Philosophical foundations of the NSDAP

Duty ,Order and Purpose
One of the most interesting topics we get when talking about the Großdeutsches Reich is the Philosophical foundations behind
the NSDAP .But many people are still stuck in a enlightenment mentality and limited scope of perception, where everything is defined and rationalized under modern “individualism” of liberal/libertarian/anarchist conception

Lets start with briefly explication of the Social contract:
is a theory or model, originating during the Age of Enlightenment, that typically addresses the questions of the origin of society and the legitimacy of the authority of the state over the individual. Social contract arguments typically posit that individuals have consented, either explicitly or tacitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority of the ruler or magistrate (or to the decision of a majority), in exchange for protection of their remaining rights. The question of the relation between natural and legal rights, therefore, is often an aspect of social contract theory

Locke ,Hobbes or Rosseau their theorists seek to demonstrate, in different ways, why a rational individual would voluntarily consent to give up their natural freedom to obtain the benefits of social order.

This is a couple of paragraphs from Dr. Otto that i found relevant to the topic Dietrich national press-director of the NSDAP Die philosophischen Grundlagen des Nationalsozialismus: ein Ruf zu den Waffen deutschen Geistes by Dr. Otto Dietrich, Reichspressechef of the NSDAP, 1934.

Sociology was the beginning of an attempt to understand man in his collective nature, but it was in some ways on the wrong track,
because "society" is still an essentially individualistic term. "Community" by contrast denotes an organic unity.

We in Germany know what National-Socialism is – because we live it! With justification it has been said that National-Socialism's work is not an abstract ideological construction, but a volume of experience that has grown out of the solidarity of blood and out of the community of the people,and corresponds to our own innermost essence. We Germans, and above all those who did not themselves come directly from the domain of our National-Socialist thought, comprehend National-Socialism by experiencing it day by day in all its manifestations and effects within the National-Socialist community of the people. And even the Germans beyond our
borders can feel National-Socialism due to their inner blood-bond with us. But if we place value on making National-Socialism
comprehensible to other nations that live in another world of emotions and ideas, and awakening understanding for it, then
we must share our ideas in a form that they understand. We must express National-Socialism's ideas and spiritual laws of
life in a language that allows the union of the new with the old, of the inner world with the outer.This field of scholarly activity is important; it is urgent. That is because the absence of such a clearly thought-out, distinct form, I might say the lack hitherto of such an internationally understandable intellectual language of National-Socialism
, not only contains the source of many errors and misunderstandings, but robs us of the possibility to oppose malevolent broadsides and slanders with the weapons of the mind.

With the previous statement in mind I was able identify 3 principles in the the Weltanschhauung Purpose , Duty and Order.

Purpose:To preservate the existence of our Volk The idea that we continue to live through them and racial awakening,

Spengler regards the rise and fall of cultures as an occurrence similar to the life and death of a plant, but forgets in the adducement of this richly superficial comparison that races of plants as such do not die out if they are not destroyed, crippled, mixed with inimical types. The "race" of the fir tree persists although the single fir dies. The "race" of the linden tree is still the same as many thousands of years ago. And the races of men as such could remain just as eternally young, if hostile blood is not mixed with them, if unassimilable spiritual opposites do not clash and mix with them, without being able to be blended. Alfred Rosenberg's Criticism of Oswald Spengler"

Duty:To Express the creative and productive spirit to fulfil our purpose

Everything now done in Germany is prompted by the conviction that our nation will only be able to assure its future existence if we succeed in maintaining the National
Socialist regime. National Socialism is not a temporary political expedient, but rather a political creed based upon the recognition of our people's vital necessities. If it is to remain a living force, it must be continually renewed and must be continually applied to the facts of real life
Erich Hilgenfeldt "Germany Speak"
Head of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation

Other urls found in this thread: Speaks.pdf

Order:The Acknowledge of the organic truth and the natural law.The organism of a living creature is, in its shape, an ideal type that grasps in and of itself the purposefulness of its inner and outer structure and the constituents of its spiritual and mental powers. Shape and purposefulness are thus organically one and the same according to Houston S. Chamberlain. The first reveals what is essential from the aspect of intuitive contemplation. The second reveals the aspects of what is rational perception. What is now essential to recognise and what forms the core of this new outlook on the world and the state in the 20th century, is that organic truth is self contained and can be discerned from the purposefulness of life forms. What in the first book formed the antithesis as existence and as presence and being thus appears deepened and broadened as a universal measuring rod in all domains. Purposefulness signifies the structural arrangement of a living creature. Lack of purpose is disintegration.The means exist to ennoble the shape or to cripple the organism. Considered more deeply, the prevention of natural type forming
constitutes a double sin. It is a sin against nature and a sin against the upward movement of inner powers and values. Organic self contained truth comprises the logical, the intuitive and the actively willed planes in a virtually three dimensional manner. Shape and purposefulness are thereby the tangible criteria, not as part of one eternal truth, but as a part of truth itself.

I could aprecciate the vision of the Weltanschhauung in the next pharagraph extracted from Alfred Rosenberg's Mythus Des 20. Jahrhundertsr"

The activity of communal politicians in relation to the good of the state must correspond to the daily concerns of the industrial worker and to the worker in all professions. The way also stands open for the real judgement of achievements. In such communal elections we create the possibility of a preliminary election. Broad masses of the people can choose among personalities and need not rely upon lists. Candidates will be proposed by guilds, associations and by the German Order through its local representatives. As a result, the electors of parliament will rest upon a broad folkish foundation, not upon a nameless mass. The voting rights of women will also remain in communal elections. A folkish will,adapted to visible personalities and coming from below, will thus meet the ruling will from above. Absolute monarchy knew only the
direction from above to below. Chaotic democracy only knew mass stagnation from below. The German city of the future, realisedthrough the act of power of individuals, will not subject the type creating personalities to any election mood and moneyed deceit. It will maintain them under the state director in power, and it will renew them again and again through education, bringing them German order.Through the election process outlined, an unhindered method of advancement will be offered to creative personalities. The coming Reich is thus, as elaborated, Nationalist and Socialist. This means that it is not founded on mere votes, but on type welding passion andracially linked mankind. Nationalism in the most passionate form is the prerequisite and final goal of action

I love these threads, getting snug, drinking coffee, listening to dark ambient music. Maximum comfy.

Polite sage for not adding to discussion.

I get it, I've read ALL of the relevant NSDAP works. I have a whole library of NSDAP literature, even old books in the original German with NSDAP bookmarks and book club membership forms to fill out and mail in. I've read them, in the original German.

What still vexes me is where the entrepreneur stands. I acknowledge that nothing like the current climate in the USA of entrepreneurship existed during their time in Germany but I still wonder as a dilettante national socialist myself. I own a software company. We make apps. We make cheap drones. We make industrial software. Where, within the Nazi economic doctrine, is the place for us?

But where are us little guys doing innovation on our own? I get that small firms doing ground-breaking stuff is a pretty novel thing since the era of the internet and software. It's all very niche and specific. However, NSDAP era Germany had its version of startups. I'm wondering about peacetime. I'm not concerned with the Horton Bros. or Saenger, et. al. I'm wondering what appeals to the small firm innovators.

As a "toe in the water' National Socialist, what is good for my livelihood and business model as a small businessman engaging in work for office and industrial automation?

Granted, don't take me for a shill of any kind. I'm sure the NSDAP would be thrilled with automated security and automated bureaucracy software and hardware. Ultimately products to make life easier and simpler for everyone, right? The issue here is how the NSDAP would encourage or support my endeavors as a corporate entity.

Before you ask, don't bother. We're superb corporate citizens. We sponsor, with what we DO have now, the local opera. University music students sing and play in it but we still support it financially because it's

Seriously. Help me understand how the NSDAP would be good for startups.

also, daily reminder to read these four books.

Finally a good fucking thread!

These two are also essential

those books are all shit tbh

You probably would be under the Social Policy in the new Germany.

Germany's social policy is thus a healthy combination of freedom and compulsion. No other policy would enable the country's predominantly industrial population to preserve its continuedexistence on the relatively limited space within which it is confined. Beyond that, the new social order pays due regard to such specifically German character traits as a sense of honour, loyalty,comradeship, fairness, collaboration, and a pronounced love of nature. All these characteristics were temporarily submerged owing to the soulless mechanisation typical of some aspects of moderncivilisation. No correct appreciation of Germany's new social order would be complete if it confineditself to a study of the institutional innovations. The spirit that has created the new forms and that finds its expression in them is far more important than these can ever be

Germany Speak P87 Speaks.pdf

Remember when we had a lot of these threads, two years ago?
Those were the days, meine alter kämpfer.


