With the demise of animu sites, we need censorship alternatives now...

With the demise of animu sites, we need censorship alternatives now. No more of your pie in the sky "if only everyone used free software bullshit". What can we use to replace websites that are taken down right now?
I bring you this one now to evaluate.
If you dont like it post alternatives.

Other urls found in this thread:


IPFS could be used to host files and create a distributed tracker

ipfs vaporware

On the short term IPFS and I2P will have some influence but since their design has flaws (especially IPFS who relies on Tor and more) when the majors will come and ask to stop this shit will get real.

On the long term a software who's designed with gnunet or is a clone of gnunets design will make some change and will be extremely difficult to stop.

I say that wee need man power on gnunet maybe we could make a bounty on some function idk
there's freedomsponsors.org/ that seems promising.

On the short term IPFS and I2P will have some influence but since their design has flaws (especially IPFS who relies on Tor and more) when the majors will come and ask to stop this shit will get real.

On the long term a software who's designed with gnunet or is a clone of gnunets design will make some change and will be extremely difficult to stop.

I say that we need man power on gnunet maybe we could make a bounty on some function idk
there's freedomsponsors.org/ that seems promising.


On the clear net?
Absolutely nothing. If it's on the clear then it can be taken down.
Solutions exist on the deep web but normie retards won't ever mass adopt it. You can use I2P or Freenet to host files and static sites with links but again, normies won't use it.
So basically there's nothing you can really do, because people are stupid.

Freenet lets you update sites and probably files if you know the private key.

oh vey
I wonder who could post such thing

It works right now. What part of it is vaporware?


GNUnet or IPFS probably.
you can have your willful stupidity and delusions about the apparant difficult of simple shit
or you can have your anime.
your choice, friend.

Hentai share: volafile.org/r/bkwwhj08

How to use without javascript?

get i2p and p with me

is there a link to this page that doesn't require i2p?



this link is dumb as fuck the other ones better

How is IPFS vaporware? It already exists and it's already usable.

why don't we make an anime tracker on i2p?

IPFS shows your IP publically to anyone who downloads the file. You shouldn't use that for this.

Well yes, that's how the decentralized Internet works you retard.

Do it.

use streaming sites

Someone call stallman we have serious trouble.


Yeah, I heard Firefox leaks your IP to every website you visit. Unbelievable, right?

So unlike torrents.

torfaggots are literally crying right now

i suggest ipfs

IPFS tries to be compatible with every mesh network system.
It sound good doesn't it ?
No it isn't because most of the actual mesh networking system use the broken protocol that the clear web uses.
Plus some retard is making suggestion that will weaken the gnunet protocols like this one

The goal of IPFS is to make a filesystem not a secured/censorship resistant/anonymous network, gnunet has a metric ton of protection that doesn't even exist in IPFS and that's because IPFS relies on old protocols that weren't designed to be secure or decentralized/meshed, these protocols were designed to transmit the data and verify integrity,aka to just work.

Right now Gnunet has some trouble to run I accord that but if you want manpower to be directed in a long term solution to all the current bullshit, there's only gnunet who's design promises that.
There's already a thread dedicated to it
Some problems are already mentioned and can make the situation move on, we need more people exploring that software report problems and find temporary solution for them until the developers and volunteers push commit to repair them definitely.

So please stop shilling IPFS just because IT WORKS because that's just a temporary solution that will dickslap you in the face in a few months/years.

KYS even more because the latest git has a pretty good interface (pic related)

Retard Alert

Ipfs isn't a good long term solution.

Could you make the current gnunet non dependent to gtk3.

i need those huge ass buttons with clip-art man.

Is there a way to replace the shit icons giant icons with just text?

dude bleeding edge lmao
let me tell you something you faggot. if you make a gui as abhorrent as gnunet's it is clear that you just dont give a single fuck. they went out of their way to use those shitty images instead of just using text. so no. i wont kill myself.

i will use gnunet when its stable release has a better gui and when it is more user- friendly and not some shitty arch linux bleeding edge command line shit.

Not sure if /g/ or leddit but whatever shit hole you came from you have to go back.

good argument. i am going to install gnunet right now. i now see that my argument makes absolutely no sense.

Making content on the web immutable and censorship-resistant is one of the goals of the IPFS project. Anonymity, while not the focus, can be achieved with TOR (now) and I2P (in the future). Their libp2p library is built separately precisely so you can squeeze in any method you wish to reach the network, even future ones.

