Now with 200% more IDpol
We need to purge the mid left
So yeah comrades what do you think of sexual identification ?
Now with 200% more IDpol
We need to purge the mid left
So yeah comrades what do you think of sexual identification ?
I know it's a social movement I can get behind because it's coming from the wealthiest most omnipotent company in the world and features Barack Obama
What's a social movement got that I haven't?
It's bullshit. I'm attracted to what I'm attracted to and fuck what I fuck.
Nothing is more to me than myself.
We already have a thread on this so sage.
I will say here what I said there though.
I seriously see no problem with this video. All it's saying is it's ok to be tans/gay/whatever the fuck it is you wanna be. That's normally a generally accepted messages isnt it?
The video dosnt even mention the word feminism or anything related to identity politics or political correctness, yet it's not only getting hate on youtube but people here are attacking it?
Seriously guys, where did the gay gender queer attack helicopter multi coloured hair shemale touch you?
Of course we should support LGBT etc people, but my god Google absolutely disgusting.
Is anorexia skellington disease an identity now?
"Mid-left" These guys are right-wingers most likely. The feudalist who wished to implement changes to feudalism to make it more cute wouldn't have been considered left-wing. Liberals are enemies, from the social-liberal to the neo-liberal. Sage.
Am i the only one whos blood is boiling because of this idpol shit?
Nowadays it's like the only achievement is birth. My actions doesn't matter anyore, or if they count, it's only under the light of the circonstances of my birth.
"Why should i respect you, faggot? Is it because even if you gross me out, you're still a fellow man, an alter ego, with feelings and thoughst? Or maybe are you a kind person, a pretty cool guy to hang out with, someone who is making the world a better place?"
"No, you owe me respect because watching dicks makes mine hard". Says the faggot.
"How are you qualified, Miss?"
"I'm qualified because of my Vagina" and behind me i hear "No you lack a dick, therefore you're not."
"Shit niggers, why are you killing each other?"
"Because of you Whitey!" and behind me i hear "Don't bother with the subhuman."
I shout "Are you all insane?" and then miracle, reconciliation! "Bigot!" "Degenerate" "Mysoginist!" "Cuck!" "Racist!" "Traitor!".Silly me, ho did I dare not bowing before the holiness of one's birth? How foolish of me to deny the immuable nature of one's identity. There is no such thing as personnal agency. Each idividual is a part of a hivemind, if you mess with one, you must face the whole!
The hivemind despise me, no actually it doesn't even aknowledge my existance. I'm not user, i'm just part of another hivemind and through me, the hivemind fight other hiveminds.
I'm the Homophobic Bigot, because not sucking your dick is an offense to all dick suckers.
I'm the Mysoginist because i don't worship your pussy and at the same time, I'm the White Knight because i think you can do more than shitting kids and do my laundry.
I'm the Racist because i'm calling out your crimes, i'm the Cuck because i don't want to deport everyone looking like you.
I thought they just identified as Gerald Way circa 2004
The fucking worst is coming from the communities i belong to. I can't count them, thoses pathetic drones who deem themselves so worthless they can only exist as a mob.
If i have the misfortune of sharing some DNA, beliefs or taste with them, they all become my spouses, my jealous Yandere spouses.
"We love you, user!" "We belong to each other body and soul
Hell YEAH (checked)
I say fuck them too, fuck them with a pike. Why do I *owe* anyone any ammount of respect save what is common human decency and civility? I don't!
I do not have to like them, or admire them or commend them for their bravery, their "struggles" are no less valid than my own, and I don't care what their lives have been because I am in no way responsible for their actions and the actions of those around them. I don't have to associate myself with them, I don't have to consider them "commrades" in the struggle and I certainly don't have to lower myself so that their feelings are not hurt.
Fuck their feelings, fuck their uniqueness.
There's nothing wrong with respecting someone as a human or sentient being. It would just be silly to respect them because of something related to their so-called identity status. It seems dumb to respect someone because they're "white" or "trans" or whatever. I think you're referring to them expecting you to over-respect them and bow down. That's just stupid. anyway, again, treating someone kindly isn't bad. Don't let you're annoyance get the better of you. But yes, idpol is shit and should be thrown away.
I'm so fucking sick of this shit. Why do they need to come up with all these moronic categories? Everything is collapsing around us. The economy is in shambles. The environment is at the brink of destruction, and this idpol crap is getting all this attention. Sometimes I think the human race deserves to go extinct.
idpol is the worst cancer in the history of humanity
the ultimate failure of the left
Not sure if sarcasm…
I respect respectable people. I despise despicable people. I stick to "common human decency and civility" for everyone else.
This is exactly what I meant.
Courtesy of Zizekian in #bunkerchan.
The thing is, once you go past identity politics you will have left behind the left and the right as commonly understood today where the right is Christian and/or white idpol. If you agree to leave the IDiots alone as well behind you arrive at a very interesting place indeed. You become effectively a pan-secessionist and you allies now (bizarrely, at first thought) range from anarchists (
The conflict between the left and right dissolves with idpol (hint: class is largely idpol) and everyone can do their own thing in their corner of the world: your patch can own its means of production collectively while theirs owns them individually, etc.
You fucking bigot, check your flesh muh privilege.
Oh, but class is so much more than that. It is not just ownership and labor but personal connections and culture.
Since the days of Marx working class culture has been fetishized into a champagne (XX century)/Starbucks (XXI century) socialist accessory, something you could LARP for fun. Hilariously, though, that romanticized, distorted popular culture/Hollywood vision of the (white) working class was then projected back at it and internalized.
To quote Engels, "it's turning smut into theory"