Mein kampf isn't that hard to read tho, its just a memoir..

Also you didn't sage properly.

After the war Hitler's job was to monitor the political groups for extremism and report on them. His training and knowledge was given through courses at the college, one of which was by Gottfried Feder and this is how Hitler became a National Socialist.

I am going to pose this question here, since there are properly going to be some smart people here.

Should we allow the internet to exist, and if not, why are we browsing it?

We need to accept that the internet is a cesspool of free, unregulated speech.
I am not saying free speech is bad. But, when it's not regulated, it has been proven countless times to breed and foster degenerate ideas.
It also spreads already degenerate ideas, due to the instant transfer of information it offers. It is incredible easy to share ones ideas to other people in instant.
Examples include the spreading of communism, anarcho-capitalism, libertarian nationalism and a new degenerate piece of feminism.
Furthermore, the internet also allows the spread of sexual degeneracy, fetishes, porn and the de-encouragement of finding a wife and breeding children.
Holla Forums, or chans in general, are good examples of these two things.
They are unregulated free speech, anyone can make a discussion about anything in a chan image board. Porn is nothing new, and is typically normal on chans, there's no regulation for free speech, and anyone can make a discussion about anything. Which is why things like lefty/pol/ exists.
My point is why should we allow the internet to exist, or rather, why should we allow the full free speech of the internet to exist?

have you read the Feder book I linked here ? I think they talk about it in The Program of the NSDAP too.

Funny. We're named after an animal genus, our logo is an animal genus, and I'm personally obsessed with keeping increasingly rare natural specimens in captivity. As-in, keeping species with little or no remaining natural habitat in captivity for breeding purposes.

There are tons of books, still freely-available, in German antique stores and antique book stores from the NSDAP era. I've read 4 of them. Granted, my library is limited, but I do have reproductions of journals with articles from Mertens, Jordan (American but still of that era), and Haeckel. It's a very "Darwin's Study" kinda feel, it's intentional. That said, the exploration of species and the work done is amazing.

Really. Look into Haeckel as an example. He's a eugenicist, friend of the NSDAP before it existed, illustrator, and biologist. It's amazing the breadth of this guy's work. The NSDAP has an astonishing intellectual underpinning that's been erased since WWII's end. You'd be astonished.

Dequandro? It's like a name that meme-table of how to create nigger names.

This ride never ends..


Stalag version still the recommended version of Mein Kampf for English-only readers?

The NSDAP program is very well written and explained.

Go to >>>Holla Forums to find out more.

The internet should absolutely be regulated, but I do not want to even begin contemplating that outcome until global kikery is extinguished.

Porn is absolutely degenerate, and it ensnared me very early in my youth, and it took a very concerted effort to repair that damage.

Freedom of speech for individual should not be censored in anyway according to me. But certain actions should be banned. When multiple people form a mass movement or a party or whatever certain ideas should not be allowed to be promoted. Like Rosenberg says in his memoirs:
All Germans have the right to organise in political parties and to hold meetings.
Presupposed is the recognition of the unity of Reich and people, and the absence of class and confessional discussion.
This point merits careful consideration. How can we be assured there will never again be a historical necessity for another November 9, 1918, or another May 8, 1945? How can division and unity exist side by side? How can ways and means be honestly fought over if there is no common goal to provide a basis for discussions? Only after these questions are answered can social life be organised. It is unthinkable that any party should take orders from outside the Reich, no matter what these orders may look like.

The Internet is such a hard question tbh. It's such a double edged sword. I dont think there will ever be a good solution tbh.

Speaking of the NSDAP program, if we applied the 18 point in America , how many of our problems would that solve.

We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. Common national criminals, usurers, profiteers and so forth are to be punished with death, without consideration of confession or race.

I cant say since i haven't read it in english but i guess so. I haven't heard anything else.

Feder argued that the core of National Socialism was the abolition of the thraldom of interest, so i guess it would solve a lot of the problems. is a good site i can recommend.

im someone who, perhaps strangely, was never interested really in porn. i just never enjoyed looking at someone having sex, and apparently that makes me some sort of freak.

I know this is offtopic, but for curiosity's sake, what did porn do to you? what were its effects and what damage are you talking about?

These are highly recommended but not essential. _The_Foundations_of_the_Nineteenth_Century.pdf
pic related about Hitler's table talk.

Censorship is for the weak minded

It should be kept the way with is, but promoting degeneracy or subversive ideas en masse should be banned.

Good thread, although i have a feeling that most polacks (especially American ones) don't really understand NSDAP philosophy, because they are still locked into the kike mindset.

I watch porn from time to time but it's mostly softcore-ish. It's still degenerate though. But I dont think it should be banned but heavily regulated.

The masses are weak minded.


Also watch this if you haven't already.

I always felt Richard Warnger legacy in the German people was a catalyst that helped the NSDAP to push their message to the masses.

I would love to know if the average German knew about his works during the Postwar Times.

This is a pretty ridiculous question, honestly. The internet is a reflection of society as a whole, indeed a reflection of all societies that use it. All the filth that exists out there, in particular ero fetishes since you bring it up, exist primarily because men (well, especially men but some women too) are sexually frustrated with no sense of respect or honour. What helped me say goodbye to what ails others in that regard is the feminine entity entering my life. It may not help others but it helped me. Now I have turned by back on the things that I once thought was "no big deal" or "it's fucking gross but whatever." It's not merely because some of the things out there are terrible to the soul (they are), but that I just don't need it anymore because I'm more fulfilled without it. I urge others to find what they're missing.

My point is that people are sick and decaying with no inspiration or direction in life. They need to be revitalized or made into kindling before being reduced to ash. The Internet is a kind of primitive telepathy where everyone is connected to one another and we can in effect hear their thoughts by what they do online, perhaps an attempt to reclaim what was lost ages ago. It has opened the eyes to how terrible things have become better than anything else has.

The fault of technologies is usually not technology's fault but those that use it in the same way we don't blame guns for killing people but those who have the guns for killing [the wrong] people.

That said, there are many things that need to be erased…

I didn't have any of the ED symptoms that some develop, but it removed the need for me to bother with building relationships with women and bettering myself physically. After all, I was getting all the sex my body needed, by lusting after Moshe's virtual harlots. It was mostly softcore stuff I was into as well, not anything degenerate and seeing another man on camera just made me feel like a cuck before I knew the term.

Probably more serious, is that it consumed a lot of my time. If I were say working on a homework problem, any desire to complete the work went away as soon as the thought of pornography entered my mind. So to my own detriment, I spent time in a Jewish entertainment trap, wasting my productivity.

tl;dr The problem was the instant access of it all, and it sapped my will and focus.

Gottfried Feder Page 19 The German State On A National And Socialis Foundation

The German State is honestly such a brilliant book. It's just filled with "goodies".

If your memes are stronger, you have nothing to be afraid of.

If you actually read them you woudnt be racists LOL Speaks.pdf

Alfred Rosenberg's Mythus Des 20. Jahrhundertsr"

Posting Questions and Answers
for National Socialists by Joseph Goebbels
It may not be implicit philosophy but it reflect the same principles that you wanted to remark OP

Nazi-Sozi is really good for newcomers.

the only real question i have about natsoc is exactly how socialist it is. From what i've seen, read and discussed, socialism is essentially pretty bad; it can work but only hypothetically, in an ideal nation where everyone is equal and works together (like Nazi Germany). Social programs like welfare can work as well and are incredibly beneficial when implemented the right way, and not the horrendous kike controlled system in place in America.

However, from what I've seen here over the past year or so, it seems that concensus on the subject of "how socialist was Nazi germany" is "not very." I've seen it said multiple times that Nazi Germany was almost completely not socialist, and that Hitler used the term intentionally to co-opt it from the kikes. Other than that I know almost nothing about the subject (and I don't understand what coopting that term would accomplish or how it would work).

The work that everybody is called on to supply cannot be judged by its objective value. Everyone has only one duty: to take trouble. Whoever does this duty becomes, by doing so, indispensable to the community — whether it is something that only he can do, or that’s within the capacities of anyone. Otherwise the man who achieves something important, the effect of which can be felt for decades, or even for centuries, would have a right to puff himself up and despise the man who sweeps the streets. – Adolf Hitler
To understand National Socialist economics, it is first necessary to realize that communism has the same goal as capitalism, and that it is this goal which is morally unacceptable. Believing in the primacy of the consumer, these economies are based around the economic problem of maximizing human wants attained by the exploitation of limited resources. The only disagreement between these and various other non-Aryan economic theories regards how better to accomplish their shared goal, usually based on whether a top-down or bottom-up feedback circuit is more effective. National Socialist economics differs fundamentally from all of these by refusing to treat consumption, and hence productivity, as valuable in itself.
Instead, we view economic activity as remedial in character. Production is justified on the grounds that it provides unwanted but necessary material remedies to problems that if left unattended will prevent us from fulfilling our purpose. For example, we do not want to be hungry, yet hunger is an unfortunate biological reality, therefore we quite literally take the trouble to produce food in order to remedy the problem of hunger (that we nonetheless would prefer never existed in the first place). But the moment we forget that food is a remedy to hunger and start thinking of hunger as a mechanism that allows us to enjoy food, we fall back into the consumerist mindset.

