What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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Why so salty, comrade? He's just looking out for your shekels.

Literally le wrong generation

He wanted to cuck the white race through cultural marxism.



He was traditionalist as fuck. He hated popular culture so much that he used Marxist criticism to critique "muh non-alienated non-commercialized art"

He was so far up his ass he went full Nietzsche and thought Wagner was the precursor of pop-music.

Art critics are the lowest form of life. It is no surprise that Adorno dabbled in it.

Well, Wagner did more or less invent movie music before movies existed.


Well, Wagner is shit. And pop is shit.

unfortunately correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation :(

Wagner may have been an asshole, but he was brilliant. His use of negative sound and the leitmotiven system were revolutionary.


I'll give him that, okay.

but really, his music is terrible

Adorno did nothing wrong.


'dorno died for our sins

Goddamn, every single time. Adorno distanced himself from his early views of jazz later on, pretty much because all that was available to him when he wrote that piece was derivative pop-jazz.
read a fucking book tbh

He was.

That's right, he precluded metal, true succesor of aryan music to show us the way out the wasteland of negro noises that is current music.

Fuck off Adorno apologist

If you can, find a version of the overture to Tristan und Isolde with the original pauses. He used abrupt and extended silences jar the listeners' mind into expecting a sound that is not there to create a feeling of anxiety and absence. It was a little too avante garde for his audience, so most conductors greatly shorten the pauses.

Metal was founded on the blues. Guitar solos still feature blues scales and note bending.


kys tbh

Are you baiting or do you seriously not realise that the entirety of rock (including metal) would have not existed today without the influence of black music?

It's more than that. The creators, the first rock musicians were black. Elvis acknowledged that he had got the music from them and he is what brought rock to White America during his time. Rock is in part derived from Jump Blues which is a form of blues with stronger Jazz influences and Jazz comes from blues and ragtime. As is known, metal comes from Rock. Almost all American music comes from blacks. It's a reality. Honestly though, who cares. Music doesn't and shouldn't belong to any group,

Wait until tumblristas discover that Led Zeppelin plagiarized afro-american musicians.

Adorno was literally lit

Only semi-true. But Adorno's philosophy would never allow even for more refined jazz, due to its fall invocation of dissonance/mendacious claim to autonomy from mainstream popular culture. In the rhythm of all jazz is the relentless barbarian drum– both in a metaphorical and literal sense.


That's stupid. Credit should be given where it is due, but those social liberal fools will play it into a narrative of "white men stealing everything" and ramble on forever. This shit is annoying.

They were even closer than that. Early rock and roll was twelve-bar blues. There is absolutely no musical distinction to make between the two. The only difference between them was in the marketing.


You wouldn't credit that to Beethoven and the simple riffs that he used in place of themes?


From everything I've read no classical music led to popular music. They were distinct traditions. When music could really only be transmitted orally or through notation classical music was dominant. (This was also because culture was considered synonymous with feudal culture and the bourgeoisie only adopted fuedal culture when they were still social climbers.)

When recording technology emerged popular music started to get more of a foothold. Obviously the histories are more complicated, but popular music always existed and there are records of it at least as far as Ancient Greece.

polite sage for off topic. don't know shit about Adorno

What would he said about anime?

Yes. To be fair though, Jazz for example, isn't purely black by origin. It's harmony originates from the European musical traditions and marching songs. Much like "race:,

*much like race, everything is mixed.

That it was a mistake.


"Flat is justice" - Adorno

I have no idea where any of that came from, but if you paid for that information you should get your money back. What you may be thinking of is the questionable distinction between "art music" and "popular music" that self-styled art musicians like to make.

It's literally the distinction between folk/traditional music and formal music (or, more generally, high and low culture). I'm not accepting the categories as fixed or absolute, but I'm not denying that people long argued the value of these distinctions for sake of maintaining a high-low culture divide. Obviously the traditions borrowed from each other, but the majority of people had a distinct culture while the upper classes were filling Opera houses. Popular music didn't come from single individuals like Wagner or Beethoven, neither from a single genre of music.

I don't have the books to hand, but iirc this was largely from the Oxford History of Western Music, Pierre Bordieu's works on high culture, and the Social History of Leisure (can't remember the author).


What about country music? Dixie, bluegrass, etc.

It sounds fucking horrible so it's probably unrelated.

Bluegrass sounds fucking awesome.

So much salt over one of the most based theorists of the 20th century.

Yep, that's the art/pop music divide. It is one of those things where the people who claim that it is real can not define it.

Which "country" do you mean? There are several different kinds, and nearly all of them are influenced by the blues.

I was going to say, yeah bluegrass is brilliant.

Is folk considered pop music? I'm not an expert on art history but I thought Wagner was the first composer that got really popular among the masses.



I said almost all. Country and bluegrass are exceptions. Dixie or dixieland (also known a early Jazz or New Orleans style Jazz) comes from blacks obviously. Jelly Roll Morton and Buddy Bolden comes to mind. More american music that comes from blacks includes Boogie-Woogie, funk, disco, rap and all their styles and mixes.


and aply it to

The outcome is, "mainstream" anime (big three and so on) is pop music. When you take ideology and try to make it popular, it's the same with vietnam.

However, I'd like to say here, that when you make ideology and critic of ideology, sublte enough you can make pop music a tool to pass your ideas to the world.

See Kill la kill.

[most rabid shitposter on leftypol]

Thank you.

Folk of any stripe fits into the "pop" category according to people who gave weight to such an idea. As for Wagner I doubt it. So-called "classical" music was not as exclusive as some think. There were theaters and operas that catered to the lower classes, although the subject matter that they covered was often timely and political which means that they tend not to play well to later audiences.

Wagner's emotionally-charged leitmotiven system and his melodramatic tales of popular myths and legends did have a certain cross-class appeal, and some of his works did make the transition to popular culture, like vid related.

Does anyone here like Adorno as a thinker but loathe him as a writer?

I understand why the form of the aphorism was an essential part of his thought and they're supposed to resist simple comprehension, express incommunicability between particular subjects, etc. but come on…

His essays, interviews, and lectures are astounding though. Only dude to really get Kant/Hegel/Marx.



I don't blame the dude for being a little sour.

No, he would say all anime is shit. The good anime is interlocked within the hegelian particular "critics" who are really capitalist ideology shills.

Look, I like adorno and I think he's right about decadent culture, but its okay guys, he said you can still like decadent culture.

sound fascist

As someone who knows theory, I've generally decided to ignore the opinions of people who aren't musicians regarding jazz.

Take your own advice


he could have worked for hitler just fine tbh

that's retarded
he worked with shönberg and alan berg.

I think that it is a joke about how Adorno thought that everything that he did not like was "fascist."

small penis anxiety