Rate my shitty meme

Rate my shitty meme

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Daily reminder that all the top linux programmers (even linux himself) use an ubuntu flavour.

using another shit is autistic bragging shit nobody cares about.

I actually like it, and it's surprisingly true. Of course, the elite of the elite ultimately end up on a mac book, but I guess that's cut off from your graph.

please leave

Sorry typed it too fast, Macbook Pro with Retina™ and TouchBar™.

What is the point of a macbook? It's overpriced, proprietary and unhackable.

Good construction, great display, and just works is pretty much true. It's a solid machine for getting work done. So even with a wealth of experience using linux and freebsd, I prefer a macbook as a daily driver.

it'll also melt if you try to build anything on it so good luck getting homebrew install anything heavy on it.

but.. user.. CLOUD! .. look! TouchBar! Magical!

The creator of that is a Ruby moron. I recommend macports as a far better alternative. Haven't had any issues with melting.


Evidence. He's a "Ruby Rockstar".

Of wow, maybe he's trying to kiss google ass so that they'll hire him, in spite of his retardation.

Everyone here is a gay faggot.

This is my actual personal experience, though it isn't set out properly over the span of time, since the first 10% took roughly 6 years, 10-20% took about 4 years, and the rest was over the last 3-4 years (and I will never know when I'll grow tired of slackware, since I've only been using it for 3/4 of a year).


Even great programmers can have babby duck symdrome (Linus still uses his uemacs-pk fork as editor). Also, there are countless counterexample; e.g. Greg Kroah-Hartman is a Gentoo bro.

pkgsc or portage are obviously better.

Aluminium < Polymer if you're not here to gain a hipster beauty pageant.
They're great, but you get a fucking glossy panel with it, so into the trash.

Shit keyboard, shit clickpad, no trackpoint equivalent, not field serviceable, battery isn't field repleacable, etc...




Only point I'll give you is the battery not being serviceable is annoying. I wish they took the approach Lenovo did in offering bother ultra thin non serviceable and a thicker acessible option.

Interacting with the apple genius bar is torturous.


Why the fuck are you even including i3 on a list of distros?

Who are you replying to? The picture in the OP has only one distro, which does have a unique desktop environment, and also has KDE, Openbox, LXQT and possibly LXDE and Xfce but those could be their *buntu logos.

manjaro is the best distro . the only distro .

I use arch with i3, what does that make me?

Do you also use zsh?

Nope, bash in terminator


zsh is more typical for Arch+i3 users. I do use fish myself.

Never said gentoo was worse than manjaro or void. I just got bored of it after a while, and it was during a time in which I was overconfident in my mad linux skills. I left it because too much time goes into compilation and recompilation of shit, and my hardware configurations have never been very good.
Void was definitely good, but I broke it beyond repair by accident, and I was tired of fucking around with things around that time, so I decided to just go with manjaro, since it offers an openrc option, and allows me to customize stuff a lot, despite it's preconfigured nature, and stuck with it for a year I think.

Welp, I meant to use the Lubuntu logo and XFCE (not Xubuntu).

I took almost this exact path through Linux.

The choice of kangz.

fish is fantastic, switched a while ago and never went back.

What I like about fish, is that it works nice out of the box. No wasted time spent configuring it, or installing a pozed OhMyZSH config.

Yes. The author sees most configuration as a symptom of a design failure.

Aside from some setup that isn't shell-related (environment variables and such), this is my entire fish config:
set fish_greetingfunction fish_prompt if [ $status = 0 ] set_color -o green else set_color -o red end echo -n (prompt_pwd) set_color normal printf "> "end
Feels great, and means I have no trouble using vanilla fish.

who here just loves KDE even though it fucks up completely from time to time?

KDE a shit.

KDE is nice, even if it's less stable and more bloated then other choices
too bad I'm an idiot who fell for the nshittia meme; KDE's slight crashyness + nshittia drivers = "I can't believe it's not Windows" levels of crashes

I used to love KDE back in the KDE3 days.

I dont understand this meme. Everyone I see talk about it just says its nice. When I tried it it seemed intuitive and functional but you could also make your windows act like a terminal multiplexer.
its also the most popular tiling thing to my knowledge. so its just a good thing for people who like a particular kind of interface.
I really hope you don't actually believe this sort of thing, Holla Forums. It seems like some of you do, and its like you were the retarded skidde 'H4K3RRRR' fuck who thought they were hardcore for using something that didnt act like mac or windows, but then when they found 4chan(and now, later, Holla Forums) everyone wa sjust like them, so they werent better than anyone. So they switched it around and think they're better than everyone because they use the most popular normiecore thing they can think of, and anyone who doesnt is an antisocial loser poseur xDDDD. like these ones.

Don't be like these guys. For gods sake, if you do, at least dont go so fucking far as to use proprietary software in doing so, just be smugly superior with bsd or ubuntu. But its still better if you just dont.

Me, though I dont use it now cause I kept running out of memory. Its great. Best heavy DE. Kiki best girl.

KDE is sort of bloated, but still surprisingly light for its features set
but what I love about it is how it integrates so nice within is application group
for example the plugins used to access remote file systems, you do think it's for dolphin, but it fucking works everywhere, is so nice, I can even access my android like that
the problem though is every once in a while the are some major screws ups, like kwin or launcher crashing and fucking you over, and nearly impossible to debug

as an solid example, recently when opening windows (any window would do),the screen would flash violently spazing out until you changed windows or something
turned out that was compositor with open gl 3, turning down to version 2 solved it, but it was a fucking hard guess

I think it's not just that i3 is pretty hard to configure,
I like to use on things that need light
for example, one annoyance I had was that when one full tile app, like a browser, and a popup shows, like a file picker or whatever, it stretches out picking half the tile, instead of popping out

Cinnamon + Arc looks the best and works the best, f8 me m8s.