Directed Economy
It is the high task of our national economy to direct the consumption power of our people along lines which can be satisfied out of the resources of our own national production. - Adolf Hitler
A National Socialist economy is not centrally planned, but centrally directed. Central planning involves taking demand for granted and then using the state to regulate supply. Central direction involves determining adequate supply and then using the state to limit demand. Hence a National Socialist economy should not be confused with a mixed-market economy, which is a fundamentally capitalist economy with state intervention in subservience to implicitly capitalist values. Hitler himself had no role in micromanaging the economy of National Socialist Germany, but rather was responsible for preventing the economy (and hence those who would seek to manipulate it by investments) from leading astray the state.
A National Socialist government guarantees zero unemployment by making it duty of the state to assign a living-wage job to anyone and everyone who wants one. Private businesses, whose task is not to put people to work but to be a reliable provider of their professed products/services, are justified in not hiring more employees than they need to provide their product/service in the required quantity (and no more than this quantity). It therefore falls upon the state to create public works projects – typically in infrastructure, community service or any other field that passively benefits the country as a whole - capable of absorbing all the workers that the private sector cannot absorb, as demonstrated in the Reichsarbeitsdienst and related programs of National Socialist Germany. Note that such assignment should never be compulsory upon anyone, but merely be an offer that is always open. This is not to say that community-minded private businesses cannot also help absorb the unemployed – they could readily do so (and would be actively encouraged to do so by a National Socialist government) by splitting each full-time job into two or more part-time jobs for corresponding fractions of full-time wages until all competent workers have been absorbed. It is mindblowingly simple when you think about it.
Hitler warned that: “The basis of Jewish commercial policy is to make matters incomprehensible for a normal brain.” Certainly, Jewish collective success throughout history has consistently correlated with the economic complexity of the society involved, hence the ZC propaganda throughout the colonial era to convince the complex economic societies of their “superiority” over the more economically simple (so-called “Third World”) societies that they colonized, in order to discourage the former from learning from the latter. In opposition to this, a National Socialist economy consciously aims to be as simple as possible, both in production and in trade. An economy that is too complex to be understood by non-experts is too complex, and it is the responsibility of the state not only to prevent the national economy from becoming more complex than is necessary, but moreover to constantly seek ways to simplify it further.

he importance of an encompassing state policy is highlighted by our insistence on a viewing economy and demography as two elements of the same issue. The state’s economic role is not merely to divert non-Aryan instincts and urges of the existing population in the required direction, but to feed a demographic policy to improve the Aryan quality of the population. Therefore, the National Socialist economy is best viewed as a means towards an end – a life-support system to keep the patient’s body running while the doctor operates on it.
If social activity signifies private enterprise for the purpose of individual salvation from spiritual and material collapse, then socialism signifies the safeguarding of the individual essence carried through by a collective, or in entire communities, from every exploitation of their work. – Alfred Rosenberg
The idea that a national economy needs to constantly grow in order to be healthy is insane. Economic growth implies more consumption, which in turn implies either increasing indulgence by the same number of people or an increasing number of people (or both), neither of which are positives. A healthy national economy from the National Socialist perspective is simply an economy where nobody is hungry or homeless or otherwise in fear over their imminent future, and where nobody is in debt to anybody else.
As such, a National Socialist economy is not dependent upon an ever-expanding population to keep it running, and indeed is one of the few economic forms equipped to work with a population that reduces over time, so long as such reduction occurs in a controlled way under absolute state supervision. Whereas labour surplus forces employees to compete for jobs, which leads to lower wages and worse working conditions, labour scarcity forces employers to compete for employees, which means higher wages and better working conditions, therefore it is our aim to actively promote labour scarcity. Specifically, a National Socialist economy would focus on reducing new births more steeply than the rate at which natural resources are running out, thereby maintaining quality of life by ensuring that there is enough to go around for everyone. This makes it the best response to impending crises such as Peak Oil. Our current economic hardship is not due to reduction in economic activity, but due to the failure – indeed the absence of any state-directed plan – to synchronize it with reduction in economic complexity, such as via compulsory termination of unnecessary industries. If we have a heavily loaded car short on fuel, do we use up the remaining fuel to search for more fuel, or do we lighten the load?
In a National Socialist economy, phenomena such as deflation and recession would be celebrated as positive events, because falling prices would only imply that products are being produced more cheaply than before, and reduction in economic activity would only imply that products are bring produced with greater labour-efficiency than before, or that demand for certain products has decreased. These would then permit either greater leisure, or (better yet) faster depopulation, all without lessening quality of life.

Class Cooperation
All work which is necessary ennobles him who performs it. - Adolf Hitler
The economy should be viewed in a light no different than any other of our means to accomplishing a purpose. Our motto, UNITY THROUGH NOBILITY, is based on the same spirit of cooperation in pursuit of a final goal, as a prerequisite to which the folk must have total unity, including economic unity. Under such a worldview, class becomes merely a differentiation of occupational skills, with no social status or egotistical prestige pertaining to it. The steering wheel of a car is not higher or lower in status than the road wheels; nor is the engine more or less prestigious than the fuel tank; what matters is the ability of the car to complete its journey, which depends on the cooperation of all mechanical parts essential for this function. Thus the very notion of “class conflict” becomes as absurd as the notion of the different parts of the same vehicle declaring war on one another – all it would accomplish is disabling the entire vehicle and preventing arrival at our destination.
An end to class prestige is reflected in practice by minimizing the gap between profit margins of the various occupations, so that profit becomes solely a function of the quality of work, and not of the genre of work. For example, an excellent doctor deserves to earn more than a mediocre doctor, but there is no reason why an excellent doctor should earn more than an equivalently excellent plumber.
The folkish state will have to arrive at a basically different attitude toward the concept of labor. It will, if necessary, even by education extending over centuries, have to break with the mischief of despising physical activity. On principle it will have to evaluate the individual man not according to the type of work he does but according to the form and quality of his achievement. This may appear positively monstrous to an era in which the most brainless columnist, just because he works with the pen, seems superior to the most intelligent precision mechanic. This false estimation, as has been said, does not lie in the nature of things, but is artificially cultivated and formerly did not exist. –Adolf Hitler
There has been a tendency to try and identify the SS as the most important ‘esoteric-type’ organization of the Reich – as some sort of ‘mystical’ organization which embodied the principles of National-Socialism in a higher form. This tendency shows a basic mis-understanding of National-Socialism, the SS itself, and in particular what National-Socialist Germany was. The SS was a warrior organization, with an Aryan warrior ethos, and as such exemplified some of the highest Aryan ideals. … But other organizations embodied other Aryan ideals, and all of them together were necessary and vital for a healthy, balanced society to be achieved. The SS was a vital and necessary part of the practical organic whole that was National-Socialist Germany. – David Myatt
Only the parts altogether superfluous to the purpose need be phased out, and it is the responsibility of the state to direct this. We can broadly distinguish between jobs aimed at satisfying demand and jobs aimed at stimulating demand, of which the latter have no place in a National Socialist economy.
Correspondingly, the success of a National Socialist economy is measured not by the quantity or variety of its activity, but by the labour-efficiency of its activity, and by its independence from external economic forces. If the measure of consumerist economic success is like measuring how fast a car can go or how many gadgets it has, the measure of National Socialist economic success would be like measuring how well it is moving itself towards the finish line. The fastest and most gadget-packed car is no good if the driver is lost or can be intimidated to drive in the wrong direction.

