The dindu cries racism as he ooks at you

Dinduball Dindus Plan To Protest the Anthem

This is a great opportunity to redpill Nigball-Loving normies

If you hear some fucking white male wonder openly, or complain about this, it's a perfect opportunity to drop some talking points.

If you can think of other good redpills on blacks for normies, post 'em.

Other urls found in this thread:

niggerball loving cucks on suicide watch

Bring out the ropes.

if you like it so much play it yourself and stop staring at it on telavivsion



The WTC bombing may have been an inside job, but disrespecting the WTC dead is just not gonna fly. I predict disaster.

Gonna be fun to watch. Let the game-rigging begin.


Every time you chimp out over nothing it makes you look worse in the eyes of the voting public. You are galvanizing all the people who thought they could be sheltered from your shitty ways in their little sportsball bubble. Please protest today, shit will hit the fan so hard.

Sam Hyde describes niggerball enthusiasts pretty well.

sports fans are immersed in a lot more cultural marxism than you might think, their talking heads shows are all nigs and women, their call in shows are all about how you need to be totally fine with your son watching a gay draft pick (who washed out) kiss his boyfriend live on ESPN.
but even these cucks aren't going to be okay with dindus pulling this shit on 9/11.

this is an opportunity to fire shit up on twitter and keep driving the wedge. My facebook is lighting up with white millenials calling the players selfish, dumb, and they're even offended at the lack of patriotism and respect for those who died on 9/11. Get more blacks to support the players on twitter.