go back to >>>/liberty/

too slow, i'd rather just shitpost here

You don't have a point. When you argue for mass immigration of non-whites, legal or not, in our present demographic situation, you're anti-white by default.

Gee, it's almost as though it means you weren't actually here back in 2014 despite screaming newfag at those who disagree with you.

So let me get this straight, you like tobe a clown ?

But he doesn't. You either read some article and took something way out of context or you are just dumb.

You can still obtain original files and filenames even if you weren't here then, it's not difficult. You're even more of a newfag for not knowing this.

Continue being a tryhard, you're doing a good job m80


We have 100 million none whites i have no idea what you are talking about "not there yet" we are about 50 years behind current brazil.

Im a libertarian, and I dont like Gary Johnson

Nothing of what Johnson believes in can be considered libertarian. He's even proposed a fucking carbon tax.

b-but he's a real libertarian, MSM told me so!

Except it's the logical conclusion of Libertarian immigration policy, as foreign menial laborers depress wages and undermine unions, making them a preferable alternative to a Western workforce that expects to paid above subsistence level and to work in safe and sanitary conditions, where management and workers are held to account for failures rather operating with immunity based on connections.

Leaving out the part where it's been intermittently broken for well over a year at this point, and rarely worked to begin with.

Honestly, if you were the oldfag you claimed to be, you wouldn't gotten to booty-bothered over wrongthink nationalism to begin with.


wtf I love Gary Johnson now

This is an assumption and it's not based specifically on anything Ron Paul actually said. You are now moving the goalposts, nice job Saul.

You can name the files yourself after downloading them. There have also been countless anons on here that made picture archives dating back to this site's creation. If one were so inclined, they could just download the archives and pretend to be an "oldfag". This is why posting older pictures proves absolutely nothing.

I never claim to be an oldfag when referencing this site. This site has only been around for a few years… However, newfags can and do exist on this site. You are most likely one of them.

Let me ask you this, do you consider yourself to be an "oldfag" for being on Holla Forums since 2014?

inb4 yes because you already implied it in an earlier post

You are brand new to imageboards in general, it's painfully obvious.



gary jonson/jill stein are the major reasons im worried about hillary dropping dead too early.

she needs to die only AFTER trump has had the chance to demolish her in debates, because as is, the media still has total control over the narrative and hillary dropping out now leaves us with half of americans honestly thinking trump gets on stage every night, pulls out his cock, and starts begging people to murder minorities, and that drives them right into the arms of insane people like jill stein or jackasses like johnson

I doubt she'd die before the end of the month.

Nice buzzowrd combos, kid!

8/pol/ has no culture, 95%+ of the memes come from 4/pol/ and when Holla Forums actually makes the news or gets anything done, it's usually 4/pol/. 8/pol/ likes to take creadit for it though, and share it in the little hugbox.

The only "culture" 8/pol/ has is having really shitty mods that are nearly as bad as 4/pol/'s

They can keep that old 91 year old jewess midget on the SCOTUS alive day after day, Hillary shouldn't be a problem. (((Democrats))) would eat the liquid shit out of her catheter to make sure Israel is safe and sound.

Illegal immigration bad, legal immigration (foreign workers) good, it's quite clearly there.

You're doing an an embarrassing amount of damage control.

Miraculous, you're projecting your own shitposting onto me. The only people with a hair trigger for newfag accusations are exactly tryhard "oldfags" like yourself, because everyone else gave up two years ago.


Are they recruiting tards from /b again or you are doing it for free?

oh boy

Libertarian doesn't globally accept illegal immigration, this is what I have been telling you over and over but you're too dense to take it in.

Damage control for what? If you actually think posting older pictures proves you are an oldfag, then you are an idiot. Tell me one thing about what I said here that is false? Protip: You can't.

I don't, in fact the last time I called someone a newfag on here was probably a couple of weeks ago. I call em out when I see them, and you obviously are one.

yep, started browsing since 2005, and i'm proud of that fact.

This is what 4chan actually believes.

sasuga shabbos goy-san

Into the chamber.



see pics

nice quads, yep, i'm really proud of it. Was the greatest time of my life until Chanology came along.

I never said it did. I said there was no effective difference between mass illegal immigration and mass legal immigration.

It's all true, you're right. It's also pointlessly convoluted bullshit to cover for the fact you fucked up and cried newfag when someone disagreed like this was a meta thread back on 4cuck.

Next you're going to say: "Aha, but that just means you were a redditor who came to 8gag in September to play oldfag".

Take your shitposting back to /int/-lite cuckchan.

Welp, abandon thread.

Now you are back pedaling. I already told you why I called you a newfag, scroll up.

No, you're some fag from 2014 who is claiming to be some seasoned user. My point is, even if you have been browsing this site ever since it was born without previously browsing any imageboard site, you are still a newfag.



