America is great because of the people who made it great, not the name it stands on.
Socialism will never work in America, because America values exceptionalism too much, and everything socialism is about is forcing everyone to be equals. No amount of hate-mongering towards the 1% will ever swayed the 1% from giving away everything (most) have worked their entire lives for.
This country was "founded" by basically social outcasts that didn't fit the mold in Great Britain. They fought against the establishment, and the Constitution was set up so that every generation could admire and become anti-establishment. That rebellious nature is why so many other countries had admired us in the past.
Yes, we're hypocrites, yes we're liars, but deep down, we all want that opportunity to excel, and be more than what we are. We held ideals that other countries were jealous of, and we were attacked in WW2 because of it. We came back full throttle on our aggressors and let the world know we meant business.
Then, sometime in the 1960s and 1970s. after many civil rights and other issues were being fought and won, a bunch of special interest groups started dismantling what made America great from the inside by poisoning our messages. These groups would gain power in government, and make laws that benefited a small group of people while punishing the masses. The old progressive messages got lost, and in their place doctrines of hate were born.
Those groups today spout these doctrines with the falsehood of equality, and they only hurt America even more with every law and special case made in their favor. Catering to these groups only shows how weak and willing we're allowing ourselves to be bullied into submission.
Every time I see a 3rd-wave feminist shame a male, every time I see a law passed to please non-deserving transgenders, every time I see corrupt businesses crop up to take advantage of loopholes from anti-trust laws, I feel ill.
The sensibilities of 1% or less is not worth the loss in freedom the 99+% have to endure. Our Constitution was created to fight these types of invaders, outside the country, and inside our own. I would gladly bear arms against my aggressors, even ones in my own country, to keep my freedom. It's only a matter of time before the tipping point, where we begin a second Civil War, where it's most likely going to be the socialists versus the capitalists.
I don't want that to happen. I implore you all, think about what I've said in earnest, true capitalism, with no government intervention, is the only way for all of us to have an equal chance at bettering our lives, where it's not being forced by the government or anyone else, just you.