From the deluge is born a new world, while the Pharisees whine about their miserable pennies! The liberation of humanity from the curse of gold stands before us! – Dietrich Eckart
Money has been described variously as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, a store of value, and a method of deferred payment. However, a National Socialist economy strictly defines money as a measure of productivity. In Hitler’s words, “If a farmer should ask me what is the value of the goods that he produces, I should reply, the value of the work that they enable a town labourer to do.”
Such a definition of money necessarily rejects the backing of currency by gold, silver or any other physical material. Material-backed currency by definition submits itself to dependence on the quantity of the material in existence, and to entanglement with currencies of other economies backed by the same material. For example, a currency backed by gold would find its unit value changing as a result of a new gold mine being discovered, even if the gold mine were located in Israel another country! This is unacceptable to a National Socialist state which insists on total monetary independence, and on foreign trade by barter only. Between 1933 and 1936, National Socialist Germany’s gold reserves decreased from 937 million to 72 million Reichsmarks, the difference having gone to purchase raw materials of real economic value from a labour perspective; in that same period unemployment was wiped out.
Labour-backed currency alone precludes any shortages or excesses of money in circulation, as the quantity of money in circulation would never have any justifiable reason to be other than directly proportional to the quantity of production within the country. What happens in other countries henceforth becomes economically irrelevant to a National Socialist state. Conversely, a National Socialist state can never be plausibly blamed by other countries for manipulating their economies, as it has explicitly relinquished all means by which it could do so. Like the Neolithic Aryan subsistence farmer who grows all his own food and to whom gold coins are a meaningless idea, so a National Socialist economy that attains what Hitler called “national subsistence” can feel confident about its economic future and earn the trust of others in a way that the gold-bound states can never know.
What each of us receives must first have been produced by another; no one can receive more than the others have produced. Thus the problem of currency is no artificial one, but merely a question of production, a question of the organization of work and of the distribution of the results of work. – Adolf Hitler
Furthermore, a National Socialist economy must be one that prevents monetary gain through lease or financial speculation of any kind, which is always reducible to the Jewish idea of profit by possession, the principle behind usury whose mathematically certain conclusion is concentration of all money in the economy under the ownership of the usurers. (“The reason why the Jews and their fabrications find such credence becomes apparent if you take a look at a country like Switzerland. In that country, Tom has milk interests, Dick follows the prices of the grain market, and Harry exports watches.” – Adolf Hitler) The advantage of a labour-backed currency in this case is that it prevents usurers from disguising their gains behind inflation or other temporal distortions. In a National Socialist state, identification of usurers will be a trivial matter of spotting non-producers who are able to remain solvent.
How could money multiply itself? – Alfred Rosenberg
The essential cause of the stability of our currency was to be sought for in our concentration camps. The currency remains stable when the speculators are put under lock and key. – Adolf Hitler
The principle that labour should only be employed where necessary in a National Socialist economy completes our understanding of the role of its money. This strictly rejects any use of labour in the production of unnecessary commodities or of any commodity in excessive quantities. The people’s primary concern is assisting in the ennoblement of themselves and others, not producing commodities with which to derive maximum pleasure. A National Socialist economy does not merely oppose excess and espouse moderation, but opposes the very core of consumerism, thereby espousing frugality in all aspects of daily life as an Aryan ideal in its own right.

For what i understand the system was implemented and lasted quite a bit despite the war. pic related screen cap of a user that knew more than me


I suspect that some of the pdfs have viruses in them. This is an abnormal Holla Forums thread and the reading level is about three times what we have been used to, so of course I am extremely suspicious.

When you see something unusual, don't relax. Especially when the first post not meant to be OP is naturally disarming like

Again, when you think you have enough tinfoil, double it.

get out of my board REEE

The second post in that screencap is me. Never thought i would se myself in a screencap. I didnt add anything to the discussion but still.

The socialism part of NatSoc isnt an economical one, it's rather midset/philosofical one.
To each his own, but above all, the common interest before self interest.
You can also see


Namefags are not tripfags. Also, this derails the thread so shame on your trying to fit in by posting le pepe. I have a folder with over 1000 frogs, that is not the point I'm trying to make.

No, no I cannot. We have had book threads and space elevator threads but not threads like this one. It looks artificial, out of place, and therefor suspicious.

You get used to it. I made a lot of Ebola-chan OC. I still see that floating around.

There is one quote from Hitler that is quite similar to that. The people needs to lead by the nose to paradise. Or something along those lines

These threads are gems on Holla Forums

thanks to every contributor.

We've been inundated by newfags and normalfags ever since the American election has started, which only got worse as Holla Forums shitters increased in numbers and the media turned its gaze this way. Don't be so surprised that there are people here who aren't so vapid that our thoughts can only be expressed within Twitter character limits.

Well it was all good while it lasted.

Their understanding of socialism is that of the social mannerisms of any life form between its own and others. A tribe or pack or what have you work together for the best interest of their survival. It can be boiled down to what is fundamentally required of a people and not only the whims of a few; to consider the whole and not just any specific area by itself. Economics are thus shaped around what a specific people require and what they have available to them (Germany had no gold and so their currency was backed by labour production). National Socialism rightly views a nation as a complete organism; Capitalism and Marxism view people as interchangeable commodities, which then of course turns society into a patchwork mess, like Frankenstein.

Im pretty sure you can find almost all of the pdfs here on >>>/pdfs/ if that is your concern.

Yes, I didn't mean to generate a lot of discussion on this topic, but the quality of the board has been very low lately. Summer is Real.

The Abolition of Interest Slavery is great. It does harken back to the "Holla Forums, how did the economy of National Socialist Germany actually work" threads, so in this respect all is clear. While I cannot place it, there seems to be something unusual about having a higher-level discourse but maybe that is because it has been Summer for far too long. That said, we should be confident in the intellectual underpinnings but masterbatory intellectuallism is a trap. The leftist cares not for truth and logic and they are all-pervasive in our institutions of lower learning, our government, etc. What we need is less concern for high ideals and more concern for RealPolitik.


It's because of the election and this alt-right nonsense.

I agree , this thread seems suspicious, op seems way too smart to not be a libertarian nationalist like me


It wasn't socialism in the sense of Marx, more of a different understanding of socialistic elements which have existed for quite some time. Whereas the Marxists believe in class conflict, National Socialists believe in class collaboration. Whereas the Marxists believe in doing away with private property, National Socialists are in favor of private property and free enterprise (albeit with the knowledge that the government may intervene so as to ensure the well being of the nation as a whole is not harmed and other industries are allowed to work alongside one another in harmony as different parts of a body). Also, i'll add that socialism to Marxists means internationalism, the whole "Workers of the World bullshit", National Socialists (while sympathetic to nationalists from other parts of the world aren't looking for international solidarity with workers from beyond our respective homes) we seek to achieve autarky. I'd recommend Spengler to get a better understanding of German National Socialist origins.


Self-sacrifice for the better of the community is one of the most aryan things there is.

That his conception of the law has become the model upon which all jurisprudence has been moulded, the State as he founded it being based upon the great principles of reciprocity and self-sacrifice on the one side and of protection of the sanctity of private rights on the other -H.S Chamberlain

The Nazi retard shit never ends. It's good for Jews.

Kill yourselves and help save the White Race.


Nazi fags hate privacy.
On a government and Jew watch list.


Anyway, are you sure that you are on the right board. Faggots like you might enjoy >>>/boypussy/

Lol, based Jim nuked 'em. I'm sure that there is another fudge-packing board made just for you though

Yes goy the functional economic system that transformed a indebted Weimar Republic into one of the behemoths of Europe its bad. that they actually didnt have hyperinflation and didnt support jewry must never be studied

Dont study or read just shitpost, that the only way to save the white race

You're the shitposter in all those Holla Forums threads.



Would you mind getting inside the oven?


Duty ,Purpose and Order

7:53 8:15 You,my youth are indeed, are indeed the living guarantee of the living future of Germany not an empty idea, not an empty formalism or an insipid plan No! You are the blood of our Blood ,Flesh of our Flesh, Spirit of our Spirit. You are the continuation of our people.

9:13-9:31 Only if we raise the German people: trough our own labor, our own determination, our own defiance only then will be able to rise again just like in the days of our Fathe too didnt recieve Germany as a gift but created it on their own!

Also here is another quote of Hitler expressing the idea that the state is not the highest entity and is indeed a creation of the Volk,

It is not the state which commands us, but we who command the state. It is not the state which has created us, but we who have created our state. - Hitler


Where do you think we are?


Anti-Slide bump
Hail Victory

Bunker thread

Post comfy Third Reich pics



Reading Time

You are going to have to read for months if you are going to go through all this stuff.

This might be part of a genuine revival of Nationalsocialism as a new religious movement, many people here belief the end goal should be to form a more religious form of Nationalsocialism, with the core being formed by the dozen or so texts being promoted here and possible a few text pre and post dating them.

Is this site even American? Are you American Citizens?This is the only Alt-right site who thinks American Jewish People are not White.

What are you talking about, first Holla Forums is not alt-right, secondly you could go to The Daily Stormer or The Right Stuff.

Wasn't Rosenberg's plan to make a NatSoc religion with his The Myth?

There's ambitious and over-ambitious. You don't simply create a religion.

