I think i'm done with leftism

Forgive me comrades, I know a group of "lifelong revolutionaries"

These old fucks had made revolution their life. They went out and attempted to educate working people almost every other day. They worked in terrible conditions and did degrading jobs in order that they could unionize the working class. They worked as berry pickers, in meat plants, trains, steel, you name it. Most recently and probably most degrading, at Walmart.

And they'd been doing this for decades. Their entire fucking lives. And guess what, they'd had no success, except some extremely minor victories. But they'd inspired no revolutions.

The last major event they'd been a part of was Cuba, but they were aware Cuba could not stick to its ideological convictions. I was a passive observer as they talked somberly about Cuba's future, and how it would turn after the current leader died. Like that, their life's work was dead.

I think I'm going to turn in my membership to the socialist org I've been a part of for a few years now. I'm just going to become a passive leftist now, and focus my energy on my family, hobbies, and shit I actually want to do.

Sorry comrades

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You're probably better off improving yourself actually.
People might look to you as an example instead of an edgy loudmouth chanting in the street.
It's obvious that the tactics the left has been using have been entirely ineffective.

Live your life, fam.
I can't blame you.
If you're not happy, what's the point?
Maybe we can call upon you if the time does eventually come?
Even if you're not active, carrying the torch wherever you go is still very useful for us.

Have fun.

shit forgot to turn off shitposting flag

You can be a leftist without being an activist.

When I look at the Left, their tactics seem to involve either handing out papers no one wants to read, that babble on about "communism/socialism" and give no clear, direct picture of what would benefit ordinary people, like what will happen to utilities, will there be markets,etc.

Or there's the edgy desperate Leftists online that repulse many people. Then whatever remains of the Left is a few people gather for "Left conferences", and it's all Idpol with barely any economics, if that.

I just don't understand how those people get the motivation. They were all educated and could have had decent lives, but they gave it all up. There must be something above rational self interest that keeps them from giving up. There was something almost religious about about their conviction, and I think they were actually happy to scrub toilets in the Walmart bathroom because they connected it with some feeling of "sacrifice for the proletariat". Even though this feeling had no basis in reality.

And I think they saw this useless sacrifice as their duty, despite their efforts being basically useless, and maybe they know it, but act otherwise.

Because, most would feel bad knowing they'd spent their entire lives on something that's fruition they'd never see. But, even though they are materialists, they view this as an almost religious rite

that's really sad. something about the type of guy who wants to spend his whole life helping others, whether he's leftist, buddhist, or christian, makes me want to tear up.

John Rawls' Veil of Ignorance, fam.

Just wait :).

The transition to socialism/communism will occur when and only when the workers' relation to the means of production changes. The contradictions of capitalism might be apparent to many people, but there won't be a revolution until people can't afford to feed their families.

Spreading awareness won't achieve anything. The best thing to do would be to work on automation technology, because that's going to be the trigger which brings the whole capitalist system down.

The bourgeois will try to prevent this sort of thing from happening. They've turned appeasing the masses into a science.
Just watch, when things start to get really bad, we'll see UBI laws start to pass.

Or we'll all just die.

"I'm leaving forever, who's with me?"

Right, but those are a stop-gap. In the long run, capitalism cannot survive full automation. The trend will be towards something resembling communism, although it might take a very long time to get all the way there.

Some humans will survive, at least for a while. Eventually we might be completely replaced with AIs, but I'm not worried about that.

I disagree. If anything it would likely result in a "socialism" for the bourgeois while the proles are allowed to die off. Either that or we'd have a lumpen underclass surviving completely off of something akin to a welfare state which allows them to keep their purchasing power.

Machines will replaces workers far, far sooner than they will replace soldiers. When people are literally left to die, they are much easier to recruit.
It's not like society won't cling to life long enough.

Even if the proles are all dead, the surviving society will still achieve communism.

Successive generations and inheritance would dilute the wealth until it more or less evenly spread. Certainly we'd soon reach a point where nobody needed to rely on the welfare payments for basic necessities.

So me and my own gotta lay down and die so you can live in your better world?

Woop de do. Who cares if you're not going to be alive to see it?
That would only apply to the owners of the means of production (the bourgeois). Everyone else would be given just enough to scratch out a living and prevent a mass insurrection.

I'd rather humanity perish tbqphwy


No, you'll be long dead by the time any of this happens. Anyway, we're talking about a worst case scenario. If we're alive when it happens, I'll be fighting along side you.

You're not going to see communism in your lifetime. You might as well give up now.

You're thinking short term. In the long term everyone ends up related to everyone else due to the random nature of human relationships.

You should probably kill yourself to make up for the millions of dead natives your country is built on.

