Are raids still allowed on here ?
Are raids still allowed on here ?
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jfc die fag
Wow you guys are retarded over here
The whole fun of raids is that they're not allowed. That being said, good luck getting these lethargic fucks to get involved.
Yeah but I mean if the Thread would get deleted
Hard to say, it's pretty much up to the whims of the mods.
K thx m8
pretty sure they are, but no body ever does them anymore.
No problem, what are you trying to raid?
Nah was just curious
Raids are always fun, spammed some Discord Servers etc. some time ago
Welcome from halfchan fresh meat. Enjoy your stay.
You mean BetterChan ?
Ye, sure…
you can always go back to your shithole
Don't worry I will but
Just wanted to see how this place is
For example why is it that sometimes my posts get saved even after I posted the
That pic for example just stayed in my post window thingy
It's k… No OC since it started…
It's K. It allows you to post bigger files then halfchan, less censore and supports .mp4 files.
It does need more ppl and OC tho.
Ye it's one of the first things I noticed
i hav booger
Pedos take care of that and most the OC is just "Absolutely" loli memes which is fine but we need other content.
Here's some OC. Have my friends dick. We tricked him to send it with fake FB acc.
Extraterrestrial disclosure. We could potentially force the US government to disclose if enough people supported the cause. In general, I wish people on this board were interested in subject enough to participate. It would be cool. Imagine the possibilities and the advanced technology that would come out.
Its really not that bad of a dick about average and pretty thick. Hes fucking bad at taking photos tho.
The site code is fucked.
Has been from the beginning.
You can either look at it as part of the charm of the place, or as a pain in the ass.
Doesn't really matter which, it never gets any better…only gets worse.
What it needs is to be wiped off the face of the internet forever.
It *had* lots of users and the best OC of any chan until Dysnigger took over.
Now it is this.
It *needs* to be buried before the neighbors start to complain about the stink.
My man
B-but, I like playing with dead things.
the problem doesn't lie with Dysnomia, the problem lies in users like yourself being absolutely buttdevestated and bitching about it all the fucking time instead of actually not giving a shit and contributing new content
the constant bitching and spergouts is what's driving people away
This guy is the only reason I came back one here actually m8
this is hilarious