Probably just retards, not shills. Johnson spent all his money on memes so he can't afford shills.

Yeah, because of politics or because you actually fell for the plague of "CTR/reddit trying to fit in" posts.

I'm not claiming to be shit, if anything I'd still consider myself a newfag. I'm calling you a faggot for playing the moving goalposts game played back on 4chan, where dropping digits made your argument right.

Fuck, why did I bump this cancerous weebshit thread.

Nope, I already told you why I called you a newfag, scroll up. I'll just keep repeating it over and over until it finally sinks in

What does this even mean?

nice Hitler dubs



Come on, you know what it means.

As an example. It wouldn't matter if I were literally a reddit transplant, crying newfag without critiquing the argument is just shit.


But you are obviously a newfag, and I critiqued your argument about libertarianism. You are the one who answered back with buttblasted comments twice in a row while avoiding the original topic. You only stopped when I called it out on you.

Do you have ADHD? Can you not remember what happened only an hour ago?

Read the thread before you make claims like this.

t. epic oldfag

Johnson couldn't get anywhere near 50% of the vote even if he was the only candidate on the ballot. Are lolbergs really this dumb?


The analogy is good, but I'd say it's because each of them takes something in the ass.

Yeah, you did and then you dropped it like a rock as soon as I responded. Are you going to bother to argue back, or has this fully derailed into oldfag/newfag so your strawman getting wrecked stays conveniently ignored?

Wow m8 just wow

Nope, I responded back a few times and explained that you weren't making arguments for Ron Paul, you were just giving me your perception of libertarianism and making assumptions about how you believe it will turn out in the end. You effectively derailed the argument. It wasn't my fault. You are pretty good at using logical fallacies to get your point across, just like a SJW faggot progressive.

It's not a strawman, we all know you are a true newfag, you even basically admitted it. It's funny how you act like you don't care about being called a newfag yet you have been arguing with me for an hour to try and desperately disprove me. I find it hilarious.

Keep going, newfag.

It's fuckin impossible to discuss libertarianism on here without it getting derailed into pointless bullshit.

If you support Gary Johnson and claim to be a libertarian, you are lying to yourself. You're also throwing your vote away if you think he's a better option that Trump or Hillary.

Is that what passes for a libertarian in America?

just brainless retards that watch MSM every day (most people on Holla Forums).

But he is a better option than Trump or Hillary.
He's more aligned with us anyway.
You can support him while admitting he's not as libertarian as we are.

You haven't even brought a single piece of Libertarian thought to clearly refute my claims, your "argument" boils down to your own version of Libertarianism and an inability or unwillingness to even quote an anti-open borders Libertarian.

I can provide plenty that do argue in favor of it.

More appropriately, how many support genuinely restrictive border control, versus those that believe in a more limited variant like the free movement of labor.

Wasn't this guy in that jeopardy contest, where they asked him and he didn't know the answer to "What is syria?" or something like that?

No, he's more aligned with the left and closeted neocons like Hillary. Trump's foreign policies compared to Hillary's (especially in the middle east and russia) are extremely light. Compared to Hillary, Trump is basically a non-interventionist, and he wants to protect the free market while Hillary wants to continue to exploit it. Gary Johnson supports a policy that wants to regulate trade and wants to flood the country with illegals.

Trump is the best option for a libertarian.

Come on user, there are only people who have been browsing imageboards/chans for years or newfags.

TPP/High ignorance regarding where the U.S. puts its spoon is already a warning sign for the guy
Stick with Trump to see what happens, but i doubt he will do anything in his first term due to hm undoing all King Nigger antics

remember weeb is codeword for autist


And what is a lep po?


This is a whole lot of delusion. No one actually thinks Trump is more libertarian than GJ

Running in the neocon party, bombing the shit out of ISIS, and threatening to attack Iran for rude gestures on boats says otherwise
He also wants waterboarding, attacking families of terrorists, stealing other countries' oil, etc

A bit, but he also wants to raise the minimum wage and punish companies who move their capital overseas

Not really, he supports the TPP because it increases freedom of trade.
Also this is hilarious that you're going after GJ for allegedly not supporting free trade, while supporting Trump

Actually he wants to increase legal immigration, essentially making it possible for anyone to buy property in the US and live there.
Which I still think is the libertarian position, or at least understandable. If you start playing the game of 'one government intervention justifies this other intervention', you'll end up putting the chains on everyone's ankle, you know what I mean

No one, and I mean NO ONE cares. Now go back to 4cuck

I think you mean your home 4cuck Holla Forums newfriendo

Libertarians need to hang.

