Help me

I live in a country where military service is obligatory and you need to be defect to get an exemption.
my only chance now is my blood pressure. If your pressure is very low or very high you'll get an exemption if it stays very low/high for four/five consecutive days under doctors observation.
I had a very bad eating habits the last few months. I wasn't eating enough and lost a lot of weight - I'm fat, was 95Kg now 70-75 with a height of 172cm and 22 yo. So during this period I started to have dizziness and my blood pressure hit 80/60.
now I started to eat normally and it started rising again. I have about one month before I need to apply to military service. How can I -extremely- lower my blood pressure so I can pass this medical observation and have very low blood pressure for 4 or 5 days.
I'm looking for possible diets/medicines that I can take prior to this examination by military doctors. also without having to take any medication during those 4-5 days and preferably without having to at all because I think they make blood tests.
I know some of you may think that this's silly but it isn't. military service takes about 2-4 years depending on your position (soldier/officer) and this is a great waste of time. also military service here is inhumane where you work for months without seeing your family and for free, you get paid nothing. You're basically a slave for commanders and other officers. So if you help me in this I'll owe you big time!

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oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/player.php?v=/file_store/6669b9a91b2f1ac4aba7aebe43ef7d79c8cdcb209cec58cd3732a99b01e8139a.mp4&t=UA michaella.mp4&loop=1

Just cut off a tow you fucking coward.
Let it serve as a reminder


The answer you are looking for is leeches.

best to serve to grow up as man

that would actually work
chain gang prisoners used to do that to get out of hard labor
it simulates anemia
but daaaayyyyyuuummmm you really have to want to get out of something to do that

You live in a shit country then. Which is it, just out of curiosity?

trying to jew out of the jewish military huh, they'll only want you more

I don't think we have it in our country

how's manhood related to working you fucking ass off for 15 months without getting a single dime and seeing your family like once every 2 months doing shitty jobs like cleaning bathrooms and driving your commander kids to their school and cleaning your supervisor shoes ?

fucking Egypt. I'd sacrifice half of my life to get out of this shithole.

Pretty sure it's only 6 months in jewland.

Conscientious objection. If they don't think that is a valid reason then you could go to jail or maybe to community service work.

I hope you get fucking bombed by a Russian drone, kike.

kek, I'm not fucking jew

you gonna need this experience once Fourth Reich comes

dude, you're square !

it seems to be your best option, there must be a underground market for those somewhere,
also if it is that bad then other people would also try to get away from it some must have succeded, talk to ur parents/ grand parents about it if they aren't the super nacionalist type maybe they'll help you out idk

ask your parents about it
also, starve yourself
get your body mass index to about 15
also, act batshit insane and shit and piss yourself

listen here, arab filth. Allergies are enough to disqualify you from many militaries. Find out if yours is in that list and get a bullshit prescription from a doctor saying you are allergic to something very common - like dust or something.


yeah I was extremely fat and that would have gotten me out of military. but now I'm about 70.

many try to act insane and they get busted because the put you under observation for a week with all the tests and shit so it's very hard to fake craziness.
I have been starving myself for the last month but it's very hard to continue doing it. but if it's my last option I'll try to continue doing it. I was looking for an easier solution here.

my parents are supporters of the fucking army and shit. they see that it isn't the end of the world me going to military. also they're extremely against me not eating and losing mass this fast. everyday they tell me that I need to start eating and make angry comments about my eating habits.

again, here no prescription from any doctor is considered. all the tests must be done at the time of applying to military and it have to be done by military doctors in military hospitals.
also they don't take most allergies into consideration any more, my friend -who's a pharmacist - was accepted while having asthma.

it also seems that most of the people here don't know what Egyptian military service is like.
take a look if you have time

Can you try breaking a bone or acting suicidal because I doubt they would want a suicidal person

if you are committed, several people here tried pretending to be gay and acting self conscious about it and everything. if you won't get beheaded you could try that, get appointment with army psychologists to confirm your gay after telling it to the recruiter doctors, get prescribed some pills and then you're off

as i said here any psychological issues are treated in a military hospital under military supervision It isn't that easy.

also breaking any part of your part only "delays" you entry. you get a delay until your bones heals and then you join army.

acting gay isn't this easy specially here in this country. I'd get literally fucked in every corner in the country for telling such a thing.
read here what happened to one of my friends. he was actually a gay.

oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/player.php?v=/file_store/6669b9a91b2f1ac4aba7aebe43ef7d79c8cdcb209cec58cd3732a99b01e8139a.mp4&t=UA michaella.mp4&loop=1

Onion is still up.

What about abusing drugs?

there are more countries than israel that have mandatory military service

thanks for the laugh. I really needed that today


Just don't apply. Better to live in prison than die for slavedrivers.

You could try a combination of leaches and iron deficiency (eat absolutely no iron for a month and you'll be low) but they'll get suspicious when you refuse to eat.

You could "accidentally" lose five toes. Fewer may not be enough.

But your reasons tell me you should probably just serve. If your objections were moral I would understand, but this is just whinging about how it's hard to do. You don't deserve your citizenship.

im not sure you understand what mandatory means you cunt

Just do it pussy.


Maybe it will benefit you and strengthen your character, user. You'll make great friends there and you'll share plenty of laffs.


Stop eating meat, eat only molasse and water.

Try faking a lower back problem. Hard to actually diagnose or find you don't have one with an examination. Just be consistent on your claims on how it gives you problems.

is this still alive?
report back OP , we want news

I started to excessively starving my self now but I spend my day working so I need some food to stay alive.
I will try to visit a doctor soon to find out a good diet for this
wish me luck anons!

also I'll archive this thread and report a month from now when I do my examination

just cut off your hand or something

Fucking around with your blood pressure is not worth it, I'd find literally any other way. Blood pressure issues usually don't show themselves until it's too late, you do this and you could fuck up your heart and not even know it, and have a heart attack or cardiac arrest years later.

This, you lazy faggot.
Grow up, be a man, actually do something with your disgusting failure of a life.

You don't get to enjoy the benefits of manhood without hard work. You're a man, not a bitch, so start acting like one.

You can order leeches online, dumbass.