All my lefty friends are becoming disillusioned with politics and turning into "yolo weed hippies"
How can I revitalize their interest in social change and revolution?
All my lefty friends are becoming disillusioned with politics and turning into "yolo weed hippies"
How can I revitalize their interest in social change and revolution?
Tell them that change doesn't happen overnight, it takes dedication.
Part of inverse totalitarianism is that it sucks the meaning from politics and reduces the enthusiasm of those participating in a sham state beholden to High Bourgeois whims. Your friends becoming "yolo weed hippies" is slightly better than what my friends have done with turning into brown shirts.
Tell them to fucking read.
One of my friends has gone the exact opposite route: from yolo weed hippie to disciplined lefty with a strong theoretical framework. I recommended him some books and he read them. Now he's addicted to theory. Shit's good.
Revolution won't happen in your lifetime, it does, it won't be because of the "stop capitalism" flyers you handed out.
Chill out, read theory, and spread ideas with people you know. Fuck activism, or rather, fuck activism now, when material conditions aren't where they are that you can make any meaningful difference.
passive nihilism kills
ask them these questions
"do you support the capitalization of weed ?"
"do you support cigarettes companies ?"
and talk with them about how the "good outcome " of legalizing weed of safety in Mexico is a lie
capitalism will make shit much much worse in the long run
Basically this. Force those discussions. Recommend intelligent films when you hang out and steer a good discussion out of them afterwards. Recommend them good fiction, to begin with (the habit of reading at all is not an easy one necessary) and get them talking intelligently about it, about its political meaning preferably (choose something that works for this). Then edge them into theory; short works at first. Make them relevant to something you just spoke about, so it doesn't seem weird. Ask them if they read it, ask them about it, talk about it. Link them to videos. Don't give them any opportunity to stay uninformed.
Dress them up in black, give them some hammers and go out at night smashing as many store-fronts as you can without getting caught.
You're a fucking idiot.
Oh please, the material conditions are perfect for revolution
Surely this is cherry-picking? Other countries (Portugal, Netherlands, Canada, US) legalised to varying degrees without issue.
How to lose friends and alienate people: Volume 2.
Tell them to start a fucking commune.
Theory is great but at the end of the day you'll still end up depressed an alienated by the impossibility of moving forward. Reform is a dead end and revolution is nigh impossible so the only way forward now is disengagement from the capitalist society and the creation of a parallel socialist culture.
So engage your friends in the possibility of setting up a commune, income-sharing community, co-op, whatever. Give them a practical problem with solutions that can be thought out and implemented in the real world. And yes, a bunch of tiny eco-hippie co-ops aren't gonna change the world, but it's better than sitting at home shitposting on the internet about what you'd like to see happen on Earth (and then bemoaning the fact that it's impossible).
become a fascist
If it doesnt work, blame yourself. Be more interesting and engaging
It doesn't matter how interesting and engaging you are. If you're a monomaniacal opinion pusher those around you are going to flee. Quickly. No-one wants to hang out with Jehovah's Witness' types.
Makes sense tbh
If you think the only way to do what was posted in is to be a " monomaniacal opinion pusher" or "Jehovah's Witness type" then you're doing it wrong, quite simply.
It is possible to tailor the way you talk and the things you say to keep it a conversation, make sure that they are engaged and making points themselves, and enjoying themselves. Talking to people is a skill, and if you get good at it you can engineer a conversation in such a way to get almost anyone to engage with you about almost anything, to some degree, and enjoy participating in that conversation. Obviously there will be some exceptions to this.
The whole point made in (I'm assuming you've simply linked back to the wrong post) is to keep bringing the discussion back to the same topics. You cannot do that without appearing to to be a monomaniacal opinion pusher. It does not matter how engaging or witty you are. If you discuss this in any more than the most cursory manner, people will eventually notice you keep returning to the same topics and get bored of hearing about them.
Don't believe me? Go speak to some conspiracy theorists.
You're right I did link back to the wrong post, my bad.
It's not about bringing the discussion back to the same points. Of course not every single bit of conversation will be political. But it's about making the opportunities where it makes sense to make them. It shouldn't be the same topics either; there's a lot of different things to say about capitalism, socialism, anarchism, etc. And it shouldn't feel like a change of subject either; it will come naturally from the conversation. You have to connect these issues to reality, to what is going on, to what is already being discussed. Sometimes your comment won't generate a long conversation, and you can move on with the general dialogue. Sometimes it will, and you can make a difference.
I don't believe you because my own experience tells me otherwise.
All you've done is share your opinion with people who broadly agree with you. You've not really persuaded them of anything, have you? It's not as though these people have made a decision to reject the precepts you're offering your opinions under, as OPs friends appear to have.
If you preach to the choir, sure you're experience is going to be different.
call them racist duh
get them into Nationalism.
they don't fit in with Holla Forums they are too into drugs and being lazy and being in "open" relationships.
but they are too stupid to understand actual Communism and simply complain about how their tuition is too high, or inflation is making their laptops too expensive
First-world nationalism only serves to make people with personality flaws feel good about themselves.
the natural state of useless lefty faggots
Go to meetings of local communists/anarchist/leftists and make new friends.
If they're not with the struggle they can piss off imo.
You can't. At heart you are just masochistic, degenerate filth. They're at least no longer trying to polish the turd that is their useless existence.
Fucking resource thieves.
Your friends were never serious about revolution. They enjoyed the rebellious revolutionary lifestyle sold to them by marketers and media. When the reality of creating change clashed with the fantasy sold to them they were far too comfortable to do anything other than continue to be consumers of designer bongs and virtue signal.
This is probably why you are larping on this board as well. You don't give a shit about the cause, you just fell for a lifestyle demographic designed to sell you black hoodies, fixie bikes, anarchist pins, and all the other knickknacks deliberately designed to make you a consumer of a contrarian fantasy.
Fuck 'em.
Get real friends.