I'm not saying GNUnet isn't a cool project but don't act like there is a binary choice between IPFS and it.

Who are you quoting?

IPFS is designed for this, the whole point is persistence and censorship resistance. It's far from vaporware, they've already implemented static content, dynamic "addresses", and are currently working on better dynamic content control as well as integration with other networks such as i2p. The existing implementation is in a good enough state to start testing the migration of these services that keep disappearing and will only get better as things progress (which is happening rapidly).

I can't think of anything better for this exact purpose, both in concept and in actual implementation, there's nothing out there conceptually better and even if there was it's certainly not implemented already, IPFS actually exists right now. What is a legitimate knock against it, why not prepare to use it instead of standing around while services keep dropping of the network?

Bashing IPFS because its reference implementation is written in golang is not a valid knock against IPFS itself, the spec is open and anyone can write their own implementation if you really think it's necessary. i2p and freenet both rely on Java and nobody seems to have a problem with those as a concept despite many people disliking the reference language, they also have third party implementations written in other languages.

I haven't seen any valid criticism against IPFS recently that haven't already been addressed, as in any valid concerns are already solved or are in the process of being solves (a big one was duplicate storage usage which is no longer an issue). All I keep seeing anymore are people complaining about Go, which is stupid since they don't even have to write in it.

All this pointless bickering over nothing from people who supposedly want to keep content alive but don't want to use the tools that allow them to do it. If we keep bikeshedding it will be too late.

This is flatout wrong, IPFS does not rely on Tor, it can integrate with it but that functionality isn't finished yet, Tor isn't required at all.


Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Please specify what you'd like me to address.

isn't IPFS written in java anyway?

There is plenty of valid criticism against IPFS, but they're almost all related to where it is currently in its development stage rather than theoretical problems with the design spec. These are still valid concerns as it relates to being a replacement for Nyaa, but all the complaints ITT are just tired Holla Forums memes.

My list of valid complaints:
It's meant to be used with Filecoin to incentivize hosting.
It's made a lot of progress since I started using it, and I have no doubt it will reach the same level as other DHTs like BT magnets.
Needs an installer that includes the executable in the DOS path and a GUI that isn't the WebUI (which is more an afterthought).
Frequently requested, so it should be implemented Soon™. The very legal panic that brought Nyaa down means anonymity is a very serious concern but I've yet to see any pushes for an I2P torrent tracker. Hopefully one is made so the I2P network grows strong enough to support dark file exchanges of any sort.
Obviously needs to wait until major development finishes.
Though js-ipfs looks better by the day.
Not a lot of incentive to run them, and I doubt Filecoin can fix this. Maybe this is a good thing, as it deincentivizes streamfagging behavior.

These require serious consideration before it can truly be competitive against torrents. Enthusiasm is high for this project so I can foresee these hurdles being cleared but not for a while yet. You have to convince the major players in the weeb community before it can be the new gold standard, and I'm not convinced it can be yet.

i2p or gnunet

All fair. We're in agreement over this
Which is what I more or less meant with this remark

For clarification, I only mean to advocating that some people look into this now to get a head start, given that the issues people have are documented and are actually being worked on, it's highly likely that this will become the new standard since all issues are being addressed. From my perspective I honestly don't have any confidence in any other project like this right now and am somewhat fearful that soon we'll have more services disappear, I just would like people to be prepared for this when the project actually does come along so that emergency migrations can occur, instead of everyone panicking and not knowing what to do, much like is happening now and recently.

I do not mean to advocate "switch now" I mean to say "learn now". The fundamentals seem solid, the design seems to foster sane interoperability which is key for longevity, and the implementations are backing these, knowing about it seems like it would be advantageous for different kinds of people, for instance people who would want to migrate a torrent tracker to something more resilient.

you can have your willful stupidity and delusions about the apparant difficult of simple shit
or you can have your anime.
your choice, friend.

are CIA niggers that want people to get arrested.


Oh not you again.

The threat model for that is no different from torrents.

what the fuck are you talking about, you CIA nigger.

people get letters from RIAA and shit because of torrents

Because their IP is known. If something leaks your IP then you can get love letters. The only reason you wouldn't have that happen is due to the fact that the application isn't popular enough yet to be monitored 24/7 by media companies like torrents and other P2P systems are.

I'm not shilling for anything in particular this is just in general.

It can't be censorship resistant if the people who are downloading the content can't be known.

