This thread is for the discussion of anarcho capitalist ideals.
Post your ancap memes here

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low effort low energy



Shit-Tier Post

Fuck Ancap

You know, left-libertarians call ancaps fascists, so anarcho capitalism is pretty much fascism.

t. TRS




bumping cuck thread

KYS kike

More Kike Faggots

Balkan/pol/ here. Ancap is basically how the gypsies here live.



Pro LGBT rights AND free immigration? Against race realism too?

WTF I hate NatSoc now.




Unrelated but I always wanted to make an an ancap smiley version of a Rogue Trader.

"When the chartist captain threatens to tell the whole Imperium of your piracy and Xenos allies but you already bribed the nearest Astropathic relay in the sector to ignore any messages sent about you."


This is how an anarchist's mind works.

When that becomes legal, virginity will be worth losing again.

This is how a newfag's mind works.

Anarchocapitalism is social democracy in disguise.

slide it!


I think AnCap is a fine ideal, but I don't think it would work out IRL. If only because an AnCap nation would not be able to muster the same unified force that a traditional nation could, so any resources they controlled would be taken from them quite quickly.

Its mor along the line of:

If humans are too immoral to rule themselves, how is it so that they are moral enough to rule each other?


A politician is just man. Each person that votes is just man. A single man does not have the right violate the rights of others. Putting two men, that do not have a right alone, together does not magically give them any extra rights. So no group of voters can give a right to violate others to a politician when no one in the group nor the politician ever had the right in the first place.

That's not necessarily true. An-cap ideals are about giving consent back to the people. That doesn't negate entering a group consensually to combine resources for security, insurance, trade, etc.

Therefore the incentive would be to join forces. An-cap ideas allow you to back out say some rogue leftists take over the group. This is unlike government which was see examples of this rogue leftists scenario pan out all the time.

Your arguments are based in philosophical hypotheticals. They may make for good arguments and a sense of moral righteousness, but rarely does that translate well into real life practices.

AnCap would also allow those rogue leftists to just kill anyone who tried to leave.

my time has come


good shit




To be fair, sometimes it is the government's fault a business fails.

sounds like south africa

These are bretty gud and funny but you could make the same ridiculous examples about every single political system. They all have major failings and allow for some fucked up shit so most of it works.

I laughed

This shit is fucking hilarious.

Explain the color codes to me, please.
What do you guys think of this? It's a mix of nationalism and anarchism.
Sage because obvious slide thread and no one actually takes anarchism seriously.

pink = feminist communism

Protip: Humanity has always lived in an ancap world

Feudalism will be the eventual outcome of Ancap. Democracy is good cover for the (((king))) but it is misleading and unsatisfactory for the people.
Infact whenever humans come together and form society, pyramidial structure forms with it's hierarchy. This is the strongest system we've established yet.

Even communism reverted to this hierarchy, only with connections being the basis instead of money, people ended up getting more property too. So no matter what you do, there will be this structure.

you're all faggots



Oh boy, here we go.

If I had to pick an impossible to implement utopian ideology, I'd pick that one.



You can almost always pin down a business failure on or being related to government regulations that may or may not have been influenced by private competitors.



They've made most of the memes.
You want me to go through 50ish memes and re-crop them so you're happy?
I got better shit to do, fam.

Only most humans are too immoral to rule themselves. The remaining few can and must rule of the rest because they're literally better than they are.


Here's the transparent Jew ball face.

Crony is best girl

fucking lel



every time

Exceptions apply when the business is ran by libshits. See: Gawker.

This. We're building hell right here on earth.

Forgot the fashy kikes

the idea of Holla Forums fapping to Luxemburg sends chills down my spine

fashy = "right" libertarian

does anyone have that screencap of who wins between libertarians and post-anarchy gangs that gets posted here from time to time?

All the ideologies has kikes on it


God damn that first one has me in tears

That is categorically untrue. If there are people who are being killed unjustly then the people doing it and people ordering it would be fair targets of defensiv violence.

More than likely the left would be tossed off of private property and starve, or get shot trying to steal.

If you read Hoppe and Rothbard you would realize that they believed that leftist couldn't be a part of a an-cap society.

I know this is the case but there are allowance for pragmatism, such as defending oneself from leftists who vote to steal property by forcing them out of society.

Sadly there only ones that seem to get that power are shitbags like Hillary and Obama.


It's weird, I know these ancap memes are supposed to be making fun of the absurdity of the ancap philosophy and in a hyperbolic way, but I can't help but feel like almost every description in the memes seems like a paradise to me.

Who wouldn't want to mail-order a child bride and launch military-grade missiles on your neighbor because his loud music entered your privately-owned airspace, all in the name of freedom?

if that's your own perspective, just hang out at >>>/liberty/ then. You'll have more fun over there than right here. Also, it's a free pass to shitpost on Holla Forums too.

Nah, I'm still mostly NatSoc/Fascist, but there's just something about 100% pure freedom that's attractive to me, even if it seems like utter chaos and mania.

In a culturally and ethnically homogenous society, ancap could work just beautifully.

Remove multiculturalism
Install AnCap goodness

It wouldn't stay culturally and ethnically homogeneous very long.

Why? If you introduce policies which prevent outsourcing to pajeets and niggers?


technically, any place is 100% pure freedom if it's not policed very well.

If you go to a desert shithole like Western Australia or possibly Mongolia, there are expansive deserts with little policing. You still have limited privacy due to satellites and other dragnet resources, but with those, you can essentially hide in plain sight.
Or you can just buy out the cops like the Yakuza does.

>mostly NatSoc/Fascist, but


Unless, you know, the person/people running it are shit and make constant mistakes.