Philosophical foundations of the NSDAP

Duty ,Order and Purpose
One of the most interesting topics we get when talking about the Großdeutsches Reich is the Philosophical foundations behind
the NSDAP .But many people are still stuck in a enlightenment mentality and limited scope of perception, where everything is defined and rationalized under modern “individualism” of liberal/libertarian/anarchist conception

Lets start with briefly explication of the Social contract:
is a theory or model, originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual. Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority of the ruler or magistrate (or to the decision of a majority), in exchange for protection of their remaining rights. The question of the relation between natural and legal rights, therefore, is often an aspect of social contract theory

Locke ,Hobbes or Rosseau their theorists seek to demonstrate, in different ways, why a rational individual would voluntarily consent to give up their natural freedom to obtain the benefits of social order.

This is a couple of paragraphs from Dr. Otto that i found relevant to the topic Dietrich national press-director of the NSDAP Die philosophischen Grundlagen des Nationalsozialismus: ein Ruf zu den Waffen deutschen Geistes by Dr. Otto Dietrich, Reichspressechef of the NSDAP, 1934.

Sociology was the beginning of an attempt to understand man in his collective nature, but it was in some ways on the wrong track,
because "society" is still an essentially individualistic term. "Community" by contrast denotes an organic unity.

We in Germany know what National-Socialism is – because we live it! With justification it has been said that National-Socialism's work is not an abstract ideological construction, but a volume of experience that has grown out of the solidarity of blood and out of the community of the people,and corresponds to our own innermost essence. We Germans, and above all those who did not themselves come directly from the domain of our National-Socialist thought, comprehend National-Socialism by experiencing it day by day in all its manifestations and effects within the National-Socialist community of the people. And even the Germans beyond our
borders can feel National-Socialism due to their inner blood-bond with us. But if we place value on making National-Socialism
comprehensible to other nations that live in another world of emotions and ideas, and awakening understanding for it, then
we must share our ideas in a form that they understand. We must express National-Socialism's ideas and spiritual laws of
life in a language that allows the union of the new with the old, of the inner world with the outer.This field of scholarly activity is important; it is urgent. That is because the absence of such a clearly thought-out, distinct form, I might say the lack hitherto of such an internationally understandable intellectual language of National-Socialism
, not only contains the source of many errors and misunderstandings, but robs us of the possibility to oppose malevolent broadsides and slanders with the weapons of the mind.

With the previous statement in mind I was able identify 3 principles in the the Weltanschhauung Purpose , Duty and Order.

Purpose:To preservate the existence of our Volk The idea that we continue to live through them and racial awakening,

Spengler regards the rise and fall of cultures as an occurrence similar to the life and death of a plant, but forgets in the adducement of this richly superficial comparison that races of plants as such do not die out if they are not destroyed, crippled, mixed with inimical types. The "race" of the fir tree persists although the single fir dies. The "race" of the linden tree is still the same as many thousands of years ago. And the races of men as such could remain just as eternally young, if hostile blood is not mixed with them, if unassimilable spiritual opposites do not clash and mix with them, without being able to be blended. Alfred Rosenberg's Criticism of Oswald Spengler"

Duty:To Express the creative and productive spirit to fulfil our purpose

Everything now done in Germany is prompted by the conviction that our nation will only be able to assure its future existence if we succeed in maintaining the National
Socialist regime. National Socialism is not a temporary political expedient, but rather a political creed based upon the recognition of our people's vital necessities. If it is to remain a living force, it must be continually renewed and must be continually applied to the facts of real life
Erich Hilgenfeldt "Germany Speak"
Head of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation

Other urls found in this thread: Speaks.pdf

Order:The Acknowledge of the organic truth and the natural law.The organism of a living creature is, in its shape, an ideal type that grasps in and of itself the purposefulness of its inner and outer structure and the constituents of its spiritual and mental powers. Shape and purposefulness are thus organically one and the same according to Houston S. Chamberlain. The first reveals what is essential from the aspect of intuitive contemplation. The second reveals the aspects of what is rational perception. What is now essential to recognise and what forms the core of this new outlook on the world and the state in the 20th century, is that organic truth is self contained and can be discerned from the purposefulness of life forms. What in the first book formed the antithesis as existence and as presence and being thus appears deepened and broadened as a universal measuring rod in all domains. Purposefulness signifies the structural arrangement of a living creature. Lack of purpose is disintegration.The means exist to ennoble the shape or to cripple the organism. Considered more deeply, the prevention of natural type forming
constitutes a double sin. It is a sin against nature and a sin against the upward movement of inner powers and values. Organic self contained truth comprises the logical, the intuitive and the actively willed planes in a virtually three dimensional manner. Shape and purposefulness are thereby the tangible criteria, not as part of one eternal truth, but as a part of truth itself.

