China jews AMD and Nvidia
Wow its literally fucking nothing
With the recent revelation of how the backdoors Intel built into their chips for the NSA and AMD rolling out their own version, do you think it's surprising for China to steal and homebrew their own CPU's?
Considering Intel and AMD are building backdoors on our hardware, i agree. Fuck them.
Time for Europoor to also use their governments to fund local processor creation from the dutch ASML or NXP. Fuck the US.
That literally is the official Chinese strategy. No shitting.
Current year+2 Holla Forums ladies and gentlemen.
Hello Wong
I hope they steal more.
Secrets are not physical property; they cannot be stolen. Only shared.
I don't give a shit about meme 3D printers. I want the IC printer! Can we please have that! I want to make a RISC-V processor and not on a soft programmable chip. I want a real one.
There's a huge difference between copying something released under a copyleft or permissive license and taking someone's unpublished documents and putting them out in the open.
The former is akin to downloading some file shared publicly and willingly by someone, the latter is analogous to getting on someone's 'personal cloud storage' account and dumping their private files and personal info on some website without permission or consent.
It's no different than using warez, fuck off. You're only butthurt because it's China, which wouldn't have gotten it in the first place if jews didn't outsource to pinch pennies.
That's not going to happen in our lifetime. General purpose CPU are way too complex and minute for a printer to simply print them out layer by layer.
do you have a single fact to back that up
It's nothing but flamebait so he won't have any evidence.
Who cares? Fuck those capitalist pigs.
Words have lost all meaning. We are simply at the whims of our autonomic responses for the rest of our duration in this hellish existence.
I see a hole in your plan
He wad talking about AMD and Intel, retard. Besides, you would be hard pressed not to see China as a wildly capitalist country where an absurdly powerful government fucks with the companies they see fit whenever they want to.
The funny (and sad) truth is that these days China is more capitalist than any country in the marxism-infested socialist West.
Take your meds Holla Forumsyp
Back to /leftypone/ with you.
He has a point about China though. The Shenzhen province where most of our tech comes from was the first special economic zone in China where they experimented with capitalism. An experiment initiated around 35 years ago... and it went pretty well from the looks of it.
How is the weather over there kike? Stay mad.
I was just implying that keeping it domestic wouldn't change anything as things are today. Unrelated shit you bring up is unrelated.
And Trump is the best president ever because he lives in a really big tower.
But I see more ponies in Holla Forums?
whatever you say, kiddo
Makes it hard to decide if I want a Chinese GPU that Agent Shitposter doesn't have a backdoor too, or if I want a GPU that actually works.
Wong or not they are right, shillfag.
You mean those things they gave away when they outsourced? Those things they trusted non country men with and are now surprised ended up in the hands of China?
Explain how it's different than warez. A screener is a trade secrete too and no one gives a shit when it gets leaked other than those that stood to lose money on it.
Feel good news of the day, thanks