Tor was designed for anonymous web browsing and small file sharing not for torrent like system.
If you flood tor like some torrentfags do them you kill tor.
Plus tor has an enormous problem that gnunet has corrected which is the number of controlled nodes by one entity and they solved that.
Which is partly explained here:

I2P isn't has safe/anonymous has gnunet.
Just please read the concept of it
Gnunet is more than just a P2P sharing system it's a framework.
It was made so that it can be use to literally replace the web not just use it has like a perma-torrent dump.

It's not my intention.
What I mean is that if we have to make a choice make it a good one the less we disperse ourselves the better it is.
I don't say that IPFS won't work I know that it works but imo it's not a viable solution for the future.
I don't say to not use it tho.
For now gnunet still needs some work but please put some time it in too.


It can't be censorship resistant if the people who are downloading the content can be known.

maybe when they ditched this awful gui.

Kill yourself.

no u.

I can't find a way to make the traffic of gnunet get proxies trough a socks5 proxy. Does anybody have any idea how to do that?


lol no generics

it's definitely written for codemonkeys, but besides all the annoyances not having things like generics causes, it's a solid language for networked applications, which has been proven in many high scale deployments, which you would have known if you weren't retarded github.com/golang/go/wiki/GoUsers

Well then why not just fucking run IPFS on gnunet? What's the problem with that idea?

Whatevs, I'm just releasing my shit on anirena.com while the rest of you jerk off endlessly.


no thanks

they should rewrite it in rust

import ( "fmt" "github.com/user/mossadtools")

dude vendoring lmao

The guy posting paragraphs of "please use gnunet" in multiple threads on here and /g/ is the main reason for me not using gnunet. I can't trust people that desperate.

It's probably fine technically, but the problem is the typical GNU problem where they faceplant at PR and UX. At any rate, if people have to install it then it's not getting used. IPFS is only even approaching usability because they alone have js-ipfs and therefore a way of doing things such that the user does not need to install anything.

good thing i block javashit

Except that nyaa wasn't taken down but the anonymous owner got cold feet

Nobody said that. I would be quite happy with most anonymous frameworks.

I was talking about the gnunet person, not you specifically.

How can Holla Forums can be this full of normies.
I thought this board was full of competent techfags but instead there's these kind of retards.

Nobody said that
To the contrary if you read this user propose to concentrate on one project with good design he doesn't say to not use IPFS.

I agree but remember that this is free software we are talking about, not some shit that won't be fixed.
Gnunet hasn't received a lot of attention, like any software it needs manpower to go further
The same applies with IPFS but I believe that IPFS should change their design instead of what they are trying to accomplish.
IPFS can say that they aim for anonymous P2P network but in the actual state of things they are far away from that.

Why? I think their design is fine, instead of a monolithic application that does everything they're trying to follow the Unix way and chain a bunch of smaller programs together where possible. You can see that in how they've ripped apart their implementation behind the scenes into libp2p and so on. Here they're trying to offload anonymization to a dedicated layer rather than reinvent every wheel in-house. It's sensible.

My nigger


Have you ever done OOP?
You realize how hard it is to design and program at the same time?

what the fuck? what does oop have to do with designing a non shit gui? all the gnunet devfags had to do was use text buttons. instead they made the extra effort to search/create those shitty, giant images.

the dev is probably using a very high dpi 8k monitor

the dev is probably a massive faggot because he used shitty diverse images instead of text

What are some good places for eroge (that do not keep downloads behind shitty paywall sites)? Right now only nyaa's sqlite dump is useful.

Simple is best

mmm... bitlbee delicious


One of the guys behind NNTPchan is working on a nyaa replacement called anodex. Right now I think it's only on tor and i2p

Which one is better between that and nyaa.si ?

pantsu is down 99% of the time when it isn't it doesn't work right
i give it a couple more weeks before the hype dies and the devs abandon it

According to alexa, pantsu is still leading in japan. Still seems to be under heavy development though.

I've been thinking about this. The 'About' page at torrentproject.se says this:

Does anyone know how this works? If it's possible to 'ask' trackers for new torrents - which I thought wasn't part of the BT protocol - then theoretically people (read: dedicated autists) can run a bot themselves and remove the need for a public website. Trackers are needed, of course, but their legal trouble is far smaller than that of, say, TPB or Kickass.

In the trash it goes

Pantsu is making rapid progress and intends to be as open and transparent as possible.
Also down a lot less.

could something like this be used to make a decentralized tracker?

A couple of things more with nyaa.pantsu.cat
Already has a transparency page for dmca notices and all bootstrap crap and js is being removed.
Also supports i2p just needs to be setup.

