Electronic crap you'd buy

Electronics fag reporting in. I Want to make electronic crap and sell it on ebay or something for extra cash. I'm also an uncreative faggot though. What's some electronics piece of shit that you'd buy?

something like a cheap toy type of thing?

Nothing because all of my electronics are high quality.

Basically anything you can apply electricity to and it does something.

Something that nags at me and is insufferable, like a woman
and has a pussy I can't use.
Kinda like my current GF.
I figure it will cost me less in the long run.

Remotely wreck neighbor's CRT TV

look through places that sell electronic crap like firebox

So an alarm clock with a stapled-together fleshlight?

creep shot camera kits

a device to brute force keyless vehicles

phone based anything, not that helps all that much. maybe a case with speakers in it? people love showing off how retarded they are.
or a small Faraday cage

not a bad idea actually.
hidden cams would work.

you could also make some arduino shit

a portable EMP device so autistic teenagers can ruin each other's smartphones

data sync cable between laptops, remote control light dimmer

How 'bout good ol' homemade shockers? You'd have to name them originally so your wares proposal won't get deleted and you won't get 'yer ass sued

don't EMP fall under weapon category?

a timer circuit where I can set a time and with a NE555 it will trigger a relay once the target time is reached. Bonus points for 7 segment display and countdown functionality

sell it locally instead of on e-bay then

Usb beer can cooler gadget.
A Peltier, some microcontroller, heatsink/fan, relay or solid state similar. Bonus points to pc software controlling the temp.
The problem: a reasonable functional case.

sup guise

an electronic lighter

Go even further and make a gigahertz/terahertz wave camera to see through clothes with.

i got you covered fam

honestly not the worst idea, some fags love that shit


fug man kinda feel bad for her tbh
i would defend her

This is actually a great idea. All you would need is a good analog camera, some really long wires, an ADC at the end, and a microprocessor/computer to process the binary data to form a raw image. Then you would need an SD card module to store the images on.
An easier approach would be to take an action camera and remove the image sensor module, reconnecting it with really long cables. If desire, you could make the trigger button separate by extending the connection too. Then you could modify your shoe and put the hidden camera in there.
The best way to hide the camera is to use a lens that has a tiny aperture but short focal length, like a phone camera. You can easily replace the lens in many low priced digital cameras with a fixed lens, as long as you find out the mount pattern. I did this to a go-pro once when the lens got ruined.

I bet if you fugged her and had sons, they would be complete alpha chads.

would definitely pay her a manwhore.

Remote triggers for tannerite (market it as garage opener or something)
TNCs (ax.25 kits for shtf digital comms)
CB amplifiers

Right off the top of my head.

Looks fake but I believe it.