It's keep being golden, even Vermin Supreme is a better probability than Killary


The sheeple oppose TPP because they're told to

Only brave GJ can think with this own mind

Bananatheist product some good stuff, the correct analogy is Steve Shives

That asian piggy probably blackmailed that cute girl into going out with him.

Jill Stein isn't a threat to anyone except herself. She's certainly in a position to siphon off a lot of HIllary votes–younger, better-looking, more charismatic–but she's too much of a radical leftist loon for even the Bernouts to handle. She did an AMA on Reddit which ended disastrously because she went all "nuclear power is evil and must be stopped."

>>>Holla Forums

Daily reminder that Trump said he's going to audit the fed , gary johnson is an ope borders cuck and crytojew

I'd like to see her arguing about nuclear power with informed intelligent redditors
Is it still up?

But GJ will abolish the Fed and refuse to fight for Israel

samefag IP hopping


Hello envy, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again


Too bad there's precedent, and the courts would likely allow it this time, too.

There's 2 examples where a VP candidate has been swapped out this close or closer to the election, and many examples of state candidates being swapped out as late as 9 days before the election. (1990, Minnesota gubernatorial election).

The judicial branch takes the view that the people will always be the deciders of elections, and they're not inclined to get into the business of deciding elections like this. Early voters were just out of luck.

I'm not here to demoralize. I'm voting for Trump. Let's not fool ourselves that some rules are going to prevent the DNC from fielding whomever they want, as late as they want. Consider that Hillary only has power to push the DNC around while she has broad support. If rank and file acknowledge that she's a lost cause, they'll poison her themselves.

Plan for this. How do we get into the best position?

Yeah, there's absolutely no way the (((shitlibs))) will not get what they want. They get away with everything, and this will be no different.

No Hillary indictment, Obamacare being ruled constitutional by the USSC twice, endless executive orders, $400 million in fucking cash delivered to Iran without Congressional approval, the list goes on and on. The law doesn't matter anymore.

hey im new whats allepoo? lol tahks

Open borders are suicide until/unless we demolish the welfare state.

Gary Johnson is a shit example of a libertarian. I'd prefer a libertarian, honestly. But there are some things that need done right now that only Trump is pushing, like securing the borders and prioritizing the American economy over the global one. It's a bummer Trump supports bullshit like the NSA and thinks Snowden should hang. That's pretty fucked. But the options are him or Hillary, and that's pretty clear.

Voting 3rd party will continue to be a fucking waste until we have voting reform in the US. Fight for that whenever you can.


Libertarians think in abstractions. Even when open borders would lead to the death of their ideology and complete destruction of white values, they still support it.

How is this bad though?


nice meme. no, at least 75% of Hillary voters would switch to Jill instead because of the woman card and because libertarians are a joke.

Natlib reporting in, fuck gary Johnson and leftist libertarians and anarchists.

What is Aleppo?

Also, Jill Stein is criminally inclined.

Not a chance in hell, OP.

Who gives a shit? If Hillary dies her vote gets split between the greens and lolbergs. Trump wins either way. The race is essentially over, but keep watch for jewry anyway

Yea this has been state many times already
clearly this is a slide thread in disguise

Johnson is a joke, you want his campaign over?

It's simple. Like you stated he voted for the TPP, bring that up with any Libertarian and they will think twice before voting for him. If that doesn't work bring up his response that he stated he would use government FORCE to ensure that a baker MUST make a cake for a gay couple.

He is a threat, only if you do nothing.

How the fuck is this not bad?

iran is not a state sponsor of terrorism

The post was pointing out how the current government doesn't give a shit about the law

Couldn't agree more.

No, that is NOT what it is, faggot.


Nice editing job on that webm. G-d, I love watching this goofy faggot sperg out.

Open borders are fucking suicide even without a welfare state because it still leads to a devolution into ethno-sectarian spoils states. Admitting etnic nepotists like the Jews into Western civil society has already caused untold damage, so why should the same be done with Pajeet, Ching Ling and Achmed?

Thats an oxymoron
Pic related

Go read about the paleolibertarian movement.
Only if you are poor and can't get into the local National Socialist Gated Community™.

Thanks for your concern.

Already did. The only way to make Libertarianism compatible with Nationalism is to violate the principles of Libertarianism on the dubious basis that if they (the nationalists) don't do it first, the immigrants will. It's a catch 22.


Why do you faggots exist? You know very well some jew would come along and say
And because the NAP is just philosophical ramblings(as in, entirely bullshit) you know some court will agree with them and tear it down.


This election was always about:

People are leaning to the latter though. Johnson fucked up with Aleppo. Every person and their dog knows that has to do with Syria

I'm sure there are people here who hate Paul Joseph Watson, but he delivered a fairly comprehensive, normie-friendly takedown of Johnson before the
fiasco. Vid-related.

Meant to link to

Already posted by

