Manlet here

Manlet here.

Just a reminder that we are taking over. The fact is women have NEVER been attracted to tall men: they needed them for protection, economic support and procreation, and sex is what they traded for those things (or the lanklets just raped them).

But now? First-world men have been totally domesticated, so no need to worry about violence. We're taking over the work force too, so we can provide for ourselves. And shoe science has made being tall totally unnecessary; we can just buy the shboes (with our superior earnings) and have it clearly appear that we are within the range of six feet.

Women are naturally more attracted to 5'5-5'8 men. Who wouldn't be? We can be buff as fuck with minimal effort in the gym, while lanklets struggle to gain muscle and are forced to shrink their balls and destroy their fertility with roidz. We're more aesthetic for film and TV work because our proportions work better on screen. And we know how to please women like no tall man ever could. Manlet sex can last for hours.

Every day more and more "heightist" girls are being turned. The world of the future is where a small number of tall men act as our designated CEOs and lightbulb changers, and the rest of you lanklet losers are eunuchs designated for homosexual fashion modelling exclusively. Deal with it.

sorry mate didn't read your post beyond the first word (I don't typically exchange words with manlets)
just wanted to step in and casually remind you that the guy in pic related absolutely did the right thing, and this is the only true way a manlet can redeem himself

what's that? oh one sec, let me come closer so i can hear you better

No matter how much muscle you have, you will still look like a child.

Reminder that all baitposting should lead to shitposting.


I'm 5'10 and I'm unsure if I'm considered manlet or tall.

5'10 is short as fuck. Even in America, where it is 50% inhabited by mexicans and blacks who are naturally short, the height average is still 5'10. In white countries its more like 6'1 to 6'2.

So I guess compared to niggers and spics I'm normal, but compared to other whites I'm short?
I live in America, so most people are shorter or at my height. Maybe it's different in white countries though.

Yes, you are a shit tier human, if a human at all

What if I make myself taller though? I know how to increase my height.

I fucked up the reply.

S-same guy? (I can't tell those manlets apart. They all look the same)

Definitely not the same guy. These two are obviously way different.

Are you sure? They seem to be the same height. And who looks even past that?

That's fucking awful. That kid's going to be fucked. and not by you niggers, keep it in your pants you degenerate fucks


Literally living the dream. Tallfags btfo; you can't mock me without making me horny

I feel bad for Seraphim tbh fam

Wrong nigger

Is 5'10.5" manlet?

only a faggot (you) would like that

What's you point dear manlet OP?

I never understood the manlet meme, probably because I'm over 6 foot but I see plenty of short dudes with some pretty banging girls wrapped around their arm. Forget about your height, it's not stopped plenty of people from getting laid, if any chick gave a shit about your height enough to not give you a chance then she wasn't worth the trouble anyway.

Using decimals makes you a manlet even if you are 8 feet tall

thanks tallfag-kun


Holy shit, just look at the other objects in the mall. They look like nothing.


It's because tall people are naturally more successful at everything they do, so naturally this breeds envy.