Realistically, what do for flying an ultra-light (<250kg) experimental, unregimented aircraft without a license?

realistically, what do for flying an ultra-light (

get inside aircraft
turn on engine
lift off
move aircraft a bit
turn off engine
exit aircraft

i mean legally, guess i should've specified.


how does that answer my question?

Tiira is a Finnish homemade airplane.

One-seater Tiir Airplane was designed and built by Raimo Päätalo (born 1947). It was completed in 1973 and used by the Main House until 1977, flying about 70 hours. The engine is designed without any training other than the construction of the aircraft. No training was provided for the guidance. The raw materials were found in agricultural goods, including furniture tubes, and furniture upholstery for greenhouse foil. The power plant was a Volkswagen 50-horsepower engine. The flying experience could have lasted longer, but in 1977, Tiira was detected in the Oulu Air Traffic Control radar. Nowadays, the aircraft is in the Central Finland Aviation Museum.

The main house constructed another Tiira 2 engine in 1983, and the flight brought four months of conditional imprisonment. Later, the main building has also built the third Tiira 3 aircraft.

In 2010, the "Oululaism" was convicted of a daily charge of an unauthorized flight in September 2009: "Two aviation violations and the carriage of a vehicle for justice" [1]

On August 30, 2014, the Air Force discovered a self-made small machine in the radar, about 60 kilometers from Oulu Airport, and informed the police about it. The pilot is suspected of aviation misconduct and transportation of a vehicle. The police have had information about a man's past similar activities [2].

Please, do not fly without a license anywhere even remotely close to commercial or military air traffic. Or anywhere close to a national border. Aviation rules and regulation exist for good reasons.

You probably won't risk any lives (besides your own) with a low flying ultra-light, unless you fly close to an airport or close to military operations. But, you will annoy the people who try to preserve lives and keep our airspace safe. And you will risk causing millions of dollars in damages.

Para gliders crossing international borders without flight plans have caused full military responses. Drones and balloons flying too high at the wrong places have led to dozens of commercial flights (transporting hundreds of people) being delayed and redirected...

... Oh, i just read Never mind. Just get a UL license and register your experimental aircraft. Getting the license is a cheap, short, and easy process. Registering an experimental aircraft just took a simple weight test and a few hundred dollars in fees, the last time I was interested in it.

i'm not a fucking moron.
i'll fly it mostly on the sea and at low altitude

Consider working with other people to share and reduce your costs. (Shit, a German friend of mine (We have similar prices here) managed to get an SPL while on minimum unemployment support. i.e. living on ~€700 per month.) Joining an aviation club might significantly lower the cost for things like mandatory flight hours and airport fees. And finding other enthusiasts to either build/share your plane with you, or to sponsor your endeavors can bring the costs down to reasonable levels.

Aviation is an expensive hobby. That's just how things are.

i'm a solitary person, user.
autism and shit, i don't see anyone that would sponsor my stuff. especially since i have no license nor graduation in the field.


If you're not intelligent enough to answer this question yourself using common tools available to you, then you aren't intelligent enough to handle flying a plane. Not to mention Holla Forums really isn't the place for a question like this. Further more, how the fuck are we supposed to help you with flying legally if you don't even say what country you're from?

Do you have brain problems?

Why don't you have a posthumous degree in avionics goy?

No, he's just part of the cancer that's killing the internet. They don't lurk at all before posting on a board and expect any community to be like every other communities they're a part of.

so anyone who isn't a lawfag is stupid then?
Gas yourself you tard.

i don't feel like dying yet tbh, and what would i do with a degree after my death?

No, anybody who can't fucking look up the fucking laws of his own country on jewgle or something is fucking stupid. You gas yourself first, yuropoor.

Aircraft seem as gay as radio communications when it comes to law.

It's almost as if they don't want Burgerlards crashing their planes into each other 24/7.

In burgerstan you can fly an ultralight class plane without a license so long as you aren't doing it where other people live. Flying anything larger, over a populated area, and/or for commercial purposed requires a license. I'd say those regulations are completely reasonable.

op here.
i'm French, you can't fly a paper plane without the proper regulation here

On a slight tangent, check out gyroplanes.

Rotor like a copter, flies like a plane .. in permanent autorotation, meaning engine failure is not a big deal if you have somewhere to land. Can land em in 50 feet of space.. at like 8 mph. A very safe way to fly.

i already built my aircraft , its 90% finished


You better hunt some refugees from that plane, user.

kek, sure





Governments are REALLY anti-fun when it comes to anything that flies. I want to shoot fully automatic machine guns and fly a gyrocopter, but due to government, I can't. Ancapistan can't come soon enough.