You need a person with abnormally huge amounts of charisma to be accepted as a Prophet.

Such things only happen once every few millenia.

Didnt they used to say that the NatSoc worship blood or that they are the religion of the blood , it was something like that.

Also is important to remember that they didnt know about DNA back then. Today we can say rightfully that for example in small cities or towns, everyone is related by one common long ancestor. That actually builded the place.
We ar actually racially related to our Culture , and the Culture and history of the place we live in. Except in Cosmopolitan cities of course.

Not exactly, though his book is inherently religious is nature, as is all natsoc literature so some degree.

Prophet is a semitic concept, though some kind of spokes person I would agree, but that would be Hitler.

Another point, if we where ever attempt to tie Hitler, Rosenberg, Feder, Chamberlain and some other figures together into a single Natsoc religion, then we need to start dividing their books into the chapters and verses that we find in Bible books.

It would make it much easier to quote them.

Nah m8, you need an official religion founder.

Prophets are not only semitic, you can find them in Persia for example, it's ancient concept of a person with a rare enough gift to speak proto-divine language and receive direct commands from God while they are alive

You are in the wrong Holla Forums board,If you want to go to the alt-right site the link is >>>Holla Forums

Another point, if we where ever attempt to tie Hitler, Rosenberg, Feder, Chamberlain and some other figures together into a single Natsoc religion, then we need to start dividing their books into the chapters and verses that we find in Bible books.

It would make it much easier to quote them.>>7442004


I mean he talks a lot about the religion of the blood. And he managed to turn an almost militant fedora tipper to a deist.

Thing is, Hitler main concern and speeches were too Earthly, even if he had the Charisma, the topics are not Religion type, but World affairs management type.

This is all important don't get me wrong, but are not Religious themes.

A Prophet needs equal or higher amounts of Charisma, but speaking of even more Immaterial, Intemporal and Spiritual things.

Certainly Rosenberg and his mentor Chamberlain would be integral parts of such a religion and from it, they would supplement Hitler and Feder in the more spiritual department.

I cant believe That video has 6,201,693 view in JEWTUBE


Three things.

1. It would make Natsoc similar to Islam and Confucianism and to some degree Catholicism.

2. Hitler and Feder would be supplemented by the more religious Rosenberg and Chamberlain.

3. The end focus is not a prophetic personality, but the blood, or race, or folk and it's history, see chamberlain and rosenberg.


I get what you're saying, but he is looking at Germany recover and German blood, he is not looking at the Infinite and the Inivisible Eternal all religion founders did.

Lol. Have you ever watched a Hitler speech even ever? Hitler also talked plenty about spiritual aspects; what do you think the Ehrentempel or cathedral of light were? Revial of old dead germanic traditions ect. Even the ss had a genealogy/folkisch research purposes. Like himmler visiting an old grave from his past life.

I think you just need to research more sounds like you are projecting quite a bit.

Weird idiot.

Dumb as fuck. Being Charismatic can go in many directions.

You can be a charismatic [anything]. To qualify as Prophet Tier, your speech must be about Divinity, not about current affairs.

It's religious history of any kind. You're confusing temporal with eternal.

Well you want a sort of materialistic religion (affected by spirit of the Era as Parker Yockey predicted), a materialistic religion is an oxymoron, but atheists can't grasp this.

That is point two.

2. Hitler and Feder would be supplemented by the more religious Rosenberg and Chamberlain.

Watched the video and oh boy he was right.

I think even Hitler would be astonished with the decadence of today ,

Not bad, though I am not sure what you mean with material exactly, more like a political/ideological aspect, a active/military aspect and a spiritual.religious aspect.

Even better, what if Hitler ties together the ideological/pragmatic/political side of Natsoc with the mystical/spiritual/religious side of Natsoc?

Making him the centre?

Wew lad

I agree, this doesnt help the alt-right at all

The Nuremberg show trials will presently be over and our fates decided, Let my confession stand behind them: National Socialism was the European answer to a century-old question.It was the noblest of ideas which a German could give all his strenght. It made the German nation a gift of unity. It gave the German Reich a new content. It was a social philosophy
and an ideal of blood-conditioned cultural cleanliness. National Socialism was misussed, and in the end demoralised, by men whom its creator had most fatefully given his confidence.

The collapse of the Reich is historicaly linked with this. But the idea itself was action and life, and that cannot and will not be forgotten. As other great ideas knew heights and depths, National Socialism too will be reborn someday in a new generation steeled by sorrow and will create in a new
form a new Reich for the Germans, Historically ripened,it will then have fused
the power of belief with political caution,in its peasant soil it will grow from healthy roots into a strong tree that will bear sound fruit. National Socialism was the content of my active life. I served it faithfully, albeit with some blundering and human insufficenty, i shall remain true to it as long as i still live. Alfred Rosenberg

Holla Forums is not aut-right

Civilization decay is not a meme and Francis Parker Yockey knew it very well..

Hail Victory!

It is actually amazing how far we have gotten.

I mean material in the same sense as communist have class struggle, fascist have the state, lolbergs have the free market and NatSoc have the folk. Most people would call that "step" ideology, but since NatSoc have 2 parts in its ideology, you have to divide it into material and spiritual.

Oh user, you messed up here. There is no National Socialism without Hitlerism and it's more of a circle than a pyramid, with a clear Führer at its centre which undulates (leads, guides) from there.

Hitler is both the leader and the founder for the material foundation which puts him in an awkward position.

They cant hide the truth forever

Can I get a translation on that comic?

I disagree, clearly Hitler only represents the political side of Nationalsocialism and the many errors he made bear that out.

If Nationalsocialism is going to grow, then we need to base it closer around the ideas of Rosenberg and Chamberlain.

Our enemies knew that Rosenbergs work was dangerous, which is why they killed him, because The Myth connects Nationalsocialism with Christianity and German Idealism.

Isn't that quote from the table talks?

"When Germany is in tough times, the Führer will return and save and lead us to final victory." (I'm not a native speaker, but that's the gist of it, I believe).

It is.

I see, I was under the impression that the table talks were discredited amongst Revisionists and Natsocs, is that incorrect?

I wouldnt say so. See
Rosenberg talks a lot about the critique on his the myth in his memoirs.

The only solution is to make the internet into a big anonymous place.

also, this should be done:
"Establish mandatory military service in the entirity of the Nordic and expand the military. Everyone that's completed their service keep their weapon and gear. Every state-citizen shall be able to contribute to the defence of the nation against outer aswell as internal foes."

I've yet to see a good reason as to why they aren't legit.

Thanks anons, I was mistaken I guess. I actually like Rosenberg, so it's a bit disappointing to hear Hitler say that about him.

Depends on what translation you use.

Source on that image?

The critique Hitler gives isn't that bad tbh. He mostly tells how it is.
Rosenberg talks about this in his memoirs. It has mostly to do with that the myth talks a lot about christianity in a not to positive light which goes against the NSDAP's policies since it's a non-religious org. and is neutral when it comes to religion.
Also the spiritual foundation cant communicate with the political foundation without going through the material foundation so that too makes The Myth incompatible with the NSDAP
Rosenberg even says this in his myth that it's indeed not a book for everyone. And here lies the problem to most of the critique it gets. That is why so few has read it (especially when you succeed with a revolution, you don't have a lot time with abstract, and difficult to read books like The Myth).
Hitler even says that he hasn't read it so you can't take his words as some kind of a review. He simply says how it is. It's not part of the NSDAP because the NSDAP is strictly political. Few has read it because it hard to read and abstract. None of these things make it a bad book, it just make it a book that is not for everyone.
Complex partial differential equations is not something everyone can understand/study but that doesnt mean we dont need it.

Was it not based on hearsay as told by second hand people and translated by multiple (((people))) who were never there? That's the argument I've heard. I've also heard that while table talks up to 1944 hold some credibility, 1945 one is utterly fucked.

I read in his memoires two things that are of interest to us, that the book was viciously attacked by several segments of of the Christian churches and that he was of the opinion that Himmler and Goebbels ended up pulling Hitler down.

So, I think we should focus on a kind of Orthodox Nationalsocialism the way it existed before Hitler became Leader and started to lose his way.

Also a lot of Opportunistic people managed to get influential positions, the soul and heart of the NatSocialist can be found in the period before 1933 for example, naming the German Banker Hjalmar Schacht as a Economic Minister over Gottfried Feder.

Would most of us be Natsoc, if it wasn't for the internet?

