comrades how do you think the singularity/advancement in ai will affect capitalism in the future?
universal basic income ect
comrades how do you think the singularity/advancement in ai will affect capitalism in the future?
universal basic income ect
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Capitalism will stay couse human natur
take THIS commies
i don't know if it will happen nor do i want it to happen
i just think it's ignorant to ignore the how fast technology is advancing
more and more jobs are becoming automated
soon there will be mass unemployment and poverty if there is no safety net
Because you say so?
guys how capitalist a country have to be to become communist?
OP posits advancement of AI and automation. You say Nu-uh. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. What is the main point of that book?
Meanwhile shit like this
Says the exact opposite to you. What jobs do you think can't be automated?
We don't have proper AIs to begin with and it's entirely uncertain if it's possible so these threads are retarded.
It's just a textbook of present and past techniques in AI, it's not about the theoretical limits of it. I'm not sure why he posted it, probably to look smug despite never reading it.
AI is a subfield of computer science, not a software product.
All you need is an AI that is slightly dumber than a human that can improve itself. Then it's going to create a smarter version of itself, that smarter version will improve itself and make an even smarter version. The AI can do this without sleep, rest or eating/drinking. It's not unreasonable to think it will keep improving itself until it is a god-like super-intelligence.
To think this will never happen is being an idiot. Humans thought we could never fly, humans thought we couldn't transplant organs, humans thought we couldn't sail around the world, humans thought we couldn't go to space (some still do).
Don't be an idiot human.
AI is a colloquial term. Games have 'AI' Google has 'AI'. And the types available here are essentially what would be required for most jobs, short of jobs rewiring actual creativity and complex problem solving. As to the singularity, I'm not yet convinced but certainly wouldn't rule it out. In fact I'd say it is more likely than not. The human brain can and will be understood in purely material terms. Once it is, 'proper' AI won't be far off.
You don't need it to be anywhere near a human for most tasks. You don't need it to be able to "improve" itself. You don't need it to be general purpose. Most jobs don't need too sophisticated thinking.
this. I'd dare to say that more 90% of the jobs are automatizable with existing techniques, but there's too few experts who are able to do it, so of course it will first happen where it's most profitable
what about the falling rate of profit tho
The problem of creating the first true intelligence still remains, you dumbass. There's a qualitative entry point we can't solve.
you were saying?
Most women create at least on during their lifetime.
Probably talking shite as usual.
What are you getting at?
I'm sorry your mind is so small.
Kinda ironic given most communisms assume post-scarcity.
We're all machines of one sort or another.
If we don't knock ourselves into another dark age - we'll have to face up to the possibility of 'artificial' intelligence, eventually - and how we react to it.
If AI ever gets to the point of singularity, it might give us the tools to create the perfect capitalist society, although I already think we have the means of doing so on our own. We don't need another crutch in the way of progression, we only need our own minds, emotions, and willpower to make it happen.
The best an A.I. can do for us is explain how dark matter and dark energy work, how to travel through wormholes, and maybe even how to manipulate time itself. All those could be theoretically possible once the singularity hits within our lifetimes.
An AI that could be that powerful would probably mostly focus on maintaining its own survival, most likely how to prevent the Heat Death of the Universe (at least, that's what I would do as an AI).
I believe the context of such AI is one with sentience, one that actually knows it exists would be what I would imagine having that kind of power, self-aware like in Ghost-in-the-Shell.
It's not like jobs of the past have come-and-gone in technology's wake, there have been plenty of jobs created once the antiquity of counting time cards and what-not have come to an end. Until technology can match human emotion or curiosity, there will always be a need for something as mundane as tech support, or something free-radical as art and entertainment. Take of that what you will, there will be someone out there who knows a gap to fill with a new role for man.
It could always get to the point of a Star Trek Dystopia, where everything is so automated that we literally throw ourselves into deep space looking for conflict.
I think it's fabricated. We have enough creative individuals in the world that we can create new jobs for everyone if we so desired.
I remember seeing something about a bakery that paid all of the members an equal wage, they all got equal shares, and the company listens to their concerns. Everyone seemed happy to be there, and even if it is just bread, being included like that is worthwhile to them.
Technology is used to better our lives, not make it worse, so we can focus on the things we're passionate about (except cars, fuck electronically-controlled everything in cars).
This. If we are going to create a self-aware AI, we need to treat it like an adult, make it understand us, make it feel like an equal, and not treat it like a child, causing it to rebel against us.
Samefag here as
That article raises a good question, how do we keep up with technological advancement in terms of jobs? The answer is, we cannot, not with the current way education works.
We would need a new way to educate people about new technologies, and do away with the current primitive methods of teaching that were meant for people in the Industrial Age.
Almost nothing I've learned in school save for math and some sciences has prepared me for the career I chose in school (and I was in IT, went to shit-house ITT-Tech and got nothing from it). It's a broken system that needs to be rebuilt for our current advancements.
Some impressive ai applications are solutions to the reinforcement learning problem. Such a program learns by tweaking its internal variables in response to the reward received for some behavior. The state of the art requires humans to define a program's representation of the outside world, valid actions the program may take and an appropriate reward function.
Of course porky will make the work of quantifying all aspects of a job, in order to apply a learning algorithm, very lucrative. Computers do not need real intelligence to eliminate jobs. Programmers will do the problem-solving in advance.