Maybe if you are a drooling retard. Otherwise i3 is probably the easiest wm to configure

it doesnt seem like english is their first langauge, so maybe they didnt precisely mean "hard"
still though, changing some settings isn't really anything. People who advertise i3 specifcally talk about how its easy to configure, not that they're somehow cool for configuring it because its so hard.

Don't be like the guy that wrote this. Use whatever makes you most productive and helps you earn a living. You must always be pragmatic and select the best tools which can further your goals, as opposed to making zealotry sacrifices to further the goals of someone else. Don't be duped into being a cucked GNU-Male.

its hard as in "lot of work"
ittook me a fucking long time to come up with my configuration and its still pretty incomplete,
in my example, for the popup windows, how easily can you configure for them to behave like popups?
another example is that fucking status bar, never got that shit working right...

My software not being pozzed with backdoors, and anyone who cares to being able to fork it or study its code, is one of my own goals. Enjoy taking it in the ass from apple, though.

I wouldnt know, I dont use I3. I dont think I'd have a problem with popups momentarially taking up phalf the screen if it goes back when they close though. It sounds like you just dont happen to like how i3 behaves.

Doesn't do that on my machine user, and even if it did, all you'd have to do to un-tile it is [mod]+shift+space.

The default's bretty gud if you're a yurofag, but otherwise it can be a pain in the ass. Here's mine, made specially for burgers.
general { colors = true color_good = "#00FF00" color_bad = "#CC1616" interval = 5}order += "ipv6"order += "disk /"order += "run_watch DHCP"order += "path_exists VPN"order += "ethernet eth0"order += "load"order += "tztime local"ethernet eth0 {format_up = "E: %ip %speed"format_down = "E: down"}run_watch DHCP {pidfile = "/var/run/dhclient*.pid"}run_watch VPNC {pidfile = "/var/run/vpnc/pid"}path_exists VPN {path = "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tun0"}tztime local {format = "%m-%d-%g %I:%M:%S"}disk "/" {format = "%avail"}load {format = "%1min"}

Your shitty understanding of the word meme is a meme. Whatever picture you've posted, is the embodiment of your misunderstanding.

Same here, if you can set half a day apart to get elementaryOS running on one, it's great.


Interesting. Slackware was my first distro back in the 90s when I knew fuck-all about computers. I now use Arch or Gentoo almost exclusively.

Which I guess proves your meme is a shit meme.

I like this. I plan on moving to OpenBSD soon, but there's one piece of shit software I need to make compatible first.

I love it. KDE 3 was nice as well. KDE 4 was total shit. But now that Plasma has been fixed and is stable, I'm enjoying it a lot again.

Why would you use a non-compatible shell?

You are just stacking memes one on top of another and calling it a distro. When are you going to incorporate Docker in there somehow?

Compatibility doesn't matter much outside of scripting. I write my shell scripts in POSIX sh, or very rarely bash if I need it. For interactive use I use fish (the i in its name stands for "interactive"). It's really, really nice for interactive use.

I would maybe prefer something with (a superset of) POSIX sh syntax and fish's interactivity features, but fish's interactivity features far outweigh its incompatibility, and I can see the value in a syntax that doesn't explode unquoted variables and is free of the taint of esac.


no it wasn't an argument, it was him calling you a moron. and as such it was quite effective.

really, I wonder, if you didn't configure it, did you use a pre built configuration? what dist?

that status bar somewhat works well (slightly changed default if I remember)
but what I meant the issue is actually display status icons like a simple volume icon to nest on (granted, if its easy, that I didn't too much time trying either)


this guy gets it.

Rather something made by a nigger than something that works like a nigger

Nixos uses systemd, not GuixSD.
GuixSD uses GNU Shepherd: gnu.org/software/shepherd/

Next time don't confuse Nixos with GuixSD.

(pic related)



how does the lennart cock taste?

And get a buggy half working trackpad, far worse battery life and cooling for your efforts. If you need linux for something, you're better off running an emulator. If you're bothered about backdoors, a firewall takes care of that.

When I'm too euphoric to use Ubuntu I use Fedora.

I don't even recognize the icons after void.
t. Gentoo user.

Manjaro with XFCE
Slackware with i3

No need to do anything, as it works by default. You just need to install something that actually uses it such as volumeicon and put it in autostart.f


Fedora is fine when you need something that works well, and you don't have time to sit an configure it.

pull that systemd out of your mouth and tell me m8.

you don't have time to sit and look at the nsa spyware running in the background either apparently

systemd is unhackable you fucking retard

What is SELinux you stupid fuck. >>>/suicide/

SELinux is unhackable you fucking retard

Unhackable by brainless iidiotic fucks like you. Not by the NSA who created it. I'm done replying to this obvious bait. Fuckhead.

Fedora is literally Hitler.


Nothing is unhackable.
SELinux super complex and easy to misconfigure, this means that you can get hacked but it's "technically" not SELinux's fault because you aren't a 10 person auditing team.

brb installing fedora.

what's wrong with manjaro?

I use Xubuntu and I am literally a linux baby too scared to use another distro for a server because I might break shit. Your graph is bad and you should feel bad.

My trackpad actually gained the ability to tap to open after moving from Windows to Linux. Battery life is more of an issue but really how long are you away from a power socket that it becomes a realistic issue?

Now that's a spicey meme. I like it.

Fucking this.

Hitler did literally nothing wrong.

It's clearly manjaro+XFCE.

It's the XFCE logo right under manjaro. It's very clearly confusing.

So its pretty good then.

Fedora did literally nothing wrong.