I could aprecciate the vision of the Weltanschhauung in the next pharagraph extracted from Alfred Rosenberg's Mythus Des 20. Jahrhundertsr"

The activity of communal politicians in relation to the good of the state must correspond to the daily concerns of the industrial worker and to the worker in all professions. The way also stands open for the real judgement of achievements. In such communal elections we create the possibility of a preliminary election. Broad masses of the people can choose among personalities and need not rely upon lists. Candidates will be proposed by guilds, associations and by the German Order through its local representatives. As a result, the electors of parliament will rest upon a broad folkish foundation, not upon a nameless mass. The voting rights of women will also remain in communal elections. A folkish will,adapted to visible personalities and coming from below, will thus meet the ruling will from above. Absolute monarchy knew only the
direction from above to below. Chaotic democracy only knew mass stagnation from below. The German city of the future, realisedthrough the act of power of individuals, will not subject the type creating personalities to any election mood and moneyed deceit. It will maintain them under the state director in power, and it will renew them again and again through education, bringing them German order.Through the election process outlined, an unhindered method of advancement will be offered to creative personalities. The coming Reich is thus, as elaborated, Nationalist and Socialist. This means that it is not founded on mere votes, but on type welding passion andracially linked mankind. Nationalism in the most passionate form is the prerequisite and final goal of action

I love these threads, getting snug, drinking coffee, listening to dark ambient music. Maximum comfy.

Polite sage for not adding to discussion.

I get it, I've read ALL of the relevant NSDAP works. I have a whole library of NSDAP literature, even old books in the original German with NSDAP bookmarks and book club membership forms to fill out and mail in. I've read them, in the original German.

What still vexes me is where the entrepreneur stands. I acknowledge that nothing like the current climate in the USA of entrepreneurship existed during their time in Germany but I still wonder as a dilettante national socialist myself. I own a software company. We make apps. We make cheap drones. We make industrial software. Where, within the Nazi economic doctrine, is the place for us?

But where are us little guys doing innovation on our own? I get that small firms doing ground-breaking stuff is a pretty novel thing since the era of the internet and software. It's all very niche and specific. However, NSDAP era Germany had its version of startups. I'm wondering about peacetime. I'm not concerned with the Horton Bros. or Saenger, et. al. I'm wondering what appeals to the small firm innovators.

As a "toe in the water' National Socialist, what is good for my livelihood and business model as a small businessman engaging in work for office and industrial automation?

Granted, don't take me for a shill of any kind. I'm sure the NSDAP would be thrilled with automated security and automated bureaucracy software and hardware. Ultimately products to make life easier and simpler for everyone, right? The issue here is how the NSDAP would encourage or support my endeavors as a corporate entity.

Before you ask, don't bother. We're superb corporate citizens. We sponsor, with what we DO have now, the local opera. University music students sing and play in it but we still support it financially because it's

Seriously. Help me understand how the NSDAP would be good for startups.

also, daily reminder to read these four books.

Finally a good fucking thread!

These two are also essential

those books are all shit tbh

You probably would be under the Social Policy in the new Germany.

Germany's social policy is thus a healthy combination of freedom and compulsion. No other policy would enable the country's predominantly industrial population to preserve its continuedexistence on the relatively limited space within which it is confined. Beyond that, the new social order pays due regard to such specifically German character traits as a sense of honour, loyalty,comradeship, fairness, collaboration, and a pronounced love of nature. All these characteristics were temporarily submerged owing to the soulless mechanisation typical of some aspects of moderncivilisation. No correct appreciation of Germany's new social order would be complete if it confineditself to a study of the institutional innovations. The spirit that has created the new forms and that finds its expression in them is far more important than these can ever be

Germany Speak P87 Speaks.pdf

Remember when we had a lot of these threads, two years ago?
Those were the days, meine alter kämpfer.