The Northwest Front books (whatever we may think of Covington) have their own version of the principles of National Socialism, the first principle is "Truth". Let our enemies spread slander about us, and our own people (assuming a Natsoc state is set up somewhere, but surrounded by enemies) freely read that slander. They will probably find it funny.
Porn is a harder subject, but people can't resist a temptation that's not there. Make nofap and exposure of the Jewish agenda behind porn key cornerstones of state propaganda, and push them constantly. As the jewed and nigrified states collapse, and white cucks make apologies, point to porn as a reason why they aren't doing anything to stop it.

This is a great look into the big guy's mind. Hard not to agree!

I think many of us are on a similar, though less nuanced, mindset as Hitler through looking critically at the result of his regime before the war.

Firstly, no one signs a social contract. You are born as you are and circumstances that led to your creation are immutable the moment they happen.

Second, rationalism is a tired phrase designed to obfuscate truth by feigning objectivity.

Third, the means are not to be confused with the goal. Purpose is not built into in us as a final expression. That also does not mean that there will ever be an even playing field. We claw meaning from the world even as we bring it forward from ourselves. and find ourselves within ourselves and create by sharing that with the world. The most obvious example is creating a child.

Fourth, the state is a natural outgrowth of the people. Though there will never be a utopia, having an ability to maximally benefit your people and yourself while preventing exploitation creates a situation that benefits everyone involved.

NatSoc before the years leading up to the war was the best.

This is honestly such an important thing to realize.

So basically, what we want is a form of Orthodox National Socialism (ONS) that tries to go back to what National-Socialism was originally supposed to be before Hitler was elected in 1933.

We will put more emphasize on Feder and Rosenberg and less on Himmler and Goebbels and focus more on works pre 1933, without excluding post 1933 and post 1945 works if they fit with Orthodoxy.

I would go as far as 1936 after that the war situation started. And I don't blame Hitler one bit for everything that had to be done after that point. (((They))) were pushing for war and Hitler simply had to respond and adopt to the new situation.

In my opinion, it all went to hell after 1933 because Hitler had to play a political game and had to adept to the whims of the churches and industrialists as well as the aristocrats and other elements in society.

Both Rosenberg and Feder didn't get the post they deserved because of Christian and Industrialists agitations.

What follows was Hitler getting cut off from the better and saner people and slowly picking bad company like Himmler and Goebbels, who both have their merits, but who weren't the best of the crop.

I wouldn't call neither Himmler and Goebbels bad company. Himmler was simply to good at his work and very loyal so he got more power then he should. Goebbels wasnt so mush of a problem but the ministry of public enlightenment and propaganda was, just like Rosenberg says.
Both Rosenberg and Feder didn't get the post they deserved
Feder 100% didnt get what he deserved. Rosenberg on paper got a good post. Chief ideologist is a good post on paper but he didnt get as much power as he should have.
I would still argue that until 1936 Hitler still had everything under control and if it werent for the war I thing he would have manged.

having degenerate ideas out there isnt a problem
if you want your kid not to drown, you dont tell it to stay away from the water. you teach it how to swim.

also, because the properties intellectual space has, you cant rid of ideas or concepts. because they dont have a manifestation.
in real space, atoms (or whatever) have a certain configuration. you could end the existance of a compound formation (like a human) by changing the state of the set of atoms making it up. usually to a state of higher entropy.
but you cant do that if there are no atoms that form the thing.

I would also point out: you can totally leave this dynamic system (the world) to exercise its 'self regulating dynamic'. that is let evolution do its thing and let faggots and other hedonists spell their own doom. what causes us problems with this is

- seeping over into the rest of society
I would advocate social exclusion from the society (Im ancap; I think societies should be maybe 4-5 digits in population and ultra highly specialized culturally. all voluntary and self found [not founded] (free market, laisez-faire, self regulating dynamic) )

- cost of losing people to the dark side
teach them how to swim. useful idiots are either splendidly retarded or have preventable character flaws (preventable by raising them properly, in a christian type family or whatever else we come up with)
is there some loss because those people could have lead fairly productive lifes under athorian guidance? shortterm for sure. however there is also opportunity cost to having an authority forcefully regulate peoples life. I think we can make up for the loss to degeneracy/hedonism but doubling down and breeding more people and just letting the defunct ones wither. to make this feasible we may have to develop some additional child rearing technology (so it becomes cheaper) - but there is really no reason we cant do that.

- political power
democracy sucks
some people have had the right idea, that is you only get to vote if you are taxpayer. however there is no reason to stick with a half solution if full ones are available. choose a system that has a much better way of determining things than public consensus. e.g. market mechanics. wich would mean, among many things, that only people that are - according to the market - productive get ressources. if not productive enough to acquire enough resources to sustain self.. if not productive enough to sustain self and family.. it truly is a meritocracy.
bonus: you can supercharge it so it becomes viable to have any amount of offspring (like 50-100 +) so that the very cream of the crop get proper scaling for economic output, instead of beeing softcapped at 5 or so.
also note nature had a similar idea all along, with the key difference that not productiveness but physical strength should be the deciding metric. obviously thats inferior.

tldr: certain things are just too complex for even the very best humans to manage optimally (or even decently)

much as I like thiel, Im pretty sure hes a jew (ethnically)

Perhaps, but if we want Nationalsocialism to turn into a religion, then there is very little room for political personalities.

Why? Wouldn't that be like saying that you shouldn't have priests in christianity?

No, it's like saying we need the more priestly types.

I think is important to understand religion plays in modern society,.Everyone claims to be free from dogmas nowdays by rebelling againts traditional values yet they remain equally dogmatic.,

I Personally believe that the Fanaticism, Discipline and the Passion that National Socialism manages to Inspire comes from the Spiritual foundations.

The Spiritual foundations must be the base of the pyramid but also is the only part of National Socialism that cant be changed not by priest or political personalities and must not have room for interpretations .

How are you going to do that? And what happen if it happens something in the future that we cant foresee that makes it necessary to modify the foundation.
I think Im with Yockey in this question.


Do you have any source at all for that claim?

Is this thread real? is summer finally ending?

I've yet to hear of a source that isn't the ADL or wikipaedo that lends honest credence to the TT, it was published post war by a secretary. Google has shown nothing of the original notebooks nor any idea of who published them originally.

My personal belief is that many of the honest crassness within the true right wing comes from people who take the mythologized hitlersatan hybrid constructed post-war as real while still acknowledging the reality of their success and prosperity.

What do you mean by mythologized hitlersatan hybrid constructed post-war as real. The supremacist bit?


Socialism not even once, Socialism is not alt-right

History and the task of the future no longer signify the struggle of class against class or the conflict between one church dogma and another, but the settlement between blood and blood, race and race, Folk and Folk. And that means: the struggle of spiritual values against each other.

Alfred Rosenberg

Not him, but I think lots of people have a hard time not seeing Nazis how the Jews have portrayed them. It's important to remember that lots of National Socialists were just normal patriotic Germans, they weren't blood-thirsty skin-headed bootboys foaming at the mouth for a chance to kill innocent Jewish children. They were just Nationalists whose platform wouldn't have been out of place in almost any European country for the last 1,500 years. These were young men who played Vivaldi on the violin and sketched the Russian landscape in notebooks as they marched deeper into Russia. They were normal Europeans, not demonic monsters, and neither was Hitler.


- Adolf Hitler 1938

I could maybe, maybe, maybe visit it sometimes. But only after the election. That place was cancer years ago and i hardly believe that it's better now.

It's gotten even more cancerous but I think we stopped giving ground, especially at a time where we're getting attention.

Waiting till after the election to go full out but we're formulating plans already.

What are the main points against Strasserism?

i have a strong aversion to flowery words and longer works. they influence in a way that is meant to disarm.
works akin to the summa theologica are beautiful in their simplicity.

Marxist economy
Class struggle
Denial of the führer principle
They have view of race like integralism dont they?

I like to think that Strasserism is what lolbergs think what NatSoc is.

True, but i have no doubts that one day the stigma will go away

True, but as long as the Academia continues to deny the difference between races this will not be possible.

Bumping this glorious thread
Hail Victory

A determined will, grounded on a clear order of rank of values, coupled with organic strength of outlook, will also one day - despite all hindrances - enforce its realisation in all domains. ― Alfred Rosenberg

Tim Wise destroys alt-right nazi faggots
This guy debunks every claim you faggots make, He tell it how it is, And all you guys do is call him a "cuck"



just a irrelevant kike, just ignore him.

dont let them slide the good threads out of the catalog


haha dumb german get what he want in the end though he get raped over and over again throughout history even by his own people because germans cant not fight themselves and then they rape the bodys because they gay

Mods please delete this post


State is no longer a separated idol before which we are all supposed to lie in the dust. The state does not even have a purpose unless it acts to preserve the concept of folk. The state is only one means to do this. State forms change and state laws pass away, but the folkish concept remains.

