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Here's hoping.

Does anyone actually watch these?

No, he's just talking about world don't kill yourself day ironically. He gives some pretty sound advice most of Holla Forums could stand to learn from actually, but that being said he should still kill himself because he's a degenerate rapist-in-waiting

Literally who

No. I'm going to watch it now though because the radio is playing a fucking rerun of Glenn Beck.

Wish i had a youtube account so i could type in "Hold the door"

FYI this is no happpening. just some cuck femiboy with boobs bigger than my gf's talking about why his life sucks and how he's too "Powerless" to do something about the current situation on the world. How he rather not even think nor care about it etc, because its driving him insane. Also he talked shit about the right wingers yet said that they were right too.

Thats pretty much what i got from the video after skipping 5 or 6 times every 10 minutes and only watching the subsequent minute.

Kepp dreaming nerd boy.

No use sliding sticky threads.



He got HH dubs so there's no way he's lying.

An autistic libcuck e-celeb with gigantic manboobs who everyone here fucking hates.

Has he gone full commie? He keeps saying he's no longer in favor of regulated capitalism (socdem)?

I ask this because i wish for Gordo to turn and become the leader of the 4th Reich :^)

I think one of the problems those with some sort of abnormality (ie the fat manboobs faggot in OP) has with "far right wing" ideology is that they feel like they will never be one of the in group but rather one of the many to be purged when a dotr happens. So they have to either come to terms with themselves never being accepted and put ideology above their own livelyhood/life, reject "far right wing" ideology even though they can't refute the logical arguments of "far right wing" ideology or doublethink/mental gymnastics themselves out of it.

Keep this stupid shit in your containment thread, anglo scum.

do i need to watch the entire video to understand what is going on?
i've been out of the loop for a week, sorry

Jahans believes he is persecuted by the left as well as the right for writing demented rape-cannibalist autist porn. But you're probably right in that he figures that feminists, at least, wouldn't euthanise him if they got into power.

Anyway I'm thoroughly gassable and am still right-wing, and not in any weird self-persecutory way. I hide how degenerate I am because it benefits society, and what benefits society ultimately benefits me on the deep spiritual level that actually matters. It's not that strange, really: even the most pozzed up individuals will admit after a few that they're thankful there are some functioning members of society around to keep the whole thing going. Though I'm probably strange in that I've spent the last decade of my life shitposting as hard as I can to change things.

Fuck off. Nobody complains about 80% of posts on the front page being about Trump or Hillary.

how dare you insult the great Jahans

Fun fact: nobody knew what Plato looked like, thus all the busts and depictions of him were made purely out of their artists' imagination.

i hope he looked like alexander 'fat gordon' jahans

He was supposed to be a bit of an ugly cunt, wasn't he?

If he was ugly, it would probably leave an impression on some writer's mind and we would have documentation. He probably had a very average face, and so it wouldn't be worthy of note.

Just a speculation.

The stupid faggot has a illness that prevents his body from producing testosterone. All he needs to do is go on fucking HRT already.

Can someone give me a tl;dw of the vid?

I only made it to 15:00 or so, and that was at 2x speed




You reckon it wasn't an accident? Heard somewhere that harry is actually some jockeys son and not charles, old conspiracy is she got offed because she made a fool out of the royals.

Does he think having gross facial hair looks ok? I can understand that he's probably too lazy to work on not being a fat ass, but still. Also that room is disgusting. Why have that background, and his facial hair for that matter, which only serve to distract from the message? You'd think someone this retarded would be able to appreciate that.

No testosterone = no motivation.

Brit/pol/ dedicating an edition to doing cum-tributes of his mother probably pushed him over the edge

Did you get lost on your way to /cow/?


Little life lesson learned I'd like to share with you younger anons: Narcissists are constitutionally incapable of killing themselves.

They will threaten it for years to get sympathy and attention, but they never carry through. Much to your eternal disappointment.



Holy shit I just started listening to TDS and FtN a few episodes ago and they were making fun of him one episode and then were calling for it to stop the next because it went too far. I've never even heard of this guy before TDS and he's already killing himself.

There's something with extreme lefitsts who are pathologically fat and write vore porn. I knew another locally famous Ottawa lefty with the same sickness.

Anyone who watches/cares this is no better than a reality tv watching, tabloid reading piece of human garbage

He's only interesting to people because TRS made him a case study.

This guy gets it.

Its never the loud ones who kill themselves. Its always the quiet ones. The more noise they make, the less likely they are going to go through with it.

>Later that eve I am enthusiastically engaging in the act of coitus with my fiancee from behind when the mental image of jahan's sexually violating a hamster decides to invade my mind by popping into my head at the worst time possible**

I wish I was able to purge my mind of certan disgusting things I have witnessed/seen/read tbh as they seem prone to resurfacing in my mind at the absolute worst possible times.