Enjoy your future C&D

>site of choice for The Cartel™ (because NyaaPantsu devs is rayciss for making a single offhand merchant joke)


Other than that, they're pretty similar. I'd say use both for the sake of redundancy, at least for RSS scraping purposes, but NyaaPantsu is definitely my favorite.

Just for that, you get 0.01 rupees instead of 0.02 deposited into your account.


also forgot

to stop being a faggot? Absolutely nothing more disgusting than pedo-weaboos who masturbate all day. Stop being human garbage.

Would a are you an underage anime girl? Because either way, I'm going to pee in your butt.


threads about it are banned on 4/a/
the development threads are on /g/ but are full of shitposting because the site never works and the "devs" are retards

As expected of that cucked to death shit hole.

I don't know why you expected any development threads on /g/ or Holla Forums to not be full of shitposting.

I was hoping nice things can happen

We directly monetize file sharing with our own private virtual currency to encourage the growth of informal file sharing networks. I'm not talking about another cryptocurrency since that's already being developed (IPFS). I'm talking about a centrally controlled virtual currency to compliment the cryptocurrency approach.
Read the homepage: smarmyarmy.com

Also Read the "Getting Started" sticky for a more detailed description. smarmyarmy.com/topic/readme/

I still have a lot to do before the site is ready, but the forums are usable.


Well, if you can just create BITs I don't think I will be ever using this service

No thanks.



Can't wait to be (((broke))) later and not be able to download anything!!!!

definitely using NyaaPantsu now

Nyaa pantsu is now bootstrap free and almost entirely JS free.


Now we just need to replace 4chan with an open source alternative, since hiroshimoot decided to go full jew.

Best site, I never want to go back.

Where do you think we are?

Works nearly perfectly in lynx as well.
PantsuDev also wants to make it distributed so something like this will never happens again.

I said replace, not sit in the ditch of the internet highway screeching autistically at passersby.

Sounds even better to me tbh

Roads are for faggots.

Shame it's not Cloudflare free. I guess you can't have everything.

The problem is that the moment they remove CF then they'll get ddos'd to hell.


Updates on this
The host confirmed that they will be infact removing cloudflare in the future.


Not if they have Usenet-style decentralized architecture.

Thank god.

Does anyone have a mirror to Nyaa yet?

literaly just i2p

try reading the thread.

what's it like being a retard, user?


so your response is to not try at all and just allow anyone to upload anything and be held liable for all of it?

it's almost like you have no experience running a website famalam

Nice to see you, Jim. Do you honestly expect anyone to upload CP from their real IP? They'd have to seed it too, since that would be the only way anyone could tell it was actually CP. Anyone that determined to get around blocks is going to find a way to do it.

Then there's the question of why you'd expect anyone to trust a person that has embedded tracking into their past projects "just for fun" to work on a website in the first place.

yes, and the way is some other site for them to shit up not yours

that's why the VPNs are banned?

When has this ever happened? This isn't random bot spam in comments, they're specifically targeting a torrent site with CP. Obviously they've got some personal vendetta and that's not going to be stopped with "lol they banned me". Unless you plan on banning the entirety of South America or something?

It's not going to do shit. The only way you're going to be able to do anything with IP bans is if people are uploading from their real IP, which no one is going to do in this situation.

it happened to 8ch lest ye forget.

GNUnet or IPSF. No need to use one of the million other beta protocols that won't get as much traction and/or doesn't have as many developers. Fragmentation is very bad in this case.

Threads like this make me wonder if I'm on Holla Forums or /tard/.

I mean pantsu.cat has onion addresses.
So keeping track of ips would be pointless in the first place.

*nyaa: uvjje43rnr7fh4tc.onion
*sukebei: 2jv2t3infp7peuoo.onion
hidden services for pantsu.cat
So no real point in keeping ip address logs.

pantsu.cat doesn't use cloudflare anymore

install gnunet. tell a friend about gnunet. MAKE IT HAPPEN


then use a different anti-ddos service fuckfaces. why is everyone related to Holla Forums completely retarded on this issue? like as soon as i go to any animu website or your standard one click hoster warez site these days all i see is a bunch of sites behind cuckflare. cuckflare is the only CDN/anti ddos solution in the world that blocks tor and VPNs. you could literally switch to anything else to turn off the retard

General updates on the site

They've setup their own rough CDN.
Could use work though

retard here, why can't they just put in a simple captcha or some shit to prevent ddos attacks?

please read the wikipedia article on ddos