Because people dont have anything worth to protect they protect harmful things . The key to combat Decadence is to believe in the determined will of our racial brothers
to see what are the things worth to protect . The racial awakening will show us a path to save our kind

The earth continues to go round, whether it's the man who kills the tiger or the tiger who eats the man. The stronger asserts his will, it's the law of nature. The world doesn't change; its laws are eternal.


Not even once.

Just read Evola' Notes on the Third Reich to know why it was shit.

But did you read it? "Shit" isn't exactly Evolas position on the NSDAP- And 100% right on anything is noone either.

nice bait


A Nation only exists within the sovereignty of the monarch, not 'the people'
Materialist trash
Isn't even a real identity. A late 19th century construction.
A political movement should never be based around 'the workers'. It must be based on higher Transcendent principles.
Political parties are inherently degenerate. Electoral politics are not the realm of the Rightist.

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. - Benito Mussolini

"The Myth is the Myth of the Blood, which, under the sign of the Swastika, released the World Revolution. It is the Awakening of the Soul of the Race, which, after a period of long slumber, victoriously put an End to Racial Chaos." - Alfred Rosenberg

You know jackshit about both Fascism and National socialism stop embarrasing yourself , Musollini Fascism was a corporate state that put the material bases as the most important thing.

Which is precisely why it was shit and degenerate.

It was really bad in Germany during the depression. Not just bad, but really, really fucking bad. We have weirder fetishes right now, and lots of aberrations, but we're still not at Wiemar Berlin tier levels yet.

Are you an idiot who thinks that NatSoc and Fascism were the same thing? did you even read the thread before commenting?

Alfred Rosenberg will transform Holla Forums into the next incarnation of the Ahnenerbe.

National Socialism was more degenerate and materialistic than Fascism.

Just race-worship combined with egalitarianism.

Holy shit you are dumb, you didnt even read the thread did you?


Have fun with your ideas, and absolutely no way to apply them to reality, self inflicted loathsome critic.

Indeed I will.

Politics is degenerate anyway. A true aristocrat of soul need not involve oneself in such drivel.


Woah you deconstructed the name of a party while disregarding it's speaking points. Pretty good my fedorian friend. The name of the Party was just pandering to different groups to unite them all. Nationalist for the Stahlhelm ex-soldiers, Socialists to gain support from the workers. German because germans did understand themselfs as a common cultural people a long time before the 1948 liberal-nationals pushed a pan-german nation. Do you disagree with the existence of italians or even europeans too? In fact Evola speaks about the Germans as a common people already before the unification in "Men Amongst The Ruins". Workers, again to gain votes from people who would otherwise get fished by the communists. Party because well it's a party.

Seriously though, the conservative-revolution backled the NSDAP and the DNVP as the parlimentarian arm of the movements. Don't forget that Hitler did try a coup and even got wounded and arrested for it.

I understand Evola's anti-populist sentiments but in the context of 1930s with the rising danger of a bolshevik take over it would have been incredibly unwise to wait for the restoration of the Monarchy. You might have forgotten that Hitler wept bitterly over the abducation of the Kaiser. But contrary to what you think Hitlers party did openly state that they want to abolish parlimentarism and democracy - and they actually did it. They formed an oligarchy. They formed a spiritual Order (SS) and Evola loved that aspect of it. Infact he writes somewhere that the NSDAP and Italian fascism were the best the modern world had to offer against the forces of destruction.

To your Monarchy meme. What is a monarchy if not a dictatorship based on birht right? How do you for example then create a monarchy in the USA if there is no established aristocratic family? Exactly, with a dictatorship. And "Nation", the word, literally comes from the word for "People" - so I guess Kingdoms are not Nations but rule over a nation and an Imperium over multiple nations. In that respect the NatSoc would have delivered what Evola wanted to see.

In the end nothing would have satisfied Evola because no efford makes sense untill the Kali Yuga is over and a new beginning can accure. That is why he liked a spiritual aristocratic order like the SS that would probably stand the colapse of society and be the builder of the next golden age.



Let me guess, your a Catholic, go worship your puppets.

Nazi Germany was highly egalitarian.

I'm a neo-Pagan. The true hyperborean's religion.

Yes if you believe Hollywood. Have you ever actually read more into what the NS movement did in everyday politics and even their basic non-race related ideology?
class coop isn't egalitariansim and pan-german movement isn't either. Are you one of these people who believed Rome shouldn't have granted it's three founding tribes equal responsibilities and privileges in the emerging Imperium?

You are probably the least likely "aristocrat" inside the entire nrx and traditionalist sphere. You realy make us look like a laughingstock by hiding behind "oh well time will solve it". In the end that believe is nothing more than the christian concept of waiting for the messiahs. You fail to ever leave the plane of theory. You have the Evola syndrome. Just that Evola was actually phsyically unable to leave his home while you are spiritually.

[ih-gal-i-tair-ee-uh n]


asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, especially in political, economic, or social life.

Please stop using words that you dont understand If you tell anybody that a heavily hierarchical system where private propiate ownership wasnt abolished or punished was egalitarian dont expect to no get mocked at.

NatSoc ideology's FOUNDATION was race-worship. The rest is merely fluff.


Better off a pessimistic idealistic than a foolish degenerate (((political activist)))

Hitler believed in egalitarianism for Aryans. He was a fucking post-Enlightenment faggot, and a low-born Austrian peasant as well tbh.

Could have fooled me, you sounded more like a Catholic, but then again, neo-pagan is just a form of leftism.

I know you kids like to use buzzwords but in a place like this it only show you are younger that most of the board.


I thought Rosenberg was against the right to vote ? (Myth of the 20th Century) I may have misunderstood his position on the subject though.

So is that a clear NO then? Okay.

So a right wing anarchist are you then.

What do you care? If everything goes down the drain anyways and we will have a new golden age in a couple hundret years why care? It's just another flavor of Nihilism. Even Evola who you quote worked as a political advisor and influencal figure in Italian fascism. His spiritual concept of Race that he pushed existed simultaniously to the biological concept. And I totally agree with you that a large part of the NSDAP was biological reductionism of race in compairison to the Italian view - but isn't that the exact difference in world view that you would find in a different people with different roots in spirit? The germanic cultural traditions were not dead in Germany like they were in Italy. There was a different awakening in spirit needed for these people. In fact alot of his spiritual racial theories were based on more nordic racialism of Blood and Spirit that was clearly absnet from a med. european theatre that bordered the muslim world for so long.

All he did realy was replace the objective scientific racial theory of evolution with a spiritual view of Involution. Well, he set it parallel to it and established it as an alternative view on race.

Evola realy is just a Trotsky of the Right. Critizising any attempts of pre-french revolution order while not ever giving practical alternatives. He is right on many things but wrong in the whole attitude.

Not an expert in NS ideology, but that's what I'd answer :

Internet should exist and be protected, and everyone should be able to browse it anonymously.

In an ideal National-Socialist community, degeneracy and subversion would never reach the mind of the people, because it would be against its very principles of purposefulness. In fact, the subversion would even go the other way : from the NS side to the degenerate side, without even putting much propaganda effort in it.

In a transitioning NS community, I'm torn. An authoritarian way to regulate it would be desirable, and even justified.
But it doesn't add up with my current mindset. After all, it's because of digital freedom that I met you faggots.

Someone said NSDAP thread?

Regulate normie sites and freedom for more obscure places. Problem solved



Anyone got a good picture comparing national socialistsagainst neo nazi degenerates?




What kind of jobs were made in the third reich? I saw one thing about how there was street sweepers but there has to be more, were there random window washers? How did the programs work?
Tl;dr what do I read on their economy?

Hey guys user from 4chan Holla Forums here now that they decided to sell the site was thinking in moving to this board but you guys seem to mock libertarian nationalism is this a meme? i though you guys were fashy libertarians like the guys from TRS

im from 4chan too , im libertarian leaning to civic nationalist so i just stick with brit/pol/ its pretty comfy there

1. Lurk before posting, things are different here.

2.Yes we do mock libertarian nationalism because it's a meme. Reaction to TRS isn't great here, some like but most see it as somewhat childish.

3. Civic nationalism is fucking cucked and the only people here who like it are Brit/pol/ who are basically cuckchan tier anyway.

4. This is not the best thread to be asking these questions, take it an official welcome thread where you'll get more responses.

But i though Pol was satire

Agree this whole thread look like a copy-paste from stormfront and op looks like a copy-paste from an articlet hat the dailystorm would publish.