It's porky being a smug asshole about that makes me upset

so if he kills you and feels guilty later you're ok with it

You can support leftism and enjoy your life as well

Come on fam.

Maybe soon you'll even grow out of leftism

Slightly off topic, but the porky meme is really not helpful for this kind of discussion. The bourgeois are defined by their exploitation of the surplus value of workers' labour. Once automation replaces all human labour, there is no longer a bourgeois class. You certainly can't claim that the descendants of those non-bourgeois are somehow also tainted. "porky" isn't a race or genetic trait. It isn't heritable in that way. Everyone makes their own choices. If they make selfish choices, then you can blame them.

Historically major political revolutions have only occurred during situation of war or economic collapse or major crisis. Just look at the Weimar Republic before the rise of Hitler, or Monarchist Russia before the Bolsheviks, or France before the French Revolution. Nothing will ever happen during peace time when people are happy and fat and content.

You won't need to pray for bad times because they'll be coming soon enough. Then we'll see whether the far-left or the far-right will rise to the test.

Maybe its their strategy, organization and techniques you find fault with, not the concept of left wing political activism in general?


You're right, bourgeois is those who attain wealth through exploitation of laborers. The term for those who acquire wealth through hereditary inheritance is aristocracy.

I can't wait to bash reactionaries heads in :)

That isn't how it works. The prevalent economic system is determined by the material conditions of the world - not by how people feel.

I can't decide what's better: The system collapsing or the opportunity to murder Leftists in the streets. It will be fun times ahead.

The Nazis will end up in rubble just like they did the first time. Scalp em inglorious bastards style.

Glad I got a gun. If this can kill 50 people in a nightclub, what wonders can it work on skinhead nazis.

I seem to recall that you Communists came to the same fate eventually.

I hate tankies but the soviets filled the power vacuum in Europe and built an empire that lasted for decades.

Germany lost the war.

I don't care. The blood of the workers isn't worth the bourgeois stealing the proletarian dream for themselves. I'd rather have capitalism for 2000 years rather than let that happen. Especially if it means that all of the workers will be purged so that porky can live a happy life.

There's 7 billion people on planet earth. Besides, inheritances are stupid anyway. The people who inherent their parents money have never actually worked for it.


Defeatist, you and I will never be the same
I've taken this vow of hatred…Take the vow
A promise to myself to never be my own defeatist
This is my hatred, this is my vow.
Never to be broken


I'm also reaching this point. I love leftist economics but It's getting harder everyday. I think I'm gonna move on to technocracy at this point.

No, read more. Technocracy is not compatible with leftist economics or society. Do not be so defeatist.


The problem with Leftypol's "plan" and the Left's hope to recruit millions, then billions, is the historical failure of communism will always prevent people from accepting it as an idea that they can support and build a global movement from. Eh, I can see in some very desperate countries, maybe. I don't see it in the West, especially since most people are spooked and prefer liberal propaganda.
In many ways, the people that reject communism deserve the current capitalism.

If we openly reject Marxism and invent a lot of new labels then maybe.


don't forget that the left cant get its shit together because of "muh ideological purity" and the unwillingness to work with other factions

What's wrong with technocracy?

1. none of that ever happened

2. I know you think it's fair to write it because you assume it must happen somewhere, but no even the most demanding Leninist cults do shit like that regularly

3. you're not really expected to pick shit jobs and get rid of material comfort in order to be a socialist

4. 99.9% of leftists lead normal lives, 0.1% is Holla Forums and the Maoists trannies

Want to look at the automated future? Look at youtube.

This is a brand new underclass, their sole purpose in life is to entretain and sell advertisements while -unknowingly- indoctrinating their viewers. The advent of the information age is quickly shifting the working spaces towards cyberspace and a virtual economy.

The jobs of the future are already rising out here, the new forms that they'll take will range from simple social networking to online shilling and sales, we can't predict exactly what It'll look like but I can guaran-fucking-tee that those whose jobs will be lost to automation will find themselves moving to the internet to a service-based activity.


lol wut


The part where workers don't own and control the means of production and political structure

You're assuming that all factions have the same objectives. I don't think they do.


Sure thats why there was recently a revolution in Greece right?

Read this lads.

Yeah, this election turned me off of it. I have my citizenship in canada ready and I'm gonna trek out there in august. I suggest you do too. I found out you don't even need a legit job over there, you can just make it up and canada accepts you anyways, so wish me luck!

All I have is a hundred bucks and a bus pass, that should be enough to get me over the border. Or far enough so I can just walk the rest of the way.

Does that rioter have a peace dove tattooed on himself?

Really? I've heard conflicting information on that. I thought that the individuals of each branch of the technocracy would select the most qualified individuals to represent them. For example the architects and engineers would vote for who would be the city planner.

don't let the door hit you on the way out fag