Dear BernieBros:
Don't be this guy. You're better than this.
Dear BernieBros:
Don't be this guy. You're better than this.
low effort, you can do better than this
how many sherlocks will announce OP is fishing for replies?
idpol, not even once
I know this is low quality bait, but it amazes me how people work so hard to reduce their opponents to inaccurate caricatures. It's like damn, no wonder anybody can get shit done when the masses can't stomach compromise after all of this infighting and demonizing each other.
I know OP is b8, but that cartoonist isn't.
He's inadvertently proving why we shouldn't trust Democrats.
Too much of an ultra to even care about this shit, but cmon OP, you'd have to be retarded or intentionally blind to not see this is what happened
Hillary is objectively worse than Trump. Nice try, CTR shill.
Yeah, just look at all the things Hillary pays lip service to and immediately abandons upon taking office.
You'll destroy our party
I have no interest in party politics or reform, now fuck off, liberal
both mainstream parties need to be destroyed
I feel betrayed for donating to Sanders, to be honest.
What did you expect after him?
It's funny because Bernie has always been fine with gays, and Hillary circa 2008 was against gay marriage.
Fuck off cunt
Ouch, how much did you donate?
The entire list is hilarious. Health care? Do they mean that health care plan that she had in the 90s that she now disavows? Iran? Hillary is one of the hawks who has been having the U.S. invade various Middle Eastern countries. Food stamps? Her husband officially ended welfare, and her platform now is that she will not take away EBT as well? Guns? Like another assult weapons ban will do jack shit. The environment? Doesn't she also want to drill the tar sands dry?
If anything, this list is a plain example of how she is exactly the same.
America hasn't been led by presidents since Reagan. It's all been corporations. I mean, lobbyists literally *write* laws. America had been an oligarchy and a corporatocracy since the 1980s.
If you continue to put your faith, hopes and dreams into presidents you're just dumb sheep (pardon the cliche).
The 80s? More like the 1780s. Every bourgeois state ever has been ruled by moneyed interests.
I think Bernie's a fraud but Horsey is literal cancer and the type of moron who dismisses every conspiracy theory ever formed as right wing racism. Someone post his 9/11 comic where he inadvertently defends Bush.
Horsey is smug liberalism par excellence.
Bernie was clearly controlled opposition. If he spent 30 minutes everyday talking about Hillary's Goldman Sach and friends connections from the start, this probably would have been different.
fucking whores, full patriarchal communism when?
You don't even have to like Bernie to know that the election was rigged against him from the start.
So basically she's the gibs me dat and idpol candidate. Got it.
People like you should have died at katyn.
He's a fucking pansy. I understand his policies are better, but I don't see how anybody here supported him. He bastardized socialism and created a generation of social liberals thinking they're socialists.
We need to create frankenstein mysogynist radio controls before we can build the world-wide mad deadly communist gangster patriarchy.
wow rude
I'd like to see this.
Wew to the Jew. He has to work with these people every day, you think he doesn't know how they work better than you do? He knew that if he directly attacked their queen both he and the progressive moment would be demonized for decades if he lost the general or something went wrong in his administration or he lost the primary and Hillary went on to lose the general. You'd be surprised how little normies care about financial ties, they don't understand that they don't necessarily imply corruption but that they always do.
You''re right. To be a politician is to be a liar and compromiser. I'm still way more suspicious of him though. You'll see one day.
Latuff is the best political cartoonist
Daily reminder
Can't argue with that
I think its sad how a lot of the older generation still clings to the idea of supporting the "party" at all costs, even if it means sacrificing most of your political ideals and selling your soul.
He alredy is a hero
It might be obvious to us but even now 90% of Americans still think 'they hate us for our freedoms'. Fucking cattle.
I want Hitlery shills to leave.
True, but it's still fucking impressive when he could have been lynched for that comic soon after 9/11.
He didn't even give a fuck.
kek, we need more leftist Wyatt Manns
It's about running a good campaign not being good in office
totally lying cunt score of -7
horsey go kill yourself
if you took one look at his foreign policy, you wouldn't be too surprised. don't despair too much, I think your money went to a pretty decent use.
kek, that would be perfect for a phone background. who is daring enough?
Don't say such sweet things
Says the guy posting on a board full of Soviet fetishists
Do you not get Election leave?
Here in spain all workers are required to be given enough time to vote.
Lmao nope. In some places like Indiana polls close as early as 5 or 6, so the results are usually skewed in Republican's fabor
but niggers have low employment and thus are more likely to not skip voting because they don't have to work to feed welfare chimps