The Stormfaggots are ruinning our movement , i cant believe that Andrew Anglin was invited to the TRS podcasts , how stupid can they be we really need to do something to save the alt-right

let me guess you are op of >>7636212 you are probably going to get banned for sperging out so blatanly but before you do and leave the board because of it let me tell you something gas yourself faggot



Literally from "The Doctrine of Fascism", the same text you've quoted from.

Fascism have no dintinction of races and believe the state its the highest entity, The material prosperity and stability of the state is the ultimate goal not the prosperity and the surivval of the races or the people.

Go back to cuckchan.

Have you seen the state of cuckchan? its shills vs shills at this point, expect another influx of cuckchan refugees like in june/july until the end of the elections it will be shilly here

Except for the word "material", this has fuck all with what I've written. Let me spell it out this time: Fascism isn't a materialist philosophy. It doesn't seek to further the well being of anyone, nor does it aim to further "material prosperity" in any sense. Fascism is about giving everyone an opportunity to fight, to struggle and to become a hero. Here, another quote:

The refusal of individualism has nothing to do with this. Marxism is also anti-individualist, but it's still a materialist doctrine.

NatSoc is a weltanschauung and fascism is a political idea. NatSoc uses "things" in the material world as means to an end Fascism opposes this and sees the state as the highest entity putting the material prosperity of the state over the people prosperity .

Let me explain it better , Fascism is a lot more rigid as a political idea compared to the organic nature of the NatSoc, Im not saying that you cant archive the prosperity of the people by priotizing the state ( this is what Fascist believes)
But explaining the inherently rigidity nature of the idea and the difference between fascism and Nationalsozialismus

Fascism: If we work together, we will have the power to achieve any goal we want. (“It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in the pants. That is what I shall do.” – Benito Mussolini)

NatSoc:Everything now done in Germany is prompted by the conviction that our nation will only be able to assure its future existence if we succeed in maintaining the National
Socialist regime. National Socialism is not a temporary political expedient, but rather a political creed based upon the recognition of our people's vital necessities. If it is to remain a living force, it must be continually renewed and must be continually applied to the facts of real life
Erich Hilgenfeldt "Germany Speak"
Head of the National Socialist Welfare Organisation

National Socialism: This is our goal. The only way to achieve it is to work together and having the flexibility to evolve and mould our nation and state in order to archive it as a collective effort..

Fascism does not specify the goal first. Instead, it promises the individual a return for his investment of participation – in the form of national power to achieve arbitrary goals. Its own slogan

I'm sorry, it just seems more muddled up to me. We were discussing whether Fascism was a materialist doctrine or not. Introducing National Socialism and goals doesn't seem to make anything clearer.


Its because materialistic is not in the consumerism sense but in the spiritual philosofical sense. Making the concept of Prosperity manifest differently in a Fascist state compared to a State that use Nationalsozialismus as philosophical foundations

Basically the manifestation of prosperity in a succeful Fascist state is materialistic compared to the one in the National Socialist state that is spiritual. ( The organic truth, the preservation of the volk, the expression of the the creative and productive spirit to fulfil the purpose,etc.)

National Socialism is not for export. American's could follow the example, but I believe our path is different. You have to reconcile our libertarian traditions with Nazism.

Something to ponder:





I can see no higher than appealing to the infinite dimensions of spirituality in order to validate our existence. Natsocs appeal to the rule of nature (the strong survive) and the spirit of the Volk, which is close enough to truth that it is effective. But it's too far from the infinite to be truly sustainable.


The deepest levels of spirituality are deeply individual, intimate, and personal. As far as a sustainable political system that would help man reach towards those highest goals, or at least go in that direction, I've seen nothing better than National Socialism.


always bump rosenberg


Quality post

Bump against refugee cuckery


Interesting post

I think you mean too far from mystery schools. This is why cosmo-theism might appeal to your type
See video

"Our Cause"


I knew trump supporters were nazis this board prove it

No shit.

you are a faggot , bump

No one cares you faggot Communist. Step on a land mine.




To be fair to Evola, he did support the Legion of the Archangel Michael wholeheartedly. But I agree that the practice of 'riding the tiger' is fucking useless.

I thought Evola was, at least later in his career non-politically active. Wasn't Ride the Tiger primarily about separating oneself from the world to be able to engage in the more spiritual and esoteric practices rather any sort of political guide?

The idea of Riding the Tiger isn't to merely outlast modern society in some sort of pessimistic stalemate, but rather to show that even today with the world as fucked as it is, there is still the possibility of living a somewhat Traditional life and of achieving higher states of being.

Sorry if that sounds stupid, I just recently read Evola, and have not begun to read Rosenberg's works.

Also, bump for Rosenberg, I remember the old threads.

I actually havn't read evola. But from what i can figure out he doesnt sound that good or relevant. But i'll guess i'll have to find the time to read men among ruins atleast.

Good or relevant are in the eye of the beholder I suppose. After having read all of his books (I think) and lurking in several of the threads in which his name is brought up it seems to me that the majority of people seem to miss the "point" of Evola's writings.

I know it's quite easy to put words in the mouth of a dead man, but too many people, seem to read his political ideas and nothing else. It seems to me that all of Evola's political ideas are a direct extension of his religious ones. To form an opinion of them without delving further into where they originate seems to leave lingering misconceptions and points of confusion.

Evola is not for everybody, that is for certain- but the "good" and "relevant" parts of Evola are all, in my amateur opinion, contained within his writings concerning Tradition.

I would start with what most seem to consider his magnum opus- Revolt Against the Modern World, rather than the more political Men Among the Ruins.

If you are looking for a practical and influential speaker to sway minds and form the foundation of some modern movement, I would not choose Evola. His thought is inwardly focused and very individual. He doesn't teach how one can change the situation, but rather how one can overcome and transcend it. If that makes any sense…

Evola is pretty great, dont let nrx spergs ruin him for you. He gives a deeper understanding of the history of what white and European ideals were from the time before the Indo-European conquets to the French Revolution, when the Judeo-masons subverted and inverted them. Fascism was the closest thing to come to restoring that European soul, thats why Evola supported and worked with both the Nazis and the Italians. He only gave a detailed critique of both well after the war, where he dealt with details.

One of his most importent ideas to a NatSoc would be his notion that the rule of a single Fuhrer was bad, and the government of the reich should have eventually been given over to the SS where they would rule it as elite, Teutonic Knights/Prussian aristocracy style, where only the best of the best who could pass through the rigorous SS initiation/training would get a say in the government.


Im not new to philosophical and political ideas and texts and thats why i feel like Evola is a irrelevant nobody. His ideas feels like old school reactionary (if im going to you a lefty term here) bourgeoisisim (not sure how you spell that), which is not compatible with my natsoc beliefs. Evola feels exactly like the kind of element Hitler talks about that should be left alone to wither away. I cant really put my finger on it but it feels like i have heard this same old story before. I dont know but he just feels very irrelevant and like he is missing the fundamental point. But then again i haven't read his books i have only seen a couple of screenshots and people discuss him. And from that i feel like he is just the Holla Forums counterpart of the intellectual circle jerk and he bring nothing constructive or relevant to the table.

Frightful debt slavery to an (((anonymous financial power)))

Achievement unlocked! How can people put up with this shit?

Yes, only the Stalag

Satan dubs confirmed
Death to the Christian-Jewish-Muslim-Communism Semitic virus

He is reactionary in some sense, the people Hitler talks about are some cuckservatives who were nostalgic about the second reich, Evola really isnt that, and he's as far from bourgeoise spirit as you can be, even farther then Hitler.

Struggle is at the origin of all things, for life is full of contrasts: there is love and hatred, white and black, day and night, good and evil; and until these contrasts achieve balance, struggle fatefully remains at the root of human nature. However, it is good for it to be so. Today we can indulge in wars, economic battles, conflicts of ideas, but if a day came to pass when struggle ceased to exist, that day would be tinged with melancholy; it would be a day of ruin, the day of ending.

Thank you, user. I n00k'd my HD a few days ago and had been looking for this.
In other news >>>/pdfs/ needs to rebuild their index or fix their catalog, something is off and certain things aren't coming up when searched like Stalag

The concept of freedom is not absolute because nothing is ever absolute in life. Freedom is not a right, it is a duty. It is not a gift, it is a conquest; it is not equality, it is a privilege. The concept of freedom changes with the passing of time. There is a freedom in times of peace which is not the freedom of times of war. There is a freedom in times of prosperity which is not a freedom to be allowed in times of poverty.

All of you should be ashame of supporting nazis dont you know about the holocaus. i cant believe this site is even allowed to exist with so much hate speech being spouted by uneducated people

It is you user who is uneducated here.



good thread have a bump

Hail Victory!

Just because the Germans authorized a translation doesn't mean it's the best translation. I found the Ford translation to be really good.


Bumping a good thread.