
Holla Forums wants their own snowflake Holla Forums board.


Apparently, it's bad that we dare to discuss politics in movies where obvious political propaganda is going on, or where movies self-insert politics into them in the first god damn place. I'm not even a Holla Forums user, I just find leftycommunism's triggering hilarious.

Other urls found in this thread:



who cares? we don't need idiots like that here

Duh? Of course we don't, just laugh at them.


don't tell me what to do


It was on the front page you leftypol fuck

There's already plenty to laugh about.







So will finally Holla Forums stop to astroturf the board, after so many derailment of threads? I hope so. Althought lets be honest, the board will still be shit

Fuck I hate Holla Forums. I thought they were supposed to leave for endchan?


Nice, added a few I didn't have before

but why

Because real communism has never been tried before and you dumbfuck capitalists keep fucking up our epic plans. >:^(

Reminds me of this little gem.

Oh god this has to be someone trolling, that's too fucking funny.
It's ironic they would claim schools are not a place for smart people when it was the cultural marxists and egalitarians that spent hundreds of years turning schools into thr glorified diploma factories they are today. That are infecting youthful minds with the thoughts and wishes of dead jews and their living goyim.

fccing capitalism, its like a virus built into people's heads from birth, always turning our centralized leadership against us somehow, and keeping the sheeple from making a revolution against them.

Good kick them the fuck out and let them have their little shit board we already have /television/ /plebtv/ and more, just let them go, it's better for us.

Literally, who?

Have they come up with a reason as to why the people who do the hard shitty jobs because they get paid to do them are just gonna start doing them for free or good boy points?

My friend (commie and girl) says machines will do those jobs. :^)